The True Molly McGuire

In Search Of History – The True Story Of The Molly Maguires (History Channel Documentary)  Youtube

mmw 5

check notepad for instructions  This file is too large to display.View in new window

history 4

Check notepad for instructions  Source: Friedrich Engels, The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844 (London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1892), pp. 45, 48-53. Accessed online on 12/17/2019 at Industrial Manchester, 1844 Friederich Engels Friedrich Engels’ father was a German manufacturer and Engels worked as his agent in his father’s Manchester factory. As a […]

mmw prompt

Check notepad for instructions  Source: Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, 1776 Accessed online on 05/28/2020 at summary.asp The Wealth of Nations (1776) Adam Smith An Epitome Book I, Chapter 1. Of the Division of Labor: THE greatest improvement in the productive powers of labor, and the greater part of the skill, dexterity, and judgment with […]


Check the files for instructions on what to do. For this assignment, you have to make notes for the reading on Gould. HISC 117 Summer 2024 Reading Guide Instructions: While reading, please take notes by addressing the following questions for primary and secondary sources, respectively. Primary sources are sources produced during the period of interest. […]

Week 4 Part A

 What does it mean to have the scientific shift in cosmological outlook, based on the readings in Dupre, the Enlightenment?

History Unit 2 Assignment: Timeline Activity

 In this assignment, you will construct a timeline using the timeline template, placing the cultures covered in this week’s reading in the appropriate place on a chronological timeline and global map. 

History Museum Assignment

Read attached documents one has instructions and the other has the photo of the art work  2. Pick an Artwork Your artwork should be from the time period covered in this class (Prehistory to about 1500 ACE). Many of the artworks can be viewed on the respective museum websites. This will give you a first […]


  Journal Instructions These may not be older than six months and must be from legitimate news sources (Wikipedia is not a legitimate source, nor is In the article, the author must be either discussing a historical topic, and/or using it to support an opinion about some current event. Either way, the historical topic […]

How progressive was the Progressive Era? (Graded)

 The Progressive-era stands out as a time when reformers sought to address social ills brought about by a rapidly changing society. Debates surrounded issues such as political corruption, the regulation of business practices, racial equality, women’s suffrage, and the living conditions of impoverished immigrants overcrowded into urban slums.    Atlanta Compromise – Booker T. Washington 1895 […]

The late 19th-century self-made man.

 Industrialization brought great wealth to America, but the price was quite high. The growing extremes of poverty and wealth that were being exhibited at the end of the 19th century, caused some to seek ways to make possible a just and humane society, while others sought justification for the emerging social order. The promise of […]

How progressive was the Progressive Era? (Graded)

 The Progressive-era stands out as a time when reformers sought to address social ills brought about by a rapidly changing society. Debates surrounded issues such as political corruption, the regulation of business practices, racial equality, women’s suffrage, and the living conditions of impoverished immigrants overcrowded into urban slums.    Atlanta Compromise – Booker T. Washington 1895 […]

Did America really practice isolation and neutrality during WWI?

 In 1914 Woodrow Wilson proclaimed U.S. neutrality, and asked the American people to remain “impartial in thought as well as deed.” At the end of the war, some members of the government pushed to expand American influence but to also remain free of any commitments, a policy its critics referred to as isolationism    In […]

American imperial expansion

 The Republican victory in 1896 gave heart to proponents of prosperity through foreign trade.   McKinley sought neither war nor colonies, but many in his party wanted both. Called “jingos,” they included Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Theodore Roosevelt; John Hay, the ambassador to London, and senators Albert Beveridge and Henry Cabot Lodge.  Britain, France, […]

the declaration of independence

 The tensions that arose between Great Britain and her North American colonies as a result of taxation and other measures following the Seven Years’ War culminated in war, a movement for independence, and the establishment of a new nation. The ideals that fueled the Revolution were grounded in Enlightenment Era thought. These same ideals still […]

Reconstructing the nation american history

 Review and identify relevant information on the linked PBS American Experience site, Reconstruction The Second Civil War   White Southern Responses to Black Emancipation | American Experience | Official Site | PBS   Milestone Documents | National Archives   Consider the following statement:  “The persistence of racism in both the North and the South lay at the heart […]

website evaluation

  This evaluation will hone your critical thinking and evaluative skills, give you an opportunity to support an academic argument, and collectively your work and that of your classmates – when shared –will provide for us all a wide-ranging annotated bibliography of sorts of terrific websites we can all use to continue our studies beyond […]

Final Reflection

 In addition to this website evaluation, reflect carefully and candidly on the work you’ve done in this course and what you’ve learned. NOTE: this is not a week-by-week report, but a big-picture reflection on your efforts, on course content you engaged, on insights gained, and on growing edges. Reflecting and synthesizing new material is a […]

Engaging civil rights

Create and record a PowerPoint presentation (8–12 slides total) by incorporating your evidence and arguments from previous assessments. Refer to this assessment’s resource activities for PowerPoint and audio and video recording resources. Step 1: Provide an overview of a chosen issue, including research questions and sub-questions that need to be answered to understand a historical event […]



Short Answer

See attachment please.  Answer each of the questions from US History since 1877. No plagiarism!! Each question must be answered! 1. What factors/events, after 1939, led the U. S. to intervene in World War II? (from Chapter 22)   2. What series of events & ideological conflicts contributed to the emergence of a Cold War? […]

HI Discussion

See attachment  1. What was the Roosevelt Corollary, & how did it affect U.S. relations with Latin American nations? To what extent did the Roosevelt Corollary contribute to the perception of the U.S. as an imperialistic/aggressive nation? (from Chapter 19)   2. What were the results of the Paris Peace Conference & the Treaty of […]

discussion board

Much of the reading this week focuses on the rapid expansion of the economy after the Civil War, which included the creation of large corporations and huge personal fortunes for the lucky few.  These developments caused both excitement and anxiety, as Americans grappled with a new economic landscape that focused on mass production and a […]

week 8

CLED 987 Prospectus Chapter Three: Second Draft Assignment Instructions Overview For this assignment, you will write and submit a second draft of Chapter Three of the Research Prospectus. You will combine part one and part two of the first draft as one submission. This draft will follow the outline for either the quantitative or qualitative […]

week 9

CLED 987 Quiz: Assembly of the Research Prospectus and Research Profile Assignment Instructions Overview This task is designed to ensure that the necessary artifacts, the Research Prospectus and Research Profile, are assembled in preparation for working with the student’s Supervisor. The student will reaffirm that they have read and are aware of the institution’s Honor […]

week 7

CLED 987 Discussion Assignment Instructions You will complete 1 Discussion in this course. For the Discussion, you will post one thread of at least 250 words. For the Discussion you will reflect on feedback from Chapter 3, Part One and Chapter 3, Part Two as you incorporate your instructor’s input into your second draft of […]

week 6

CLED 987 Prospectus Chapter Three: Part Two — First Draft Assignment Instructions Overview For this assignment, you will write and submit a rough draft of Prospectus Chapter Three: Part Two of a potential Research Prospectus. This draft will follow the outline for either the quantitative or qualitative Prospectus, as presented in the Christian Leadership Doctoral […]

western front

study sources c and d. How useful are sources c and d for an enquiry into the treatment of the wounded at ADSs on the western front? 

western front

study sources c and d. How useful are sources c and d for an enquiry into the treatment of the wounded at ADSs on the western front? 

Midnight in Chernobyl: the Untold story book review

Environmental History History 379 Spring 2024 Critical Book Review Expectations for a Critical Book Review in an Upper-Division History Class 1. Understanding of the Book: Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the book’s content, including its main arguments, themes, and the author’s perspective. 2. Historical Context: Analyze the book within its historical context. Discuss how the […]

Environmental History Research

Five to seven pages in length. Not including reference/bibliography page(s). Do not use a cover page. The History Department uses Chicago/Turabian formatting. But I would accept APA formatting. Writing Expectations I once thought college-level students came to class with firmly established writing skills. Experience demonstrates this is not necessarily the case. This document offers information […]

Environmental History Research

Five to seven pages in length. Not including reference/bibliography page(s). Do not use a cover page. The History Department uses Chicago/Turabian formatting. But I would accept APA formatting. Writing Expectations I once thought college-level students came to class with firmly established writing skills. Experience demonstrates this is not necessarily the case. This document offers information […]

Environmental History Research

Five to seven pages in length. Not including reference/bibliography page(s). Do not use a cover page. The History Department uses Chicago/Turabian formatting. But I would accept APA formatting. Writing Expectations I once thought college-level students came to class with firmly established writing skills. Experience demonstrates this is not necessarily the case. This document offers information […]

History Article One

   Find an online news article that is focused on a history topic that we have discussed in class (an event or person). It can be discussing the topic as a pure history lesson. OR it can be discussing a historical event to make a point about a current event, but it must be focused on the […]

Read, Learn and explore Surah Mulk.

Our main goal is to give you the knowledge and skills you need to live by the teachings of Surah Al-Mulk every day and night. We’ll share articles, have interesting discussions, and offer practical advice to help you feel closer to Allah Almighty and find peace in the wisdom of this special surah. Surah Al […]


in the file Read Pages: 123-143 on Our Lives An Ethnic Studies Primer 1. explain racial and social justice practices and social movements 2. explain the importance of race and ethnicity in the creation of cultural expressions, social developments, progress, and change 3. summarize the process for creating cultural awareness and building cultural intelligence 4.describe […]

week 4

CLED 987 Comprehensive Exam: Research Method Paper Assignment Instructions Overview You are to prepare an 8–10 page research paper on the research methodology you intend to use in your Prospectus/Dissertation research work. This paper must demonstrate that you have a “comprehensive knowledge” of the methodology. For example, if you are doing qualitative case study method, […]

week 5

CLED 987 Prospectus Chapter Three: Part One — First Draft Assignment Instructions Overview For this assignment, you will write and submit a rough draft of Chapter Three: Part One of a potential research Prospectus. This draft will follow the outline for either the quantitative or qualitative prospectus, as presented in the Christian Leadership Doctoral Programs […]

Bible initial reflection

  When did you start? Why did you start? How has your understanding of the Bible changed over time? What have been the hardest parts to read? What have been the easiest parts to read? Why are some parts harder/easier than others? Read and review the Religion Program Guide in Trefey Library and comment on […]


“Which Bible translation(s) do you prefer and why?”. Without looking at your favorite English translation of the Bible, see if you can write down: 1. The name of the translation, 2. The year in which it was translated, and 3. The method of translation


PLEASE REVIEW THE INFORMATION BELOW  Name__________________________________ HIST 1302- Final Exam Instructions Critical Thinking Essay Questions. Provide facts and evidence for each question. 300-word response for each question.  The exams are divided into 3 UNITS. Each exam will cover a unit. For example, UNIT 1 covers Chapters 1-5. Each exam will have critical thinking essay questions. […]


 Explain the impact the success of the Great Heathen Army’s invasion in the late 9th Century had on Anglo-Saxon society. 


PLEASE REVIEW THE INFORMATION BELOW  Thank you for the rough draft. Now submit the final research paper. Your paper will be submitted to Turnitin. Plagiarism Work will be graded 0 and failed in the semester. I have provided an example for a research paper. Please investigate the example. (INCLUDE IMAGE) 1000 WORDS MINIMUM Research Requirements: […]

art history

virtual musuem visit The objective of this project is to see works in person, research into the object(s) or artwork for background information, and discuss its purpose and importance in the history of art. The Project counts for 10% of your grade. Please see the Rubric below for information on how the paper is to […]

week 1

 Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning. Comment on 2 Reponses that is on attachment   Ex plain why Pavlov’s experiments in reflexology were an important part in the development of psychology. De scribe behaviorism from Watson’s perspective; then, compare and contrast his viewpoints with operational positivism and the prevailing functionalism. What are the […]


PLEASE REVIEW THE INFORMATION BELOW  Name__________________________ HIST 1302- Exam #2 Critical Thinking Essay Questions. Provide facts and evidence for each question. 300-word response for each question.  The exams are divided into 3 UNITS. Each exam will cover a unit. For example, UNIT 1 covers Chapters 1-5. Each exam will have critical thinking essay questions. Each […]


see attachments 300 + word count Discussion How to eradicate Gun, Drug, and youth Violence in your city. You can even express a personal experience if needed.

History homework

ONE PAGE essay over what he or she learned about the Industrialization and the rise of Big Business.   History Paper One Page based on United States History Since 1876