Module 6

Ordinarily, teachers can’t be school board members in their own districts because of potential conflicts of interest. Would teachers make good school board members in districts where they live but don’t teach? Should a certain number or percentage of school board positions be reserved for teachers? Why or why not? 

source evaluation comm120

Hide Assignment Information Turnitin™ This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions Goal: The goal of this assignment is to research your topic, evaluate selected sources, and organize your sources. Description: During the Week 3 Assignment, Project Plan, you chose a topic and created your project plan. In the Week 3 Lesson, you read about […]

English vocabulary development

the politician said she used to be shy as a student,but she started to develop more____skills when she had to raise money for a school trip.


 Watch the YouTube video: The Brain: A Secret History – Emotions; Bandura Bobo Doll Experiment and share your thoughts, what stood out about the video? What did you agree or disagree with? (2 paragraphs) 


 Discussion question If you were appointed to distribute federal research money, what type of research would you select to fund and why?  

Rhetorical Analysis

Why does Jeffrey Jerome Cohen make certain writing choices in his essay “Monster Culture (Seven Theses)”? How might his writing choices help us understand the intended or target audience for his essay? What do they reveal about his stance (i.e. the role he takes with respect to his reading audience and his essay topic)? In […]

Persuasive passage

Write a persuasive passage using strong logic and a clear claim for our discussion. Choose a topic that will help you to develop an effective persuasive passage. Use strong transitions to help your reader go from point to point. Your passage should contain a thesis statement and be well proofread


Select a product or service and conduct a SWOT Analysis using the attached (below) template.  SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and Weaknesses are internal factors and are somewhat controllable.  Opportunities for the business and Threats to the business are factors that are external to the firm and largely uncontrollable, […]

Persuasive passage

Write a persuasive passage using strong logic and a clear claim for our discussion. Choose a topic that will help you to develop an effective persuasive passage. Use strong transitions to help your reader go from point to point. Your passage should contain a thesis statement and be well proofread.

rt 2

his assignment asks you to watch a documentary film and respond to the ideas in it by creating a self-portrait photograph and writing a response essay. To start, view the film Through a Lens Darkly: Black Photographers and the Emergence of a People on Kanopy. Note: a portion of this film contains historical photographs portraying […]


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classical Argument draft

i have don am outline need a draft done Friedel 1 Friedel Mischler Professor Bates ENGL-1213 02 September 2024 Is it ethical for social media companies to collect and use personal data for targeted advertising? Introduction Hook Nowadays, social media companies have embraced the aspects of data collection and big data. Consider a situation where […]

English Homework

What advantages has containerization in maritime shipping brought ?  Are there any parallels with the air freight industry ?

English Homework

Please discuss how supply and demand drive the transportation industry? In your opinion, how does the transportation industry affect the environment? 


PLEASE REVIEW THE BELOW INFORMATION  In this Course Activity do the following: 1. List potential 3 topics for your Essay 1 2. Explain why you chose each of them and what is the ethical dilemma behind each 3. What kind of research are you looking to use? In my feedback I will let you know […]


please review the info below  Answer the following 5 questions in 3 – 5 sentences each.  1. Should companies be allowed to patent life-saving medications, potentially limiting access to those who cannot afford them? Why or why not? 2. Is it ethical to download or share copyrighted content (music, movies, etc.) without permission? 3. Is […]


Rubin, K., (2013).  Essential Scrum: A practical guide to the most popular agile process (1st Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.:  · Chapter 1: Introduction · Chapter 2: Scrum framework Cobb, C. (2015).  The project manager’s guide to mastering agile. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.:  1.1 Choose a coaching technique that can […]

Critical Thinking

In this assignment, you will think about how critical thinking happens in your life.  1. Appropriate barriers for this assignment include: types of resistance (avoidance, anger, clichés, denial, ignorance, conformity, struggling, distractions), types of narrow-mindedness (absolutism, fear of challenge, egocentrism, ethnocentrism, anthropocentrism), rationalization, double-think, cognitive dissonance, social dissonance, and stress.  *Please choose barriers from this […]


Affirmative Action for Unemployed Veterans (50 points) Unemployed veterans, take heart: Walmart wants YOU. In a historic move, the retailing giant vows to hire any returning U.S. veteran who applies. Projections are that Walmart will extend job offers to 100,000 veterans from 2013 to 2018. Other businesses are launching similar initiatives, such as JPMorgan Chase’s […]


please review the info below  Plagiarism will be graded 0 and will be submitted in Turnitin. Instructions In this Course Activity talk to a person who comes from a different background, culture, or ethnicity than yours. Ask them about their cultural experiences, their food, their language, their beliefs. Have a conversation with them about their […]

Creating Body Paragraphs

Creating positive change in New Orleans by reducing gun violence Include: The introduction and thesis that was written last week Write three body paragraphs. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence. Include a direct quotation or paraphrased language from your article. Be sure to use proper in-text citations. Add one or two sentences based on […]

Language Use Discussion Board

  Answer the following prompts and post to the discussion board · Should the manner in which a person use language (in speaking and writing) affect their academic validity? (For example, should African American vernacular English or other languages be accepted as the norm in American university essays?) Why or why not? · How does […]

Discussion Post

Questions.  . What might be some institutional/ organizational barriers to implementing culturally competent social work practice?  2. How might cultural differences between practitioners and clients complicate social work practice, and what are some dilemmas or tensions that social workers are likely to encounter when working cross-culturally? 


PLESE EVIEW THE INFO BELOW  Student Resource Activity: Student Cases After reading the student cases below, use the student resources and support handout to determine all the types of student resources you would suggest that would help the students persist through school and be successful. 1. Abagail is a returning college student. She has been […]

2.1 Discuss: The Influence of Organizational Culture

As part of your weekly one-to-one meeting with your supervisor at work, you are asked to briefly discuss some of the topics you are learning in your organizational behavior class. This week, you focus on issues related to organizational culture and diversity. This catches your supervisor’s attention because she is the head of a search […]

why cd’s play music

 Form a Thesis and Research this subject in library databases, on the Internet, and in specific sources 


Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST of Unit 1. Points: 100 Overview: Understanding similarities and differences between the agile Scrum frameworks and other agile methodologies, and how agile is fundamentally different from the traditional waterfall project management method is important. The project selection method plays a critical role in how time, cost, and scope of your […]


efore beginning this project,  learn about Hokusai’s art by watching the following videos: and studying the following website: Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji You will now create a work of art that uses Hokusai’s art as inspiration, but illustrates a landscape that is important to YOU. It can be a place you have physically been to […]

English Homework

 Discuss the criteria determining whether a company should source its materials and move its products via Air Freight versus via Sea Freight. 

Read and Compare: Literacy Narratives

Choose two of the attachments to read.   6 Literacy of Extremity: How Losing My Faith and Embracing Heavy Metal Shaped My Understanding of Literacy When you see me on the street, or at home, or in class, there’s a high chance you’ll see me wearing a few things: a metal band t-shirt, jeans, and […]

Thesis and Introduction

Using your brainstorming assessment about creating positive change in the community by reducing gun violence in New Orleans. Write an introductory paragraph with a three-part thesis statement. Be sure to include: A clear topic sentence that introduces your course project’s main topic. 3-4 additional sentences on the topic and why it is essential. Close the […]


i need help I can double and halve numbers. Double these numbers Halve these numbers 6 8 4 5 11 15 35 22 16 27 45 42 58 29 6 8 4 18 12 14 26 22 20 30 130 60 84 250 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 […]

Dad’s Secret

Read and annotate our summary/response passage.  It is important for you to spend time with this passage with careful reading and thought.  Follow the directions below. Locate or annotate for the following items. Some of your annotations will be notes that answer questions.  (*Annotations are notes made directly on the passage.).  You can print a […]

Project topic Creaion

Class-Information and Digital Literacy we  have read about two steps of the BIG6 model: task definition and  information seeking strategies (CO1 & 2).  complete Parts  I and II.  Part I: write one or  two sentences per bullet point (there are additional questions and  points to help you flesh our your ideas):  Topic: Do not use […]

journal analysis

  Select a scholarly article on social media and education from one of the APUS Library databases. Please make sure you are choosing a peer-reviewed article from an academic journal. Summarize the article BRIEFLY. (1 paragraph) Identify the purpose of the research and describe the claims and conclusions the author(s) make(s). (1 paragraph)  Describe the results […]

English Homework

 With respect to the transportation industry, provide several key points explaining the meaning and significance of the term “Intermodal.” 

English Brainstorming Assignment using Mind Maps

Brainstorm Ideas that will provide positive change for you community. Ideas to think about include gun violence, resources for teenagers to keep them active and out of trouble, community events that promotes positivity between police officers and members of the community. Identify three ways these ideas will create a positive change in your community.  

Managing remote employees

Working Remotely in Health Information Management  Week 6: Working Remotely in Health Information Management (Paper) Working Remotely in Health Information Management Research the requirements and issues related to managing remote employees in HIM and related areas; through assigned readings, literature, and Internet searches of websites and job advertisements for remote positions in HIM. Then write […]


  The Briefing Note allows students to bring awareness to underserved specialties/niche areas within the profession, gathering research on evidence including all viewpoints and positions, and lastly the student’s conclusion/recommendations. Instructions: Students will work in groups to write a Briefing Note discussing underserved specialties/niche areas in the field of occupational therapy. 


First Source Answer each of the questions on a new line.  TOPIC: Cyberbullying What topic did you choose? What is the title of the article? Who are the authors of the article? Currency: When was the article published? Is the article current? Relevance: Is the article relevant to your selected topic? Explain your response. Accuracy: […]

Please read document

Information Literacy Worksheet As a student and in the workplace, you will need to be able to find and use information effectively. This includes using academic sources to gather information, as well as evaluating the credibility and reliability of the information you gathered. Complete Parts 1 and 2 below to demonstrate your ability to find […]


Course: Veterinary Office Management and Skill with People Graded Project Your project must be submitted as a Word document (.docx or .doc file format). Your project will be individually graded by your instructor and therefore may take up to seven days to grade. Be sure that each of your files contains the following information: The […]

Need this before 8pm wednesday

Argue for starting a career after high school. Introductory Paragraph Introduce the overall topic (setting up an overview to give readers context). Introduce one side of the argument. Introduce the opposing side of the argument. Create a thesis statement that reflects your opinion on the topic. Paragraph 1: Supporting Point #1 Introduce the strongest evidence […]

I need help hyp

Hypothesis Grading: I expect you to complete at least 3 actions each week. An action can be a question, a comment, an answer, some context you looked up and wanted to add – each of these is an annotation, and therefore an “action”. Additionally, each of your “actions” should be: ● Constructive: It’s made in […]

i need help rr4

For each of the two main readings for the week (see below for which readings), you must respond to two of the following three questions: What is the Main Point? Reading assignments often contain a lot of information. What is the main concept that the author is trying to get across? This may, or may […]

i need help fep

Part 3: Ethnography Research Paper After completing your observations and fieldnotes, you should now plan to write a mini-ethnography. This paper should be 2500-3500 words total, not including references. Use the following sections to guide your paper: 1. Introduction: What was your topic/research question? Why did you choose this site? What is the relevance of […]