
  Please select one of the case studiesYour discussion should include a summary and critique of the case study. Also, the assignment should show how using an interdisciplinary perspective is beneficial to the issue discussed.  Guidelines for the case study summary/critique A summary of a research article requires you to share the article’s key points so your […]

military history (coco)

  Part I: “What actions did the United States take in response to the attack at Pearl Harbor? Look at where the military focused its efforts in preparing for a long and bloody conflict in response to the global threats. Part II: What was the single biggest shortcoming in the U.S military that needed to be addressed? […]

military history (coco) book review

Please see attachment BOOK REVIEW GUIDANCE General Guidelines · 1250-1500 words (not including title page and bibliography) · Page one is the cover page · Last page is the bibliography · double-spaced · 12 point Times New Roman Font · 1 inch margins · You will cite using Chicago Manual of Style (academic standard for […]


  Please select one of the case studiesYour discussion should include a summary and critique of the case study. Also, the assignment should show how using an interdisciplinary perspective is beneficial to the issue discussed.  Guidelines for the case study summary/critique A summary of a research article requires you to share the article’s key points so your […]

interpersonal communications (dee)

 Think about two relationships in your life: one in which you feel good  about yourself and safe in the connection (my sister and my daughters god mother) and one in which you feel  disregarded or not valued (some of my “friends” who are considered associates)

quita week 2

 Analyze  what makes a great content or instructional activity.  describe an outstanding content from beginning to end. Be  sure to describe assessments that should take place 

I need help with this power point

Can you help me with this power point Requires Lopeswrite Assessment Description Students have multiple factors that affect their knowledge acquisition, growth, and success in a classroom, including their native language, culture, and socioeconomic status. It is important for educators to assess and reflect upon these factors to help eliminate bias and determine the best […]


 Discussion Question #1: Which three likely results will occur with a ‘no’ and ‘yes’ vote regarding the school board decision?  Discussion Question #2: After evaluating both the Invention and Negotiation approaches, which do you find most helpful in presenting supplemental curriculum to students?

ICL 7659 – Module 10

 Discussion Question #1: Of the events (anti-communism crusade, the brainwashing of POWs, etc.), do you believe any of these events were directly related to social studies’ failure?  Why? Discussion Question #2: After analyzing the general themes and outcomes of the new social studies curriculum, do you believe such a curriculum ‘revolution’ would create a ‘better’ […]

Methods of educational Research

 choose two journal articles. Provide a reference for both articles. Explain why these two articles are of interest to you . Anything that is educational in Early Childhood

Methods of educational Research

 Locate a research report in the local and/or campus library (or online). These are usually in the form of a journal article. Using the rubric, answer the questions located in the first column. Use the following headings for your analysis: Introduction, Methods, Procedures, Instrumentation, Results, and Discussion.  Be sure to include an annotation/reference for the […]

Education assignment 2

Assignment 2 To demonstrate the ability to plan and reflect on appropriate instructional and assessment strategies in designing an integrated physical education and health unit for elementary-aged students (K-6), the student will need to: · Identify an  elementary grade level (FL: K-6). Instead of using FL standards, we are going to use Mississippi grade 2nd […]

challenges adolescents face related to classroom learning

I have attached the requirements for this assignment  Assignment Instructions Part 1: 5 Brain Facts Based on the readings from the provided link, create an annotated list of 5 Things Every Educator Should Know about the Adolescent Brain.” Include 5 statements – brain facts that assess developmental characteristics of adolescent behaviors. Follow each statement with […]

Critical Review

1 Assessment Brief TCHR5003: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION ASSESSMENT 1: Critical Review Summary Title Assessment 1: Critical Review Due Date Monday 25th March 11:59pm AEDT (Week 4) Length 1500 words Weighting 50% Submission 1 word document submitted to Turnitin Academic Integrity (See below for limits of use where GenAI is permitted) Generative […]


  Please answer each question in complete full  paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference  

quay week 2 powerpoint

  For  this assignment, you will create a powerpoint that identifies and  explores four key policies, programs and/or initiatives that led to  healthcare reform in the US healthcare system. You  will need to specifically identify (by name) and describe each of the  four key policies/initiatives, and their impact to healthcare reform. This powerpoint should be […]

quay week 2

 tell me why company culture and motivation would be important to  understand as an executive of a publicly traded company.  (Make sure  that you look at rubric and follow the rubric and see the comments  below). This assignment will be used as a DRAFT that will be used in  your final project. Keep in mind, […]

thelma week 6

 you  are required to pick a current economic topic that relates to the  material we have covered or will cover in this course. You will research  and find an article that covers the topic you have chosen. You can use  an article online or offline from any reputable source. You will write  up a review […]

thelma week 6

 Research  the three pillars of sustainability.  What is corporate sustainability  (look beyond environmental sustainability)? How does it relate to crisis  management?  What are the advantages and challenges related to  corporate sustainability? 

tati week 6

  please see attachment Assignment PLEASE WATCH video instructions The purpose of this assignment is to use the fundamentals of psychological preparation found in child life literature to make a preparation book for one of the patients listed on tomorrows OR Schedule. See Child Life Technology and Greenville Children’s Hospital for examples you may wish […]

week 6v edwards

 Please see attachment to complete literature review. The  literature review focuses on how other researchers have addressed  similar questions. It places the study in context and discusses how it  will differentiate itself from what is already in the field. You are  attempting to establish what the literature says, and where the gap  exists that you […]

Unit 3 Canvas

I need someone to help me create a padlet CHS330: Environment for Play Unit 3 Assignment: Classroom Design in Padlet Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Sunday of Unit 3 Points: 100 Overview: In designing a classroom, you must keep in mind that all students and adults, including those with special needs, must be able to […]

Play theories and Experience

Can I get someone to help me talk about Piaget? CHS330: Environment for Play Unit 1 Assignment: Play Theories and Experiences Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Sunday of Unit 1 Points: 100 Overview: In this unit the important developmental theories spanning from classical to postmodern periods have been discussed. Instructions: • Choose one theorist with […]


Name Yulia Gutsul Lesson Plan Template and Rubric Grade Level: Preschool Subject: ELA Number of Students:15 Date: February 26, 2021 Instructional Location: Lesson Goals Lesson Title: Alphabet-Letter-word relation Central Focus of Lesson: The central focus of the lesson is to enhance familiarization with the letters of the alphabet alongside the words which relate with this. […]

M2 WA#1

M2 WA#1 Unless otherwise indicated, answer the following questions in complete sentences and proofread for spelling, grammar, etc… At a minimum, your answer should be at least one paragraph long. Be sure to answer all parts of each question. Each question is worth 20 points. 1. What does the phrase DAP (Developmentally Appropriate Practice) mean? […]

PEA#1: Belief Statement

<svg xmlns=” width=”40″ height=”40″ viewBox=”0 0 40 40″><path d=”M20,0A20,20,0,1,1,0,20,20,20,0,0,1,20,0Z” fill=”#0c81ff”/><path d=”M19.814,2.108,11.945,9.977l7.869,7.869-1.967,1.967L10.118,11.8l-8.01,8.01L0,17.706,8.01,9.7.281,1.967,2.108.141,9.837,7.869,17.706,0Z” transform=”translate(20.472 5.454) rotate(45)” fill=”#ecf1ff” stroke=”#ecf1ff” stroke-width=”1″/></svg>


Name Yulia Gutsul Lesson Plan Template and Rubric Grade Level: Preschool Subject: ELA Number of Students:15 Date: February 26, 2021 Instructional Location: Lesson Goals Lesson Title: Alphabet-Letter-word relation Central Focus of Lesson: The central focus of the lesson is to enhance familiarization with the letters of the alphabet alongside the words which relate with this. […]


for question 1 a sample as been provided for another student to use as a GUIDE  WEEK 5 QUESTIONS QUESTION 1 For this discussion, you will practice planning for a phenomenological study based on a shared experience among members of the class. There are two tasks to complete. Task 1: Post a one paragraph response […]


 for question 1 a sample as been provided for another student to use as a GUIDE   WEEK 5 QUESTIONS QUESTION 1 For this discussion, you will practice planning for a phenomenological study based on a shared experience among members of the class. There are two tasks to complete. Task 1: Post a one paragraph response […]

special education

Required Readings/Preparation Defining child with a disability:  Sec. 300.8 Child with a disability.  (May, 2018). IDEA. Retrieved March 2, 2021. View the process to guide decision making about appropriate educational programming for the child: IRIS Center. (2021).  What is the IEP Process? Retrieved March 2, 2021. NYS’s placement recommendation guide:   N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & […]


EDAS 647 Case Review Assignment Instructions After reading Chapter 1 in La Morte’s School law: Cases and Concepts, complete the following activity: Write a case brief using the outline for each of the cases listed below. These are basic cases impacting education. It is important that we understand that these cases are precedent-setting cases. So much of current law […]

Education Assignment 1

Assignment #1 Content Area Resource for Physical Education and Health   Mississippi Physical Education and Health Standards will be used only… Preferably grade 2nd or 3rd grade.          You will create a content area resource in the form of a wiki (website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users) or a bitmoji […]

Linguistic / Cultural Memoir

See attachment. Linguistic/Cultural Memoir This assignment has two parts.  You will first write an essay that considers the questions about the history, culture, and language use of your family. Research documents and interview a family member to discuss the questions, as outlined below.  Finally, write about your own cultural and linguistic experience.  In the second […]

Education I need help with homework

Can you help with this homework Requires Lopeswrite Assessment Description Identifying students’ readiness for learning guides teachers to create learning activities and strategies that are unique to the various aspects of elementary students’ approaches to learning. It is equally important for families to be aware of readiness indicators as they have an opportunity to encourage […]


  1. What do you think it would be like to attend a school where the environment was developed around your strengths? 2. How do you think that preparing children with 21st-century skills  in their educational  environment is different from the environment that  you were educated in? Why is it important to think toward the […]


Please see attachment Find and post the reference to one quantitative psychology study where the subjects are college students published in the last five years. Be sure you have access to the entire paper/report/study. You will be using this study again later in class.  EXAMPLE: Ramachandiran, M., & Dhanapal, S. (2018). Academic Stress Among University […]


  Research Article Selection:  Locate a peer-reviewed quantitative research article focusing on  college students, published within the last five years. The article must  involve empirical research with clear quantitative analysis. Summary Content: Introduction: Briefly introduce the research topic, the main research question, and the significance of the study. Methodology: Summarize the methods used in the […]

Unique final

Please see attachment Concert Review Each student will be required to attend at least one concert during the semester and write a review. The concert should be a minimum of 40 minutes long and can be of any style of music. It can be an online concert/link but you must watch one I provide or […]

Education Diagnostic Assignment

 Diagnostic Assignment    on the following topic: Social Media: Its Influence, Implications, and Consequences Provide an opinion about the topic and offer enough support to convey your response. A paragraph will only have one indention and will begin with a controlling topic sentence. Please  carefully review the EXTENDED PARAGRAPH PLAN document on how to write […]

Strategic Planning

Assignment: **BENCHMARK** Starting with the leaders: A recommendation for leadership Clearly leadership is important. You have had opportunity to work with this leadership team at the university for a number of months now and your suggestions and input have been invaluable to them. You realize now however that one of the most essential elements left […]


  Please answer each question in complete full  paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference  


How do we make a strategy notebook  Develop a Strategy Notebook that contains evidence and research-based Instructional Strategies that incorporate your needs and interest and reflect best instructional practices in preK-3rdgrade classrooms. The instructional strategies should be divided into six (6) key literacy elements: ● Phonemic awareness ● Content Area Literacy ● Teaching Vocabulary Words […]

help with assgn

attached Last week, we discussed the Hebrews and their relationship with The Club of Great Powers. This week we’re going to discuss another civilization that belonged to The Club of Great Powers and developed around the same time as the Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Persians, but in a different part of the Mediterranean. We’re going to […]


you are required to pick a current economic topic that  relates to the material we have covered or will cover in this course.  You will research and find an article that covers the topic you have  chosen. You can use an article online or offline from any reputable  source. You will write up a review […]


Complete attachment Topic:  artificial intelligence  Source Evaluation Worksheet Part I: Topic Describe the topic, concept, idea, or approach that is going to be the central idea of the Week 7 Field of Study Project. There is no minimum word count but please use several fully thought-out sentences to make your point. Part II: Source Evaluation […]


 Analyze  what makes a great content or instructional activity. Citing the  literature, describe an outstanding content from beginning to end.  


  Objective: To create a language and literacy activity plan for infants. Scenario: You are a teacher at a child care  center for infants. Your class will soon be starting a theme on  healthful food. The children in your care come from diverse cultural  backgrounds, and several of their families speak languages other than  English […]


  The Integrated Thematic Unit is a  unit planning strategy you will use. Develop an integrated unit plan  integrating reading, social studies, and math for a group of children  ages 6-8 about one of the topics discussed in the discussion forum. Considerations: It must include the theme of the unit (ex: The Rain Forest objectives […]