moral Dile
please review the information below PROFESSOR INSTRUCTION: This first step will just be to upload 1-2 paragraphs telling me about a personal moral dilemma that you are facing now. Choose a values-based decision that you must personally act upon. Explain the dilemma well enough for a reader who doesn’t know you to understand the difficulty. Then, […]
Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST of Unit 6. Points: 100 Overview: There are some projects such as regulatory constrained projects that would benefit from using agile but are limited due to the frameworks while the use of traditional method may not provide the necessary customer involvement and frequency of delivery required. In this case, a […]
Identify the topic of the text. Explain the writer’s choices in relation to the genre of the text. Describe the writer’s purpose. Explain the writer’s choices in relation to the audience, purpose, and/or subject of the text. Determine the historical and/or cultural context of the text. Articulate the core idea of the text. Summarize details […]
English 223
You can use any of these people such as Langston Hughe, Ralph Ellison, Richard Wright, or anyone from the Harlem Rennaissance. For this project, you will create a “lesson plan” for one of the course readings. The goal is that you will develop a plan for a 75-minute lesson that you could deliver to a specified […]
please review the information below COURSE ACTIVITY 8 Essay 2 – The Research Paper requires you to have a minimum of 10 sources that will be listed in the Works Cited. In this Course Activity, I would like you to pick your best 3 sources from that list and create an Annotated Bibliography with it. You […]
PLEASE REVIEW THE INFORMATION BELOW QUESTION: While you are working on your rough draft and structuring your argument, share on this board what is your counterargument in your paper. Why did you choose this counterargument and what are your rebuttals for it?
course activity 9
PLEASE REVIEW THE INFORMATION BELOW Course activity 9 In Course Activity 9 you will be creating and posting your full minimum one-page outline to the Research Paper. Here is a helpful video to walk you through this process: the link to the video I have also attached the outline template here in case anyone needs […]
Guidelines Directions: In this exercise, you will apply what you’ve learned about the elements of a story. 1. Take a moment to READ/VIEW “The Story of an Hour” 2. Define these elements of a story. Elements of A Story – VideoLinks to an external site. 3. Explain what they are/how they occur in “The Story […]
Respond to the following questions with two paragraphs: Describe female sex abusers and how they compare with male abusers.
Website Analysis Presentation (Final Submission)
-Click here to view the assignment directions and rubric for your presentation: Website Analysis PresentationLinks to an external site. -You can submit your recorded presentation as a file attachment on this assignment. Submission Reminders: Recorded Presentation length: 4 minutes (at least) – 10 minutes (at most) Click hereLinks to an external site. to review […]
Topic: The Impact of the Digital Divide on Health Communication: Strategies for PR Practitioners The purpose of your final paper is for you to gain in-depth understanding of the literature on a topic that interests you and to provide insights to others in your profession. Your final product will be a 10- to 16-page research […]
Sunscreen PSA: This file is too large to display.View in new window
Digital Literacy
Read the following document on digital literacies: Watch the following YouTube video on digital literacy: Write through the following prompts: What makes digital literacy different from the other literacies you’ve written about for this class? What makes digital literacy similar to other modes of literacy? How exactly is digital literacy much more than just […]
Please read the searchable essay 38 Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call The Police- by Martin Gansberg. The theme of this piece addresses acquiescence, and why we as human beings tend to act when it is too little, and, too late. ASSIGNMENT: Following the pathway of the essay 38 Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call The Police, […]
Speech 2: Podcast
Speech 2: Podcast Preparing Your Speech Tip for Success: Take your time! It’s a good idea to wait for the grader’s feedback on your previous speech before beginning this project. Use their feedback to make three or four improvements on this speech for a better chance of success. Use the following procedure to complete this assignment: […]
quality improvement project in healthcare
HIM 420 Week 4: Homework Search for an article in the International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance in ProQuest Central located in the DeVry Online Library (ask the Librarian for assistance). The article should describe a successful quality improvement project in healthcare. You can also use other healthcare journals or publications to search for quality […]
English Homework
Why did the author of this week’s reading find it necessary to compare the European and North American systems; are they really that different? How do costs of transportation impact global trade?
English Homework
What are the advantages and disadvantages of transporting product via pipeline? Research the web and supply the name, website, and the basic mission statement for three (3) companies that are involved in the pipeline industry. Compare the three companies to each other based on this information.
American Lit help
I need help with my American Lit assignment. I will provide the attachments with instructions.
Help assist Assignment Description: Students will demonstrate knowledge of successful accommodations and modifications for students with disabilities in the context of a lesson plan of your choosing for either elementary, middle level, or secondary students on the topic of your choosing. Students will also demonstrate understanding of UDL guidelines and practices. See assignment in Brightspace […]
ENG 130 Module Four Preliminary Introduction Template Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Selected text you will use for your project: [take a break by Nicole peluse] Write sentences to draw the reader into the paper. [Insert text.] Write sentences to provide an overview of the topic. [Insert text.] […]
Part One: First Part of the Thesis Statement Identify the topic. State the claim. (evaluate effectiveness of article) Combine the topic and claim to form the first part of the thesis statement. [Insert text.] [Insert text.] [Insert text.] Part Two: Second Part of the Thesis Statement One reason the claim is true […]
1 Toulmin Analysis of The Argument Student Name Name of School or Institution Professor Name Course Code Dated 2 Toulmin Analysis of The Argument 1. Claims: My claim is: “Implementing stricter gun control laws is essential to reduce violent crime rates in the United States.” 2. Qualifiers: My essay lacks qualifiers. Adding terms like “in […]
MPI Duplication Analysis
Analysis Knowledge Activity: MPI Duplication Analysis (Informatics) Part 1: Generate the Dataset Using the Queries Tool Access the EHR queries tool and corresponding dataset under 2: Launch EHR. Click the New Session button to launch the EHR. On the Queries tab, select New to initiate a new query. · First, Name the query ‘ MPI […]
journal 6-1: Thinking and Writing About Academic Style (Click Here) Top of Form Bottom of Form Journal Content 1. Top of Form Introduction Before writing your journal, choose one group of texts to view from the below options. Watch and read through the material carefully, making notes as you go of the obvious differences in […]
English Conflict Resolution english homework
This is a group assignment And i need help with the parts assignmed to me
current afair video
attached for this assignment i have to record myself, You just need to write whatever is needed so i can present 🙂 Week 6 Assignment: Current Affairs Video For this video, choose one item that addresses a current issue and makes connections to class concepts. The item may be print or video—for example, an article from the […]
digital media
Journalism and Publishing in the Digital Age Assignment: Digital Media Presentation Due: Wednesday, Oct. 2 at 6 p.m. Technology is constantly transforming the practice of journalism, creating new ways for journalists to share news with the public and new channels for consumers to obtain important information. For this assignment, you will give a 5-minute presentation […]
English Credible sources checklist assignment
Please see attached, this goes with the other assignments on why it’s important to invest early This assignment involves answering some questions about your research paper that are based on a checklist. Answer these questions about your final research paper: 1. What am I trying to prove? 1-2 sentences. 2. Write down five specific […]
English Anti Thesis assignment
Please see attachment for anti thesis on why its important to invest early Thank you The antithesis is the opposite of your thesis– you should mention the antithesis in your document and then prove it wrong. This assignment will help you understand more about the importance of the antithesis and how to use it in […]
social capital
i need help FORMATTING FOR ALL WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS (I will not accept any papers that do not follow these formatting guidelines): 1. Make sure that you submit your paper with a cover page and work cited page that follows the examples from former students that are provided in your respective folders; 2. One-inch margins (top, […]
modify bibliography
i need halp Friedel 1 Friedel Mischler Professor Bates ENGL-1213 29 August 2024 Annotated Bibliography Mahtta, R., Fragkias, M., Güneralp, B., Mahendra, A., Reba, M., Wentz, E. A., & Seto, K. C. (2022). Urban land expansion: the role of population and economic growth for 300+ cities. Npj Urban Sustainability, 2(1), 5. This article focuses on […]
Engl 110
Part A Journal #3-Thinking about Rhetorical Context You must do parts A and B to get full credit Due Sunday by 11:59pm · Available Sep 18 at 12am – Oct 9 at 11:59pm Introduction To complete this journal assignment, first you will choose one of the following speeches that interests you. You should listen and watch this speech closely […]
English Chapter 13 “Student as the Teacher” Assignment
“Student as the Teacher” Chapter 13 Presentation Directions: Students will create a minimum 8 slide PowerPoint presentation with audio recordings presenting the important concepts throughout Chapter 13: Developing as a Professional. Important Notes: 1. Follow the TemplateDownload Template 2. Follow the Rubric for all points possible 3. Record your voice presenting for full credit…. I WILL […]
PLEASE REVIEW THE INFORMATION BELOW There was once a man who had never seen an eagle. One day a magnificent eagle landed on his windowsill, and when he saw it, he exclaimed, “What an ugly creature!” The man grabbed the eagle and pulled it into his house. “First, I’m going to fix that curved beak […]
please review the information below . For Essay 2 pick at least 3 possible topics for your research paper. List the topics in this course activity. Then under each topic list the following: 1. Why you chose this topic 2. What would be your argument 3. What would be the counterargument Post in a Word […]
English (C)
Part A Reading Response Strategies · Due Sep 26 by 11:59pm Reading Response Strategies NOTE: BOOKS UTILIZED FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT MUST BE INTENDED FOR CHILDREN AND RELEASED BY MAINSTREAM PUBLISHERS (NOT SELF-PUBLISHED OR WEB ONLY). Having children respond to literature not only helps build reading comprehension but also deepens their understanding and appreciation for literature. Students may respond […]
WRITING PROCESS: TOPIC SELECTION INTRODUCTION TO WRITING PROCESS Why is it necessary to evaluate the process of writing? Differing Purposes of High School and College College may look and feel similar to high school, and, for the most part, you already know how to perform your student role within this setting. However, there are some […]
Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST of Unit 5. Points: 100 Overview: Understanding the Sprint planning and execution activities and artifacts used in scrum is fundamental to the agile scrum framework. In this assignment, you will analyze the processes and roles of the agile team in the sprint planning and how the sprint plan is executed […]
English i need help with an assignment 6.2
1 Please review the following document that provides a comprehensive description of the project and criteria for each of the four project milestones: Professional Practice Project Download Professional Practice Project(.pdf) In this assignment, you will discuss and analyze the problem or situation identified in the Company Overview (Milestone 1) submitted in Module 2. This is […]
Women’s Rights and Issues
Informative Preparation Outline (20pts) & Speech (80pts) Guidelines 1. The goal of the Informative Speech is to increase audience awareness and understanding of a specific global issue. You will be discussing how people view, experience, and handle the issue. Do not use this speech to persuade the audience to take action. 2. First, you must […]
i need help PSY 1113 General Psychology Fall 2024 Informed Opinion Paper Part 5B: Title Page and Introduction Worksheet Prepare your responses to the following and submit this worksheet in Moodle. Further Exploration: Instructions: 1. Choose: at least one (1) of the following three options to address and write about in this section. a. An […]
rogerian final
i need help Friedel 1 Friedel Mischler Professor Bates ENGL-1213 19 September 2024 Balancing Growth and Sustainability: A Rogerian Approach to Urban Expansion Urbanization remains a central concept because cities worldwide continue to experience population increase (Streule, Karaman and Sawyer). Supporters of urbanization note that it fosters economic growth and improvement in people’s quality of […]
Symbolism in Langston Hughes’s Poem “Harlem: A Dream Deferred”
Choose (3) three images/symbols from “Harlem: A Dream Deferred” by Langston Hughes. Analyze each based on your images/symbols and give your viewpoints of the kinds of real opportunities that are lost.
Instructions: Discuss a dissociative disorder that you are familiar with. Describe the disorder, what are the symptoms, is it treatable or preventable?
English Homework
Research an air incident that was considered to be the airlines fault because of safety violations. Give the details of the cases and the web address (URL) for the case (only include the URL at the end of the post). Lastly, give your opinion of why airlines cut safety corners in light of protecting their […]
English Homework
Describe the concept of “Economies of Scale” as it relates to the transportation industry. What advantages has economies of scale brought to transportation? Can you think of any disadvantages?
new regression/
PSYC 510 Homework: Relationships And Regression Assignment Instructions Overview This assignment allows you to demonstrate mastery of topics covered this week. It includes differentiating between relationships and prediction and requires you to be able to identify the variables and their scales of measurement to determine the most appropriate test. These are some of the most […]
big pic
PSYC 510 Homework: Big Picture Assignment Instructions Overview This final assignment allows you to demonstrate comprehension and mastery of topics covered throughout the course. It will require you to use techniques and concepts covered from the first day in an integrated manner, much like researchers do when conducting their own studies. Instructions You will need […]