Create an 8-12 slide PowerPoint presentation for one or more stakeholder or leadership groups to generate interest and buy-in for the plan proposal you developed for the third assessment. Knowing who

Create an 8-12 slide PowerPoint presentation for one or more stakeholder or leadership groups to generate interest and buy-in for the plan proposal you developed for the third assessment. Knowing who to include in your project plan presentation is important. Is your plan focused on an organization, a patient population, or a community? The purpose […]

Write a 4–6 page analysis of your previously selected current problem or issue in healthcare, including a proposed solution and possible ethical implications. (Vaccine Hesitancy) Use scholarly inform

Write a 4–6 page analysis of your previously selected current problem or issue in healthcare, including a proposed solution and possible ethical implications. (Vaccine Hesitancy)  Use scholarly information to explain a healthcare problem or issue related to your selected topic. Cite credible, relevant sources to validate and reinforce the information used to explain the healthcare […]

Use the context of the organization from your interview to develop a viable plan for an interdisciplinary team to address the issue you identified. Define a specific organizational or patient outcome

Use the context of the organization from your interview to develop a viable plan for an interdisciplinary team to address the issue you identified. Define a specific organizational or patient outcome based on the information gathered in your interview. Using the template listed in the attachments will help you stay organized and concise. As you complete each […]

ntroduction Paragraph 5/5 Thesis statement 2/4 Topic Sentences (3) 9/10 Evidence/quote selection 10/15 Tone, diction, syntax, vocabulary, transitions 8/10 Grammar/Sentence Structure 9/10 Analysis supp

ntroduction Paragraph 5/5Thesis statement 2/4Topic Sentences (3) 9/10Evidence/quote selection 10/15Tone, diction, syntax, vocabulary,transitions8/10Grammar/Sentence Structure 9/10Analysis supporting thesis & answering analysis questions28/40Conclusion paragraph 6/6Deductions:  -5 no Works Cited pageFinal Grade: 72%.  This is for extra credit my grade was 72% . The weakness area was Analysis supporting thesis answeir analyis questions score 28/40. attach below is my essay […]

Create a 2-4 page report on an interview you have conducted with a health care professional colleague. You will identify an issue from the interview that could be improved with an interdisciplinary ap

Create a 2-4 page report on an interview you have conducted with a health care professional colleague. You will identify an issue from the interview that could be improved with an interdisciplinary approach, and review best practices and evidence to address the issue. This is the first of three assessments that build on each other.  […]

Write a 3–5 page paper, describe the role of diversity, equity, and inclusion in healthcare and strategies for overcoming bias. Describe the evolution of DEI in healthcare and how it is continuing to

Write a 3–5 page paper, describe the role of diversity, equity, and inclusion in healthcare and strategies for overcoming bias. Describe the evolution of DEI in healthcare and how it is continuing to influence patient care. Reflect on how the concept of diversity, equity, and inclusion has evolved during your career. Discuss any significant changes, […]

I need help with English composition assignment. Please see attached for the 2 articles. For this essay, you will select one of the articles provided below and engage in a 2-3 page summary and respons

I need help with English composition assignment. Please see attached for the 2 articles. For this essay, you will select one of the articles provided below and engage in a 2-3 page summary and response to the source (not including cover pages, headings, reference lists, or reflection questions). Your response will provide a detailed summary […]

Apply ethical principles to your previously selected healthcare topic (Vaccine Hesitancy) in an 8–10 slide PowerPoint presentation. As a nurse you must base your decisions on a set of ethical princip

Apply ethical principles to your previously selected healthcare topic (Vaccine Hesitancy)  in an 8–10 slide PowerPoint presentation. As a nurse you must base your decisions on a set of ethical principles and values. Your decisions must be fair, equitable, and defensible. Nursing has a professional Code of Ethics for Nurses to guide ethical behavior. In this assessment, […]

Create an APA two paged reflection that addresses an interprofessional collaboration you experienced. Please create a scenario regarding a nurse collaborating care for a patient in preperation for dis

Create an APA two paged reflection that addresses an interprofessional collaboration you experienced. Please create a scenario regarding a nurse collaborating care for a patient in preperation for discharge. For example “I facilitated Respiratory therapy to come by and teach at home use of nebulizers, coordinate care with the social worker regarding patients needs and […]

For this assessment, you will research best practices related to a current health care problem. The selected problem is : Vaccine Hesitancy Description: Vaccine hesitancy refers to the delay in accept

For this assessment, you will research best practices related to a current health care problem. The selected problem is : Vaccine Hesitancy Description: Vaccine hesitancy refers to the delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccines despite the availability of vaccination services. It is influenced by factors such as misinformation, lack of trust in healthcare providers, and […]

Addressing Unemployment & Inflation Paper Analyze how the government uses both fiscal and monetary policies to deal with the problem of unemployment and inflation. Youtube videos:

Addressing Unemployment & Inflation Paper Analyze how the government uses both fiscal and monetary policies to deal with the problem of unemployment and inflation. Youtube videos: Submission Instructions:   Prepare an outline of your essay with this Outline Template Download Outline Template. Submit both the outline and the essay in the same document. The paper is to be […]

Course Reflection ( Socio Economics Resources ) ORG-305- What are 3 takeaways of the course you can apply to your career path? Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 150 wor

Course Reflection ( Socio Economics Resources ) ORG-305- What are 3 takeaways of the course you can apply to your career path? Submission Instructions:  Your initial post should be at least 150 words, formatted, and cited in the current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points. Book […]

Sources & Benefits of Taxes Discuss the sources and benefits of taxes. Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 150 words, formatted, and cited in the current APA style w

Sources & Benefits of Taxes Discuss the sources and benefits of taxes.  Submission Instructions:  Your initial post should be at least 150 words, formatted, and cited in the current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points. You should respond to at least two of your peers by […]

Overview: Rhetorical Appeals Starting the process of Rhetorical Analysis can be tricky. Having the categories for analysis is the first step in looking at how a source is constructed. Think of this as

Overview: Rhetorical Appeals Starting the process of Rhetorical Analysis can be tricky. Having the categories for analysis is the first step in looking at how a source is constructed. Think of this assignment as the next step in preparing to write your Essay 2: Rhetorical Analysis Essay.  Assignment Details Earlier in this module, I provided […]

Assignment Details The final draft of your essay in this unit will discuss how the use of rhetorical appeals determines the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the argument made by the author/speaker

Assignment Details The final draft of your essay in this unit will discuss how the use of rhetorical appeals determines the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the argument made by the author/speaker you chose to analyze. Did the author/speaker effectively or ineffectively deliver the article/speech? The answer to this question becomes the THESIS STATEMENT. Outline your plan […]

Please complete the Module 5 Assignment by following the instructions in the comparison table template Download comparison table template. Submission Instructions: The comparison table and evaluation

Please complete the Module 5 Assignment by following the instructions in the comparison table template Download comparison table template.  Submission Instructions: The comparison table and evaluation must contain clear and concise language and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling. The comparison table need not be double spaced, but it should use Times New […]

Use the Article to answer the questions. I have attached a link download the PDF to get the article.

Use the Article to answer the questions. I have attached a link download the PDF to get the article. No AI make it simple and answer the 3 questions below.  1. Is saturation of the data described?  (Max. 2 sentences) 2. What strategies are used to analyze the data?  (Max. 4 sentences) 3. Does […]

Use the Article to answer the questions. I have attached a link download the PDF to get the article. No AI make it simple and answer the 3 questions below. 1. Is saturation of the data described? (

Use the Article to answer the questions. I have attached a link download the PDF to get the article.  No AI make it simple and answer the 3 questions below.  1. Is saturation of the data described?  (Max. 2 sentences) 2. What strategies are used to analyze the data?  (Max. 4 sentences) 3. Does the […]

There are 2 files attached, one of them contains the instructions while the other contains the citation guidelines. Please complete every step of the instructions (testimonials, visual elements, etc.)

There are 2 files attached, one of them contains the instructions while the other contains the citation guidelines. Please complete every step of the instructions (testimonials, visual elements, etc.).  Observation: The instruction says that you should use the library research guide to complete the assignment but I don’t think you will have access to that […]

Evaluate the role played by International Trade in every economy. Present your findings in a 3-5 minute video presentation that includes visuals (PowerPoint or similar). **** I DO NOT NEED THE VIDEO

Evaluate the role played by International Trade in every economy. Present your findings in a 3-5 minute video presentation that includes visuals (PowerPoint or similar). **** I DO NOT NEED THE VIDEO I NEED THE WRITTEN RESPONSE AND I WILL RECORD THE VIDEO MYSELF *** Submission Instructions:   Go here for a guide on How to […]

Climate Change Appraise the effects of climate change on the environment. Submission Instructions: Prepare an outline of your essay with this Outline Template Download Outline Template. Submit bot

Climate Change Appraise the effects of climate change on the environment. Submission Instructions:   Prepare an outline of your essay with this Outline Template Download Outline Template. Submit both the outline and the essay in the same document. The paper is to be clear and concise and you will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling. The […]

Justify the existence of Global organizations such as the World Bank, United Nations, etc. This is a video discussion. Instead of typing your response, record yourself discussing the topic with Canvas

Justify the existence of Global organizations such as the World Bank, United Nations, etc. This is a video discussion. Instead of typing your response, record yourself discussing the topic with Canvas Studio. **** I DONT NEED THE VIDEO JUST THE TYPED RESPONSE AND I WILL RECORD THE VIDEO **** Your initial post should be at […]

Course Reflection What was your favorite topic in this course? (BioRegions) ** attached the assignments I turned in. ** Book : Clark , M.A., Douglas, M., & Choi, J. (2018). Biology (2nd ed.). Open

Course Reflection What was your favorite topic in this course? (BioRegions) ** attached the assignments I turned in. ** Book : Clark , M.A., Douglas, M., & Choi, J. (2018). Biology (2nd ed.). OpenStax Creative Commons How do you plan to use the information learned in this class? Submission Instructions:  Your initial post should be at […]

Can anybody do this I have an example as well it doesn’t have to be visited and I picked the museum it will be the houston holocaust museum heres the website and can answer questions i

Can anybody do this I have an example as well it doesn’t have to be visited and I picked the museum it will be the houston holocaust museum heres the website and can answer questions if more details are needed!! file are the example and the instructions to follow just follow to the best of […]

*** USE ATTACHED FILES TO DO THE WORK***** SUMMARYY 1-6 IS WHAT EACH MODULE IS ABOUT PICK ONE SAINT AND COMPLETE POWER POINT Throughout this course, we have been reflecting on the meaning of b

*** USE ATTACHED FILES TO DO THE WORK*****  SUMMARYY 1-6 IS WHAT EACH MODULE IS ABOUT  PICK ONE SAINT AND COMPLETE POWER POINT   Throughout this course, we have been reflecting on the meaning of being Catholic. Our class readings have attended to the homo religiosus, the religious sense, the existence of God, faith and reason, creation, […]

You will read the attached tutorial article. Please write a 1-2 page paper highlighting the main points of the article, specifically related to IPP. You will tie the article’s content to your own expe

You will read the attached tutorial article. Please write a 1-2 page paper highlighting the main points of the article, specifically related to IPP. You will tie the article’s content to your own experiences. This is not a research paper, so please highlight the main points that are important to you and that stand out […]

You will read the attached tutorial article. Please write a 1-2 page paper highlighting the main points of the article, specifically related to IPP. You will tie the article’s content to your own expe

You will read the attached tutorial article. Please write a 1-2 page paper highlighting the main points of the article, specifically related to IPP. You will tie the article’s content to your own expe You will read the attached tutorial article. Please write a 1-2 page paper highlighting the main points of the article, specifically […]

Answer the question, make it simple and not long, use the article to answer the questions. 1) Were the study interventions described clearly? (Maximum 4 sentences) 2) Was the sample described sufficie

Answer the question, make it simple and not long, use the article to answer the questions. 1) Were the study interventions described clearly? (Maximum 4 sentences) 2) Was the sample described sufficiently? Who was participating in the study and were their characteristics adequately described? (Maximum 4 sentences) 3) What sampling strategy did they use? How […]

Topic: Social Media’s Impact on Self-Esteem and Mental Health Thesis statement: While social media allows people to express themselves and connect with others, it also lowers self-esteem and mental he

Topic: Social Media’s Impact on Self-Esteem and Mental Health Thesis statement: While social media allows people to express themselves and connect with others, it also lowers self-esteem and mental health by promoting unrealistic beauty standards, encouraging constant comparison, and negative online interactions, especially among teenagers.  Topic sentence 1: Exposure to unrealistic images on social media […]

Write a research paper using evidence to support a thesis that addresses your research question examining a current issue or event in the news from the perspective of your field of study. The audience

Write a research paper using evidence to support a thesis that addresses your research question examining a current issue or event in the news from the perspective of your field of study. The audience is people who are generally educated but do not have extensive knowledge of your field or topic. Step 1: complete all assigned […]

TASK: Find 3-5 articles and begin analyzing them in terms of the following: 1. Do a CARS analysis of the introduction (review CARS handouts attached to this week’s module). 2. Summarize the source

TASK: Find 3-5 articles and begin analyzing them in terms of the following: 1. Do a CARS analysis of the introduction (review CARS handouts attached to this week’s module). 2. Summarize the source in 1-2 sentences. 3. Complete APA citation of the article. The articles I chose are: 1. Marijuana use trajectories and academic outcomes […]

Submission Instructions: ***** USE ATTACHED FILES TO COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT***** The comparison table and evaluation must contain clear and concise language and students will lose points for improper gra

Submission Instructions: ***** USE ATTACHED FILES TO COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT***** The comparison table and evaluation must contain clear and concise language and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling. The comparison table need not be double spaced, but it should use Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial font. Given that most of the […]

2.1: Extended Definition EssayASSIGNMENT: Write a 3-5 page double-spaced (750-1250 word) essay, using the techniques and elements of informative writing that you have just learned, in which you select

2.1: Extended Definition EssayASSIGNMENT: Write a 3-5 page double-spaced (750-1250 word) essay, using the techniques and elements of informative writing that you have just learned, in which you select a word from this list and define or redefine it:Sample Touchstone 2.1  Communication Technology Innovation Productivity In order to foster learning and growth, all work you submit […]

PERSOAL ESSAY ASSIGNMENT: Select one specific event in your academic or professional career when you used one of the employability skills below. DIRECTIONS: Create a 500-800-word personal essay in w

PERSOAL ESSAY ASSIGNMENT: Select one specific event in your academic or professional career when you used one of the employability skills below. DIRECTIONS: Create a 500-800-word personal essay in which you: Explain the scenario you have chosen. Describe the chosen employability skill and how it was used in the scenario. Describe the benefits or shortcomings of using […]

Your argumentative essay will have four parts: 1) Introduction; 2) Background of the organization; 3) Activities of the organization; and 4) Conclusion. 3. In the Introduction, you will provide an ove

Your argumentative essay will have four parts: 1) Introduction; 2) Background of the organization; 3) Activities of the organization; and 4) Conclusion. 3. In the Introduction, you will provide an overview of the organization of your choice and the issue (s) it addresses; in the Background section, you will discuss specific details about the organization […]

1. For the team project aspect of this course, your team will develop an argumentative essay that proposes supporting a charity/social service organization of your choice with time and/or money. For m

1. For the team project aspect of this course, your team will develop an argumentative essay that proposes supporting a charity/social service organization of your choice with time and/or money. For more information about argumentative essays, visit this page from the Purdue OWL: 2. Your argumentative essay will have four parts: 1) Introduction; 2) […]

For this assignment I need you to believe my questions but also read the readings and take important notes. Read: FW (FieldWorking) – Ch.5 pg. 219-228 (stop @ Box 21) *page numbers are located in th

For this assignment I need you to believe my questions but also read the readings and take important notes. Read: FW (FieldWorking) – Ch.5 pg. 219-228 (stop @ Box 21) *page numbers are located in the upper left and righthand corners* Also, read Box 20, but you do NOT need to do the accompanying activity. Cultural Artifacts, though, may be a […]

INSTRUCTIONS: Part I: The Case Study link below is for the Case Study 3. Read and study the case and address each of the questions at the end of the study. In addressing each of the questions, create

INSTRUCTIONS: Part I: The Case Study link below is for the Case Study 3. Read and study the case and address each of the questions at the end of the study. In addressing each of the questions, create a Power Point presentation to include the following: – Problem – Identify and describe alternative solutions – Justify […]

Internet Field Trip (complete) conduct (take) a personal “internet field trip” …… post your findings as it relates to Global Supply Chain Management and the Supply Chain Manager. (Find any recent

Internet Field Trip (complete) conduct (take) a personal “internet field trip” …… post your findings as it relates to Global Supply Chain Management and the Supply Chain Manager. (Find any recent web article (no older than two/three years from today) and relate your findings on how the Supply Chain Manager is making a difference in […]

Examine how COVID-19 affected people’s lives in different ways. Present your findings in a 3-5 minute video presentation that includes visuals (PowerPoint or similar). All I need is the visuals, not t

Examine how COVID-19 affected people’s lives in different ways. Present your findings in a 3-5 minute video presentation that includes visuals (PowerPoint or similar). All I need is the visuals, not the video. I will create a video of the visuals. Personally, one of the effects it has had on me is my nephew, who […]

Government Support of Education Paper Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of government support of Education from K-12 through higher education. Submission Instructions: Prepare an outline o

Government Support of Education Paper Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of government support of Education from K-12 through higher education. Submission Instructions:   Prepare an outline of your essay with this Outline Template Download Outline Template. Submit both the outline and the essay in the same document. The paper is to be clear and concise and you will […]