Character Development & Purpose After studying Module 3: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the development of the major character in “The Yellow Wallpaper”. Analyze the hidden meanings be
Character Development & Purpose After studying Module 3: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the development of the major character in “The Yellow Wallpaper”. Analyze the hidden meanings behind her husband’s words and how the main character asserts her authority. Imagine if this story was told from John’s point of view instead. How would the story change? […]
Paper II: Literary Analysis Choose either “The Story of an Hour” or “The Yellow Wallpaper”. Next, you will identify the main character in the story. In this literary analysis, your focus is on address
Paper II: Literary Analysis Choose either “The Story of an Hour” or “The Yellow Wallpaper”. Next, you will identify the main character in the story. In this literary analysis, your focus is on addressing how the author uses characterization with your selected character to aid the reader in understanding??? (You must explore why the author […]
As an educational leader, you will be faced with a wide range of legal and ethical dilemmas as part of your professional practice. Applying personal character, practical wisdom, and discernment in mak
As an educational leader, you will be faced with a wide range of legal and ethical dilemmas as part of your professional practice. Applying personal character, practical wisdom, and discernment in making decisions that demonstrate best practices and the best interest of all stakeholders can be challenging, mainly when the path to resolution may not […]
No other sources outside of the videos in the attached file can be used: In the beginnings of the Civil Rights Movement, much of the focus centered on the inclusion and the integration of African Amer
No other sources outside of the videos in the attached file can be used: In the beginnings of the Civil Rights Movement, much of the focus centered on the inclusion and the integration of African Americans. However, around 1964, we can see that there is a shift happening in the movement, perhaps a shift in philosophy […]
SHEILA- UP TO 10/27/2024- ***** PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT ALL WORK IS AUTHENTIC- DO NOT USE AI IT WILL BE SCANNED***** ****** THIS ASSIGNMENT HAS 4 PARTS / PLEASE LABEL EACH PART SEPARATELY WITH REFERENCES WHEN COMPLETED****** PART 1- DISCUSSION 2- Ethical/Moral Implications of the At-Will Employment Doctrine An employer may terminate its employees at […]
Reader Response Paper – Kate Chopin’s Work Choose one of the works you read for the discussion, either “Desiree’s Baby” or “The Story of an Hour” and write a reader-response paper about it. What is a
Reader Response Paper – Kate Chopin’s Work Choose one of the works you read for the discussion, either “Desiree’s Baby” or “The Story of an Hour” and write a reader-response paper about it. What is a reader-response paper? Polyvalence reader-response critics are interested in the phenomenon of polyvalence—why texts mean different things to different people. […]
I would wish you to hire me in writing I don’t have work I am a degree holder
I would wish you to hire me in writing I don’t have work I am a degree holder
My son college essay he’s going to coll next year please faith help me he started it help us finish it thank you
My son college essay he’s going to coll next year please faith help me he started it help us finish it thank you
The legal and ethical use of technology is an everchanging landscape for educational leaders. Ensuring that all personnel are well-informed about legal and ethical best practices for the use of techno
The legal and ethical use of technology is an everchanging landscape for educational leaders. Ensuring that all personnel are well-informed about legal and ethical best practices for the use of technology is an essential function of successful leadership. Imagine you are one of the primary leaders in the organization where you currently work or are […]
Write a paper using the following guidelines: Review The Joint Commission’s 2024 National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs)both the “Download Chapter” and “Easy-to-Read Versions” (both are attached)Review
Write a paper using the following guidelines: Review The Joint Commission’s 2024 National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) both the “Download Chapter” and “Easy-to-Read Versions” (both are attached) Review the documents for the type of facility you are completing your preceptorship in Hospital, Critical Access Hospital, Home Care, or Nursing Care Center Using what you have […]
Themes in Kate Chopin’s Works After studying “Desiree’s Baby” and “The Story of an Hour” located in Module 2: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following: Discuss similar themes and symbo
Themes in Kate Chopin’s Works After studying “Desiree’s Baby” and “The Story of an Hour” located in Module 2: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following: Discuss similar themes and symbolism in the two works you read by Kate Chopin. Explain how and/or why Chopin’s characters struggle with themselves and their loved ones. Kate Chopin (1850–1904) […]
This week, you will submit your presentation based on your recommendation report. It will consist of approximately seven slides, accompanied by an audio recording of approximately 7 minutes in total (
This week, you will submit your presentation based on your recommendation report. It will consist of approximately seven slides, accompanied by an audio recording of approximately 7 minutes in total (or about 1 minute per slide). Please see the Changing Corporate Culture Project Overview for all of the assignment requirements, and refer to the Assignment […]
Help with an assignment on thesis statement see attached
Help with an assignment on thesis statement see attached
Literature Choices: “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning FERRARA That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall, Looking as if she were alive. I call That piece a wonder, now; Fra Pandolf’s hands Worked
Literature Choices: “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning FERRARA That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall, Looking as if she were alive. I call That piece a wonder, now; Fra Pandolf’s hands Worked busily a day, and there she stands. Will’t please you sit and look at her? I said “Fra Pandolf” by design, […]
Research an organization you would like to work for in the future. Respond to the following prompts in an essay format. Identify the organization, and describe the organization’s vision, mission, a
Research an organization you would like to work for in the future. Respond to the following prompts in an essay format. Identify the organization, and describe the organization’s vision, mission, and values. Explain the purpose of strategic planning and why it is necessary. Discuss the importance of vision and leadership in the pursuit of organizational […]
Hi I need to write an Rhetorical Analysis Essay about the article essay “ how it feels to be coloured me “ by Zora Neale Hurston. I attached that article essay here. Word count is 750 to 900. MLA form
Hi I need to write an Rhetorical Analysis Essay about the article essay “ how it feels to be coloured me “ by Zora Neale Hurston. I attached that article essay here. Word count is 750 to 900. MLA format Is must. You must have a singular ARGUMENT that is indicated by the thesis statement. You […]
VAL- UP TO 10/19/2024- ***** PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT ALL WORK IS AUTHENTIC- DO NOT USE AI IT WILL BE SCANNED***** ****** THIS ASSIGNMENT HAS 3 PARTS / PLEASE LABEL EACH PART SEPARATELY WITH REFERENCES WHEN COMPLETED****** PART 1- Module 1- ASSIGNMENT- (VAL)- Oral History Interview Conduct an Oral History Interview with someone elderly you […]
Prepare a PPP lesson plan, based on the PAST CONTINUOUS INTERRUPTED, with the information below. IMPORTANT NOTE: this is the first time the students have seen the past continuous. You are not required
Prepare a PPP lesson plan, based on the PAST CONTINUOUS INTERRUPTED, with the information below. IMPORTANT NOTE: this is the first time the students have seen the past continuous. You are not required to submit the actual materials, but do include a brief description of them. Use the table below to complete your lesson plan. We’ve completed the […]
I have a assignment due for my intro to professional wrtg class
I have a assignment due for my intro to professional wrtg class
Hello I have a 2 part discussion for a intro to professional writing class furter details to be discussed upok acceptance
Hello I have a 2 part discussion for a intro to professional writing class furter details to be discussed upok acceptance
a fiction book, short story, poem, song, movie, TV show (or episode), or play/musical. Examine 1-3 literary elements (theme, plot, character development, conflict, language, mood, point of view, setti
a fiction book, short story, poem, song, movie, TV show (or episode), or play/musical. Examine 1-3 literary elements (theme, plot, character development, conflict, language, mood, point of view, setting, etc) to provide an answer, in essay form, to the following question: How does your chosen story, book, poem, song, movie, play, or TV show/episode explore the concept of the […]
writing an application essay that applies for admission of undergraduate medical school . the assignment requires a statement of purpose better that describes your past experience and future professi
writing an application essay that applies for admission of undergraduate medical school . the assignment requires a statement of purpose better that describes your past experience and future professional plans .the point of this project is to give your practice of writing professional documents so do not fictionalize your experience or qualifications. The essay must […]
This week, you will submit the final version of your recommendation report. The final draft will include the title page, table of contents, executive summary, current situation, objectives, deliverabl
This week, you will submit the final version of your recommendation report. The final draft will include the title page, table of contents, executive summary, current situation, objectives, deliverables, costs/ROI, and references page. The required minimum length is 1,500 words. Please see the Changing Corporate Culture Project Overview for all of the assignment requirements. TOPIC: […]
With this assignment, I want you (our audience) to get some practice with the rhetorical terms that we list above (our purpose). We will use these rhetorical terms throughout the semester; they form t
With this assignment, I want you (our audience) to get some practice with the rhetorical terms that we list above (our purpose). We will use these rhetorical terms throughout the semester; they form the basis of the course. Throughout the course, you will develop your understanding of how rhetoric and writing function in social contexts. […]
In this module, you learned about the importance of building strong relationships with your students and the significance of social-emotional learning (SEL) in the K-12 classroom. For this discussion,
In this module, you learned about the importance of building strong relationships with your students and the significance of social-emotional learning (SEL) in the K-12 classroom. For this discussion, choose one specific element of building relationships with students and explore how it connects to and supports social-emotional learning. Some elements of relationship building to consider include: […]
Discussion Responses: Craft/write a written response to our assigned readings. Around 250 -350 words is the “sweet spot” for length–enough to engage, but not so long that it can’t be read quickly.Wr
Discussion Responses: Craft/write a written response to our assigned readings. Around 250 -350 words is the “sweet spot” for length–enough to engage, but not so long that it can’t be read quickly. Write across the assigned readings and resources, rather than just about one reading. (e.g., class discussion, articles, etc.) Also include personal and professional connections. […]
With this assignment, I want you (our audience) to get some practice with the rhetorical terms that we list above (our purpose). We will use these rhetorical terms throughout the semester; they form t
With this assignment, I want you (our audience) to get some practice with the rhetorical terms that we list above (our purpose). We will use these rhetorical terms throughout the semester; they form the basis of the course. Throughout the course, you will develop your understanding of how rhetoric and writing function in social contexts. […]
With this assignment, I want you (our audience) to get some practice with the rhetorical terms that we list above (our purpose). We will use these rhetorical terms throughout the semester; they form t
With this assignment, I want you (our audience) to get some practice with the rhetorical terms that we list above (our purpose). We will use these rhetorical terms throughout the semester; they form the basis of the course. Throughout the course, you will develop your understanding of how rhetoric and writing function in social contexts. […]
How to get started on Essay 2 – Visual Analysis Read the following essays first: • “The Elements of Documentary Film” (Take copious notes based on the ideas in this document) and • “What did that movi
How to get started on Essay 2 – Visual AnalysisRead the following essays first:• “The Elements of Documentary Film” (Take copious notes based on the ideas in thisdocument) and• “What did that movie mean?” (This essay will help you understand the difference between afilm “review” and a film “analysis.” This paper is a visual analysis […]
With this assignment, I want you (our audience) to get some practice with the rhetorical terms that we list above (our purpose). We will use these rhetorical terms throughout the semester; they form t
With this assignment, I want you (our audience) to get some practice with the rhetorical terms that we list above (our purpose). We will use these rhetorical terms throughout the semester; they form the basis of the course. Throughout the course, you will develop your understanding of how rhetoric and writing function in social contexts. […]
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5 paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis stat
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5 paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis statement that must be proven throughout your body paragraphs. You must include one sentence of quoted material from the film for […]
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5 paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis stat
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5 paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis statement that must be proven throughout your body paragraphs. You must include one sentence of quoted material from the film for […]
InstructionsFor this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5-paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a
InstructionsFor this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5-paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis statement that must be proven throughout your body paragraphs. You must include one sentence of quoted material from the film for each […]
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5 paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis stat
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5 paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis statement that must be proven throughout your body paragraphs. You must include one sentence of quoted material from the film for […]
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5 paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis stat
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5 paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis statement that must be proven throughout your body paragraphs. You must include one sentence of quoted material from the film for […]
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5 paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis stat
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5 paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis statement that must be proven throughout your body paragraphs. You must include one sentence of quoted material from the film for […]
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5 paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis stat
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5 paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis statement that must be proven throughout your body paragraphs. You must include one sentence of quoted material from the film for […]
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5 paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis stat
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5 paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis statement that must be proven throughout your body paragraphs. You must include one sentence of quoted material from the film for […]
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5-paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis stat
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5-paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis statement that must be proven throughout your body paragraphs. You must include one sentence of quoted material from the film for each […]
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5 paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis stat
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5 paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis statement that must be proven throughout your body paragraphs. You must include one sentence of quoted material from the film for […]
Oral Traditions & Culture After studying Module 1: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss how your own cultural practices, traditions, and stories have shaped you as a person. Explain how Jama
Oral Traditions & Culture After studying Module 1: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss how your own cultural practices, traditions, and stories have shaped you as a person. Explain how Jamaica Kincaid’s story is relatable or unrelatable. Think about it from several perspectives, personal, historical, political, or even ethical. Your initial post should be at least 200 […]
Research: Using Job Search Engines(, locate a list of jobs in your field, and analyze the job requirements. Choo
Research: Using Job Search Engines( locate a list of jobs in your field, and analyze the job requirements. Choose one job listing for your application letter. Explore: Using your research skills, locate some resumes of professionals in your field, and analyze the job skills listed.Assess: Using the Skills Assessment Worksheet from Harvard create an inventory of your own job skills.( assignment […]
Hsjusbsbsbdhdhene sbsndndnjxjxjfkdjdjsisiiseiieiejrjdjiejeuieiejjeejgeygvwcwcwcxxqxfaajannsmsmsmsowlwbsvshsiwhejeowjsegheieududhtwiwowpwbwjeuebibjsiebuebeiebsuebwowbwiebeibsowbwo93hshshshhsbebsjsjshsh
Hsjusbsbsbdhdhene sbsndndnjxjxjfkdjdjsisiiseiieiejrjdjiejeuieiejjeejgeygvwcwcwcxxqxfaajannsmsmsmsowlwbsvshsiwhejeowjsegheieududhtwiwowpwbwjeuebibjsiebuebeiebsuebwowbwiebeibsowbwo93hshshshhsbebsjsjshshdyehdhdhdrjrjdirbdjdjbdjdbejsebeiuwgdidhd8dbdbdjdbbdmmsjshejueusowowjw9qgwiehegeiehejeoejeiehe9ejejeheiehdidbsjduueehueehjeehsusjsienienbsgshduevgtwhwowpebdbjoabeheiwvueeksvejeenejdbuhdbeoe eiennejejejebsjisejeoejbdjdbebddonbsheeiejiejeijeje ejeieiehgeeiejeu9ewhe8hh
Choose: a product or process to define and describeResearch: the product or process using quality resourcesExplore: how the product or process is defined and described by your industryDeliverables:Par
Choose: a product or process to define and describeResearch: the product or process using quality resourcesExplore: how the product or process is defined and described by your industryDeliverables:Part Choose three terms to explore (choose either processes or products or a combination). You might want to choose terms from your area of study. Research the three terms […]
Hi I just want you to read and fix any errors and grammar please. This is a job mock application, it must be 1000 words if you can make it to that please. I need it to be professional. Thank you
Hi I just want you to read and fix any errors and grammar please. This is a job mock application, it must be 1000 words if you can make it to that please. I need it to be professional. Thank you
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5 paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis stat
For this assignment, you are to write a 1000-1,200-word rhetorical analysis essay over a film of your choosing. This essay needs to follow the 5 paragraph model. Your essay needs to have a thesis statement that must be proven throughout your body paragraphs. You must include one sentence of quoted material from the film for […]
Write an close reading essay of 5-7 pages (1,500-2,000 words) comparing The Haunting of Hill House and Wuthering Heights answering this prompt What is at stake (politically, culturally, and/or philoso
Write an close reading essay of 5-7 pages (1,500-2,000 words) comparing The Haunting of Hill House and Wuthering Heights answering this prompt What is at stake (politically, culturally, and/or philosophically) in the use of “Explained Supernatural” conventions in Gothic fiction? What values appear to be attached to supernatural vs. rational Gothic narratives? Please note that this […]
For this post I want students to identify what “race” you are AND also say why you think you are that “race.” (2 part discussion post) This post does not need to be the regular 250 word length. This i
For this post I want students to identify what “race” you are AND also say why you think you are that “race.” (2 part discussion post) This post does not need to be the regular 250 word length. This is a chance for us to delve into some of the complexities behind using “race” as […]
Unit VII Final Research Paper Assignment objective: In this assignment, you will produce your final paper with the addition of the counterargument and conclusion paragraph, your revised introduction
Unit VII Final Research Paper Assignment objective: In this assignment, you will produce your final paper with the addition of the counterargument and conclusion paragraph, your revised introduction paragraph and developed body paragraphs, and a references page with at least three sources. Length: The overall paper should be 1,300 to 1,500 words, not counting the references page. […]
Assessment Description As part of the capstone requirements, design an educational leadership action research project that is built as part of several courses in the program of study. The topic for th
Assessment Description As part of the capstone requirements, design an educational leadership action research project that is built as part of several courses in the program of study. The topic for the project is your choice, but it must be focused on an educational issue or problem within your school or an educational context with […]