Read attachment

Read attachment The purpose of this proposal is for you to focus in on a specific question that requires an interdisciplinary approach.  Directions   This should be a 6 pages double-spaced document explaining the following (NOTE: I recommend using section headings to help your reader) Interdisciplinary Question: How did the German supply chain and infrastructure […]

Civilization II

Can someone please assist me with this assignment? Worldview Paper The paper covers the topics discussed and presented in the course. This assignment is due by Saturday at 11:59 pm (CST) in Unit 7. The purpose of the paper is to relate the discoveries of science, your particular major, and the Christian ethic in a logical, coherent manner. […]

history 1302

I attached the instructions  History 1302 Document Analysis Assignment 2 Follow the links below to read excerpts from Frederick Jackson Turner’s paper: ‘ The Significance of the Frontier in American History, 1893’, and Josiah Strong’s ‘ Our Country’. Upon reading these documents, write a one-page analysis of their work as it relates to American Imperialism, […]

discussion question

In what ways do Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres and Eugène Delacroix seemingly represent the opposing forces of early nineteenth-century French painting? What specific works by these artists exemplify their attitudes and artistic philosophies?

discussion question

In much of their work Mary Cassatt and Berthe Morisot portrayed women and children. Some scholars suggest that Cassatt’s and Morisot’s subject matter was restricted by their gender, although their paintings also highlight the importance of women as wives and mothers. Select an image of Mary Cassatt or Berthe Morisot and discuss how you feel […]


You will be creating a visual and audio presentation (5 to 7 minutes long) based on the narrative you want to tell about America. Please cover whatever topics you think are most critical to your American story and include images that represent the time periods we’ve covered in this course (1600–present). Remember, historical narratives are […]

History History Assignment

Assignment 1 Focus on the following sections: Chapter 28 & Chapter 29: *Read All Sections* Make sure to discuss each section in your summary. Summaries do not have a set page count, however generally summaries under a page will definitely be too broad to cover the material. Assignment 2 Discuss the videos/document below. Do you […]


see attachment Instructions: DISCUSSION 4 Watch/listen to the embedded video and answer the questions below.  Your response should be about 300 words and has to use the information from the video to get credit.  Did most Americans want the Constitution or was it thrust upon the country by a small group of elite men? Explain […]


Project Description Your completed prospectus must consist of an appropriate title, introduction, and images of at least six works of art with accompanying text, conclusion, and bibliography. Your prospectus must cover a broad chronological range (at least five different design periods or styles (including contemporary)) and at least three different design mediums (e.g., graphic design, […]


Hoover’s presidency will be forever shadowed by the Great Depression.  Is it fair to blame Hoover’s actions or inaction for the Great Depression?


Part Two: Some people argue that there are no significant differences between the two major parties.  Backing up your perspective with appropriate sources, what are the major differences and similarities in the views of the Democratic and Republican parties (e.g., this review of party platforms, 1856-2016  What are the primary areas of difference between […]


General Poverty 1. Play Spent Activity: The Urban Ministries of Durham have a great online poverty simulation that goes through a month in the life of a person living in poverty. To access the simulation, click this link:   Summarize your experience with this simulation activity Did you have money left over? What difficult decisions did […]

week 5 replies

Arnold Campbell YesterdayFeb 15 at 2:59pm Manage Discussion Entry CLED 830 Module 05: Week 5 – Discussion Thread on Successes and Challenges: The discussion thread on successes and challenges during this process is reminiscent of the scriptures about anxiousness and the ability to do all things through the strength provided by God ( English Standard […]

discussion question

Discuss the Poussinistes and the Rubénistes. What did each group represent? What artists did these groups follow? What were the fundamental differences between the two groups? Which group do you side with and why?

discussion question

What were some obstacles that Angelica Kaufman faced as a female artist working in eighteenth century England? Do contemporary women artists face any of the same sort of obstacles?

history coco

 make an argument for or against the central thesis presented by Charles Blow in “South to Black Power.” 

History Week 5 Help

Week 5 Discussion Assignment 1 Discuss the videos below. Do you find the arguments/presentation compelling? Where could these sources be improved?  Speaking Broadly, how did the age of industrialism and imperialism give rise to Marxist thought? Do you think the response at the time was warranted for the circumstances? How do you think the ideology […]

Discuss 3

see attachment Discussion #3 Instructions: Watch/listen to the embedded video and answer the questions below.  Your response should be about 300 words and has to use the information from the video to get credit.  If you don’t use that material or you use material from elsewhere, you won’t get credit and you’ll open yourself up […]

Modern America

You must then read your classmates’ responses. After you have read their responses, you must respond to TWO of your classmates by the last day of the academic week at 11:59 pm ET. These are called your PEER RESPONSES. Each Peer Response is worth 10 points and should be 100 words in length, which is […]


World Globalization Your answers should be no longer than four and no less than three full double spaced pages (Times New Roman, 12-point font, with 1 inch margins). This is about 1200 words, excluding title pages, footnotes and bibliography. You are rewarded for the quality of your thinking and writing, not the volume. The clearest […]

Greek polis

  In your opinion what was the strengths or weaknesses of the Greek polis?


First, read Steven Heller’s short essay  Commercial: American Design Style PDF and find an example of commercial modern design. Your example may come from the essay, the textbook, or some other credible source. Embed the image of your example directly into your journal entry and cite the source. Then, in no more than 300 words, explain […]

module 4

, you must cover all questions from “Domestic” and “Foreign” Policy topics. Domestic Policy If more than 60 percent of the federal budget is “mandatory spending,” what is left to cut? What economic goals do categories of mandatory spending support? What programs should be abolished or cut? Should any programs be expanded? If so, identify […]


Barbara Deleoni Manage Discussion Entry Given that most presidential powers are delegated and informal, the president’s ability to shape American politics is largely contingent on public support. To what extent do flagging political support or declining poll numbers hamper the president’s ability to lead Congress and the nation? Are there areas where this fact will […]


History Part I This week we discussed how most colonists did not want to sever ties with England, but did want change; there was no clear goal. I gave you many readings this week, and most of those had elements of the Enlightenment Era in them. The Enlightenment Era was an intellectual movement that began […]

discussion question

Implied texture, also known as visual texture, is perceived by the viewer when looking at art.  In his painting The Waterseller of Seville, Diego Velazquez uses color, light, shadow, shape and other techniques to make a flat, two-dimensional canvas appear three dimensional.  The figure and the variety of fabric and objects in the painting have […]


Begin a unit on contemporary issues in the United States. I’d like for you to present a current event from one of the following categories: political, intellectual, cultural, or social events. For this week, please choose a current event involving important issues in the United States (please avoid sports, gossip, and entertainment news). You’ll need […]

Alexander the Great’s death

 What happened after Alexander the Great’s death?  Explain the three types of gov’t. that developed after his death. 

Modern America

Your task for each week’s discussion is to read all required resources. You must then respond to ONE of the questions. This is called your INITIAL POST. Click the blue Start a New Thread button to post your response. Your Initial Post is due by the fourth day of the academic week at 11:59 pm […]

Greek polis

 How might it be argued that the Greek polis was destined for failure? Why has it been suggested that Athenian direct democracy was a “brilliant failure”? 

discussion question

Caravaggio often used everyday people as models for his paintings. Often these models portrayed figures from Biblical stories; however, Caravaggio painted them dressed in clothing contemporary to their own day. Do you think that by doing this Caravaggio changes or subverts the meaning of these stories? How does this impact the viewer when viewing these […]


In your opinion, did America remain neutral in “thought and deed” from 1914 to 1917? Discuss and support your response.


In your opinion, did America remain neutral in “thought and deed” from 1914 to 1917? Discuss and support your response.


Select a policy topic from the twenty-first century at the national, state, or local level that you think has racial implications

Modern America

You must then read your classmates’ responses. After you have read their responses, you must respond to TWO of your classmates by the last day of the academic week at 11:59 pm ET. These are called your PEER RESPONSES. Each Peer Response is worth 10 points and should be 100 words in length, which is […]

History Assistance

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions This Exam is an essay-based response discussing the 5 most significant events, people, etc. within the period of time covered in the textbook. Responses can use examples both from inside and out of the text, however you should include at least some content covered in the book. […]

Modern America

Instructions Topic: Women’s Right Annotated Bibliography (200 points towards Final Grade) – Due Week 4: Assignment Directions: As part of your Applied History Project, the second assignment requirement expects students to complete an Annotated Bibliography.  But first, what is an Annotated Bibliography? An annotated bibliography is a list of bibliographic entries of books, articles, and documents. Each […]

400 discussion

   Describe the evolution of written notes during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.  Use at least THREE music terms about notation from these chapters with a description and explanation on how those figures work. 1 (four hundred wrd)  The validity of the Catholic Church was questioned by individuals who began movements to form new […]

Book Review

The book review worksheet is designed to help you practice the art of reviewing a book without submitted a full book review. The book review worksheet can be found in the attached document. Fill out the worksheet based on your reading of Will of the People and submit by clicking on the link above. The […]

discussion question

Even in situations when it might seem surprising, like the depiction of a biblical hero or a picnic, Renaissance artists thought the nude body an appropriate form to express complex ideas. Consider whether contemporary representations of the nude carry such lofty meanings.

Modern America

Your task for each week’s discussion is to read all required resources. You must then respond to ONE of the questions. This is called your INITIAL POST. Click the blue Start a New Thread button to post your response. Your Initial Post is due by the fourth day of the academic week at 11:59 pm […]

Modern America

Instructions Topic and Proposal (100 points towards Final Grade) – Due Week 2: Assignment Directions: As part of your Applied History Project, the first assignment requirement expects students to write and submit a topic proposal. With approval from your instructor, select a topic from the  Current Policy Challenges list posted below.  Current Policy Challenges: · Education · […]

Equity Impact

Technology: 3D Printing in Medicine Conduct an equity-impact assessment of the technology you have selected for your Course Project. The goal of this assignment is to provide a framework for removing barriers that disadvantaged people may experience in accessing and utilizing new technologies, as well as analyzing technologies through the lens of equity. A good […]


Identify your county public health department in the community in which you reside or nearby. 2. List 5 programs offered by your county public health agency.  3. Select one program to explore more in-depth. Using the public health model (Schoon et al., 2019, p. 155), describe how this program is meeting the needs of the […]


I attached instructions and rubric  Document Analysis One Instructions Follow the links below and read the two newspaper articles about the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire. Once you’ve read them, write an analysis of the articles which presents an argument about the message in the articles while answering the following questions: What is the main point […]

History Analysis

Historical Media Analysis Paper: Students will be asked to review a Film, Mini-series, Play, Novel, etc. for its historical context, accuracy, and significance. The student is allowed to review the piece of media of their choice with the prior approval of the professor. Students should mind the length of their selected work as well as […]

week3 replies

Simorrah Majors YesterdayJan 31 at 8:48pm Manage Discussion Entry Simorrah J. Majors  CLED830: Research Methods for Christian Leadership IV (B01)  Week 3: Literature Review Analysis Overview  This week, students began to review and assess dissertations in order to gain a practical understanding of how to create literature reviews. This activity was very insightful, as many […]


Summary #1 Focus on the following sections: Chapter 19: African States and the Slave Trade (p.452), America Plantation Slavery and Atlantic Focus on the following sections: Mercantilism (p.459), Culture and Identity in the African Diaspora (p.468) Chapter 20: History and Political Life of the Mughals (p.478) Chapter 21: Late Ming and Qing China to 1750 […]