take a deep dive into the eras we’ve been discussing. Centuries ago, there was no Internet or social media. I want you to imagine what things might have looked like if there had been. For this assig

take a deep dive into the eras we’ve been discussing.  Centuries ago, there was no Internet or social media.  I want you to imagine what things might have looked like if there had been. For this assignment, I am asking you to adopt the character of a person from between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries […]

True Crime” Podcasts Assignment The “true crime” podcast is the newest sensation sweeping the nation. Investigative journalists and entertainers alike flex their powers of deduction and guide their li

True Crime” Podcasts Assignment The “true crime” podcast is the newest sensation sweeping the nation. Investigative journalists and entertainers alike flex their powers of deduction and guide their listeners on a riveting journey of drama and intrigue. The subject discusses real cases from the past or cold cases that deserved an outside look. Each student […]

We have now explored the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, and science in the 19th century. Which era was the most significant in terms of scientific and intellectual achievement and why? Whic

We have now explored the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, and science in the 19th century. Which era was the most significant in terms of scientific and intellectual achievement and why? Which individual from this era contributed the most to these developments? A primary source is required for this assignment that was written by this person. How […]

Select one of the following questions to answer. CLEARLY INDICATE the question you are answering in your thread title. For example, if you are answering the first question type: “Response to Question

Select one of the following questions to answer. CLEARLY INDICATE the question you are answering in your thread title. For example, if you are answering the first question type: “Response to Question 1.” What is the relationship between 18th century science and the philosophy of the Enlightenment? What were some of the key scientific specializations […]

NOTE: Attached the form to be filled out Examine the shift in Marxist historical interpretations of class; from Marx, to E.P. Thompson, to more modern neo-Marxist historical scholars. How has the Mar

NOTE: Attached the form to be filled outExamine the shift in Marxist historical interpretations of class; from Marx, to E.P. Thompson, to more modern neo-Marxist historical scholars. How has the Marxist historical interpretation of class changed over time? What are the key differences between Marx and neo-Marxist historical thought? How was Thompson’s work a bridge […]

Create a 10-15-slide PowerPoint Presentation that traces the history of the understanding of race as a category of human classification. Confine your investigations to post-Darwinian thought. Your pre

Create a 10-15-slide PowerPoint Presentation that traces the history of the understanding of race as a category of human classification. Confine your investigations to post-Darwinian thought. Your presentation should include the major theories and ideas surrounding understandings of race and ethnicity. A PowerPoint presentation containing 10-15 slides. Include a title slide and reference slide in […]

this essay is comprised of two components. The essay must be at least 1000 words overall. Please include a works cited page as well. Part One: Begin by completing the following political ideology qui

this essay is comprised of two components. The essay must be at least 1000 words overall. Please include a works cited page as well.  Part One: Begin by completing the following political ideology quizzes:  Advocates for Self Government a libertarian website: www.theadvocates.org/quiz Links to an external site. Pew Research Center for People & the Press: […]

Instructions: this essay must be at least 1000 words. Please include a works cited page as well. What constitutes an appropriate role for the judiciary? Some people argue that courts have become too

Instructions:  this essay must be at least 1000 words. Please include a works cited page as well. What constitutes an appropriate role for the judiciary? Some people argue that courts have become too powerful and that judges legislate from the bench. What does it mean for a court to be activist? What does it mean […]

Definition of History: History is the study of past events, particularly human affairs. It encompasses the recording, analysis, and interpretation of events and their significance over time, often wit

Definition of History: History is the study of past events, particularly human affairs. It encompasses the recording, analysis, and interpretation of events and their significance over time, often with the aim of understanding the present and anticipating the future. Lesson Notes for Form 1: Title: Introduction to History Objective: To understand the meaning and importance […]

800-900 words for the essay, plus a section of Further Reading There are three main purposes in this assignment: To give you practice at summarizing scholarly work in your own words. Any research pape

800-900 words for the essay, plus a section of Further Reading There are three main purposes in this assignment: To give you practice at summarizing scholarly work in your own words. Any research paper is a combination of your own ideas with facts or ideas that you have found in your research. Summarizing an argument (or […]

A documentary on Händel, the “Messiah,” and its context in 18th-century England. In three paragraphs, please note some of the more significant things for you. Please give it thought, and write in clea

 A documentary on Händel, the “Messiah,” and its context in 18th-century England. In three paragraphs, please note some of the more significant things for you. Please give it thought, and write in clear paragraphs. Please be sure to discuss Capt. Corum, William Hogarth, and G. F. Händel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3RRsi6cOPM 

The 19th Century Minstrel Shows in the United State and the Evolution of the Banjo For EACH video listed below, give me two or three paragraphs summarizing what you took away from them. NUMBER YOUR

The 19th Century Minstrel Shows in the United State and the Evolution of the Banjo  For EACH video listed below, give me two or three paragraphs summarizing what you took away from them.  NUMBER YOUR ANSWERS.  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ptQYcWyRL0 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5FpKAxQNKU 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3K9uKIMob0 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlFzuSkKn5Y 5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7SWUCpHme8 6.

Take notes on people in particular, but note any favorite songs. Answer the following questions. 1) What woman was most influentially in the early development of the madrigal? What was her influence?

Take notes on people in particular, but note any favorite songs. Answer the following questions. 1) What woman was most influentially in the early development of the madrigal?  What was her influence? 2) Where did many of the composers come from? 3) Comment on the use of texts, and how the music set them  4) […]

Annotated Bibliography Hist 102 Winter 2024 As detailed in the Course Syllabus, you are required to complete and submit an Annotated Bibliography on a topic of your choosing that falls within the para

Annotated Bibliography Hist 102 Winter 2024 As detailed in the Course Syllabus, you are required to complete and submit an Annotated Bibliography on a topic of your choosing that falls within the parameters found below. The Annotated Bibliography must include a centred Annotated Bibliography heading as well as your name and the course title. You […]

For this week’s discussion, you must have completed reading Chapter 13, pages 345-368 and Chapter 14, pages 373-390 in the Pavlac textbook. For this Discussion, answer ONE of the instructor-provided:

For this week’s discussion, you must have completed reading Chapter 13, pages 345-368 and Chapter 14, pages 373-390 in the Pavlac textbook. For this Discussion, answer ONE of the instructor-provided: Leading up to WWII, Japan, Italy and Germany participated in particularly aggressive acts. How did these decisions create the conditions for the upcoming global war? Other than the Holocaust […]

For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation arguing from the point of view of either the British, the French, or the Germans that the Treaty of Versailles is either fair or unfair.

For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation arguing from the point of view of either the British, the French, or the Germans that the Treaty of Versailles is either fair or unfair.  To do well on this presentation, you must not only discuss the treaty itself, but also the events before and during […]

For this week’s discussion, you must have completed reading Chapter 12, pages 318-329 and Chapter 13, pages 331-345 in the Pavlac textbook.. For this Discussion, answer ONE of the instructor-provided:

For this week’s discussion, you must have completed reading Chapter 12, pages 318-329 and Chapter 13, pages 331-345 in the Pavlac textbook.. For this Discussion, answer ONE of the instructor-provided: There were many long-term issues that culminated in the First World War.  Choose ONE of the following and discuss how it led to the great calamity: — militarism and […]

For this week’s discussion, you must have completed reading Chapter 12, pages 297-317 in the Pavlac textbook. For this Discussion, answer ONE of the instructor-provided. Some historians have described

For this week’s discussion, you must have completed reading Chapter 12, pages 297-317 in the Pavlac textbook. For this Discussion, answer ONE of the instructor-provided. Some historians have described the Crimean War as a turning point in post-Napoleonic European history. Do you agree with these historians? Why or why not? If not, is there another point […]

For this week’s discussion, you must have completed reading Chapter 11 in the Pavlac textbook and viewed the lesson in Week 4. For this Discussion, answer ONE of the instructor-provided questions: Rea

For this week’s discussion, you must have completed reading Chapter 11 in the Pavlac textbook and viewed the lesson in Week 4. For this Discussion, answer ONE of the instructor-provided questions: Reading primary sources can inform our understanding of secondary and tertiary sources. Choose ONE of the following primary sources from the Industrial Revolution.  How does the information contained […]

Write a two-page expository essay in APA 7th edition format. The attached files contain the details of the essay. Please write in an active voice. First read the PDF article titled, “Do Large-Scale Co

Write a two-page expository essay in APA 7th edition format. The attached files contain the details of the essay. Please write in an active voice. First read the PDF article titled, “Do Large-Scale Combat Operations Require a New Type of Leader.” Then use the PDF titled “Leadership in Large-Scale Combat Operations” by Smith, J. as […]

Among the Enlightenment’s many contributions to modern life was a new form of political discourse: the political cartoon. We see these in newspapers and on social media every day. At their best, polit

Among the Enlightenment’s many contributions to modern life was a new form of political discourse: the political cartoon. We see these in newspapers and on social media every day. At their best, political cartoons combine humorous images with political insight in an easy-to understand package. The era of the French Revolution produced some of the […]

For this Discussion, answer ONE of the instructor-provided questions: The French revolutionaries claimed that they were inspired by the Enlightenment philosophes. Would the philosophes we studied bac

For this Discussion, answer ONE of the instructor-provided questions: The French revolutionaries claimed that they were inspired by the Enlightenment philosophes.  Would the philosophes we studied back in Week 2 have approved of how the Revolution started?  What about how it developed through the 1790s? In his Reflections on the Revolutions in France, British member of Parliament Edmund Burke predicted […]

For this Discussion, answer one of the instructor-provided questions: CH 10 Historians often consider France’s Louis XIV the quintessential absolutist monarch. Would you agree with their statement? If

For this Discussion, answer one of the instructor-provided questions: CH 10 Historians often consider France’s Louis XIV the quintessential absolutist monarch. Would you agree with their statement? If so, what do you consider the most important absolutist characteristic of his regime? If you disagree with the historians, who do you think was a better example […]

I. Short Answers (x4 = 10 points) Identify the following and make sure to give what, where, when, historical significance, and the source or sources where you obtained the information for each short a

I. Short Answers (x4 = 10 points) Identify the following and make sure to give what, where, when, historical significance, and the source or sources where you obtained the information for each short answer: A) Matteo Ricci B) Codex Mendoza C) Battle of Lepanto D) The Southern Inspection Tour Scrolls III. Primary Source Essay (10 […]

Answer the following question in an essay about five hundred words long: “Based on your reading of the United States Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and the French Declaration of the Rig

Answer the following question in an essay about five hundred words long: “Based on your reading of the United States Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Decree Abolishing the Feudal System, what specific ideas did French revolutionaries get from the American revolution?” Be sure to […]

Effective timely feedback is essential in higher education as it will help guide your students to success. In traditional education, providing verbal and written feedback is the norm, but in an online

Effective timely feedback is essential in higher education as it will help guide your students to success. In traditional education, providing verbal and written feedback is the norm, but in an online education setting, providing effective feedback may present challenges. Create a 500-750 word digital brochure for educators that includes best practices, methods, and tools […]

NOTE: The lesson would be about the Industrial Revolution. I have attached my lesson plan as a guide As a faculty member, you may be asked to take part in course or program design. It is important

NOTE: The lesson would be about the Industrial Revolution. I have attached my lesson plan as a guideAs a faculty member, you may be asked to take part in course or program design. It is important to understand the process used to create courses that are aligned to programmatic competencies, as well as how those […]

In this assignment, you will find 2 clips. The first is the dancers explaining the first act of Giselle and the second is dancing from Giselle from the mad scene which is found at the end of the first

In this assignment, you will find 2 clips. The first is the dancers explaining the first act of Giselle and the second is dancing from Giselle from the mad scene which is found at the end of the first act of the ballet. Please note that the characters are called: Giselle, Albrecht, Hilarion, and Bathilde  […]

Review the political, economic, and ideological reasons for the outbreak of the American Revolution and the Civil War. After your analysis of this information, answer the following questions: What mak

Review the political, economic, and ideological reasons for the outbreak of the American Revolution and the Civil War. After your analysis of this information, answer the following questions: What makes the Confederates different from the American colonists? What makes the Union different from England? Why were the American colonists considered Patriots while the Confederates were […]

write a reflective essay that addresses the following prompt: What are three sociological concepts that will help you be a more effective and empathetic colleague in professional spaces? Describe and

write a reflective essay that addresses the following prompt: What are three sociological concepts that will help you be a more effective and empathetic colleague in professional spaces? Describe and explain each concept using specific definitions and examples. Some foundational sociological concepts you may consider as part of your response are as follows. Sociological imagination […]

INSTRUCTIONS: In order to prepare you must complete the following readings: Review and identify the sections of Chapter 19 that address the topics that are relevant to this essay.Read the linked artic

INSTRUCTIONS: In order to prepare you must complete the following readings: Review and identify the sections of Chapter 19 that address the topics that are relevant to this essay. Read the linked articles and use at least one of them for your essay to support your discussion:   Henry Cabot Lodge Links to an external […]

Arts of Japan Exam I Instructions: Answer two of the following questions taken from your study questions. Your answers should be typed, submitted as a Word document, and where appropriate, cite your

Arts of Japan Exam I Instructions: Answer two of the following questions taken from your study questions. Your answers should be typed, submitted as a Word document, and where appropriate, cite your sources (including assigned readings and the textbook, but no need to cite class lectures).  You are welcome to consult additional academic sources (i.e. published articles and books, but NOT blogs, or encyclopaedias, including, […]

NOTE: I have provided the template. I will construct the video. Creating engaging lessons that include activities and assessments aligned to objectives and course outcomes is one of the responsibilit

NOTE: I have provided the template. I will construct the video.Creating engaging lessons that include activities and assessments aligned to objectives and course outcomes is one of the responsibilities of a higher education instructor. While it is not always necessary for higher education instructors to create daily lesson plans, knowing how to create a lesson […]

Turning points are significant events in history that become catalysts for change. These changes, for example, can inspire legislation and war, cause victory or defeat, and lead to the evolution of na

Turning points are significant events in history that become catalysts for change. These changes, for example, can inspire legislation and war, cause victory or defeat, and lead to the evolution of national ideologies. Some turning points are more obvious than others and are referenced often in the study of history, while others may not be.  […]

In essay format 1. You will need to have at least 300 words in this post plus full references due Friday … 3. You must reference using one of the three formats and following your major’s designat

In essay format  1. You will need to have at least 300 words in this post plus  full references due Friday … 3. You must reference using one of the three formats and following your major’s designated style: APA Your final discussion is to prepare a letter to the editor of your local newspaper that would […]

Analyze the results of the Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, and Kansas-Nebraska Act. Debate the effectiveness of these compromises as individuals, in part, or as a whole? Make sure to explain

Analyze the results of the Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, and Kansas-Nebraska Act. Debate the effectiveness of these compromises as individuals, in part, or as a whole? Make sure to explain in what context you define effective. Important Note: You were first introduced to the Missouri Compromise in Unit 5, you will need to pull in […]

Requirements: Prepare a PowerPoint document Have FIVE slides on EACH individual using the prompts I gave you above (15 slides in all) Give me new facts, tell me things I don’t know, and make your slid

Requirements:Prepare a PowerPoint documentHave FIVE slides on EACH individual using the prompts I gave you above (15 slides in all)Give me new facts, tell me things I don’t know, and make your slides interesting withphotographs, lithographs and other visual aidsPlease use full sentences that read wellHave a sources page in MLA format as your final […]