Please see attached
Use the above article and other references to determine which types of social media are most or least helpful for businesses desiring to connect more closely with consumers? Use the template below to answer the above question. · 750 words in length (typed, double-spaced, 12-point font) excluding the title and reference pages. · The student […]
Please see attached
Please critique ” E-cigarette brands and social media influencers on Instagram: a social network analysis. Links to an external site. ” Use the template below to answer the above question. · 750 words in length (typed, double-spaced, 12-point font) excluding the title and reference pages. · The student will automatically lose points if these guidelines […]
READ THE ATTACHMENTS!!!! PAGES 14 Introduction An essential skill for marketing research professionals is analyzing multiple sources of information to determine appropriate research methodologies for meeting a client’s needs. Task 1 challenges you to assume the role of a market research analyst whose client is the owner of a coffee shop chain that has experienced […]
cirtical thinkg
Critical Thinking: A researcher received two samples: one of a virus and the other of a viroid. Unfortunately, the labels were lost. Scientist felt that it could be distinguished the two by analyzing the presence or absence of a single molecule. What molecule would be searching for and why? If you were asked […]
HSO: In the telemedicine health services organization (HSO), a significant workforce issue arises from the rapid expansion of telemedicine technology and its associated challenges, such as workforce preparedness, technology training gaps, and the burnout of healthcare professionals. As telemedicine becomes more integral to healthcare delivery, the workforce must adapt to digital tools, overcome resistance to […]
4 sections
d Interview: Middle Adulthood interview someone who is in middle adulthood (see the age range according to our textbook) using the three questions provided and two questions you create. Submit the transcription and reflection of the interview. The transcript must have redacted names, workplaces, etc. The reflection must include how you might work with a […]
m ama Papalia, D., & Mortorell, G. (2023) Experience human development (15th ed.). book! Part A-Discussion: Connection in Midlife – 300 words Statistics show that those who attend church regularly in midlife tend to have “decreases in the risk of death and increases in health” (Papalia & Mortorell, 2023). In understanding the adult brain, share […]
dddd Business Plan: Dating App in this assignment, you will explore the intersections of love, mating, and relationships through the lens of human development by conceptualizing and creating a fictional business plan for a dating app. By applying theories of human development and relationship psychology, you will design features and functionalities that cater to various […]
gc to do
Follow the directions below to write an essay of 1,500-1,750 words on counselor ethical boundaries and practices. Include at least seven scholarly resources including the textbook in your paper. Refer to the NAADAC Code of Ethics (and the AACC Codes if you are in the Christian Counseling track) when completing this assignment. Provide a thoughtful response […]
Child and Adolescent Psychology. · discuss your background in psychology. · Discuss the topic you will focus on for your capstone project. · Why did you choose this topic? · Identify the target audience for your project. · What unique needs does this audience have? · Identify the stakeholders for your project. · List possible […]
Fill out the form practice based on the topic by 5 articles HSO: In the telemedicine health services organization (HSO), a significant workforce issue arises from the rapid expansion of telemedicine technology and its associated challenges, such as workforce preparedness, technology training gaps, and the burnout of healthcare professionals. As telemedicine becomes more integral to […]
Validating a Resource
Validating a Resource HIM377 Project Milestone Validating a Resource Name: Directions: Using the space provided below, you will identify and validate one resource of your choosing that you may be using to support the development of your Contingency Plan. Once you have provided your name and addressed each of the questions, be sure to […]
Analyzing Privacy Violations
Analyzing Privacy Violations Module 2: A Case for Analyzing Privacy Violations For this assignment, you will need to review the Case Study presented and assess the impact of the data breach that occurred under your third-party vendor’s system and provide a short report of your conclusions, corrective actions to take, and policy change recommendations. […]
Lab 2 – Inheritance & Evolution Purpose Lab 2 will help you apply genetic and mathematical principles to predict the inheritance of Mendelian traits through family lines and explain evolutionary change in human populations. Skills Lab 2 builds the following skills that are essential to success in this class: · Pedigree and Punnett square interpretation […]
answer all this question
i need help c
Conflict Exercises – Week 2 Watch an episode of Gordon Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares (or more if needed), available on YouTube (free), Netflix, or Hulu Plus (with a subscription). Identify every communication barrier from Gordon’s Dirty Dozen (refer to lecture notes and here Links to an external site. ). Under each barrier, transcribe a segment illustrating […]
i need help d2
Class Discussion – Week 2 Before thinking about into conflict resolution, it is essential to conduct a conflict analysis. In Chapter 2 of “Constructive Conflicts,” Kriesberg explores the origins of social conflicts, presenting various theoretical explanations. The chapter introduces several fundamental theoretical ideas. Please relate any of these ideas for this week’s discussion to a […]
week1 Life Rewound Project: Development in Reverse For this project, you will choose a fictional character, celebrity, or historical figure and design their life journey in reverse, from their death to their birth. You must research the chosen individual thoroughly, considering factors such as career choices, relationships, major life events, and personal growth. Include areas […]
Sources 1
Use the three source attachments to complete worksheet Use the three attachments titled Document 1, Document 2, and Image to complete the following: Document 1 Title: Click or tap here to enter text. Type of document: Click or tap here to enter text. Year created: Click or tap here to enter text. Who likely read […]
Need asap
need asap 300 words or more using book :Papalia, D., & Mortorell, G. (2023) Experience human development (15th ed.). In working backward from death to birth, responses to death vary with the age, circumstances of death, beliefs about death and the afterlife, social connection during life, and cultural context and understanding of death. Read Chapter […]
literacy narrative
Assignment Name PROJECT 1 Literacy Narrative First Draft: January 31st Final Draft Due: February 9th Assignment Write a minimum 900-word essay that explores with depth and focus your relationship to literacy. For this essay, you should: 1. Describe in specific detail a personal narrative. 2. Develop a thesis statement that shares a central claim. 3. […]
literacy narrative
Assignment Name PROJECT 1 Literacy Narrative First Draft: January 31st Final Draft Due: February 9th Assignment Write a minimum 900-word essay that explores with depth and focus your relationship to literacy. For this essay, you should: 1. Describe in specific detail a personal narrative. 2. Develop a thesis statement that shares a central claim. 3. […]
“What is Morality?”.On p. 14-15 you find “The Emergency Room” problem. Please read the case and then answer the four questions on p. 15. Note: I do not want receive short answers to each question. What I want is a narrative that you would construct if you were explaining the issues to an adolescent who […]
English 2 Discussion
2 Supermarket or Local Market Henry Spalding Galen College of Nursing ENG 1105 Instructor’s name September 16, 2019 Supermarket or Local Market Big supermarket chains continue to lock up most of the food purchases made by people every day, but alternatives exist and provide surprising benefits. Kroger, Albertson’s, and Publix are some of the big […]
Please see attached
Choose a company or organization (Apple) and propose appropriate steps in social media marketing planning. Submission Instructions: · The paper to be a minimum of 750 words in length (typed, double-spaced, 12-point font) excluding the title and reference pages. · Include a minimum of 3 academic references. All should be referenced according to APA […]
Please see attached
Describe and discuss the evolution of social media. Submission Instructions: · The paper to be a minimum of 750 words in length (typed, double-spaced, 12-point font) excluding the title and reference pages. · · Include a minimum of 3 academic references. All should be referenced according to APA style and cited in-text.
making recommendations to protect patient health information
making recommendations to protect patient health information Module 1: A Case for Securing Healthcare Data For this assignment, you will need to review the Case Study presented and perform an audit to assess if there are any gaps related to regulations, internal policies and procedures to identify any areas where the organization’s data security is […]
I need help es
A two page MINIMUM, double spaced, 12 font, 1 inch margin essay paper on your philosophy of teaching school and/or community health education. The lines of page 2 must go all the way to the bottom to receive full credit for having two pages.
Child and Adolescent Psychology. · discuss your background in psychology. · Discuss the topic you will focus on for your capstone project. · Why did you choose this topic? · Identify the target audience for your project. · What unique needs does this audience have? · Identify the stakeholders for your project. · List possible […]
The purpose of this assignment is to help familiarize you with licensure requirements for the state in which you currently reside or the state in which you plan to practice. In order to complete this assignment, you will need to select a state to use as the basis for your research. You should select either […]
Fill out form 1 and form 2 Included the previous form because this is the continue work. Keep in mind that for this phase of the process all of the articles should be related to establishing why the problem exists and then in the next phase the articles all pertain to finding possible solutions to […]
Capstone Reflection Presentation
Capstone Reflection Presentation 5 Telemedicine: Transforming Healthcare Delivery Through Innovation and Equity Isdory Lyamuya DeVry University LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture Professor Yvette Ricks December 15, 2024 Telemedicine: Transforming Healthcare Delivery Through Innovation and Equity Telemedicine has gradually become a revolutionary innovation in healthcare systems worldwide, even more so after the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper […]
Write an essay on the topic listed below in 360 words Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?
Fintech Software Developers
At Innow8 Apps, we specialize in delivering cutting-edge fintech software solutions that redefine financial services. Our expertise in AI, blockchain, mobile app development, and secure payment systems makes us a trusted partner for businesses worldwide. Empower your financial operations with innovative and scalable solutions tailored to your needs.
This assignment will allow you to apply knowledge gained for implementing ethical and legal boundaries that counselors are required to adhere to in their scope of practice. Write a 1,750-2,100-word analysis on counselor ethics and responsibilities. Provide a thoughtful response to each of the sections listed below, include specific, concrete examples to explain your ideas. […]
Nursing 7
Objectives: Final Reflection —Reflect on the semester –Demonstrate understanding of writing principles Assignments: 1 in a Word document, write a final Reflection letter about the semester. Your Reflection letter must follow MLA format for full credit with header, title, and page numbers. It needs to be all double spaced and 1-2 pages long. This should […]
Measurable Objectives
Measurable Objectives Week 7: Measurable Objectives Assignment Review the objectives in Table 27.W1 and reword the content so that the objective is measurable. Table 27.W1 Type of Project Non-measurable Objective Measurable Objective Implementation of a physician prescription entry system Increase user satisfaction Project to improve the processes associated with the revenue cycle Streamline […]
capstone course project
capstone course project 1 TITLE OF YOUR ESSAY 4 1 Telemedicine: Transforming Healthcare Delivery Through Innovation and Equity Your Full Name Your College Program Name, DeVry University Course Number: Course Name Professor Full Name Month day, year Telemedicine: Transforming Healthcare Delivery Through Innovation and Equity Introduction Telemedicine has recently emerged as one of the most […]
This illustrates one of the most common challenges in academic: 80 to 95% of college students habitually procrastinate.
1 Procrastination Student name College English Composition Prof Ron December 4, 2024 Procrastination I. Introductory Paragraph A. Hook: This illustrates one of the most common challenges in academic: 80 to 95% of college students habitually procrastinate. B. General statements: Causes of procrastination have negative academic, mental, and future performance effects; and need solution development. C. […]
Rhoterical learning
What is Rhoterical learning Essay Prompt: Rhetorical Analysis Essay Why write about rhetoric? Argumentation and persuasion permeate our lives. From the news media and advertisements to our friends and family members, they all in one form or another present arguments in order to persuade us to accept some viewpoint and/or to act in some way. […]
English Composition II
English Composition II (4) Touchstone 4: Revise an Argumentative Research Essay ASSIGNMENT: Review the rubric feedback you received on your Touchstone 3.2 draft to enhance your writing. You will then submit a revision of your Touchstone 3.2 draft that reflects the evaluator’s feedback, making all necessary changes to the idea development, organization, style, and conventions. Focus […]
persuasive sppech
Arguments Against Children on Social Media Laquandra Liddell Public Speaking I FL24 SOT 1113-VC1 Dr. McDavitt December 6, 2024 Informative Speech Plan: Arguments Against Children on Social Media Introductions Imagine 12-year-old child spending hours online, constantly comparing themselves to the perfect influencer; The dangers of social media are a reality that many face today. » […]
nursing work 6
· Quote: “The scariest moment is always just before you start.” -Stephen King. · Objectives:: Final Informative Essay –Know how to complete final edits on your essay to turn in Assignments: Note: Week 17 will open early on Saturday, Dec 14 at 11:59pm if you want to get an early start. That week closes early […]
English i need help post assignment
Post Assessment/Final Reflection Paper Please reflect back on your pre-assessment completed on week 1 and integrate responses into post assessment based on your experiences in the community and online this term (please reflect how your pre and post assessment differ now, if so.) Have any of your beliefs/perspectives/values/actions/attitudes and knowledge changed throughout the course? If […]
· The task focuses on areas studied to date, requiring you to show knowledge and application in the parts stated. · You should upload a single, correctly formatted powerpoint which may also include any relevant tables and diagrams MANUFACTURING COMPANY 1. Brief description of the business (product, service….) 2. Explore the key aspects of the […]
Engl Presentation
Available until Dec 8 at 11:59pm This assignment was locked Dec 4 at 11:59pm. Topic: Toni Morrison’s Sula For this project, you will choose a course reading and engage with it through a creative addition or revision. (You can choose any course reading other than the readings you used for your Lesson Plan Project and Critical […]
English Composition II
English Composition II (3.2) Touchstone 3.2: Draft an Argumentative Research Essay ASSIGNMENT: Using your outline and annotated bibliography from Touchstones 1.2 and 2.2, draft a 6-8 page argumentative research essay on your chosen topic. As this assignment builds on Touchstone 2.2: Create an Annotated Bibliography, that Touchstone must be graded before you can submit your research […]
Journalism and Publishing in the Digital Age Assignment: Final Project and Presentation Due: Wednesday, Dec. 11 Over the course of this semester, we have examined and debated the future of journalism and publishing in the digital age — both through the lens of the changing media industry and through your personal news consumption habits. This […]
I need help d10
Discussion 10- Taxes How does Oregon’s tax structure compare to our neighbors to the north and south? Which of the three states seem to have the best tax structure for residents and why? Post a 350-word post and at least one replay of 100 words.
I need help current events
Current Event Understanding the concept of Time Value of Money or what makes up a credit score is important, but understanding how finance is weaved through our daily life is key. Take the learnings from this course and find a current event that includes a financial aspect. You will submit a 1,000 word, single spaced, […]