Week 7 Bonus Think back on Lessons 15 and 16. Do you see any similarity between events, people, or decisions that you can relate to what is happening now in the United States? Find TWO stories from re

Week 7 Bonus Think back on Lessons 15 and 16. Do you see any similarity between events, people, or decisions that you can relate to what is happening now in the United States? Find TWO stories from recent news that you believe incidents in Lessons 15 or 16 could apply (how could we learn from […]

Think back on Lessons 15 and 16. Do you see any similarity between events, people, or decisions that you can relate to what is happening now in the United States? Find TWO stories from recent news tha

Think back on Lessons 15 and 16. Do you see any similarity between events, people, or decisions that you can relate to what is happening now in the United States? Find TWO stories from recent news that you believe incidents in Lessons 15 or 16 could apply (how could we learn from history?). Post the […]

Peer Reply Prompt Question:What role did environmental challenges, such as drought or desertification, play in the rise or decline of significant empires like Ghana, Mali, or Songhai?Scholarly Reflect

Peer Reply Prompt Question: What role did environmental challenges, such as drought or desertification, play in the rise or decline of significant empires like Ghana, Mali, or Songhai? Scholarly Reflection: Consider how these challenges shaped societal developments and examine the differing paths of empires that successfully adapted to environmental pressures compared to those that failed to […]

Use only this book: Franklin, From Slavery to Freedom, 10/eEdition: 10Author: John Hope Franklin Reflection Topic: African economic and social structure.Reading Materials Unit 1, Course modules Chapt

Use only this book: Franklin, From Slavery to Freedom, 10/eEdition: 10Author: John Hope Franklin Reflection Topic: African economic and social structure. Reading Materials  Unit 1, Course modules Chapter 1 to Chapter 2 Choose One Prompt Prompt A:Analyze the influence of ecological and environmental factors on the development of West African civilizations. How did these factors shape […]

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsFor the last four weeks you have been preparing the components of your Business Plan. For your final assignment, you will compile the work you

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsFor the last four weeks you have been preparing the components of your Business Plan. For your final assignment, you will compile the work you have completed using the feedback you received into one comprehensive business plan. Please use the Business Plan Template 2021.docx provided to write your six- […]

: Moral and Ethical Issues in Business Looking back at what you have learned in this course regarding the different aspects of business and the moral and ethical issues we face in the business world t

: Moral and Ethical Issues in Business Looking back at what you have learned in this course regarding the different aspects of business and the moral and ethical issues we face in the business world today, reflect on and answer the following questions: (Provide examples from the text to support your responses.) 1 Timothy 6:9 […]

For the Session 4 Final Milestone Include the following in a one- to two-page paper: Industry and Market AnalysisWhat is the potential size (approximately) of your market within your specific locati

For the Session 4 Final Milestone Include the following in a one- to two-page paper: Industry and Market Analysis What is the potential size (approximately) of your market within your specific location? (Suggested sources of data are the U.S. Census, Chamber of Commerce, etc.). Marketing Strategy What is your specific target market/segmentation? What is your […]

TurnitinThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsSuccessful marketing is a mix of knowing customer needs and how to satisfy those needs. Customers are looking for value (the benefits

TurnitinThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsSuccessful marketing is a mix of knowing customer needs and how to satisfy those needs. Customers are looking for value (the benefits of a product versus its cost) and companies aim to create that value. Visit the Dell website and answer the following questions: What target market approach does […]

Go to the Helping People Motivate Themselves website and review several articles on motivation. Answer the following questions (include information in your response from the articles and the text): De

Go to the Helping People Motivate Themselves website and review several articles on motivation. Answer the following questions (include information in your response from the articles and the text): Define the basic components and importance of a well-defined human resources plan. List three things that motivate you in the workplace. Does being a Christian influence what motivates […]

Assignment 5: Research Paper Weight: 30% of your final course grade Due: At the end of Unit 9 Length: 2,000–2,500 words Instructions This assignment builds on your research proposal (Assignment 3) and

Assignment 5: Research Paper Weight: 30% of your final course grade Due: At the end of Unit 9 Length: 2,000–2,500 words Instructions This assignment builds on your research proposal (Assignment 3) and your annotated bibliography (Assignment 4). Your final paper must include: Introduction: One to two paragraphs briefly explaining the significance of the question you chose to answer, and answers the question in […]

Weight: 15% of your final course grade Suggested Due Date: At the end of Unit 6 Length: Seven (7) sources (including a minimum of 5 academic sources). 2–3 paragraphs per source (around 1,100–1,200 wor

Weight: 15% of your final course grade Suggested Due Date: At the end of Unit 6 Length: Seven (7) sources (including a minimum of 5 academic sources). 2–3 paragraphs per source (around 1,100–1,200 words in total) Instructions Submit an annotated bibliography of the sources you expect to use in your Research Paper (Assignment 5). An annotated bibliography is a list of sources, each […]

Weight: 15% of your final course grade Suggested Due Date: At the end of Unit 5 Length: This assignment must not be longer than two pages. Instructions For this assignment, you will choose a topic for

Weight: 15% of your final course grade Suggested Due Date: At the end of Unit 5 Length: This assignment must not be longer than two pages. Instructions For this assignment, you will choose a topic for your Research Paper (Assignment 5) that is relevant to any of the units in this course (some topics are suggested below). You must then […]

Assignment 2: Connections Assignment Weight: 15% of your final course grade Suggested Due Date: At the end of Unit 4 Length: 1–2-page Concept Map (i.e., chart, graphic organizer, table, flowchart, Ve

Assignment 2: Connections Assignment Weight: 15% of your final course grade Suggested Due Date: At the end of Unit 4 Length: 1–2-page Concept Map  (i.e., chart, graphic organizer, table, flowchart, Venn diagram, or T-chart) Instructions Choose one key concept from each of the three groups below (in any order), and design a conceptual map in which you present the connection between the three […]

Assignment 1: Critical Reflection Paper Weight: 10% of your final course grade Suggested Due Date: At the end of Unit 2 Length: 700–750 words Instructions Pick three readings from Units 1 and 2 and pr

Assignment 1: Critical Reflection Paper Weight: 10% of your final course grade Suggested Due Date: At the end of Unit 2 Length: 700–750 words Instructions Pick three readings from Units 1 and 2 and prepare a 700–750 word paper in which you react to them from your own perspective. A personal reflection requires critically thinking about what you have read / viewed by […]

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsAs: As you continue to develop your business plan for your new business, reflect on the organizational culture you would like to create and su

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsAs: As you continue to develop your business plan for your new business, reflect on the organizational culture you would like to create and sustain. For more information and examples of organizational culture, read Chapter 7 in your textbook and the 2 articles assigned to you in this week’s […]

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsFor the Session 3 Final Milestone: Include the following in a one- to two-page paper: Operational IssuesHow will you produce and deliver you

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsFor the Session 3 Final Milestone: Include the following in a one- to two-page paper: Operational Issues How will you produce and deliver your company’s product or service to market? What are your sources of suppliers (if applicable)? What facilities (type and lease/purchase), equipment, software and hardware are needed […]

Discussion Prompt: Management Skills Chapter 6 discusses the different skills that managers need in order to effectively run an organization and meet the goals of the organization. Which of those skil

Discussion Prompt: Management Skills Chapter 6 discusses the different skills that managers need in order to effectively run an organization and meet the goals of the organization. Which of those skills do you consider to be the most important? In addition to these skills, are there other skills that are needed by managers? How might […]

Discussion Prompt: Management Skills Chapter 6 discusses the different skills that managers need in order to effectively run an organization and meet the goals of the organization. Which of those skil

Discussion Prompt: Management Skills Chapter 6 discusses the different skills that managers need in order to effectively run an organization and meet the goals of the organization. Which of those skills do you consider to be the most important? In addition to these skills, are there other skills that are needed by managers? How might […]

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsRefer to your assigned textbook readings for this session as you complete this assignment. Include the following in a one- to two-page paper

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsRefer to your assigned textbook readings for this session as you complete this assignment. Include the following in a one- to two-page paper: Business Description Explain/justify the proposed form of the organization (partnership, corporation, sole proprietorship). Industry and Market Analysis Give a brief analysis of the industry. Explain two […]

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.Instructions the following linked case study and complete the task provided. Case Study Ali Bush.pdf Develop a Word table outlining the advantages and d

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.Instructions the following linked case study and complete the task provided. Case Study Ali Bush.pdf Develop a Word table outlining the advantages and disadvantages of each business ownership option outlined in Chapter 4, keeping Ali’s business idea in mind. In addition to your table, include a one- to two-page […]

Types of Small Businesses Tell your classmates and instructor what small business you are planning for your course business plan and why.What form of business ownership do you plan on using? What are

 Types of Small Businesses Tell your classmates and instructor what small business you are planning for your course business plan and why. What form of business ownership do you plan on using? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this form of ownership? Be specific and give examples. From a biblical worldview, what are […]

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsAccording to their website, Ben & Jerry's was founded on and dedicated to a sustainable corporate concept of linked prosperity

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsAccording to their website, Ben & Jerry's was founded on and dedicated to a sustainable corporate concept of linked prosperity. While they sold their company to Unilever a couple of decades ago, their agreement was to maintain an independent board. They have a reputation as one of the leading […]

: Economic Systems “Economics is the study of how wealth is created and distributed” (Pride, Hughes, & Kapoor, 2023, 33). As your text further describes, wealth is “’ anything of value,’ includin

:  Economic Systems “Economics is the study of how wealth is created and distributed” (Pride, Hughes, & Kapoor, 2023, 33). As your text further describes, wealth is “’ anything of value,’ including goods and services produced and sold by business” (Pride, Hughes, & Kapoor, 2023, 13). Economic foundations of business play a very important role […]

First watch the PBS video: Reconstruction: A Moment In The Sun REQUIREMENTS: Using the REQUIRED textbooks listed in the READING Materials section of the CONTENT area, and showcasing the history discov

First watch the PBS video: Reconstruction: A Moment In The Sun REQUIREMENTS: Using the REQUIRED textbooks listed in the READING Materials section of the CONTENT area, and showcasing the history discovered by citing the exact PAGE in the book that you found the HISTORY discussed. Aside from the video, you may use additional scholarly sources but […]

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsBusiness Plan Prep A business plan is comprised of a written statement of the rationale for the enterprise and a step-by-step explanation o

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsBusiness Plan Prep  A business plan is comprised of a written statement of the rationale for the enterprise and a step-by-step explanation of how it will achieve its goals. A business plan is in effect a blueprint, (or, in this course, a written document), that structures all of a […]

assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsAccording to their website, Ben & Jerry's was founded on and dedicated to a sustainable corporate concept of linked prosperity. Whi

 assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsAccording to their website, Ben & Jerry's was founded on and dedicated to a sustainable corporate concept of linked prosperity. While they sold their company to Unilever a couple of decades ago, their agreement was to maintain an independent board. They have a reputation as one of the leading innovative […]

You will be graded not only for the quality of your posting but also for the level of your participation in this discussion. Your initial post is due by Wednesday at 11:59 P.M. (MT) of the week in whi

You will be graded not only for the quality of your posting but also for the level of your participation in this discussion. Your initial post is due by Wednesday at 11:59 P.M. (MT) of the week in which the discussion is assigned. A minimum of two (2) additional response posts are due by Sunday […]

A new movement has started since the early 2000s, where some political groups are trying to remove American history from our children’s school curriculum and textbooks, specifically slave history. How

A new movement has started since the early 2000s, where some political groups are trying to remove American history from our children’s school curriculum and textbooks, specifically slave history. However, these groups also do not want to cover segregation or civil rights.  By removing the history that we have just covered in these last eight weeks, the  […]

In essay format 1. You will need to have at least 300 words in this post plus full references due Sunday … 2 Also 2 peer responses that are at least 100 words each minimum to complete the Essay re

In essay format  1. You will need to have at least 300 words in this post plus full references due Sunday … 2 Also 2 peer responses that are at least 100 words each minimum to complete the Essay responses due Sunday. 3. You must reference using one of the three formats and following your major’s designated style: […]

Weight: 25% of your final grade Length: 1500 words Due: Upon completion of Unit 4 Instructions This assignment is about conclusions: analytical conclusions on labour and labour struggles in the cotton

Weight: 25% of your final grade Length: 1500 words Due: Upon completion of Unit 4 Instructions This assignment is about conclusions: analytical conclusions on labour and labour struggles in the cotton and rubber industries, and strategic conclusions for future labour movements. The assignment should draw on the Unit 4 readings, and indeed all of the notes you took throughout […]

Weight: 25% of your final grade Length: 1500 words Due: Upon completion of Unit 3 Instructions This is a comparative essay assignment that draws on the development of labour in the global rubber and c

Weight: 25% of your final grade Length: 1500 words Due: Upon completion of Unit 3 Instructions This is a comparative essay assignment that draws on the development of labour in the global rubber and cotton industries, and it requires you to do two things: Create a table—found in the first section of Unit 3 of the Study Guide—that charts the development […]

Colonel Ulysses Doubleday’s brigade Syllabus States: Your posts must be at least 300 words in content. In-depth explanations of the exact expectations are located in the Discussion area of the class.

 Colonel Ulysses Doubleday’s brigade Syllabus States: Your posts must be at least 300 words in content. In-depth explanations of the exact expectations are located in the Discussion area of the class. 1. You will need to have at least 300 words in this post plus full references due Friday …Research must be done in the library using JSTOR […]

Syllabus States: Your posts must be at least 300 words in content. In-depth explanations of the exact expectations are located in the Discussion area of the class. 1. You will need to have at least 30

Syllabus States: Your posts must be at least 300 words in content. In-depth explanations of the exact expectations are located in the Discussion area of the class. 1. You will need to have at least 300 words in this post plus full references due Friday …Research must be done in the library using JSTOR database or other sources […]

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsIn this two-part final project, you will construct an in-depth examination of Jesus’s NT fulfillment of the entire OT system. The book of Hebr

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsIn this two-part final project, you will construct an in-depth examination of Jesus’s NT fulfillment of the entire OT system. The book of Hebrews is one giant OT sermon in the NT. The section in view for this assignment focuses on how Jesus fulfills the OT. Part 1: Take […]

The Gospel in the OT After completing the required reading and watching the lectures, answer the following prompt: Read Psalm 22 and Matthew 26-27 again. Answer the following questions: What is your r

 The Gospel in the OT After completing the required reading and watching the lectures, answer the following prompt: Read Psalm 22 and Matthew 26-27 again. Answer the following questions: What is your reaction to the connection in language between a NT Gospel and an OT Psalm? Is this just a big coincidence, or is there […]

This week you will write a comprehensive APA analysis paper utilizing all the knowledge you have gained in HIS2000. Use what you have learned from the READ and ATTEND sections throughout the course (i

This week you will write a comprehensive APA analysis paper utilizing all the knowledge you have gained in HIS2000. Use what you have learned from the READ and ATTEND sections throughout the course (including unit 5) and at least three scholarly sources to address the items listed below (minimum 1000 words). If you need support […]



Weight: 25% of your final grade Length: 1500 words Due: Upon completion of Unit 1 Instructions This assignment lays the analytical groundwork for the rest of the course. Reviewing Unit 1 of the Study

Weight: 25% of your final grade Length: 1500 words Due: Upon completion of Unit 1 Instructions This assignment lays the analytical groundwork for the rest of the course. Reviewing Unit 1 of the Study Guide, you should write an essay dealing with the following questions: What comes to your mind when you hear the term global labour history? What, […]

HIST221 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIXgLCorFAg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PbxSl-U89w&t=1s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUVkXthLz4w https://archive.org/details/lifetimesoffrede1881dou

HIST221 https://archive.org/details/lifetimesoffrede1881doug/page/334/mode/2up REQUIREMENTS: Using the REQUIRED textbooks listed in the READING Materials section of the CONTENT area, and showcasing the history discovered by citing the exact PAGE in the book that you found the HISTORY discussed. You may use additional scholarly sources but the textbook must be used and cited with exact pages to show […]

HIST221 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIXgLCorFAg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PbxSl-U89w&t=1s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUVkXthLz4w https://archive.org/details/lifetimesoffred

HIST221 https://archive.org/details/lifetimesoffrede1881doug/page/334/mode/2up REQUIREMENTS: Using the REQUIRED textbooks listed in the READING Materials section of the CONTENT area, and showcasing the history discovered by citing the exact PAGE in the book that you found the HISTORY discussed. You may use additional scholarly sources but the textbook must be used and cited with exact pages to show […]

Weight: 25% of your final grade Length: 1000 words Due: Upon completion of Unit 2 Instructions This assignment requires you to do two things: Create a table—found in the first section of Unit 2 of the

Weight: 25% of your final grade Length: 1000 words Due: Upon completion of Unit 2 Instructions This assignment requires you to do two things: Create a table—found in the first section of Unit 2 of the Study Guide—that charts the development of labour in the global cotton industry, including different divisions of labour, forms of control of labour, causes […]

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsA “vlog” is s video blog. This is a medium where you express yourself, however, you want; but with a penchant for professionalism, we don’t wa

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsA “vlog” is s video blog. This is a medium where you express yourself, however, you want; but with a penchant for professionalism, we don’t want to just talk off the cuff.  This week, you are to create a written script and a two-part vlog where you interact with […]

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsIn this two-part final project, you will construct an in-depth examination of Jesus’s NT fulfillment of the entire OT system. The book of Hebr

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsIn this two-part final project, you will construct an in-depth examination of Jesus’s NT fulfillment of the entire OT system. The book of Hebrews is one giant OT sermon in the NT. The section in view for this assignment focuses on how Jesus fulfills the OT. Part 1: Take […]

You will be graded not only for your posting, but also for your participation in this discussion. Your initial post is due by Wednesday at 11:59 P.M. (MT) of the week in which the discussion is assign

You will be graded not only for your posting, but also for your participation in this discussion. Your initial post is due by Wednesday at 11:59 P.M. (MT) of the week in which the discussion is assigned. A minimum of two (2) additional response posts are due by Sunday at 11:59 P.M. (MT). Participation is […]

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsIn this two-part final project, you will construct an in-depth examination of Jesus’s NT fulfillment of the entire OT system. The book of Hebr

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsIn this two-part final project, you will construct an in-depth examination of Jesus’s NT fulfillment of the entire OT system. The book of Hebrews is one giant OT sermon in the NT. The section in view for this assignment focuses on how Jesus fulfills the OT. Part 1: Take […]

You will be graded not only for your posting, but also for your participation in this discussion. Your initial post is due by Wednesday at 11:59 P.M. (MT) of the week in which the discussion is assign

You will be graded not only for your posting, but also for your participation in this discussion. Your initial post is due by Wednesday at 11:59 P.M. (MT) of the week in which the discussion is assigned. A minimum of two (2) additional response posts are due by Sunday at 11:59 P.M. (MT). Participation is […]

Using your textbook and internet resources…answer the following for your discussion. Declaration of Independence—- Pick one Founding Father and explain to the class how they dealt with the new Am

Using your textbook and internet resources…answer the following for your discussion.  Declaration of Independence—- Pick one Founding Father and explain to the class how they dealt with the new American nation and the issue of Slaves and Slavery? Explain if they were for or against keeping slavery in America and what they did politically to ensure their […]

Your posts must be at least 300 words in content. In-depth explanations of the exact expectations are located in the Discussion area of the class. You will need to have at least 300 words in this post

Your posts must be at least 300 words in content. In-depth explanations of the exact expectations are located in the Discussion area of the class. You will need to have at least 300 words in this post plus full references due Sunday …Research must be done in the library using JSTOR database or other sources that are creditable. […]

Discussion Prompt: How Should We Then Suffer? The Hebrew name for the book of Psalms is Tehillim, or “Praises.” Perhaps this is what we might expect from a book that concludes its very final chapter,

Discussion Prompt: How Should We Then Suffer?  The Hebrew name for the book of Psalms is Tehillim, or “Praises.” Perhaps this is what we might expect from a book that concludes its very final chapter, “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!!” (Ps 150:6, English Standard Version). It often strikes modern […]

Settling the Americas, 10,000 BCE-1700 A. Directions Step 1: Choose Two Primary Sources Review the U.S. History I Touchstone Primary Source List and choose two for your assignment. Your two primary so

Settling the Americas, 10,000 BCE-1700 A. Directions Step 1: Choose Two Primary Sources Review the U.S. History I Touchstone Primary Source List and choose two for your assignment. Your two primary soHistory 1 Directions Step 1: Choose Two Primary Sources Review the U.S. History I Touchstone Primary Source List and choose two for your assignment. […]