English Composition

 Should the United States Provide Free Healthcare to All American Citizens? 

English Homework

 as a retailer, what would you expect from a good supplier in terms of added services and perks? 

640 fina

Due Date: Sunday by 11:59pm Total Points: 100 Overview: Create a Schedule Management Plan for your project. Instructions: Your selected project can be either a personal or professional example, but please do not choose a project you have used for any other class or project, or that you are currently working on in your professional […]

English 101

Help with grammar, punctuation The Secret: A Fairy Tale from Autoethnography (First Draft)   Previous  Next  Instructions After completing  Idea Generation: Mapping an Autobiography, ask yourself which of your three free-writes about the three experiences you chose makes you excited to continue to write about.  Then, consider the following. Many people have said that sometimes […]

English Assignment

Check file POS2041: U.S. Government Valencia College Dr. Paul Labedz FINAL EXAM Directions: Please provide DETAILED type written responses to five questions: three questions from section 1 and two questions from section 2. Each response will be evaluated on a scale of 0-20 (Total points available: 100) Answers will be submitted via the Canvas assignment […]


PLEASE REVIEW THE INFO BELOW  ESSAY DRAFT This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Submit the revised draft of Essay 1 here. Remember to review, revise, and check for all errors. Paper must be in MLA format with a Works Cited page and in a Word document. 

discussion board 5

PLEASE REVIEW THE INFORMATION BELOW  DISCUSSION BOARD Share with your peers your final topic for Essay 1. Also, describe your research and what will be your argument. How do you plan to structure this argument and what are your main points in your argument.  Be sure to give feedback to your peers on their topics […]

show you care

Develop, in detail, a situation in which a health care worker might be confronted with ethical problems related to patients and prescription drug use OR patients in a state of poverty. Your scenario must be original to you and this assignment. It cannot be from the discussion boards in this class or any other previous […]

Hypothesis Follow Up #3

The follow-up phase for this week’s Hypothesis activities is to find another contemporary data visualization (published within the last six months) example of effective visualization practices. Post a new annotation with an example (choose a relevant part of the Tufte chapter to pin your annotation to) and submit a brief discussion (about 200 words) of […]

Nature, Nurtue, Or Both

All instructions posted below  Discussion posts must be between 300-500 words and appropriately and completely address the prompt using 1 or more academic sources to support your position. The majority of psychologists agree that development is the result of the interaction between genes and environment. However there is still debate on the relative importance of […]


Due: Sunday, 11:59 pm of Unit 7 Points: 100 Overview: This week we are putting together what you have learned about quality management and using this to develop a Quality Management Plan. This final assignment is to develop a Quality Management Plan for the project you selected last week (in Unit 5). Your Project Quality […]

Language wrap-up

When I was young, there were ____________ around our house, with very tall trees, but now there are just more houses. a)fields b)forests c)islands mountains d) rivers

Manifesto outline

help to revise manifesto outline Your Manifesto (First Draft)   Previous  Next  Instructions Submission Guidelines: Your manifesto will have a title. It will be at least 1,250 words long (approximately 5 pages double-spaced) and include quotes, paraphrases and a Works Cited page done in MLA format. It should include at least one primary source, which […]


Help with touching up the manifesto Copyright of Journal of Regional Science is the property of Wiley-Blackwell and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder’s express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use.

d r 6

Instructions Please post 2 or more peer responses In the response posts, remember to demonstrate you have read and understood the student’s post by taking their discussion to the next level through your responses to the following: · Commenting on your peer’s choice of family exchange. · Would you want to experience life in either […]


PSYC 775 Mock Quiz Questions Assignment Instructions Overview The purpose of the Mock Quiz Questions Assignment is to give you experience in writing effective quiz questions to evaluate learning. For the Mock Quiz Questions Assignment, you will generate mock quiz questions that could be given to the students in your hypothetical course. Before you begin […]


help with critiquing manifesto Meaningful Questions and Think about Your Audience Questions   Previous  Next  Instructions After reading  Read: Write a Manifesto [Composition], start with an issue about which you have suggestions for change and/or new development, and then ask yourself the questions below. This is a way to help you form inspiring and concrete […]

English 101

I need help with the structure and punctation   Orientation Module: Grounding into the Course   Week 1: Orientation  Diagnostic – Based on Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life Diagnostic – Based on Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life   Previous   Next […]

Second review

need everything highlighted in yellow done EVALUATION REPORT — ATTEMPT 1 — REVISION NEEDED Overall Evaluator Comments EVALUATOR COMMENTS Your work here identifies a business question for the scenario and understands why the decision tree is a good path forward. Your analysis shows your understanding of possible limitations for the data element and the decision […]

DB 3- Forum A

  Reading List Week 3 Week 3 Volume D East Asian Drama Kong Shangren (1648-1718) The Peach Blossom Fan Sewell Fall 2022 Troy University ENG 2205 & 2206 The New Discussion Boards 1 Fall 2022; New Discussion Boards Creative Image Analysis with Tiny Lit Choice (one to two good paragraphs – not a lot of […]

course activity 4

please review the info below  This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. In this Course Activity do the following: 1. List potential 3 topics for your Essay 1 2. Explain why you chose each of them and what is the ethical dilemma behind each 3. What kind of research are you looking to use? In […]

From the novel Nervous Conditions

What is Tambu trying to achieve by telling her story? i need a very controversial thesis statement and support it by textual evidence. 


Now that you have significantly researched your topic, wrte an issue ppr of four to six pges where you consider the main points concerning your .  Each point you consider should contribute substantially to the development and support of your main point.  Significantly explain these points, including source origin and credibility, and discuss your strategy for addressing […]

Organizational Website Dialogue

Organizations often provide great resources for scholars working in specific fields. The student/scholar looking into the Battle of Gettysburg might find great information and some key leads by looking at the Gettysburg Foundation website (   ). The student studying steam-powered trains might be similarly aided by a visit to the website for the National Railway Museum […]

First reviw

Just need everything highlighted in yellow done  EVALUATION REPORT — ATTEMPT 1 — REVISION NEEDED Overall Evaluator Comments EVALUATOR COMMENTS Your work does a good job when discussing the lack of insight about other variables impacting attrition as a limitation of the linear regression analysis. You also provide a logical justification to support a linear […]

I need Help d4

This week we have learned about vulnerable populations and disparities within health systems. Please respond to the following three prompts (all prompts are required). 1. Choose a vulnerable population of your choice and share a health disparity about that population – be sure to cite your source (APA Style). Remember a health disparity is something […]

i need help fp

U are doing masons part in the paper which is about – during-pandemic It should be a page. I need this done as soon as possible

English Homework

 What is the difference among an APS, a CRM, and an ERP system? 

course activity 3

please review the info below  Instructions (Your assignment will be submitted in Turnitin) Answer the following 5 questions in 5-7 sentences each. 1.Should companies be allowed to patent life-saving medications, potentially limiting access to those who cannot afford them? Why or why not? 2.Is it ethical to download or share copyrighted content (music, movies, etc.) […]

I need help flyer

Most of you will be responsible for working in the broader context of community health, child and family studies, or education in general. This requires leadership, group skills, knowledge, and vision beyond your university experiences. Choose an agency or organization that you feel drawn to or would like to learn more about and create a […]

CARD 415

There are about 4 assignments in this post. Week 2: Career Services Presentation After attending the Career Services live lesson or watching the recording, open a Microsoft Word document and type the Career Services live lesson attendance code at the top of the page. Then write a minimum of one double-spaced paragraph with your review […]

Annotated Bibliography

Answer this question: What are the personal and/or communal ethical factors that may be involved in determining the moral position of either side in that debate? Next, articulate and then evaluate the ethical positions  using Kantian ethics (that is, the categorical imperative) relative to the long standing debate (that is your topic chosen in the […]

I need help Creative Health

The purpose of this assignment is for students to select a topic or area of interest in child and youth issues and use the power of creativity to make the connection of your personal perspective to the issue you choose. This project is meant to evoke your response of how you personally interact with some […]

I need help 10.1

10.1. Post some of your thoughts after learning about DOHaD Just need 1 paragraph and then a 1 paragraph response to the example. Examples of other peoples Developmental Origins of Health and Disease is a concept that highlights how environmental factors during critical periods of prenatal and early postnatal development can have long-lasting effects on […]


OTAP 1350 Clinical Conditions II Diagnosis Book Phase 3 Objective : The purpose of this activity is to utilized Bloom’s Taxonomy level IV & V to assist students refining their clinical reasoning skills by linking scientific knowledge to assessment and intervention planning. This project assists the students to assimilate textbook content and apply scientific information […]


  Design covers multiple strategies for typography and formatting that can be used to make professional documents clear, readable, and effective for your readers. These include:  Headings  Lists  Figures  Notices  Tables  Highlighting  Margins, indentation, and alignment  Fonts and color 


PSYC 775 Mock Quiz Questions Assignment Instructions Overview The purpose of the Mock Quiz Questions Assignment is to give you experience in writing effective quiz questions to evaluate learning. For the Mock Quiz Questions Assignment, you will generate mock quiz questions that could be given to the students in your hypothetical course. Before you begin […]

SPSS Worksheet: Factorial Designs

PSYC 515 SPSS Worksheet: Factorial Designs Assignment Instructions Overview This assignment assesses your ability to evaluate, analyze, and interpret research designs common to the field of psychology. The specific focus in this assignment is on factorial designs. The goal is to equip you with the tools needed to be a competent and productive consumer and […]

SPSS Worksheet: Nonparametric

PSYC 515 SPSS Worksheet: Nonparametric Tests Assignment Instructions Overview This assignment assesses your ability to evaluate, analyze, and interpret research designs common to the field of psychology. The specific focus in this assignment is on designs involving dependent groups. The goal is to equip you with the tools needed to be a competent and productive […]

Research Project: Final

PSYC 515 Research Project: Final Paper Assignment Instructions Overview This final paper is to demonstrate your culmination of knowledge from this course. In practicing the standard format and writing style of research scientists, this activity should help you become a more efficient and informed consumer and producer of research. By incorporating feedback from your peers […]

English Question for homework’s student

Complete in sentences for my student grade 1 tiny fishing: The cat is sleeping on the ___. I like to eat apples and ___. The sun is ___ in the sky. The dog is playing with a ___. My favorite color is ___. We go to school to ___. The bird is flying in the […]

I need help week 10 child

This week’s post with include exploring a future CYFS career you are interested in pursuing or knowing more about. Please write 2-3 paragraphs, addressing some of the following questions/reflections: ● What career? ● Why you are interested in this career? ● What can you find about what a typical day look like in this career? […]

discussion board 2

please review the information below Discussion board As individuals we are often likely to be more connected with groups and practices that are familiar to us. Unfamiliar cultures and practices often make us uncomfortable. On this discussion board, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of cultural relativism. Also, share examples of ethnocentrism that are prevalent in […]


please review the information below  Plagiarism will be graded 0 and will be submitted in Turnitin. Instructions In this Course Activity talk to a person who comes from a different background, culture, or ethnicity than yours. Ask them about their cultural experiences, their food, their language, their beliefs. Have a conversation with them about their […]

I need help Soc d10

1) Attach a link to an article about any population or environment related content (not one of the ones in my notes). It could be on population studies, urban studies, even environmental sociology or environmental justice, if that is an interest, etc., from any reputable source, such as a main news publisher, scholarly peer-reviewed journal […]

Hypothesis Follow Up #2

Here’s a passage from Schwabish: Whenever I create a data visualization, whether it’s static, interactive, or part of a report or blog post or even a tweet, I follow five primary guidelines. · Show the data · Reduce the clutter · Integrate the graphics and text · Avoid the spaghetti chart · Start with gray […]

Rhetorical Context

Introduction According to the TAMU online writing center, textual analysis, “should explore the [speaker or writer’s] goals, the techniques (or tools) used, examples of those techniques, and the effectiveness of those techniques. When writing a rhetorical analysis, you are NOT saying whether or not you agree with the argument. Instead, you’re discussing how the rhetorician makes that […]