English SPC 3210- Weekly Assignment 6
*DO NOT USE AI* Read Chapter 17 + 18 Answer each question separately, linking the textbook concepts/theories. 1. For good reasons, Aristotle’s theory is listed under the category of “public rhetoric,” but it is also a theory of influence. How does it compare to social judgment theory and the elaboration likelihood model? 2. What are […]
hongkong film
help 1 Professor Géraldine Fiss LTEA 120C 2024 May 06 Clash of Cultures: Tradition vs. Westernization in Once Upon a Time in China (1991) Word Count: 798 2 The 1990s Hong Kong culture is one that “[moves] too fast,” where the culture space disappears quickly after it appears, rendering it to “always [be] on the […]
k film
help How to do Close Reading /Textual Analysis 1. Make connections between the historical contexts and the given passages. 2. Make linkages between the given passages and the rest of the story, without losing your focus on the given passages. 3. Pay attention to details: expressions, phrasings, metaphors, images, etc. In the case of film, […]
d w4
Research an alternative investment and discuss pros and cons of including this into your investment portfolio. * 350 word minimum for discussion posts and 100 word minimum for replies. I will send you a post to reply to after posting
English Inquisitive
Part A Week 1 Discussion 2 – InQuizitive & Writing This forum will help you practice the kind of response and analysis I’d like to see you all participate in this semester. To start this discussion forum, review information on the LS readings and MLA. Start by watching the videos that describe InQuizitive as a testing tool that […]
English Video
I. Choose a topic (I know it requires a video, but can you do a video with a voice you can find on the internet. I included some example videos, like maybe make a cartoon commercial on one of these topics. I totally forgot about this assignment and it is due in the morning by […]
“Raise The Red Lantern” by Zhang Yimou
All instructions below PROMPT CHOSEN: 5. You may propose your own literary analysis of “Raise The Red Lantern” by Zhang Yimou. Submit your proposed Thesis Statement, with your (3) three points for argumentative analysis. WRITE”: A 5-Paragraph Essay with 1. Introduction Paragraph Body Paragraph 1 (with (1) one Quotation from the Story & (1) one […]
English Homework
give your understanding of the industry and what you have learned from this class. Explain how this course has changed your overall view of logistics and transportation. What are you taking away that you can use on your job tomorrow?
help with english
Could i please have help with this assignment. Follow the steps below to complete the activity: Step 1: Write Your Essay · Introduction: Start with an engaging introduction that grabs your reader’s attention. Your introduction should conclude with a clear thesis statement that outlines the argument you’ll be making. · Supporting Paragraphs: Develop your argument […]
Analyzing issues faced during the great depression
how to analyze ideas or issues that faced Americans during the Great Depression?
English Assignment 1
record the work you have done finding a topic, building research questions, and doing a rhetorical
English Assignment: Reflection Blog #1
A way to achieve clarity and better understanding of what you are learning
English Homework
Identify and discuss the environmental impact of intermodal transportation. Discuss the role of ports within intermodal transportation and the importance effective network design has on port operations.
project finals
SNHU 107 Project Template Academic Success Plan Use this template to address the steps in your Project Guidelines and Rubric. Complete all parts of this template by replacing the bracketed text with your responses. Be sure to proofread the entire document before submitting. Name: [Insert name here.] 1. Identify a problem-solving technique or method you […]
using this document to write a one big project ENG 130 Module Two Written Response Template Audience Understanding Selected text you will use for your project: “Take a break” by Nicole peluse” Identify an audience for your project: The people who need this information is College students,this particular audience are always on the go especially the one that have kids […]
Please see attached
Use the attached outline to complete the full paper. · Summarize the Napster case. Explain how this case relates to information security. · What was the premise behind the Recording Industry Association of America’s lawsuit against Napster? · Briefly describe the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Highlight its provisions relevant to information security. · Explain […]
Table of content
prepare a table of contents for a facility-wide performance improvement plan document. Week 6: Homework Imagine yourself as a manager in an area of Health Information Management (Coding, Data Analyst, Revenue Cycle Coordinator or Director, Clinical Coordinator, Consultant, or Project Manager HIE), you have been asked to develop a presentation for a facility wide performance […]
Engl 110
Introduction In this exercise, you will practice annotating a digital text. You will complete this assignment in your chosen Word processor using the built-in note-taking / comment function (see module resources). The Assignment To complete the exercise, download the attached article below in your preferred format (Google Doc or Microsoft Word). As you read […]
What are the effects of social media on adolescent development? For an example of a cause and effect writing, please read Linda Hasselstrom’s ‘A Peaceful Woman Explains Why She Carries A Gun.’ This will provide insight as to how to navigate and construct your own Cause and Effect essay.
gc db
1.1 Empirical evidence supports the use of REBT and Behavioral Therapy with specific populations (e.g., culture, gender, diagnosis). Which populations are most appropriate and least appropriate for each theory/therapy? Please explain. Include at least one scholarly source to support your response. Cite any scholarly references accordingly using in-text citations and a reference list. 2.1 […]
Prompt #2 PHL
Prepare your own belief statement displaying knowledge of a variety of educational philosophies.
English How do write an assignment for law that scores top grades?
To score top grades in a start by thoroughly researching the legal principles and cases relevant to the topic. Structure your argument clearly you provide strong evidence and cite legal sources accurately. Finally, present a well-reasoned analysis that amazing critical thinking and a deep understanding of the law.
Chronic diseases and certain cancers have been associated with unhealthy diets. Select one of the following health problems, and research the link between diet and that health problem: Cardiovascular disease Type 2 diabetes Obesity Cancer In your post, be sure to include the following: Summary of the link between diet and the health problem […]
Attending college or university in a different country can expand a young person’s horizons.
· Attending college or university in a different country can expand a young person’s horizons. my 3 points are: 1- Opportunity to learn about a different culture. 2- Opportunity to learn a different language. 3- Opportunity for personal development. · Use Tactful, Courteous language · Acknowledge Different Viewpoints · Rebut Different Viewpoints · Stay […]
please help with my job Objectives: Persuasive Essay Outline due —Learn about credible sources –Understand how to unpack a quote Assignments: 1) View “Quotes How To” and “Evidence-Quotes” in Materials to understand how to unpack or analyze a quote in your paragraph(s). 2) See the Persuasive Essay Assignment description in Materials then write your draft […]
ENG 130 Module Four Preliminary Introduction Template Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Selected text you will use for your project: [Insert text.] Write sentences to draw the reader into the paper. [Insert text.] Write sentences to provide an overview of the topic. [Insert text.] Include the thesis statement […]
Read the passage. Answer the questions below. 1. Look at the title to the passage. Do you expect the passage to give you a clear answer that takes a clear position? Why or why not? 2. Choose 3 of the experts the author quoted. List their names, their credential (or reason for being an […]
English Homework
Assignment Overview 6. You may create out own Prompt. But it must be on one of the authors that we have covered in this section of the course.
week 3 gc
For this assessment, you will analyze in-depth, multifaceted, and complex clinical issues via a case study. The purpose is to help you recognize and understand clinical needs, gaps, and barriers while considering the most appropriate theory or approach to use with the client. Read the “Ana Case Study” for successful completion of this assignment. Select […]
A Critical Analysis
1. The Positive/Negative Effects of Social Media on Young Adults (Choose positive or negative, not both.) 2. The Impact of the Elected Presidential Candidate on the American Society
English homework
Khamar Narcisse Professor Francois October 4, 2024 PSCI-227 Illegal Immigration Through Latin America Introduction The issue of illegal immigration coming from Latin America has gained priority, impacting both the countries of Latin America and the United States. People and their families escaping political unrest, violence, and poverty are often forced to make dangerous cross-border journeys […]
Please see attached
Outline for Paper Title Page Title of Paper Name School Course Instructor, credentials Date (Month, day, year) Abstract 1. Approximately 150-250 words highlighting major points, major purpose, how you plan to go about your project, what you learned, and conclusions. Include Keywords. Introduction Capture reader’s interest Build case through logic Topic sentence/thesis statement First main […]
Persuasive Multigenre Research Campaign
This project asks you to create a multigenre persuasive research campaign on your issue (the same issue you identified for Project 2). The campaign consists of two parts:
English Homework
What is the difference between containerization and intermodalism? Explain in detail and provide sources to support your discussion
English Homework
Discuss how Contracting Knowledge areas and Competencies are important to Acquisitions. Consider how relationships, collaboration, and monitoring have an impact on the acquisition process.
4-1 decision tree
Based on the attached article called “Take a break” address the following items in chronological order. The answers to these questions will help guide you in forming your thesis statement. Submit the answers and your thesis statement using the template attached below (make sure to enable editing and put your answers in the bracketed spaces).
#SP2: 600 words. Compare A Short Border Handbook and Sarajevo Marlboro , outlining differences and similarities between the two books regarding genres, subjects, themes, structure, and the writers’ style. Students must refer to and/or quote specific excerpts from the two books to illustrate their arguments and conclusions. Students are strongly encouraged to share their personal insights and opinions […]
Women’s Rights and Issues
INFORMTIVE SPEECH Informative Preparation Outline (20pts) & Speech (80pts) Guidelines 1. The goal of the Informative Speech is to increase audience awareness and understanding of a specific global issue. You will be discussing how people view, experience, and handle the issue. Do not use this speech to persuade the audience to take action. 2. First, […]
Course Project
Course Project Course Project Overview A Quality or Risk Scenario Case Study (graded) Objectives The Course Project paper consists of a research paper focusing on quality or risk scenarios. It is recommended that you work with a local area healthcare facility for your paper-related research, in addition to your Internet and textbook research. Plan […]
performance improvement plan
performance improvement plan see the attachement Week 6: Homework Imagine yourself as a manager in an area of Health Information Management (Coding, Data Analyst, Revenue Cycle Coordinator or Director, Clinical Coordinator, Consultant, or Project Manager HIE), you have been asked to develop a presentation for a facility wide performance improvement plan. Here are a few […]
topic: Gatekeeping This file is too large to display.View in new window
PLEASE REVIEW THE INFORMATION BELOW Final ESSAY 2 Here is a short list of tips for revision: Take a break from your writing before editing and revising. “After getting your basic ideas onto screen or paper, pull back. Shift your focus in a small way. Pour yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea; check your email; or, if time […]
peer response- death penalty
attached Peer responses- due oct 13th 100 words for each student- 1 citation for each. Student #1: Eliza Camila First-degree murder is characterized as the intentional, premeditated killing of a person. This involves deliberation and concise planning of the murder. Although it is quite a huge crime, I believe there should not be a death […]
PLEASE REVIEW THE INFORMATION BELOW COURSE ACTIVITY 10 Watch the video below and respond in between 200 – 300 words in a Word document to the following questions: 1. What is a growth mindset? 2. What can we do to develop a growth mindset? 3. What kind of a mindset do you have and how […]
Topic: Fear Appeals This assignment asks you to conduct research to identify recent literature about a particular topic in mass communication theory and practice, and then put that literature to work in service of an articulation of the current state of research as it relates to that topic. Start by selecting a theory of interest […]
help Module 7 Activities Please complete the following activities in the order in that they appear. Use the resources posted on Brightspace (readings, instructor lectures, videos) to inform your responses 7 .1 Understanding Bias 1. What does bias mean to you? 2. Do some research on your own (you can use this timeline or this […]
Paraphrase & Summary Assignment #2 AUDIENCE: This class FORMAT: MLA documentation and bibliographic entry, word-processed (this should not be longer than one page in length – ideally) the Assignment Link) For this assignment you are going to take one of the sources (either an article or something you have downloaded from the internet) you have […]
English critical reasoning signature assignment
the template and requirements are attached. Week 8 Signature Assignment · Due Sunday by 11:59pm October 13th Instructions: The Signature Assignment for this course combines all the concepts you have explored in this term. In this assignment, you will choose one of the TED Talks below and form a response based on the provided guidance using the […]
English Homework
offer your perspective on what is contract management, the contract life cycle, and contracting competencies. Consider the four supply chain alignment configurations discussed in the Dynamic Supply text. The four supply chain configurations are lean supply chains, agile supply chains, fully flexible supply chains, and continuous replenishment supply chains.
Rogerian Argument
i need help Friedel Friedel Mischler Professor Bates ENGL- 1213 30 September 2024 Toulmin Model Argument Essay Outline I. Introduction a. Hook: Envision checking your social media and realizing that every ad appears customized for you. The ads you see are targeted because your information has been assembled and examined to make them as relevant […]