sample t
sample t PSYC 510 Homework: One sample t-tests Assignment Instructions Overview This assignment allows you to demonstrate mastery of topics covered thus far. It specifically assesses ability to use SPSS to conduct one sample t-tests, present findings using professional conventions, interpret the meaning of them, and identify cases in which this may be useful to […]
quality improvement project
quality improvement project, needed soon Week 3: Homework Using the Internet and the DeVry Online Library, search for performance measurement data collected from a quality improvement project. Use the key term “quality improvement project” to start your search. Once you identify the data you want to analyze determine the best graphic presentation using the example […]
Model for Writers 11th Edition Discussion Questions
What are the 6 discussions questions for the story Anonymity Breed Contempt by Julie Zhuo found in Chapter 5 Organizations?
critical reasoning
peer responses requirements attached Responses needed -100 words- one citation Student #1: Mikaella Christiana Batac The fallacy displayed in this advertisement is referred to as the bandwagon fallacy. The text mentions that the goal of this fallacy is “…to introduce us psychologically to agree or to go along with something” (Moore, B & Parker, R, […]
possible audience
ENG 130 Module One Reading Response Template Interviewing the Text NAME BISOLA ALARAPON CLASS ENG-130 DATE SEPTEMBER 8 2024 Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Choose the text you will use for your project. Then, explain why you chose that text: [for my project, I selected “Take a break” […]
See attahced Running head: GUIDED IMAGERY AND PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION 2 1 Title of Paper in Bold Centered Student Name American Public University COURSE####: Course Title Instructor Name Due Date Repeat the Title – Level 1 Header Hit the tab key one time to begin the main body of the paper. The paragraphs of the […]
Receptive learning
1. What is your preferred receptive learning style? Choosefrom the following (you may choose more than one): ▸Read/write learning style ▸Visual/graphic learning style ▸Auditory/verbal learning style ▸Tactile/kinesthetic learning style How will understanding your learning style help yousupport your success inside and outside of the classroom? • [Insert response here.] 2. Identify a problem-solving technique or […]
Multiple projects Course Project Overview Table of Contents Individual Course Project Presentation Objective The objective of this Individual Course Project Presentation is to give you the opportunity to recognize and apply the four principles of management : planning, organizing, leading, and controlling and how they correlate into everyday activities in your selected company. Guidelines This is […]
Multiple work to be completed
Please make sure to review and complete all work in good quality. You Decide Activity After reviewing the scenario shown below, review the assignment details. Submit your assignment in the Assignment Submission area for this activity. extern Links to an your assignment in the Assignment Submission area for this activity. Due in Week 2: A two-page […]
1.5 Think of a project that you have participated in or search for a project online (either a traditional or agile project) and document how the planning processes in the traditional waterfall project and that of an agile are similar or different. How is the planning process in traditional project management different from sprint planning […]
Time Management and Motivational Strategies
purposing ways in which you can be prepared for challenges and “expect the unexpected.”In an educational journey
Rhetorical analysis
Help with assignment Step 1: Choose Your Ad Pick a commercial or advertisement that you find interesting or persuasive. Make sure it’s one you can dissect for all three rhetorical appeals—Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Step 2: Outline Your Essay Before you start writing, complete an outline to organize your thoughts. This will help you ensure […]
Module 4: Credibility Deepfakes and the New Disinformation War The Coming Age of Post-Truth Geopolitics By Robert Chesney and Danielle Citron A picture may be worth a thousand words, but there is nothing that persuades quite like an audio or video recording of an event. At a time when partisans can barely agree on facts, […]
Spatial and Place-Based Literacies
Read the 2 attached chapers… This file is too large to display.View in new window
English 8 sentences assignment
Click on and View below links: Malala Yousafzai’s Nobel Peace Prize Lecture VIDEO: Malala Yousafzai’s Nobel Peace Prize Lecture Malala Yousafzai The Nobel Peace Prize 2014 Born: 12 July 1997, Mingora, Pakistan Residence at the time of the award: United Kingdom Prize motivation: “for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and […]
English ???? Major Assignment: Research Log 1 (+ Reflection)
You will choose a conversation in your discipline that focuses on a current and unresolved issue and will document useful sources you collect throughout your inquiry-driven research process in a series of research logs. In Log 1, you will document non-scholarly sources (popular, trade, and grey) relevant to your preliminary research question. Instructions: Detailed Instructions for […]
I can’t imagine that we ……. seaweed in twenty years’ time. a)would eat b)will be eaten c)going to eat d)will be eating
Accelerat ing the world’s research. Lars Willnat and Jian-Hua Zhu (1996). Newspaper Coverage and Public Opinion in Hong Kong: A Time- Series Analysis… Lars Willnat Related papers Download a PDF Pack of the best related papers
Rogerian Argument draft
i need help 1 Balancing Growth and Sustainability: A Rogerian Approach to Urban Expansion Student Name Name of School or Institution Professor Name Course Code Dated 2 Balancing Growth and Sustainability: A Rogerian Approach to Urban Expansion Introduction Urbanization remains a central concept because cities worldwide continue to experience population increase (Streule, Karaman, Sawyer, & […]
If you want to digital printing in UK and other country ?
Should you need to place an order for digital printing services in the UK or elsewhere, we’ll help with it, providing high-quality custom <a href=”“>digital printing</a> to businesses and individuals. All Bright offers fast and high-quality delivery at a reasonable price for everything from bright t-shirts to promo products. Coverage worldwide, quality everywhere!
Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST of Unit 4. Points: 100 Overview: In this assignment, you will explore the benefit of user stories in the product backlog and how the velocity metric is used within the project. Writing good user stories for the product backlog is a fundamental skill. The key method in Scrum of entering […]
English English Assignment
ASSIGNMENT 02 EN120 English Composition I Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Your response should be a maximum of two (2) double-spaced pages. Refer to the “Assignment […]
English English Assignment
ASSIGNMENT 04 EN120 English Composition I Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Your response should be a maximum of two (2) double-spaced pages. Refer to the “Assignment […]
Instructions: Respond to the following prompts Share your opinion on the way the situation was handled, how would you have handled the situation? Are there any resources you would use? One paragraph for each prompt. • Angela’s baby, Maria, had colic from the day she was born. This meant that from 4:00 in the afternoon […]
Begin by reading aloud/ listening to “I Hear America Singing” by Walt Whitman- Link Write your thought about the Whitman poem. Next, begin reading aloud/ listening to “I Too Sing America” by Langston Hughes – Link Write your thought about the Whitman poem.
PLEASE REVIKEW THE INFO BELOW Submit the final revised draft of Essay 1 here. Remember to review, revise, and check for all errors. Paper must be in MLA format with a Works Cited page and in a Word document. This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Plagiarism will result in zero points.
PLEASE REVIEW THE INFO BELOW This Module may have introduced you to many new concepts. This course activity is an attempt to lighten the mood before we begin working on our final research paper. Choose your all-time favorite movie and write a short argument persuading the reader (your instructor) to watch the movie. This activity […]
financial planning
i need this with in 4 hour Your tasks for these clients: Compose a welcome and data gathering email to gather missing pieces of information we need to run the plan. (50 points – Progress Check 1) 1. 1. 1. Develop a rough draft email. 2. Use ChatGPT 3.5 to help you edit your email. […]
English Homework
The Hub and Spoke Concept continues its development in the various modes of transportation (Maritime, Air, Truck, and Rail). Describe some of the key advantages this concept brings to the various modes of transportation.
English Homework
Why has the provider of choice shifted from rail to motor modes? With the shift to motor freight carriers, the amount of traffic accidents have sky rocketed, please give your opinion of the reason for this.
hbh After our discussion and viewing of the PowerPoint, write about a time that you thought about seeking or sought revenge. 1/2page. Powerpoint attached
PP, 8 slides, in-text citations, reference include Read the Organization attachment for instruction The organization: Community Hospital Transitioning from volume-based to value-based healthcare delivery impacts multiple aspects of an organization. Healthcare administrators need to shift the way they approach scheduling, workflows, financial management, practice optimization, compliance, and credentialing. On top of that, changing models requires […]
Special occasion speech
Type of speech: tribute address Topic: tribute to my mother At least 2 minute speech see attached file
English homework
HOMEWORK REQUIRE-DIFFER PARTS This require different parts: 1. approval topic 2 rough draft Once completed a total of $45.00 dollars for full assignment It will not let me included all the information. I will forward information once agree to assignment
Interpersonal Communication for professionals
Nonverbal communicationCollapse Consider what you learned this week about the significance of nonverbal communication. Tell us about a time when your nonverbal cues were inconsistent with what you were saying verbally. How did this affect the conversation? Knowing what you know now about nonverbal communication, how would you communicate differently and why?
English Understanding Diversity Assignment
Student’s Name Understanding Diversity Assignment 1. Explain the difference between valuing and managing diversity and provide examples for each. Show how communication affects this process. 2. Using a variety of concepts that were introduced in your chapter, identify, define and explain the one or two areas regarding understanding or managing diversity in which you are […]
Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST of Unit 3. Points: 100 Overview: In this assignment, you will differentiate Scrum Team roles in terms of how management interacts with a self-sustaining team versus a structured team in a traditional waterfall project. This will help you envision the most appropriate application for each type of project management role. […]
Nella Larsen’s Passing 200 words For this module’s discussion board, we’ll be discussing Nella Larsen’s Passing . As I mentioned in the Module 4 Lecture on the Module 4 Required Readings page, these are the questions I encourage you to consider as you discuss this reading on the discussion board: Although the novel is written in […]
English Homework
Emily Dickinson POETRY WORKSHEET Assignment READ/LISTEN to both Poems: #479 (“Because I could not Stop for Death”) 591 (“I Heard a Fly Buzz when I died”)
Emily Dickinson POETRY WORKSHEET Assignment READ/LISTEN to both Poems: #479 (“Because I could not Stop for Death”) 591 (“I Heard a Fly Buzz when I died”)
PLEASE REVIEW THE INFORMATION BELOW Share with your peers your final topic for Essay 1. Also, describe your research and what will be your argument. How do you plan to structure this argument and what are your main points in your argument. Plagiarized work will be given zero.
Eng 223
Engl 223 First, you should select a brief section or passage from your chosen reading. Place that passage at the top of your response (or indicate where it is in the reading by stating the page numbers). Next, you should write 300 words (not counting the selected passage) in which you analyze—not summarize—the significance of […]
Engl wk 4
I think X is mistaken because X overlooks _____________. X’s claim that ___________ rests upon the questionable assumption that __________. I disagree with X’s view that __________ because as recent research has shown ____________. 1. Use the theme your chose last week or experiment with a different theme from our list. The […]
Interpersonal Communication for professionals
Understanding and working with diverse othersCollapse Reflect on what you learned this week about the importance of valuing and managing diversity. We discuss the growing diversity of the workforce. However, if you grew up in a fairly homogeneous town and went to a fairly homogeneous school, you may not have had much experience with diversity. […]
Instructions: Research Activity: Research a type of psychological maltreatment; what are the long-term effects of this type of maltreatment. One paragraph.
i need help with a comminication asignment Myers-Briggs Analysis Student Learning Outcomes: · To analyze personal interpersonal communication behaviors, develop a skill set and then implement the necessary changes to become a competent communicator · To comprehend and illustrate how verbal, nonverbal and listening behaviors impact the effectiveness of interpersonal communication Instructions: 1. Review information […]
Conclusion Paragraph
Running head: TITLE OF YOUR PAPER 1 Reducing Gun Violence in New Orleans Jerolyn S. Lumpkin Rasmussen University ENC1101: English Composition Jennifer Propp September 01, 2024 Reducing Gun Violence in New Orleans The fear of guns and the potential for shootings to disrupt lives necessitates urgent action. Experts must strive to create a positive shift […]
Activity 3: Communicating with Your Students’ Families Jessica Vallejo PPAT 9/14/2024 Communicating with Students’ Families: Method of Communication: I initiated a “Virtual Family Showcase” where students and their families were invited to create short video presentations about their cultural heritage, traditions, or unique talents. These videos were then shared during a virtual family night event. […]