PSYC 775 Mock Quiz Questions Assignment Instructions Overview The purpose of the Mock Quiz Questions Assignment is to give you experience in writing effective quiz questions to evaluate learning. For the Mock Quiz Questions Assignment, you will generate mock quiz questions that could be given to the students in your hypothetical course. Before you begin […]
SPSS Worksheet: Factorial Designs
PSYC 515 SPSS Worksheet: Factorial Designs Assignment Instructions Overview This assignment assesses your ability to evaluate, analyze, and interpret research designs common to the field of psychology. The specific focus in this assignment is on factorial designs. The goal is to equip you with the tools needed to be a competent and productive consumer and […]
SPSS Worksheet: Nonparametric
PSYC 515 SPSS Worksheet: Nonparametric Tests Assignment Instructions Overview This assignment assesses your ability to evaluate, analyze, and interpret research designs common to the field of psychology. The specific focus in this assignment is on designs involving dependent groups. The goal is to equip you with the tools needed to be a competent and productive […]
Research Project: Final
PSYC 515 Research Project: Final Paper Assignment Instructions Overview This final paper is to demonstrate your culmination of knowledge from this course. In practicing the standard format and writing style of research scientists, this activity should help you become a more efficient and informed consumer and producer of research. By incorporating feedback from your peers […]
English Question for homework’s student
Complete in sentences for my student grade 1 tiny fishing: The cat is sleeping on the ___. I like to eat apples and ___. The sun is ___ in the sky. The dog is playing with a ___. My favorite color is ___. We go to school to ___. The bird is flying in the […]
I need help week 10 child
This week’s post with include exploring a future CYFS career you are interested in pursuing or knowing more about. Please write 2-3 paragraphs, addressing some of the following questions/reflections: ● What career? ● Why you are interested in this career? ● What can you find about what a typical day look like in this career? […]
discussion board 2
please review the information below Discussion board As individuals we are often likely to be more connected with groups and practices that are familiar to us. Unfamiliar cultures and practices often make us uncomfortable. On this discussion board, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of cultural relativism. Also, share examples of ethnocentrism that are prevalent in […]
please review the information below Plagiarism will be graded 0 and will be submitted in Turnitin. Instructions In this Course Activity talk to a person who comes from a different background, culture, or ethnicity than yours. Ask them about their cultural experiences, their food, their language, their beliefs. Have a conversation with them about their […]
I need help Soc d10
1) Attach a link to an article about any population or environment related content (not one of the ones in my notes). It could be on population studies, urban studies, even environmental sociology or environmental justice, if that is an interest, etc., from any reputable source, such as a main news publisher, scholarly peer-reviewed journal […]
Hypothesis Follow Up #2
Here’s a passage from Schwabish: Whenever I create a data visualization, whether it’s static, interactive, or part of a report or blog post or even a tweet, I follow five primary guidelines. · Show the data · Reduce the clutter · Integrate the graphics and text · Avoid the spaghetti chart · Start with gray […]
Rhetorical Context
Introduction According to the TAMU online writing center, textual analysis, “should explore the [speaker or writer’s] goals, the techniques (or tools) used, examples of those techniques, and the effectiveness of those techniques. When writing a rhetorical analysis, you are NOT saying whether or not you agree with the argument. Instead, you’re discussing how the rhetorician makes that […]
Discussion Assignment After reading “The Information Ecosystem,” take some time to introduce yourself to your instructor and classmates. Tell us a bit about yourself and then react to this week’s reading. Respond to at least one of the following prompts, using examples from your own experience: 1. Do you agree with Berger in his assessment […]
640 -6
Due Date: Sunday by 11:59pm Total Points: 100 Instructions: You are the project manager of a software development project. The team members will be working on five different components. Each of the components is budgeted to be $2,625, and all components are supposed to be completed in five weeks. Using the status in the following […]
mood lin
In this assignment, you will write and design a one-page manual that teaches a specific audience tips and tricks on how to use LinkedIn. The goal is to give your audience information on how to use LinkedIn. You can set it up as hints to a great profile, do’s and don’ts of LinkedIn, or any original way […]
d r 5
Instructions Please post 2 or more peer responses In the response posts, remember to demonstrate you have read and understood the student’s post by taking their discussion to the next level through your responses to the following: Commenting on your peer’s choice of restaurant – would you want to go there? State why you would […]
Shell Shockers online: What is it?
In the <a href=” shockers</a>, your task is to take control of an egg prepared to scramble its enemy. Equipped with firearms and a variety of additional armaments, you can choose to join the red or blue side and begin dismantling the opposition. Throughout the level, there are several power-ups that you can find […]
I need help quiet
Quiet First take a look at the questions for this paper, below. Similar to the weekly papers, I am numbering the questions as “paragraphs” but you may write more than one actual paragraph if you’d like, for example you may have two actual paragraphs under the heading “Paragraph 4.” Just keep the numbering as I […]
I need help SR8
1 page reflection on this video d&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare d&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare d&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare
Name ______________________________ Argument Essay Topic: Are digital books the best choice? None of us could have predicted the many changes to our circumstances that 2020 has brought us. It has been a year of significant upheaval and change. One of those changes has been a move toward online digital textbooks. Some people may say that […]
TOPIC Case study: Fictional character of a 10 year old female named Aria who suffers from ADHD and ASD (Autism spectrum disorder). Aria is a 10 year African American female who lives with her parents. Both parents work in the medical field and the home typically runs very well. Aria is easily distracted from her […]
Document design is meant to help get specific information across without overwhelming the reader. Design is strategic and thoughtful. Design should impress and wow folks in order to attract them to the content. In essence, design is a delicate balance of information and attractiveness. You come into contact with designed products every day, e.g., a school […]
5/9 Unit 5: Community Partners & Resources
Collaborate with community members, community liaisons, and/or members of health care team regarding your project. Utilize this template to guide a short interview with your liaison. Relate how they will be helpful in implementing your project. Steps: Access template below and use it to complete this assignment. Review the questions listed. Conduct a brief interview […]
2.1 What is the importance of ensuring that the data produced by the EVMS is current, accurate, and complete? Explain your response. 2.2 If the performance measurement baseline data is identifying a cost and schedule variance greater than 25% between the planned and actual data, would you conclude that the estimate was wrong, your program […]
2.1 What should be included in the project quality management plan? 2.2 Provide 2 examples of quality performance metrics (from experience or research), one which was effective, the other which was not and explain why. 2.3 Tailoring for Project Quality Management How would you apply quality management tailoring to a project you have worked on […]
How do you communicate and have conversations in public places?
How do you communicate and have conversations in public places? Go to a place on campus or in the community where students/adults gather and talk. Find a spot where you can unobtrusively observe and hear conversations between other students/adults. Use record ineffective listening behaviors (nonverbal communication patterns) that you notice. Analyze how the conversation you […]
Discussion responses
Select one of the following populations: Aging Population Homelessness Migrant Workers LGBTQIA+ Other Identified Vulnerable Populations from Your Reading Then complete the following steps for your discussion post: Identify which vulnerable population you have chosen to use for this post and describe what this vulnerable population looks like in your community Discuss an identified public […]
SPSS Worksheet: Nonparametric Tes
PSYC 515 SPSS Worksheet: Nonparametric Tests Assignment Instructions Overview This assignment assesses your ability to evaluate, analyze, and interpret research designs common to the field of psychology. The specific focus in this assignment is on designs involving dependent groups. The goal is to equip you with the tools needed to be a competent and productive […]
Pdrafy 2 discusion
PSYC 515 Discussion: Research Project Draft 2 and Peer Review Assignment Instructions Overview This is the second half of the written component for your professional research paper. This project will continue to refine your graduate level writing abilities, specifically in terms of scientific writing. It requires you to analyze data, present it both in text […]
SPSS Worksheet: Dependent Groups
PSYC 515 SPSS Worksheet: Dependent Groups Assignment Instructions Overview This assignment assesses your ability to evaluate, analyze, and interpret research designs common to the field of psychology. The specific focus in this assignment is on designs involving dependent groups. The goal is to equip you with the tools needed to be a competent and productive […]
English Teaching Scenarios Assignment
PSYC 775 Teaching Scenarios Assignment Instructions Overview The purpose of the Teaching Scenarios Assignment is to apply what you have learned about handling classroom dynamics and challenging situations. You will gain experience exploring possible responses to potential classroom dilemmas. Considering hypothetical issues now will help you develop a plan for handling real-life situations that may […]
English Syllabus: Final and Rubric Assignment
PSYC 775 Syllabus: Final and Rubric Assignment Instructions Overview The purpose of the Syllabus: Final and Rubric Assignment is to give you experience in the creation of a final syllabus as well as the creation of an effective rubric. For this assignment, you will complete the syllabus you began creating in your Syllabus: Draft Assignment […]
Begin this quiz only when you are prepared to complete it. You may refer to your notes and textbooks at any time during the assessment. Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module 4: Week 4. Note: this is a timed quiz. You may check the remaining time you have at any […]
Due: Sunday, 11:59 pm of Unit 5 Points: 100 Overview: This week we are discussing the human factors of Quality Management. You have also submitted your proposed project to use for this week’s assignment and for your final assignment for this course. The work you do on this week’s assignment will be used in your […]
KITCHEN REN Your name here PMG640 – Project Scheduling and Cost Planning Performance Reporting Outline Template PERFORMANCE REPORTING Using the unit 5 MS Project assignment complete the following outline. (Note: the text in RED is designed to help you write your Business Case. Please remove all red text before submitting your assignment.) Executive Summary: · […]
Metacognitive Reflection
How do representations in each work deepen your appreciation of another culture? · How do the representations in each work deepen your appreciation of another culture? · What techniques does the author or artist use to promote this appreciation, and do they achieve dynamic, fully rendered representations of other global citizens and their regions? · […]
Unit 4
In this assignment, you will be required to use the assessments you have completed on your community and a problem you have identified to create a Nursing Diagnosis. Steps: Review the assessments you have completed on your community. Review Community Nursing Diagnosis in the Assignment Resources below. Download Community Nursing Diagnosis Analyze the data you […]
d r 4
Instructions Please post 2 or more peer responses In the response posts, remember to demonstrate you have read and understood the student’s post by taking their discussion to the next level through your responses to the following: Commenting on your peer’s choice of country – would you want to go there? Comparing how you traveled […]
Hypothesis Annotation for readings
Post at least five substantive notes for each reading, make sure to highlight each annotation from passage Substantive is as much about quality as quantity – you can ask questions, make connections to other things you’ve read or seen, or expand upon the author’s ideas. Each annotation should average around 50-75 words each.
Finkelpearl Maya Lin
I’d like you to think about the practice of alphabetizing names in a list and what the overall effect of this action is. Come up with three alternative methods of organizing the names from the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial – these can be based on any information that the U.S. Armed Services is likely to have […]
Vision of Working Lives
How can a photograph depict a working life? Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review the gallery titled Work Links to an external site. on the website of Steve McCurry and the website Outcries of a Thousand Souls Links to an external site. which showcases work of Taslima Akhter. In addition, read the resource […]
Fusing Text and Image
How do conventions heighten your response as a reader? Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read and view the sections “The Veil” and “The Bicycle” from the graphic novel Persepolis Links to an external site., and read the resource How to Read a Graphic Novel Links to an external site. . In this […]
Traditions and customs
If you had to choose one image to define that tradition or custom, what would it be? · Identify the image and where it is described in the essay. · Define the tradition or custom that the image is describing or exemplifying. · Discuss how the author uses the image, or imagery, in depicting the […]
problem solving
Project #3: Problem-Solving Report (200 points) Spring 2024 ENGL 7 Workshop #3: Week 9 (May 27-31) Proposal Due: Friday, May 31, 11:59 PM Pacific Time (250-500 words, 35 pts) Report Due: Tuesday, June 11, 11:59 PM Pacific Time (2000-3000 words, 165 pts) In this project, you will identify a specific operational problem at your current […]
What is the text structure?
Problem & Solution Description Compare & Contrast Cause & Effect Chronological
How could I get Best Book Marketer in NZ?
HI, I hope every one is fine working well in his field as I’m a full time Book publisher in NZ at: so I know how tough is to work in this field hmm I would like to connect with the like minded people who has knowledge about this specific thing so that I can […]
I need help link
9.2. Post an example from the popular press (with link) on associations claimed to be causal Respond to one of these examples as well Post should be 1 paragraph and so should the response Examples Causal Associations between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and COVID-19 Link: Links to an external site. This example shows a study that […]
i need help d9 soc
One post of three parts. So, create only one post and include a Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Part 1) Video: MicroLecture: Bullying, Masculinuty and the Spectre of Fag – CJ Pascoe, current professor at University of Oregon. Dr. Pascoe wrote a very popular book, “Dude, You’re a Fag” and this brief talk […]
Text and Theme
How do literary and non-literary texts shape and are shaped by the traditions, archetypes, and individual identities of diverse human cultures?
Environment Culture and Identity
Is there a single image, description, or sound in each work that represents an individual or community’s link to the natural environment?
I need help w9p
Instructions for Week 9 paper- worth 15 points Stehle- SOC200 WEB Six paragraphs of varying lengths. Please answer the following questions. Paragraph 1 (125 words) Why is it so important for some people to know the sex of a baby? For some people, why is it such an embarrassing error to mistake the sex of […]