Perception, Power, & Situational Leader Fred Fielder suggests that the situation must be modified to fit the leader. Discuss the following: How can power be used in a situation to enhance leadersh

Perception, Power, & Situational Leader Fred Fielder suggests that the situation must be modified to fit the leader. Discuss the following: How can power be used in a situation to enhance leadership? Why is the perception of power such an important idea in such an application? Submission Instructions:  The paper is to be clear and […]

Leadership Styles Compare similarities and contrasts between the Tannenbaum-Schmidt Continuum of Leader Behavior with Fiedler’s Leadership Contingency Model. Submission Instructions Your initial p

Leadership Styles Compare similarities and contrasts between the Tannenbaum-Schmidt Continuum of Leader Behavior with Fiedler’s Leadership Contingency Model. Submission Instructions  Your initial post should be at least 200 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.  I attached something for reference.

Leadership & Power Which type of “power” do you feel your supervisor has more influence with you (personal or positional) and why?Discuss Hersey and Natemeyer’s findings related to power. Submiss

Leadership & Power Which type of “power” do you feel your supervisor has more influence with you (personal or positional) and why? Discuss Hersey and Natemeyer’s findings related to power. Submission Instructions  Your initial post should be at least 200 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your […]

I need help with my 7 page essay with the prompt on claim of value.To complete this essay you need to be familiar with the book ” beggars in Spain by Nancy Kress” as evidence is to be presented from t

I need help with my 7 page essay with the prompt on claim of value.To complete this essay you need to be familiar with the book ” beggars in Spain by Nancy Kress” as evidence is to be presented from the novel. I am looking for someone who’s is proficient in MLA format, Correctly citing […]

Paper 3 is a bit different that the other papers we will write in this course. For paper 3, go to the Billington Library databases and find the resources you need to write Paper 4 (see below). That me

Paper 3 is a bit different that the other papers we will write in this course. For paper 3, go to the Billington Library databases and find the resources you need to write Paper 4 (see below). That means you need four database sources that are longer than 700 words and support the argument you […]

Diagnosis, Intervention, & Program Management Describe the diagnosis, intervention and program management for one of the issues at your work. Submission Instructions: Your initial post should

Diagnosis, Intervention, & Program Management Describe the diagnosis, intervention and program management for one of the issues at your work.  Submission Instructions:  Your initial post should be at least 200-250 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points. The opening sentence will […]

What is a good role playing activity for the production stage of the ppp lesson teaching the past continuous interrupted?   The Detective Interview is an effective role-playing activity for teachin

What is a good role playing activity for the production stage of the ppp lesson teaching the past continuous interrupted?      The Detective Interview is an effective role-playing activity for teaching the past continuous interrupted tense during the production part of a PPP session.The objective of the detective interview is to practice using the past […]

Assessment Description By analyzing the history of education and learning about fundamental changes in U.S. educational systems, educators will better understand the current state of education and be

Assessment Description By analyzing the history of education and learning about fundamental changes in U.S. educational systems, educators will better understand the current state of education and be able to hypothesize and implement positive change. Throughout this program of study, you will be asked to support assignments with relevant scholarly resources and cite those appropriately. […]

What is meant by the term “degree of integration of goals” and how can we achieve true integration? How are Likert’s causal, intervening, and end result variables useful in discussing and thinking abo

What is meant by the term “degree of integration of goals” and how can we achieve true integration? How are Likert’s causal, intervening, and end result variables useful in discussing and thinking about effectiveness? Your initial post should be at least 200 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 […]

You will develop a substantive understanding of the six components of reading as a process by creating a Reading Development Paper. In this assignment, you will identify, define, and explain each of t

You will develop a substantive understanding of the six components of reading as a process by creating a Reading Development Paper. In this assignment, you will identify, define, and explain each of the following six reading components: (comprehension, oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, and vocabulary) and their relevance to reading development. Paper Requirements:  APA […]

Applied Behavior Explain McGregor’s Theory X and Y. What are the important limitations of each?Explain the original purpose of the Hawthorne Studies as opposed to what they ended up showing. Make a l

Applied Behavior Explain McGregor’s Theory X and Y.  What are the important limitations of each? Explain the original purpose of the Hawthorne Studies as opposed to what they ended up showing. Make a list of points illustrated in the study. Explain McGregor’s Theory X and Y. What are the important limitations of each? Submission Instructions:  […]

I need help with my 7 page essay with the prompt on claim of policy. I am looking for someone who’s is proficient in MLA format, Correctly citing sources in text and works cited page, and who can find

I need help with my 7 page essay with the prompt on claim of policy. I am looking for someone who’s is proficient in MLA format, Correctly citing sources in text and works cited page, and who can find scholarly sources. Please be familiar with claim of policy and who to properly support my topic […]

English, a West Germanic language, is one of the most widely spoken and influential languages in the world. Its origins trace back to the early medieval period in England, evolving from a blend of dia

English, a West Germanic language, is one of the most widely spoken and influential languages in the world. Its origins trace back to the early medieval period in England, evolving from a blend of dialects spoken by the Anglo-Saxons, a group of tribes from present-day Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands. The language was further shaped […]

Paper 3: An Annotated Bibliography Paper 3 is a bit different that the other papers we will write in this course. For paper 3, go to the Billington Library databases and find the resources you need to

Paper 3: An Annotated BibliographyPaper 3 is a bit different that the other papers we will write in this course. For paper 3, goto the Billington Library databases and find the resources you need to write Paper 4 (see below).That means you need four database sources that are longer than 700 words and support theargument […]

To begin Reading Discussion 2, read “Alarmed by A.I. Chatbots, Universities Start Revamping How They Teach,” Actionsby Kalley Huang.

To begin Reading Discussion 2, read “Alarmed by A.I. Chatbots, Universities Start Revamping How They Teach,”   Actionsby Kalley Huang. 1.In your first post, use the article from Huang to address the following questions: What are AI chatbots? Why are colleges and universities concerned about them? What are they changing as a result? What are your […]

A good role-playing activity for the production stage of a PPP lesson on the past continuous interrupted may have students acting out scenarios in which one action interrupts another. Here’s a detaile

A good role-playing activity for the production stage of a PPP lesson on the past continuous interrupted may have students acting out scenarios in which one action interrupts another. Here’s a detailed prompt for this activity:—### Role-Playing Activity: Previous Continuous Interrupted**Objective:** To practice the past continuous tense with interruptions in a fun and interactive setting.**Setup:**1. […]

Review the project goals and examples at the A River of VoicesLinks to an external site.,” a national movement that focuses on countering divisions of race, culture, and bac

Review the project goals and examples at the A River of VoicesLinks to an external site.,” a national movement that focuses on countering divisions of race, culture, and background through poetry, artwork, videos, music, and dance. Submit your own “I Am From” poem, song, or creative writing (aim for 250 words.) Consider contributing your written piece to the […]

Peer-reviewed, research-based, journal articles from the GCU Library represents much of the learning resources you will be using in this program. This assignment will give you the opportunity to read

Peer-reviewed, research-based, journal articles from the GCU Library represents much of the learning resources you will be using in this program. This assignment will give you the opportunity to read and paraphrase academic research while getting experience in using APA Style that you will use during your entire program. Write a 250–500-word summary of the […]

This week’s discussion is part show and tell, part thought exercise. Go find an example of rhetoric being used to fight for social change or justice in current events, meaning something happening now.

This week’s discussion is part show and tell, part thought exercise. Go find an example of rhetoric being used to fight for social change or justice in current events, meaning something happening now. Let’s put the timeframe for the piece of rhetoric as sometime in the last year. What goal is the rhetoric trying to achieve? […]

Write a traditional, 5-8 page argumentative essay on a topic of your choice, including but not limited to our class units. You may pick whatever subject you want, and argue however you see fit, so lon

Write a traditional, 5-8 page argumentative essay on a topic of your choice, including but not limited to our class units. You may pick whatever subject you want, and argue however you see fit, so long as you’re employing rhetorical strategies learned in class to make a compelling, well-structured argument using 3-5 credible sources

Gloria Anzaldua : How to Tame a Wild Tongue 1. List the different kinds of languages Anzaldua says she speaks and organize them according to a principle of your own selection. Explain that principle a

Gloria Anzaldua : How to Tame a Wild Tongue 1. List the different kinds of languages Anzaldua says she speaks and organize them according to a principle of your own selection. Explain that principle and what the list it produces tells us about the Chicano/a experience with language. 2. How does Anzaldua use definition to […]

I need a revision for the file I attached and the revision should include To make your paper long enough, find more sources. 2) History and statistics are elements to add into your papers. So are You

I need a revision for the file I attached and the revision should include  To make your paper long enough, find more sources. 2) History and statistics are elements to add into your papers. So are YouTube videos and yelp reviews. 3) Additional interviews and specific details can always help, even if you have several […]

Which definition most aptly describes your current job situation: long-term effort, support from top management, visioning processes, empowerment processes, learning processes, problem-solving, or ong

Which definition most aptly describes your current job situation: long-term effort, support from top management, visioning processes, empowerment processes, learning processes, problem-solving, or ongoing collaborative management of the organization’s culture? Please be specific in your answer. Submission Instructions: The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, […]

“Community” is a word and concept that permeates education. However, “community” is a word we take for granted, and there is no one experience of community. Each of us has different experiences that

“Community” is a word and concept that permeates education.  However, “community” is a word we take for granted, and there is no one experience of community.  Each of us has different experiences that inform our conceptions of it.  In order for us to build a learning community, let’s be intentional and transparent about what we […]

(concept analysis/shyness essay) Introduction: The introduction should give background (summary, author, purpose, etc) on the essay being analyzed. Suggest improvements. Thesis: The thesis should stat

(concept analysis/shyness essay) Introduction: The introduction should give background (summary, author, purpose, etc) on the essay being analyzed. Suggest improvements.Thesis: The thesis should state how the author is going to analyze the essay. It should be clear and specific in stating what the essay will be about. Suggest improvements.Topic sentences: Each paragraph should begin with […]

This should be a fun activity that allows you to show creativity. You will create a thematic demonstration of each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. How you do this is completely up to you. Some examples tha

This should be a fun activity that allows you to show creativity. You will create a thematic demonstration of each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. How you do this is completely up to you. Some examples that have been used previously include: Finding NemoLinks to an external site., Harry Potter,Links to an external site. FriendsLinks to an external site., […]

This should be a fun activity that allows you to show creativity. You will create a thematic demonstration of each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. How you do this is completely up to you. Some examples tha

This should be a fun activity that allows you to show creativity. You will create a thematic demonstration of each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. How you do this is completely up to you. Some examples that have been used previously include: Finding NemoLinks to an external site., Harry Potter,Links to an external site. FriendsLinks to an external site., […]

Define and describe the concept of Organization Development, show how it operates, and describe the role of action research in strengthening an organization’s structure, culture, and processes. Streng

Define and describe the concept of Organization Development, show how it operates, and describe the role of action research in strengthening an organization’s structure, culture, and processes. Strengthen your argument by choosing one of the seven illustrations cited in Chapter One that best fits your workplace. You will support your choice by giving examples from […]

I would like help completing my essay for English 103. The essay needs to describe how perception management is used to cover up reality. The topic I chose was police brutality and I have already star

I would like help completing my essay for English 103. The essay needs to describe how perception management is used to cover up reality. The topic I chose was police brutality and I have already started the assignment which should give you the bones of where I would like the essay to go. Has to […]

write 3 page profile of a fun summertime activity. This could be an outdoor activity like fishing, disc golf, or going to the pool. However, it can also be an indoor activity, or an on-going activity

write 3 page profile of a fun summertime activity. This could be an outdoor activity like fishing, disc golf, or going to the pool. However, it can also be an indoor activity, or an on-going activity that you happen to enjoy during the summer. Regardless of your choice of topics, spend some time observing your […]

Please do not use ChatGPT or any ai generated text for the following essay. Please read the displayed caption on Avenue Montaigne in Paris, France which refers to Da Vinci and his artistic creation o

Please do not use ChatGPT or any ai generated text for the following essay.  Please read the displayed caption on Avenue Montaigne in Paris, France which refers to Da Vinci and his artistic creation of the Vitruvian Man : We subscribe to the principles of vitruvius where perfect proportions exist in human design, and beauty is […]

Pick a social issue that is personally important to you, and decide what your stance on it is. In a short essay, lay out the following: Why is this important, and why are you right? (Use supporting ar

Pick a social issue that is personally important to you, and decide what your stance on it is. In a short essay, lay out the following: Why is this important, and why are you right? (Use supporting arguments with detail and support from credible sources) Topic:The impact of media portrayal on body image and self-esteem  […]

Early Field Experience Report #1 We have explored using modifications to meet the needs of all learners in the classroom. Using the videos provided below, please share your observations in the areas l

 Early Field Experience Report #1 We have explored using modifications to meet the needs of all learners in the classroom. Using the videos provided below, please share your observations in the areas listed below. Make sure you write the question and then your answer (being fully answered). In what ways did you observe […]

PLEASE DO NOT USE CHATGPT OR ANY OTHER SORT OF AI-GENERATED TEXT! Please describe your response by answering all questions below. All questions should be answered in the same chronological order as

PLEASE DO NOT USE CHATGPT OR ANY OTHER SORT OF AI-GENERATED TEXT!  Please describe your response by answering all questions below.  All questions should be answered in the same chronological order as they appear. Please do not include any sub-titles and questions in the body of your final essay. Avenue Montaigne in Paris, France which refers to Da […]

The candidate will write an 8-page, excluding title and reference pages, research-based paper in current APA format that focuses on the topic of curriculum design and development. The topic must addre

The candidate will write an 8-page, excluding title and reference pages, research-based paper in current APA format that focuses on the topic of curriculum design and development. The topic must address at least two prominent curriculum theorists’ positions and the candidate’s stance for or against the curriculum models. In addition, the candidate will need to […]

This module assignment is quite simple (and fun, especially if you have a creative vibe). Create a short infographic that highlights/communicates at least five important things that you learned about

This module assignment is quite simple (and fun, especially if you have a creative vibe). Create a short infographic that highlights/communicates at least five important things that you learned about digital citizenship, acceptable use policies, and/or technology integration in schools from this module. To get full credit on this assignment, don’t just give me a key term […]

Pick a social issue that is personally important to you, and decide what your stance on it is. Social issues I would like for it to be would be: The impact of media portrayal on body image and self-es

Pick a social issue that is personally important to you, and decide what your stance on it is. Social issues I would like for it to be would be: The impact of media portrayal on body image and self-esteem  Using this prompt, please submit the following here: Your overall topic Your thesis statement A working […]

What’s one of your favorite pieces of visual rhetoric? Why? What makes it good? Think deeply and critically; apply the principles of visual rhetoric we’ve learned this week. Don’t just tell me “it’s c

What’s one of your favorite pieces of visual rhetoric? Why? What makes it good? Think deeply and critically; apply the principles of visual rhetoric we’ve learned this week. Don’t just tell me “it’s cool,” or “it’s pretty,” or “it’s scary.” What specifically about its construction makes it these things? And maybe even more difficult: is it effective?  Why […]

Discussion Post: Initial post of a minimum of 250 words– citing any references used to support your opinion. Topic: While herbal supplements must follow good manufacturing practices, they are not app

Discussion Post: Initial post of a minimum of 250 words– citing any references used to support your opinion. Topic: While herbal supplements must follow good manufacturing practices, they are not approved by the FDA for treating conditions or disease. What factors do you think one should consider when deciding whether to use an herbal supplement? Topic: While herbal […]

South Dakota State University Admission Statement Provide a statement of at least 500-1000 words describing your plans once you have earned a Master’s of Library and Information Science. Please respon

South Dakota State University Admission Statement Provide a statement of at least 500-1000 words describing your plans once you have earned a Master’s of Library and Information Science. Please respond to these statements specifically: ·Your perception of the role of a library and information service professional. ·         Why you want to become a library and […]

Military and Professional Bearing INSTRUCTIONS: Informative Essay, NO FIRST PERSON Introduction 1st paragraph Body 2nd-4th paragraphs Conclusion 5th paragraph 3 or less sentences 5-6 references 80% fr

Military and Professional Bearing INSTRUCTIONS: Informative Essay, NO FIRST PERSON Introduction 1st paragraph Body 2nd-4th paragraphs Conclusion 5th paragraph 3 or less sentences 5-6 references 80% from you 20% references intext citation length 750-1250 words NO MORE THAN 1250 words Army writing style and standard written English Informative Essay, NO FIRST PERSON Introduction 1st paragraph Body […]

Instructions: Although Jainism and its ascetic movement may have been very popular in India at one time, today it is a minority religion. Why is that? In your essay you must define Jainism, include it

Instructions: Although Jainism and its ascetic movement may have been very popular in India at one time, today it is a minority religion. Why is that? In your essay you must define Jainism, include its history and address the question of why its followers are a minority. Remember to follow the rules established in the […]