On the third essay test, you wrote a definition of revolution. Now, answer the following question in an essay about five hundred words long: “Did World War I cause a European revolution, according to

On the third essay test, you wrote a definition of revolution. Now, answer the following question in an essay about five hundred words long: “Did World War I cause a European revolution, according to your definition? What was the nature of that revolution?” This question is not about the Russian revolution, or any other particular […]

Instructions: Answer two of the following questions taken from your study questions. Your answers should be typed, submitted as a single Word document (not PDF, not in 2 documents), and where appropri

Instructions: Answer two of the following questions taken from your study questions. Youranswers should be typed, submitted as a single Word document (not PDF, not in 2 documents),and where appropriate, cite your sources You are welcome to consult additional academic sources (i.e. published articles and books, butNOT blogs, or encyclopedias, including, but not limited to, Wikipedia, […]

How was the new Constitution better than the Articles of Confederation? Consider the economic, political, and diplomatic problems and new powers that were granted to deal with them. Describe major com

How was the new Constitution better than the Articles of Confederation? Consider the economic, political, and diplomatic problems and new powers that were granted to deal with them. Describe major compromises such as the Great Compromise and the 3/5 Compromise made at the Constitutional Convention. Finally, discuss the debate over the Constitution’s ratification. How did […]

read the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and U.S. Constitution. Write a two-page essay discussing how these founding documents fit into the historical context of their time. H

 read the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and U.S. Constitution.  Write a two-page essay discussing how these founding documents fit into the historical context of their time. How do they reveal the struggle to balance liberty and order? Cite excerpts to show more detail than you examined in the essay that contrasts the Articles […]

Describe the French and Indian War and the American Revolution, commenting on the causes and consequences of each war. How did the cost of defeating the French lead to changes in England’s revenue pol

Describe the French and Indian War and the American Revolution, commenting on the causes and consequences of each war. How did the cost of defeating the French lead to changes in England’s revenue policies, setting the stage for the Revolution? Also consider how that economic and ideological factors together explain why the Revolution was fought. […]

Christianity and Islam are the two most practiced religions in the world and have influenced the art, politics, and culture of societies around the globe for the last 1,500 years. Over the centuries,

Christianity and Islam are the two most practiced religions in the world and have influenced the art, politics, and culture of societies around the globe for the last 1,500 years. Over the centuries, these two Abrahamic religions, which share foundational beliefs, have evolved significantly as new adherents incorporated local customs into their religious practices and […]

Drawing from your Historiographical Research Paper, create a presentation (using PowerPoint, Screencast-o-Matic, or other presentation software) examining an archival institution that coincides with t

Drawing from your Historiographical Research Paper, create a presentation (using PowerPoint, Screencast-o-Matic, or other presentation software) examining an archival institution that coincides with the topic of your Historiographical Research Paper. Go to the website of an institution you select related to topic of your Historiographical Research Paper and identify what collections could be used, what sort of […]

As historians conduct and collect research, they develop their own process for keeping ideas and source material in order. As you conducted your own research, did you develop a unique way of keeping y

As historians conduct and collect research, they develop their own process for keeping ideas and source material in order. As you conducted your own research, did you develop a unique way of keeping your ideas straight (index cards/computer files)? Share at least one research method you developed during the process of constructing this paper and […]

Your assignment is to write a 4-5 page argumentative paper (not including works cited or the cover letter; and longer papers are acceptable) that addresses a topic of your choice affecting the United

Your assignment is to write a 4-5 page argumentative paper (not including works cited or the cover letter; and longer papers are acceptable) that addresses a topic of your choice affecting the United States. This assignment has two parts: an informal cover letter, and the essay. How to Structure Your Paper • Introduction Background • History • State of the Issue […]

My chosen topic will be on how class and how it has shaped the structure of society. This will also tie into gender as well as race and by extension ethnicity. Every society since the recording of tim

My chosen topic will be on how class and how it has shaped the structure of society. This will also tie into gender as well as race and by extension ethnicity. Every society since the recording of time has had some sort of hierarchy. There have always been lords, masters, and sovereigns. If not temporal […]

The Haitian Revolution analyzed from the historical perspective of class. As you investigate your chosen event, evaluate how a class-based analysis does or does not change the traditional narrative of

The Haitian Revolution analyzed from the historical perspective of class. As you investigate your chosen event, evaluate how a class-based analysis does or does not change the traditional narrative of that event. Create a 15-20 minute presentation of your class-based analysis of this historical event that could be delivered in an advanced placement or community […]

Describe the diversity among Native Americans and among European colonizers in America. Was interaction between the two groups necessarily good or bad? As for Native Americans, be sure to consider div

Describe the diversity among Native Americans and among European colonizers in America. Was interaction between the two groups necessarily good or bad? As for Native Americans, be sure to consider diversity of location and lifestyles. As for Europeans, include the Spanish, French, and English in considering where they settled and why. Offer several examples of […]

ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW In the first assignment you examined primary sources, the raw material that historians use to interpret the past. In this assignment you will analyze secondary sources: articles wr

ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW In the first assignment you examined primary sources, the raw material that historians use to interpret the past. In this assignment you will analyze secondary sources: articles written by historians. Scholarly historical articles are based on a historian’s interpretation of primary sources and other secondary literature. With this assignment you will evaluate and appraise […]

write a speech about this topic for civilization’s class WRITE IT AS FAST AS YOU CAN AND USE THE ARTICLE I HAVE UPLOADED The Cold War. (1945-1991) The Cold War was reflected in culture through musicwr

write a speech about this topic for civilization’s class WRITE IT AS FAST AS YOU CAN AND USE THE ARTICLE I HAVE UPLOADED The Cold War. (1945-1991) The Cold War was reflected in culture through musicwrite a speech about this topic for civilization’s class   WRITE IT AS FAST AS YOU CAN AND USE THE […]

Instructions: Answer the following question below. answers should be typed, and submitted as a Word document, and where appropriate, cite your sources (including assigned readings and the textbook, bu

Instructions: Answer the following question below. answers should be typed, and submitted as a Word document, and where appropriate, cite your sources (including assigned readings and the textbook, but no need to cite class lectures).  You are welcome to consult additional academic sources (i.e. published articles and books, but NOT blogs, or encyclopaedias, including, but not limited to, Wikipedia, etc.) Each answer should […]

Instructions: Answer two of the following questions taken from your study questions. Your answers should be typed, submitted as a Word document, and where appropriate, cite your sources (including ass

Instructions: Answer two of the following questions taken from your study questions. Your answers should be typed, submitted as a Word document, and where appropriate, cite your sources (including assigned readings and the textbook, but no need to cite class lectures).  You are welcome to consult additional academic sources (i.e. published articles and books, but NOT blogs, or encyclopaedias, including, but not limited to, Wikipedia, […]

Instructions: Answer two of the following questions taken from your study questions. Your answers should be typed, submitted as a Word document, and where appropriate, cite your sources (including ass

Instructions: Answer two of the following questions taken from your study questions. Your answers should be typed, submitted as a Word document, and where appropriate, cite your sources (including assigned readings and the textbook, but no need to cite class lectures).  You are welcome to consult additional academic sources (i.e. published articles and books, but NOT blogs, or encyclopaedias, including, but not limited to, Wikipedia, […]

2 mins speech for civilizations class + a source for this speech needs to be related to the topic of ” Here is seminar topic: Threats to global security: · Economic and social threats, in

2 mins speech for civilizations class + a source for this speech needs to be related to the topic of  ” Here is seminar topic: Threats to global security: ·        Economic and social threats, including poverty, infectious diseases and environmental degradation ·        Human trafficking ·        Cyber Security ·        Nuclear, radiological, chemical and biological weapons ·        Terrorism ·        Transnational organized crime  PREFERABLE […]

The topic is( Should the US raise the minimum wage to $15/hour?) You can find a video covering most of the instructions here. Your assignment is to write a 4-5 page argumentative paper (not incl

The topic is( Should the US raise the minimum wage to $15/hour?) You can find a video covering most of the instructions here. Your assignment is to write a 4-5 page argumentative paper (not including works cited or the cover letter; and longer papers are acceptable) that addresses a topic of your choice affecting the United States. This assignment […]

After having read the food-related articles on ‘Race and Exclusion in the Food Systems’ provide a discussion on the following: Article: If They Only Knew, The Unbearable Whiteness of the Alternative F

After having read the food-related articles on ‘Race and Exclusion in the Food Systems’ provide a discussion on the following: Article: If They Only Knew, The Unbearable Whiteness of the Alternative Food Movement What is the alternative food movement? Does the alternative food movement need an alternative?  Whether you agree or disagree, discuss why. What does […]

Examine the historical evolution of the identity of the following groups: Indian-Americans (Asian-Indian descent)Irish-AmericansChinese-AmericansWhat was their ethnic identity when they arrived in the

Examine the historical evolution of the identity of the following groups: Indian-Americans (Asian-Indian descent) Irish-Americans Chinese-Americans What was their ethnic identity when they arrived in the United States? How did it change over time? What factors contributed to this evolution? In 500-750 words per ethnic group, address the development of each. Restrict your analysis from […]

Nuts and Bolts: 2-3 pages (no less than 2 full pages, no more than 3) double-spaced, 12 pt. font.Cite all sources and provide full citations. (I don’t care which citation style—just that it is consist

Nuts and Bolts: 2-3 pages (no less than 2 full pages, no more than 3) double-spaced, 12 pt. font. Cite all sources and provide full citations. (I don’t care which citation style—just that it is consistent and complete with page numbers). Give your paper a title. Assignment Parameters for Short Paper #2: The readings for this unit, […]

Allied during World War II, within two years postwar antagonism led the United States and the Soviet Union into a new conflict that will continue until the end of the 20th century. From its beginning,

Allied during World War II, within two years postwar antagonism led the United States and the Soviet Union into a new conflict that will continue until the end of the 20th century. From its beginning, the United States and the Soviet Union blamed the other for the cold war. Historians currently offer a more critical […]

According to Marx and Engel’s theory, history is shaped and moved forward by the struggle to control the modes and means of production. While the struggle for control is nothing new, the idea of a cla

According to Marx and Engel’s theory, history is shaped and moved forward by the struggle to control the modes and means of production. While the struggle for control is nothing new, the idea of a class consciousness resulted from the birth of modern capitalism, thanks to the Industrial Revolution. A group’s shared identity as part […]

documentary on youtube – Hamilton: Building America Full episode Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsvP4WRIUB4&t=16s

documentary on youtube – Hamilton: Building America Full episode  Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsvP4WRIUB4&t=16s The grading for the Research Project will be divided into Format and Content Format’s Rubric This part of the essay is worth 60 points After watching the documentary “Hamilton”, write an essay as follow: 1-Your Essay must be at least 2500 words. 2-Your Essay […]

Federal laboratories, universities, or industrial laboratories? Based on the course readings, which institutional setting contributed most significantly to the development of physics in the 20th centu

Federal laboratories, universities, or industrial laboratories? Based on the course readings, which institutional setting contributed most significantly to the development of physics in the 20th century? Explain your rationale with examples. Additionally, did 20th century physicists have more significant achievements on earth or in space (including all institutional settings)? Explain why. Finally, which physicist made the greatest […]

We have made it to the present. So it is time to look in the daily news for a scientific topic that interests you. Use one of the following websites to find an article from 2023 or 2024: http://www.ny

We have made it to the present. So it is time to look in the daily news for a scientific topic that interests you. Use one of the following websites to find an article from 2023 or 2024: http://www.nytimes.com/pages/science/index.html http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/ http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/ http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/ http://www.sciencenews.org/ http://news.sciencemag.org/ http://www.scientificamerican.com/sciammag/ The article must have an author and a publication date. DISCUSS […]

World War II or Sputnik? Which historical event presented a greater opportunity for the advancement of the knowledge and advancement of physics? Use examples to support your answer. Use the readings

World War II or Sputnik? Which historical event presented a greater opportunity for the advancement of the knowledge and advancement of physics? Use examples to support your answer.  Use the readings to inform your answer. If one of the questions is not supported by the readings (most are), then you are to use our library […]

write a speech about this topic for civilization’s class WRITE IT AS FAST AS YOU CAN AND USE THE ARTICLE I HAVE UPLOADED The Cold War. (1945-1991) The Cold War was reflected in culture through music

write a speech about this topic for civilization’s class   WRITE IT AS FAST AS YOU CAN AND USE THE ARTICLE I HAVE UPLOADED The Cold War. (1945-1991) The Cold War was reflected in culture through music, movies, books, television, and other media, as well as sports, social beliefs, and behavior. Choose any above aspect/s and […]

I. Short Answer Identifications (2.5 points each = 10 points) Identify the following and make sure to include what, when, where, and historical significance in your paragraph for each person or term.

I. Short Answer Identifications (2.5 points each = 10 points) Identify the following and make sure to include what, when, where, and historical significance in your paragraph for each person or term. Please remember to provide the source or sources you utilized for each short answer. A) Nelson Mandela B) Black Ship Scroll C) History […]

How did notions of race influence the U.S. federal government’s relationship with indigenous peoples (Native Americans) within its borders, especially within the context of imperialism and colonializa

How did notions of race influence the U.S. federal government’s relationship with indigenous peoples (Native Americans) within its borders, especially within the context of imperialism and colonialization? In your response, comment on Gross’s articles and Reed’s article from this topic’s readings.

You are to write a journal-like book review of 1,000 to 1,250 words for a scholarly text on gender history. A successful review will address the following questions: What is the thesis? Does the autho

You are to write a journal-like book review of 1,000 to 1,250 words for a scholarly text on gender history. A successful review will address the following questions: What is the thesis? Does the author successfully defend their thesis? How? What is the book about? Summarize the main ideas. What is the purpose of the […]

Write a 1-page review after watching ONE of these. First Position – documentary Mao’s Last Dancer – based on a true story Ballerina Tale – documentary on Misty Copeland Hot Chocolate Nutcracker – a

Write a  1-page review after watching ONE of these.  First Position – documentary Mao’s Last Dancer – based on a true story Ballerina Tale – documentary on Misty Copeland Hot Chocolate Nutcracker – a documentary about Debbie Allen and her school Please ensure that you watch one of these (I know these movies  VERY WELL) […]

Select one of the following questions to answer. CLEARLY INDICATE the question you are answering in your thread title. For example, if you are answering the first question type: “Response to Question

Select one of the following questions to answer. CLEARLY INDICATE the question you are answering in your thread title. For example, if you are answering the first question type: “Response to Question 1.” What one advancement in 19th-century science most affected 20th-century medicine? Defend your position. In what ways did Einstein’s theory of relativity resonate with the […]

Research to identify one news article related to a current, specific U.S. trade barrier issue. The article should be as recent as possible, but no older than four weeks. Select an article from a valid

Research to identify one news article related to a current, specific U.S. trade barrier issue. The article should be as recent as possible, but no older than four weeks. Select an article from a valid, reliable, and reputable news source. Suggested search term topics to find a news article include: • U.S. trade sanctions • […]

Answer the following question in an essay about five hundred words long: “So far in this class you have studied the American, French and Industrial Revolutions. Now, write a definition of the word rev

Answer the following question in an essay about five hundred words long: “So far in this class you have studied the American, French and Industrial Revolutions. Now, write a definition of the word revolution that covers all three of those revolutions, while at the same time clearly differentiating them from other, non- revolutionary events. Once […]

CREATE A POWERPOINT PRESENTATION Modern dance, similar to ballet, has a rich heritage that can be traced back through its pioneers. Choose SIX from the lists provided (pioneers, later modern dancers,

CREATE A POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONModern dance, similar to ballet, has a rich heritage that can be traced back through its pioneers.Choose SIX from the lists provided (pioneers, later modern dancers, and current modern dancecompanies) and talk about the following:Historical context – why, who, time period, social issues (if any)Who founded the company? Who is the current […]

Answer the following prompts for your Essay Unit Assignment. You must demonstrate that you read and understood the readings by showing us your work. This means answering the prompt with a Choose ONE o

Answer the following prompts for your Essay Unit Assignment. You must demonstrate that you read and understood the readings by showing us your work. This means answering the prompt with a Choose ONE of the following three prompts for your Essay Unit Assignment. You must demonstrate that you read and understood the readings by showing us your work. […]

Your assignment is to write a 4-5 page argumentative paper (not including works cited or the cover letter; and longer papers are acceptable) that addresses a topic of your choice affecting the United

Your assignment is to write a 4-5 page argumentative paper (not including works cited or the cover letter; and longer papers are acceptable) that addresses a topic of your choice affecting the United States. This assignment has two parts: an informal cover letter, and the essayYour paper should be an original work of your own, and not a paper reused from another […]

take a deep dive into the eras we’ve been discussing. Centuries ago, there was no Internet or social media. I want you to imagine what things might have looked like if there had been. For this assig

take a deep dive into the eras we’ve been discussing.  Centuries ago, there was no Internet or social media.  I want you to imagine what things might have looked like if there had been. For this assignment, I am asking you to adopt the character of a person from between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries […]

True Crime” Podcasts Assignment The “true crime” podcast is the newest sensation sweeping the nation. Investigative journalists and entertainers alike flex their powers of deduction and guide their li

True Crime” Podcasts Assignment The “true crime” podcast is the newest sensation sweeping the nation. Investigative journalists and entertainers alike flex their powers of deduction and guide their listeners on a riveting journey of drama and intrigue. The subject discusses real cases from the past or cold cases that deserved an outside look. Each student […]