Choose a favorite film or video game – where MUSIC plays an important role.
1. Embed a video that shows an excerpt of the film or video game (an excerpt that highlights the music). 2. Which type of music (discussed in chapter 68) is used (Underscoring – source music – leitmotif) ? Explain why. 3. Are there particular moments when you think the music is […]
Comparing Constitution
Compare the United States Constitution and the Constitution for the State of Georgia. What are some of the primary similarities and differences? Why might these documents seem so different? In particular, discuss the differences in the amendment processes for the U.S. Constitution and the Georgia State Constitution. Under which amendment process does the successful passage […]
world hist week 6
Explain the influence of the Cold War between the United States and Soviet Union on political and military conflicts in Latin America. Primary sources are below. Please use two primary sources and the textbook chapter for this which is Chapter 14.2-14.4 of Kordas, A. M., Lynch, R. J., Nelson, K. B., & Tatlock, J. (2022). […]
International Relations
Research Paper Assignment INR 2002 PAPER ASSIGNMENT Paper Basics In the latter portion of the course we are going to consider a number of contemporary issues in international relations. Some of them are extremely broad (international political economics, war), others are just somewhat extremely broad (nuclear proliferation, terrorism). Either way, we are only going to […]
I’m in AP World History and I would love some general help when needed and would like some explanations when needed too 🙂
Identify the element with the shorthand notation: [Rn] 7s2 5f5
Medical PracticesMexicanWar v. CivilWar ● Describemedical care challenges during theMexicanWar and the CivilWar. ● Assess American policy regarding treating the wounded during theMexican War versus the American CivilWar.What are some similarities and differences? ● Analyze how disease posed amore significant threat than the battlefield of both wars. ● How hasmilitary medicine improved today compared to […]
Industrialization and how it improved America during WW II Provide a thesis and outline for your final essay based on the research question posed in the assignment. Your thesis should be a historical argument that is based on evidence that you have reviewed to this point. It can change between this assignment and completion of […]
Part A Whether the United States was justified in using Atomic bombs on Japan in August 1945 and the effects of those bombings remain a topic of heated debate among historians and the public. Analyze the available evidence and explain the controversy. Directions: Using the textbook chapters and at least two of the primary sources listed […]
Read the documents Billings, 1-2 Read pages Billings, 1-2 in pdf Use easy English. No AI such as ChatGPT or Gemini or similar. Note that they AI detector to detect any AI texts, AI paraphrasing or Plagiarism. After the finishing to write save the document as “ Billings, 1-2”
Red the documents Ladd, 29-39 Read pages Ladd, 29-39 in pdf Use easy English. No AI such as ChatGPT or Gemini or similar. Note that they AI detector to detect any AI texts, AI paraphrasing or Plagiarism. After the finishing to write save the document as “ Ladd, 29-39”
Read the document Read pages Olson, 362-88 in the book: Olson, Roger E. The Mosaic of Christian Belief, 2nd ed. IVP Academic, 2016. ISBN 978-0830851256 Use easy English. No AI such as ChatGPT or Gemini or similar. Note that they AI detector to detect any AI texts, AI paraphrasing or Plagiarism. After the finishing to […]
Read the document! Grenz, 599-622 Read pages Grenz, 599-622 in the book: Grenz, Stanley J. Theology for the Community of God. Eerdmans, 2000. ISBN 978-0802847553 Use easy English. No AI such as ChatGPT or Gemini or similar. Note that they AI detector to detect any AI texts, AI paraphrasing or Plagiarism. After the finishing to […]
Read the document! Grenz, Grenz, 589-98 Read pages Grenz, 589-98 in the book: Grenz, Stanley J. Theology for the Community of God. Eerdmans, 2000. ISBN 978-0802847553 Use easy English. No AI such as ChatGPT or Gemini or similar. Note that they AI detector to detect any AI texts, AI paraphrasing or Plagiarism. After the finishing […]
Read the documents Read pages Olson, 352-61the book: Olson, Roger E. The Mosaic of Christian Belief, 2nd ed. IVP Academic, 2016. ISBN 978-0830851256 Use easy English. No AI such as ChatGPT or Gemini or similar. Note that they AI detector to detect any AI texts, AI paraphrasing or Plagiarism. After the finishing to write save […]
Identify and list some of the factors that contributed to the success of the Civil Rights movement. Choose one, and discuss its significance to the movement, and explain why you made this particular choice. 2. Evaluate Richard Nixon’s presidency. Aside from Watergate, should he be considered a good president? 3. In 1983, Democratic Congresswoman […]
HIS 100-04
Please see the attachment and read it carefully. What to do • Based upon your reading of Euripides’ plays — Hippolytus and The Bacchae, in what ways did these plays reflect the characteristics and priorities of Athenian society in the fifth century? • In what ways, if any, are these cultural characteristics and priorities still […]
How different is the past struggle of African Americans living to today’s struggles.
August Wilson’s unique contribution
understanding the African-American experience of August Wilson’s unique contribution
Check the documents! Grenz, 213-42 Read pages Grenz, 213-42 in the book: Grenz, Stanley J. Theology for the Community of God. Eerdmans, 2000. ISBN 978-0802847553 Use easy English. No AI such as ChatGPT or Gemini or similar. Note that they AI detector to detect any AI texts, AI paraphrasing or Plagiarism. After the finishing to […]
Check the document Grenz, 139-50 Read pages Grenz, 139-50 in the book: Grenz, Stanley J. Theology for the Community of God. Eerdmans, 2000. ISBN 978-0802847553 Use easy English. No AI such as ChatGPT or Gemini or similar. Note that they AI detector to detect any AI texts, AI paraphrasing or Plagiarism. After the finishing to […]
M I – 259
Check the documents. Macmurray, 259-78 Read pages Macmurray, 259-78 in pdf Use easy English. No AI such as ChatGPT or Gemini or similar. Note that they AI detector to detect any AI texts, AI paraphrasing or Plagiarism. After the finishing to write save the document as “ Macmurray, 259-78”
Check the document Read pages Olson, 337-52 the book: Olson, Roger E. The Mosaic of Christian Belief, 2nd ed. IVP Academic, 2016. ISBN 978-0830851256 Use easy English. No AI such as ChatGPT or Gemini or similar. Note that they AI detector to detect any AI texts, AI paraphrasing or Plagiarism. After the finishing to write […]
O 170-78 & 337
Kindly read the documents Read pages Olson, 170-78 the book: Olson, Roger E. The Mosaic of Christian Belief, 2nd ed. IVP Academic, 2016. ISBN 978-0830851256 Use easy English. No AI such as ChatGPT or Gemini or similar. Note that they AI detector to detect any AI texts, AI paraphrasing or Plagiarism. After the finishing to […]
Check the document Grenz, 573-89 Read pages Grenz, 573-89 in the book: Grenz, Stanley J. Theology for the Community of God. Eerdmans, 2000. ISBN 978-0802847553 Use easy English. No AI such as ChatGPT or Gemini or similar. Note that they AI detector to detect any AI texts, AI paraphrasing or Plagiarism. After the finishing to […]
US History
Research Project American History (Use any topic you want to use, but you can do it any topic such as slave movements, or any topic regarding early US history. The purpose of this assignment is for you to analyze and an develop an argument for a historical theme. The Assignment A research project in a […]
Some people argue that there are no significant differences between the two major parties. Backing up your perspective with appropriate sources, what are the major differences and similarities in the views of the Democratic and Republican parties (e.g., this review of party platforms, 1856-2016 What are the primary areas of difference between contemporary Democrats […]
Historical Artifact Discussion
Historical artifacts can teach us a great deal about the past, about daily life, hopes and aspirations, skills and needs of individual women or groups of women who used or produced them and passed them on.
History US
History Part A Compose a Reflection on Learning statement responding to one of the primary sources listed below. This is an exercise in “metacognition,” or recognizing how and what you are learning. Write 300 words about: · What you find interesting or surprising about the source you selected? · Why was that information interesting or […]
Ethical Issue
Assist in identifying an ethical issue facing the Army from a leader perspective ( Alcohol and substance abuse). Describe the root cause of this issue and its impact on the Army. Then offer a recommended solution using the ethical lenses. The assignment must address the root cause, the impact on the Army and demonstrate how […]
COM 3471- Discussion Post 4
Read Chapter 17 +18 Answer all of the questions and your answers are complete and are well developed linking the textbook concepts/theory and answer each question separately. 1. For good reasons, Aristotle’s theory is listed under the category of “public rhetoric,” but it is also a theory of influence. How does it compare to social […]
I need help Final Essay Topics and subtopics to choose from Choose 1 Main Topic and 1 or more Subtopic(s) as the focus of your Final Essay 1) Vietnam War ● Agent Orange and Napalm ● Anti-War Movement ● Impact of the war on Vietnamese society ● Impact of the war on American society ● […]
Turn in a document with your research title, thesis statement, abstract, and preliminary sources.
Chp, Summ.
Read the instructions Instructions Chapt. 1-4 For each chapter in the book , write a one-page outline using bullet points. Give a brief synopsis of the interpretive problem raised by the case study in each chapter of your plan. Chapt. 5-6 For each chapter in the book , write a one-page outline using bullet points. […]
Read the instructions – The student is to prepare 3 brief exegetical/interpretive reports on individual biblical texts. The texts are to be drawn from the Pentateuch.The report will provide a 2-3 page bullet-point summary of the interpretive issues present in the text. Your observations should include but not be limited to the following: the important […]
Part A Compose a Reflection on Learning statement responding to one of the primary sources listed below. This is an exercise in “metacognition,” or recognizing how and what you are learning. Write 300 words about: · What you find interesting or surprising about the source you selected? · Why was that information interesting or new […]
Create a bibliography with atleast 8 to 10 sources from the websites that are attached regarding the topic. submit turnitin report when complete.
History – World history History homework help
Can you summarize the main events of World War II and its impact on the world political structure after the war ended? tomb of the mask
please see attached 1) Watch this 16 minute video : You will learn about the Civilian Conservation Corps as a national program, which was part of FDR’s New Deal. As you watch this video, write a 1 paragraph summary. Your summary should include the years that the CCC was in place and the two main national […]
Outline suggestions
S311: The Analytical Essay Learning Activity – Prepare an Analytical Essay Instructions: 1. Utilizing the seven principles of mission command, write your analytical essay, based on the case study. 2. Use your time to develop a deep understanding of your topic to fully explain your analysis. You are required to give an in depth introduction […]
westward expansion
Final Project
See Attached Final Project Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Introduction A. Set the stage for your exhibit by providing an overview of the various photographers and periods that you plan to showcase. Be sure to comment on the thematic ties that bind your works together, as well as provide examples of how your […]
please see attached Read from chapters 7, 8, and 9 of the textbook . Answer five of the following questions. You choose which five out of the seven to answer. Length, citations, attachments: Each answer should be 2 substantial paragraphs in length. Aim for 250-300 words per answer. Each answer should contain information with citations with […]
Check the document. Grenz, 98-123 Read pages Grenz, 98-123 in the book: Grenz, Stanley J. Theology for the Community of God. Eerdmans, 2000. ISBN 978-0802847553 Use easy English. No AI such as ChatGPT or Gemini or similar. Note that they AI detector to detect any AI texts, AI paraphrasing or Plagiarism. After the finishing to […]
Check the document. Read pages Olson, 112-33 in the book: Olson, Roger E. The Mosaic of Christian Belief, 2nd ed. IVP Academic, 2016. ISBN 978-0830851256 Use easy English. No AI such as ChatGPT or Gemini or similar. Note that they AI detector to detect any AI texts, AI paraphrasing or Plagiarism. After the finishing to […]
Check the document. Read pages Olson, 179-200 in the book: Olson, Roger E. The Mosaic of Christian Belief, 2nd ed. IVP Academic, 2016. ISBN 978-0830851256 Use easy English. No AI such as ChatGPT or Gemini or similar. Note that they AI detector to detect any AI texts, AI paraphrasing or Plagiarism. After the finishing to […]
Check the document. Read pages Olson, 157-70 the book: Olson, Roger E. The Mosaic of Christian Belief, 2nd ed. IVP Academic, 2016. ISBN 978-0830851256 Use easy English. No AI such as ChatGPT or Gemini or similar. Note that they AI detector to detect any AI texts, AI paraphrasing or Plagiarism. After the finishing to write […]
Check the document. Grenz, 29-52 Read pages Grenz, 29-52 in the book: Grenz, Stanley J. Theology for the Community of God. Eerdmans, 2000. ISBN 978-0802847553 Use easy English. No AI such as ChatGPT or Gemini or similar. Note that they AI detector to detect any AI texts, AI paraphrasing or Plagiarism. After the finishing to […]
Check the document. Grenz, 77-97 Read pages Grenz, 77-97 in the book: Grenz, Stanley J. Theology for the Community of God. Eerdmans, 2000. ISBN 978-0802847553 Use easy English. No AI such as ChatGPT or Gemini or similar. Note that they AI detector to detect any AI texts, AI paraphrasing or Plagiarism. After the finishing to […]
Check the documents below Read pages 51-70 from the pdf then read the instructions on the other document. Use easy English. No AI such as ChatGPT or Gemini or similar.