Attending college or university in a different country can expand a young person’s horizons
Attending college or university in a different country can expand a young person’s horizons. my 3 points are: 1- Opportunity to learn about a different culture. 2- Opportunity to learn a different language. 3- Opportunity for personal development. · Use Tactful, Courteous language · Acknowledge Different Viewpoints · Rebut Different Viewpoints · Stay Focused […]
Academic Affair Policies
There are two parts to this assignment. Please complete both parts. This assignment may take longer than the other assignments, except the final orientation assignment. PART 1: Watch the video in the link below. PART 2: Complete the puzzle the link below. The link for Part 2 is attached in the file below.
Getting Organized/ Time Management Skills
See attached assignment below. INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the online time management tool which can be accessed through the following web link: Once you finish completing the time management questions, you will return to this assignment page and submit to the questions below. For each statement, click the button in the column that best describes you. Please […]
English Homework
Paraphrase this Varela 1 Mia Varela Professor Cumbermack ENC 1101-15838 November 26, 2024 The Benefits of Learning a Second Language Why only communicate in one language when you can simply learn to communicate in another language? Learning a second language is not just a means of communication but a gateway to better opportunities and deeper […]
Nursing home5
Tinnie Yassah Tinnie Mrs. Rower English 101 1 December 2024 The Imperative of Continuous Surgical Education in Modern Healthcare In the intricate world of modern medicine, surgical procedures represent a critical intersection of technological innovation, medical expertise, and human precision. Worldwide, more than 200 million major surgeries are performed each year, bringing together some of […]
assistance needed english
please see attachment ENG 105: Composition I Learning Unit 3: Assignment Sample of Student Essay Response Assignment Why We Assign Sample Student Essay Assignments In each essay unit, you will read one or two sample student essays and respond to them. The goal of the sample essays is to provide you an example after which […]
English Composition II
Composition II Touchstone 2.2: Create an Annotated Bibliography ASSIGNMENT: Using your research question, working thesis, and outline from Touchstone 1.2, create an annotated bibliography that provides a synopsis of your 5-7 sources and an explanation of how you will use them. As this assignment builds on Touchstone 1.2: Write a Research Question, Thesis, and Outline, that Touchstone, […]
English homework
a Dance Critique Critique: an exercise involving careful judgment or judicious evaluation Step 1: Watch, listen, and experience the performance with an open mind. Do not view the dance as if it were a movie; you must involve yourself and be an active participant. Step 2: Do a little research. While a critique, having some background knowledge can […]
Strengthening Academic Survival Skills: Identifying Learning Styles and Improving Your Study Skills
Please see attached file below for assignment. Click on the links below. After evaluating the information in each link, answer the following questions: Study Strategies and Test Taking Strategies 1. Which two strategies do you already perform or would perform to study or take a test before the test is given? 2. Which two strategies […]
Interacting with Your Instructors and College Staff
Please read the attached article by clicking on the following link: Top 10 Ways To Make It Through Your First Semester Once you have read the article, you will need to share at least 10 different thoughts on this topic.
Social Media and Its Negative Effects
Social Media and Its Negative Effects sources have to be included
Two Historical Figures Who Changed Society
Two Historical Figures Who Changed Society\ source have to be included
English help with homework
Write a Narrative passage about one of Your Favorite Childhood Memory/ies when you learned an important life lesson.
ENG 111 Essay #3 – Research-Based Argument Paper – Due on 11/28/2023 by 11:59PM For Essay 3, you will create your own research-based argument using the research you completed for your Annotated Bibliography as a starting point. The thesis must take a position and argue for something focused, debatable, and defensible; it cannot simply inform […]
English help with homework
please help with this home work. 4 Attending college or university in a different country Name Institution/Affiliation Course Instructor’s Name Date In today’s globalizing world, the choice to continue education in another country is an excellent chance for young people to expand their horizons and gain life experience. Today, numerous students are going abroad to […]
Methods for social change
1. Written report of research and findings. Your analysis should be at 1500-2000 words in length. Typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, with 1” margins. .pdf, .docx, or .rtf file format. OPTION B: POLICY RESEARCH Policy research is a systematic inquiry into the existing or potential impacts of public policy options such as laws and regulations. […]
I need help d9
Discussion Topic: Discussion 9- The Perfect Victim Discussion 9- The Perfect Victim Listen to this recording from a radio show Links to an external site. . I’m leaving this rather open ended. What did you think? You can talk about all of the different personal information shared, if it really is that easy to obtain […]
I need help H5
PSU Health Insurance Review Search online for information on Portland State University’s health insurance plan. Answer the following questions with the information you find. Who is the heath insurance provider? _____________________________ How much is the deductible? _______________________ What is the co-payment for a visit to the hospital? __________________ What is the co-payment for a visit […]
Case Study The purpose of this assignment is to link theoretical/scholarly material about media effects and content to a “real world” case. For example, past students examined a number of subtopics related to the media and COVID-19 through the lens of theories such as agenda-setting or framing. This assignment calls on you to select a […]
Review Research Article
Review Research Article Week 5: Research Article Assignment Perspectives in Health Information Management is a peer-reviewed research journal published by the AHIMA Foundation. It is available online at The Spring 2012 issue of this journal includes an article titled “The Impact of Electronic Health Record Usage on Cancer Registry Systems in Alabama”Links to an external site. […]
Course Project – Partial Draft
Course Project – Partial Draft Week 5: Course Project – Partial Draft Course Project – Partial Draft This week, you will draft the first body parts of the essay you outlined last week. · Historical Context – Examining history, including important events, controversies, and actions, provides insights on our current situation · Current Situation – Looking beyond […]
assistance needed for english
please see attachment ENG 105: Composition I Learning Unit 2: Assignment Source Integration Assignment To evaluate your understanding of MLA style documentation, you will practice integrating a source into a paragraph. For this assignment, please write one developed paragraph (about 7-10 sentences) about technology. Choose at least one passage from the Turkle essay and integrate […]
Use any works by Alice Walker for this assignment For this project, you will create a “lesson plan” for one of the course readings. The goal is that you will develop a plan for a 75-minute lesson that you could deliver to a specified group. To accomplish this, you will need to make a series of […]
Composition 2
Touchstone 2.1: Evaluate a Source ASSIGNMENT: For this essay, you will select one of the sources that you intend to support your argument (outlined in Touchstone 1.2 — if you want to change topics, you will need to submit a new Touchstone 1.2 for grading). Which source you choose is up to you; however, it must […]
Using Chapter 18-20. Using only the textbook to cite. Week 6 Chapter 18 and 20 1. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research. 2. Write a summary of focus group. Qualitative research is when is a method that focus on to getting a better understanfing of human behavior or experiences. The strengths of qualitative […]
Doctorate discussion
What challenges to completion do you anticipate you will encounter in your doctoral program? What strategies for successful completion do you anticipate will be the most useful for you, and how will you work toward implementing these strategies to meet your goals?
English Homework
See MSG and attachment 4 Research Topic Christian Quesada American Military University DEFM200 Dr. Keith Wade October 22, 2024 Research Paper Topic: The impact of Intermodal transport in the reduction of carbon emission in the international supply chains This paper will focus on intermodal transportation that includes rail, road, and maritime transport to illustrate how […]
IDS 150 Project Template [Note: To complete this template, replace the bracketed text with your own content. Remove this note before you submit your paper. As you work on this template, keep in mind the related documents, found in “Assignment Information.” · IDS 150 Project Guidelines and Rubric · IDS 150 Scenario Profiles] Identify your […]
Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST of Unit 6. Points: 100 Overview: In this assignment, you will produce two documents: a project risk plan and the Procurement Plan. The Risk Management Plan is a document that a project manager prepares to foresee risks, estimate impacts, and define responses to issues. It also contains a risk assessment […]
db gc
1.1 db Review the “History of Recovery in the United States and the Addiction Profession” located in the Topic 1 resources. Refer to the professional associations, milestones, and association divisions resources from Topic 1 class resources when considering your response. Discuss the following items : 1. In your opinion, what are the most important events on […]
annotated bibliography
You will develop an annotated bibliography of scholarly sources to be utilized in researching a topic related to the US Healthcare Delivery System.
Instructions Two parts: Please divide into two separate document 1. Research Outline (2-3 pages) – write an outline of your proposed final paper addressing all issues you plan to discuss in the final paper, along with a list of sources upon which you intend to rely. Explain why each source is valuable to your research […]
Course Project – Introduction and Outline
Course Project – Introduction and Outline 1 TITLE OF YOUR ESSAY 4 4 Your Full Course Project Title, Centered, Title Case, and Bold Your Full Name Your College Program Name, DeVry University Course Number: Course Name Professor Full Name Month day, year Your Full Course Project Title, Centered, Title Case, Bold This document is […]
READ THE ATTACHED FILE!!! Introduction During your career, there will be times when you are asked to present before a senior leadership team. For this task, you will be acting as a consultant. You will be using the skills you have learned in this course to identify problems and opportunities based on the given scenario […]
Final p@p3r
2,500-3,000 – All instructions are in the PDF thoroughly. -Fall 2024 Final Assignment Below are your guidelines for your Final Paper assignment. The good news is that this paper will be in a similar format and have the same expectations as the midterm. That being said, this assignment will require devoted inquiry, reflection, and refinement […]
Final: Research
More information attached this will be based on the research draft you have already completed. Directions: Write the 5 – 7 page Research Essay on a selective topic below. The research essay is an extension of the Argumentative Essay. You must use credible sources to support your argument. Failure to credit all sources will […]
I need help comm
Click the Communication Reflection Analysis link to upload your essay. You MUST format your document as a PDF, or Word or Word-editable document such as .doc or .docx. File formats such as .odt, .pages (on a Mac) are not readable. Assignments that are not readable will earn a zero. Please check this if you are […]
SPC3210- Weekly Assignment 10
DO NOT USE AI Read Ch. 25 & 26 Answer the questions separately, linking concepts and theories from the text. 1. How might Giles define effective communication? How might other theorists in this book approach this concept? Where do you stand on the issue? 2. Thinking back to Geertz and Pacanowsky’s cultural approach, how might […]
Attached Professor Suarez ENGL 1302/SP24 Rhetorical Analysis Due: Monday 4/29 11:59pm Requirements: ● 3-5 pages ● Double-spaced ● Times New Roman ● 12pt font ● 1-inch margins ● MLA or APA format ● Complete writing process grade Instructions: For this assignment, you’ll do a rhetorical deep dive into an (art)ifact of New Media. Artifact is […]
Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST of Unit 5 Points: 100 Overview: In this assignment, you will produce a change management plan. Performing integrated change control is an important process of the project integration management. In a project, there will always be change requests. These changes will be evaluated by the change control board. Afterward, if […]
English Assignment #13: Preparing job applications and for job interviews
Watch the short video in the link above (about 4 minutes). to an external site. Then, answer the following questions. Provide only the answers in a text entry box provided. If you feel your answers are too long, you can type them on a document and upload them as a file. 1. What does it […]
assistance needed psycology
please see attachment PSY 121: Developmental Psychology Learning Unit 1: Assignment Page 1 of 2 Psychological Theories in Today’s Reading Materials SLO: Analyze lifespan developmental theories and perspectives, to include developmental issues and periods from conception to death, apply developmental psychological content to real-life situations to include individual differences, beliefs, values, and interpersonal relationships, and […]
assistance needed english
please see attachment ENG 105: Composition I Learning Unit 1: Assignment Practice Plagiarized Paper Upload Assignment 1) Create a plagiarized document: In a single Microsoft Word document, type your name and course information at the top left of the page. Then copy and paste about half a page of information from three different websites (half […]
English Composition II
Touchstones are projects that illustrate your comprehension of the course material, help you refine skills, and demonstrate application of knowledge. You can work on a Touchstone anytime, but you can’t submit it until you have completed the unit’s Challenges. Once you’ve submitted a Touchstone, it will be graded and counted toward your final course score. […]
assistance needed
please see attachment ENG 105: Composition I Learning Unit 1: Assignment Diagnostic Writing Assignment Overview: Every Composition I student is asked to write a diagnostic essay in order to help professors determine their students’ current writing level and readiness for this course. This essay will not be graded critically, but will simply be used to […]
assistance needed
please see attachment ENG 105: Composition I Learning Unit 1: Assignment Practice Plagiarized Paper Upload Assignment 1) Create a plagiarized document: In a single Microsoft Word document, type your name and course information at the top left of the page. Then copy and paste about half a page of information from three different websites (half […]
Please see attached
Write a paper addressing the questions below: · What are the links between technology and human trafficking? How can actors across public and private sectors use technology to combat human trafficking effectively? · How does society successfully implement anti-trafficking technologies? How does society promote technical and other cooperation among actors across government, non-governmental, and private […]
I need help outreach
Make sure the p;ace you choose is in portland oregon. You just have to make stuff up obviously you don’t need to go and do this. Community Outreach Assignment Posting Community Outreach: Post Summary on discussion board; (10 pts; 5 pts for commenting on classmates post) To explore the aging population in Portland (or your […]
Overview of Counseling Theories Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Case Approach Murdock, N. L. (2017). Theories of counseling and psychotherapy: A case approach (4th ed.). Pearson Education. ISBN-13: 9780134240220. Throughout the course, you have studied and written about several counseling theories that are used as the basis for the counseling profession. In this analysis, you […]
Composition 2
Composition 2 ( 3.1: Construct a Rogerian Argument) ASSIGNMENT: As you learned in this unit, a Rogerian argument is one that presents two sides of a debate and argues for a solution that will satisfy both sides. Given the two articles linked below that present opposing sides of an issue (mandatory uniforms in schools vs. some […]