Discussion Thread: Collaboration for Successful Transition: Describe the factors that should be considered in developing a vision of adult residential options for a student with a disability. You di

Discussion Thread: Collaboration for Successful Transition: Describe the factors that should be considered in developing a vision of adult residential options for a student with a disability. You discussion post must: Be at least 400 words Be written at or above a master’s level Adhere to the current APA guidelines.

ASSESSMENT PROJECT ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Teacher candidate will use a provided case study containing results from multiple methods of assessment and data sources in order to determine eligibility an

ASSESSMENT PROJECT ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSTeacher candidate will use a provided case study containing results from multiple methods ofassessment and data sources in order to determine eligibility and programmaticrecommendations for the case student. Basic assessment data and historical data will beprovided the candidate.The student will employ knowledge of measurement principles in order to interpret assessmentresults to determine […]

EVALUATION OF VIDEO LESSON ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW To be an effective educator, one must be able to evaluate strengths and weaknesses in observed lessons. Your teacher education program will

EVALUATION OF VIDEO LESSON ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWTo be an effective educator, one must be able to evaluate strengths and weaknesses in observedlessons. Your teacher education program will include practicum experiences in classrooms whereyou will have a chance to observe and interact with students and teachers. While in-personobservations are extremely beneficial, pre-service teachers can also learn a […]

Works Cited Preliminary Page Next week you will be completing a research paper on one of the works you read during this course. To prepare for writing the paper, choose the work you will write about a

Works Cited Preliminary Page Next week you will be completing a research paper on one of the works you read during this course. To prepare for writing the paper, choose the work you will write about and one of the following topics: The consequences of negativity in modern literature. Professional jargon on social media. How […]

Benchmark – Plan Implementation and ManagementSubmit Assignment Writing the key components of your action plan is the first step, but as an educational leader, the majority of resource management task

Benchmark – Plan Implementation and ManagementSubmit Assignment Writing the key components of your action plan is the first step, but as an educational leader, the majority of resource management tasks occur when you implement and manage changes to the plan. In 750-1,000 words, outline your action plan for achieving the strategic goal. The plan should […]

LESSON PLAN ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Lesson planning is a key aspect of effective instruction. Lesson planning ranges from long-term planning (such as yearly or unit planning) to short-term pl

LESSON PLAN ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWLesson planning is a key aspect of effective instruction. Lesson planning ranges from long-termplanning (such as yearly or unit planning) to short-term planning (such as weekly or dailyplanning). For this assignment, you will write a daily lesson plan for one grade level/subject.• If you are pursuing the MAT: Elementary Education, you may […]

STUDENT PORTFOLIO ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW One of the purposes of this assignment is to understand the principles of reviewing case study files on a given focus learner. For this assignment, y

STUDENT PORTFOLIO ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWOne of the purposes of this assignment is to understand the principles of reviewing case studyfiles on a given focus learner. For this assignment, you will choose the most appropriate goalsbased on the learner’s PLOP and needs/supports and determine standards that correlate withthose goals, providing evidence of how you would teach and […]

Describe potential conflicts in developing participatory decision making with family members and a student with a disability and how other resources can assist in these endeavors. From a Christian per

Describe potential conflicts in developing participatory decision making with family members and a student with a disability and how other resources can assist in these endeavors. From a Christian perspective, how should conflicts be addressed? Your post must be 400 words and be written at or above a masters level. It must also adhere to […]



EDTPA TASK 1 ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW “edTPA is a performance-based, subject-specific assessment and support system used by teacher preparation programs throughout the United States to emphasi

EDTPA TASK 1 ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEW“edTPA is a performance-based, subject-specific assessment and support system used by teacherpreparation programs throughout the United States to emphasize, measure, and support the skillsand knowledge that all teachers need from Day 1 in the classroom.” (edTPA, n.d.).As part of the teacher preparation program at Liberty University, the School of Education desiresfor […]

TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR DIVERSE LEARNERS ESSAY ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Classrooms are filled with students from diverse backgrounds with various ability levels. Educators need to embrace the

TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR DIVERSE LEARNERS ESSAY ASSIGNMENTINSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEW Classrooms are filled with students from diverse backgrounds with various ability levels.Educators need to embrace the diversity among their students through the examination ofinstructional strategies. This assignment will allow you to investigate strategies for teachingstudents with specific academic and emotional needs. You will have an opportunity to considerhow […]

Discuss the age requirement for beginning to discuss transition and the age for having a transition plan. Why is it so critical to begin assessment and curriculum planning at age 14 and 16? Your respo

Discuss the age requirement for beginning to discuss transition and the age for having a transition plan. Why is it so critical to begin assessment and curriculum planning at age 14 and 16? Your response must be 400 words. Your answer must pertain to education and be completed at a master level degree. 

Stylistic Expressions & Formal Language After studying Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following: Examine stylistic expressions, conflicts, and shifts, in form and languag

 Stylistic Expressions & Formal Language After studying Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following: Examine stylistic expressions, conflicts, and shifts, in form and language in Gabriela Mistral’s “My Mountains”. Interpret the use of formal language, dialect, and its purpose as it pertains to cultural identities. Submission Instructions:  Your initial post should be at least […]

Most improvement initiatives require investment in several different types of resources to be successful. People, physical resources, technology, facilities, and training all have costs attached to th

Most improvement initiatives require investment in several different types of resources to be successful. People, physical resources, technology, facilities, and training all have costs attached to them. The ability to identify sources of funding that can be used to offset these expenses in a manner that prevents other facets of the district from suffering or […]

In a typed, double spaced, MLA structured 5 paragraph arguement /pervasive essay, present your viewpoint on the one most essential skill required to be successful in 3 totally different unrelated prof

In a typed, double spaced, MLA structured 5 paragraph arguement /pervasive essay, present your viewpoint on the one most essential skill required to be successful in 3 totally different unrelated professional careers/ occupations. The careers must not overlap. The chosen skill is “communication” for the careers: teachers, law enforcement officers, and nurses. View rubric attached.

DIRECTIONS: This essay must adhere to the following guidelines: • *Seven-paragraphs ONLY + a separate Works Cited page o 2 – introduction paragraphs o 1 – summary paragraph o 3 – body paragraphs o 1 –

DIRECTIONS:This essay must adhere to the following guidelines:• *Seven-paragraphs ONLY + a separate Works Cited pageo 2 – introduction paragraphso 1 – summary paragrapho 3 – body paragraphso 1 – conclusion paragraph• Use MLA formatting and rules of citation (Arial 12-point font, ONLY; review other rules via The2021 Bedford St. Martin MLA Handbook or Chapter […]

In a minimum of 1500 words (4-5 pages) (You have a choice of two topics) Choose only one of the topics below for your essay. Read “The Yellow Wallpaper” (pg. 117) and discuss the changes that the narr

In a minimum of 1500 words (4-5 pages) (You have a choice of two topics) Choose only one of the topics below for your essay. Read “The Yellow Wallpaper” (pg. 117) and discuss the changes that the narrator undergoes in the course of the story. Explain why she undergoes these changes and what it means […]

TPCASTT – Analyzing Poetry Complete the following TPCASTT on one of the poems on this page (links below). The entire document must be completed correctly to receive credit. https://human.libretexts.

TPCASTT – Analyzing Poetry Complete the following TPCASTT on one of the poems on this page (links below). The entire document must be completed correctly to receive credit. https://human.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Literature_and_Literacy/Literacy_and_Critical_Thinking/Writing_and_Critical_Thinking_Through_Literature_(Ringo_and_Kashyap)/07%3A_Poetry_Readings Submission Instructions: Download the TPCASTT Blank Template Download TPCASTT Blank Templateand complete it. Be sure to rename the file with your name before you submit it […]

Hello i Need someone to write an essay for me. It is for my religions class. You will need to reference and cite the attached file in the essay. The file is a religious text, the mahabahrata. THe guid

Hello i Need someone to write an essay for me. It is for my religions class. You will need to reference and cite the attached file in the essay. The file is a religious text, the mahabahrata. THe guidlines are as follows:  I use three criteria to grade essays:1. Structure2. Thesis statement3. ExecutionSTRUCTURE: The essay […]

Revise this paragraph from the essay on vegetarianism, which focuses on one of the claim’s supporting reasons. As you revise the paragraph, focus on: making sure the point of the paragraph is precise

Revise this paragraph from the essay on vegetarianism, which focuses on one of the claim’s supporting reasons. As you revise the paragraph, focus on: making sure the point of the paragraph is precise and related to the overall claim in the essay, using words, phrases, and clauses to link major ideas in the paragraph, organizing […]

Conflicting Issues of Identity & Culture in Gabriela Mistral’s Work After studying Module 5: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the conflicting issues of identity and culture in Gabriela M

Conflicting Issues of Identity & Culture in Gabriela Mistral’s Work After studying Module 5: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the conflicting issues of identity and culture in Gabriela Mistral’s work, “Chile’s Land”. Think about Mistral’s tone and how it connects, disputes or supports the various connotations in her poem. I challenge you to read another one […]

Create a clear and complete outline for the U3 Essay following the format below. Note the “may” and “must” language in the instructions here. You must outline all 5+ paragraphs (introduction, body pa

Create a clear and complete outline for the U3 Essay following the format below.  Note the “may” and “must” language in the instructions here. You must outline all 5+ paragraphs (introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion). Your arguable thesis and opinionated topic sentences must be written in complete sentences. You may use words and phrases for […]

Definition: “Free writing is a prewriting technique in which a person writes continuously for a set period of time without regard to spelling, [or] grammar…” Directions: This is a focused free write a

Definition: “Free writing is a prewriting technique in which a person writes continuously for a set period of time without regard to spelling, [or] grammar…” Directions: This is a focused free write assignment. This is just a PRACTICE assignment. You will write a timed essay. 1.     Before you start writing, format your essay in MLA style. […]

For this assignment, you will work through the prewriting and drafting stages of your writing process in an illustration/example essay. Illustration/Example Essay Prompt Choose one of the following st

For this assignment, you will work through the prewriting and drafting stages of your writing process in an illustration/example essay. Illustration/Example Essay Prompt Choose one of the following statements and agree or disagree with it in an essay developed by using multiple and extended examples.  The statement you decide on should concern a topic you […]

Which statement best supports the idea that the Dust Bowl made it difficult for families to survive? A “With a sigh, she took the milk from Edwin, eyeing the familiar dust that she would try to skim o

Which statement best supports the idea that the Dust Bowl made it difficult for families to survive? A “With a sigh, she took the milk from Edwin, eyeing the familiar dust that she would try to skim off before serving the milk to her family.” B “Although it was early morning, the dust storm outside […]

TOPIC PROMPT: Using the details and ideas in the short story as a guide, argue for improvements to your own local community. Your goal is to develop your argument using quotes from the short story in

TOPIC PROMPT: Using the details and ideas in the short story as a guide, argue for improvements to your own local community.  Your goal is to develop your argument using quotes from the short story in support and convince your audience to make the improvement you desire within your local community. In this Unit, we are continuing […]

Comparison Paper in the healthcare field Assignment objective: Your goal in this assignment is to write a paper that compares the similarities and differences of two items or processes related to your

Comparison Paper in the healthcare field Assignment objective: Your goal in this assignment is to write a paper that compares the similarities and differences of two items or processes related to your major or career in the style described within Unit III. In a larger context, the purpose of writing a comparative essay is to […]

Respond to the following discussion posts by writing at least 300 words per post adhering to the APA guidelines for master’s programs: Cassandra Hazelwood’s Post: When working with students who have

Respond to the following discussion posts by writing at least 300 words per post adhering to the APA guidelines for master’s programs: Cassandra Hazelwood’s Post: When working with students who have disabilities it is ideal to consider their strengths and interests when determining an end goal for their future. The individualistic approach not only encourages […]

INTERVIEW ASSIGNMENT NOTE: You must use the previous information within your first simplistic interview to complete this interview by expanding more on the interview that you have previously conducted

INTERVIEW ASSIGNMENT NOTE: You must use the previous information within your first simplistic interview to complete this interview by expanding more on the interview that you have previously conducted and completing a NEW interview document with the attached template (Previous interview is attached). The template MUST be USED, and all work must be completed at […]

Examining Zora Neale Hurston’s Work Instructions for the Short Response Paper: Write a 2-3 page essay responding to “The Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston. Using reader response critical theory, provide yo

Examining Zora Neale Hurston’s Work Instructions for the Short Response Paper: Write a 2-3 page essay responding to “The Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston. Using reader response critical theory, provide your opinion on the work’s strengths and/or shortcomings. This short paper will demonstrate that you have internalized and understood Hurston’s work and that you can […]



Educational leaders must possess strong collaborative skills and understand the processes and ethical practices necessary for effective strategic planning. As the leader of the project, you are now ta

Educational leaders must possess strong collaborative skills and understand the processes and ethical practices necessary for effective strategic planning. As the leader of the project, you are now tasked with devising the action plan for achieving the strategic goal. The plan should be based on your review of the district improvement plan, knowledge of the […]

Education Discussion: How does the assessment, lesson planning, and curriculum development of students relate to age 25 projections? What evidence is there of appropriate planning in the life of the

Education Discussion: How does the assessment, lesson planning, and curriculum development of students relate to age 25 projections?  What evidence is there of appropriate planning in the life of the individual interviewed in Adults with Special Needs?  Is there evidence of lack of planning? This post must be written at or above a masters level.

MATH Lesson Plan Assignment Instructions Overview Lesson planning is a key aspect of effective instruction. Lesson planning ranges from long-term planning (such as yearly or unit planning) to short-te

MATH Lesson Plan Assignment Instructions Overview Lesson planning is a key aspect of effective instruction. Lesson planning ranges from long-term planning (such as yearly or unit planning) to short-term planning (such as weekly or daily planning). For this assignment, you will develop a three-lesson learning segment using the provided Lesson Plan Template. All three lesson […]

Portfolio Cover Memo The portfolio memo should follow genre conventions of a memo (see sample). In it, you should discuss how the four assignments you have written for the course fulfill the student l

Portfolio Cover Memo The portfolio memo should follow genre conventions of a memo (see sample). In it, you should discuss how the four assignments you have written for the course fulfill the student learning outcomes for WRIT 300 (see Syllabus) as well as assignment instructions. 1-2 pages. the four learning outcomes are WRIT 300 Student Learning Outcomes: […]

1102 Annotated Bibliographies Your annotated bibliography assignment directions are at the bottom of this page. Please read carefully because this research-based task is worth 5% of your course grade

1102 Annotated Bibliographies Your annotated bibliography assignment directions are at the bottom of this page.  Please read carefully because this research-based task is worth 5% of your course grade. Overview Because research is an integral component of your end of unit argument essay, it is vital to start early, find the best sources, and keep […]

For this assignment you are not required to write a complete draft of your Argument Essay. Instead, you are to select a topic for your Argument Essay and write a detailed outline of your essay based o

For this assignment you are not required to write a complete draft of your Argument Essay. Instead, you are to select a topic for your Argument Essay and write a detailed outline of your essay based on the model below. Argument Essay Prompts In this assignment choose a specific issue in which two credible parties […]

For this assignment you are not required to write a complete draft of your Argument Essay. Instead, you are to select a topic for your Argument Essay and write a detailed outline of your essay based o

For this assignment you are not required to write a complete draft of your Argument Essay. Instead, you are to select a topic for your Argument Essay and write a detailed outline of your essay based on the model below. Argument Essay Prompts In this assignment choose a specific issue in which two credible parties […]

For this assignment you are not required to write a complete draft of your Argument Essay. Instead, you are to select a topic for your Argument Essay and write a detailed outline of your essay based o

For this assignment you are not required to write a complete draft of your Argument Essay. Instead, you are to select a topic for your Argument Essay and write a detailed outline of your essay based on the model below. Argument Essay Prompts In this assignment choose a specific issue in which two credible parties […]

For this assignment you are not required to write a complete draft of your Argument Essay. Instead, you are to select a topic for your Argument Essay and write a detailed outline of your essay based o

For this assignment you are not required to write a complete draft of your Argument Essay. Instead, you are to select a topic for your Argument Essay and write a detailed outline of your essay based on the model below. Argument Essay Prompts In this assignment choose a specific issue in which two credible parties […]

Preceptorship reflection Ensure that your responses are well-organized, clearly written, and free of grammatical errors.Include any references to literature or course materials in APA format. 200-35

Preceptorship reflection   Ensure that your responses are well-organized, clearly written, and free of grammatical errors. Include any references to literature or course materials in APA format. 200-350 words in each category please! Therapeutic Communication- In an outpatient setting communication with staff is important, they stay in a rotation and discuss which patient is in what […]

As you prepare for your upcoming student teaching assignment, take a moment to reflect on the classroom management strategies and concepts we’ve covered in this course so far (you’re already more than

As you prepare for your upcoming student teaching assignment, take a moment to reflect on the classroom management strategies and concepts we’ve covered in this course so far (you’re already more than halfway done with the course!). Prompt Choose one specific element that you find particularly valuable and plan to implement during your student teaching […]