Social Environment

 What are 3 to 4 different ways to social experiences?   What are 3 to 4 different ways to social experiences? Would that cause you to perceive someone/something differently. Describe what environmental factors influenced your perception. For example, if you were to choose a mall scenario and proceeded to describe a group of females that […]

Cultures in Conflict

How do the conventions of genre help the writer or artist to represent that intersection? Mother Tongue by Amy Tan- Choose one literary work and at least one work of visual art, and discuss where you see the intersections of cultures. In your initial posting, answer the following questions: · Where do you see the […]

Language and Identity

How are language and identity connected? How Languages Shape Thought- Mother Tongue- Choose at least two readings from this week, and reflect on the relationship between language and identity. In your initial posting, consider the following questions: · How are language and identity connected in the works? Consider both individual and cultural identity. · How […]

Presented Theme

What is the significance of a thesis statement?  Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the instructions for the Week 5 – Final Paper. For your final paper, you will analyze how one of the five themes discussed during the course is explored in at least two works from different writers read during the […]


DIRECTIONS IN PDF For this assignment you have the opportunity to research an agency that serves children, youth, and/or families and conduct a brief analysis. Please note you are asked to identify a specific organization or agency serving children, youth, and/or families. This does not mean a type of resource, but rather a broader organizational […]

d r 3

Immigrants often arrived with only the clothes on their backs and a single suitcase full of their most treasured possessions. The Suitcase.jpg You are asked to write a brief narrative about an immigrant’s suitcase for this discussion. In your first paragraph, using your imagination and what you have learned, describe the immigrant who is carrying […]


Reading  this unit, you will explore the processes, resources, and responsibilities that support project quality control.“Control Quality is the process of monitoring and recording results of executing the quality management activities to assess performance and ensure the project outputs are complete, correct, and meet customer expectations.” (PMI, 2017, Glossary, p. 702).One benefit of Control Quality […]


1 Referral Notebook Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name Instructor’s Name Submission Date Referral Notebook 1. Name: John Doe Counseling Services Contact: (555) 123-4567 Affiliation: Non-denominational Expertise: Individual and family counseling, grief counseling 2. Name: Grace Christian Counseling Center Contact: (555) 987-6543 Affiliation: Christian Expertise: Marriage counseling, addiction counseling 3. Name: Hope Counseling Services Contact: […]

teacher report

The Teacher’s name should be Steve Kiser from Skyview high school. He is a PE teacher/ weights teacher. Each student will be interviewed either through Zoom, Phone or In-Person with a classroom teacher for 25 minutes. Students need to come up with an open-ended question to ask the teacher to help the student become more […]

dis r

Please post 2 or more peer responses Remember to demonstrate that you have read and understood your fellow student’s post(s) in your response posts by taking their discussion to the next level. Include the following:  · Respond to your peer’s introduction material by welcoming them and sharing something you learned about them or interest to you. […]

English Homework help

See attached 4 Name English II Touchstone 2.1 March 6th, 2024 Source Evaluation The source I have chosen for evaluation is “The State of the UBI Debate: Mapping the Arguments for and against UBI” by D. Afscharian, V. Muliavka, M. S. Ostrowski, and L. Siegel, published by De Gruyter (2022). The central argument of the […]

Identify adverbs

Because the weather was so cold,everyone rushed inside for some hot chocolate


first document is reading two screenshots are discussion and questions This file is too large to display.View in new window


Assignment: Referral Notebook Completion requirements  Directions Compile a list of at least 15 counseling referral contacts in your local community. These referral entries should include the name, contact information, Christian affiliation (or not), and specific expertise of each referral contact. If your future ministry context is not exact, choose a local context that makes sense […]

Sonnet poem and Poem analysis

in need of assistance  Writing a Sonnet DIRECTIONS: Love is one of the most popular themes in traditional sonnets; it has been explored in poetry for centuries, but even today, poets find new and unique ways to write about it. Your job is to write your own sonnet on the topic of love—so first, figure […]


Informative Speech Guidelines The goal of informative speaking is to increase the audience’s awareness and understanding by imparting knowledge. Informative speeches provide an audience with new information, new insights, or new ways of thinking about a topic. Your responsibility, as the informative speaker, is to deepen your audience’s understanding and to increase their knowledge about […]

English fact and opinion

Which statement is an accurate evaluation of the use of fact and opinion in the two excerpts? A. The idea that the production of My Fair Lady is better than a Broadway play is supported by fact in the first excerpt and by opinion in the second excerpt. B. The idea that the production of […]


Discussion Post must include a turn it into a report or will be forced to refund Exploring the Serpent’s Role in Genesis: Trickster, Tempter, or Truth-Teller? As we begin our exploration of Genesis 1-3, a pivotal figure emerges that demands our attention: the serpent. This character’s role in the narrative is as enigmatic as it […]