Employee Development

Context Employee development programs can help organizations attract and retain top talent, increase employee engagement, and improve overall organizational performance. In this discussion thread, we will explore the importance of employee development from a human resource management perspective and some common types of employee development such as mentorship, coaching, and more. Choose one of the […]

wk 7 lawrec hra resp

see attached TCOB Graduate Studies Discussion Rubric Criteria No Submission 0 points Novice (Criterion is missing or not in evidence) 1-13 points Basic (works towards meeting expectations; performance needs improvement) 14-16 points Proficient (meets expectations; performance is satisfactory) 17-18 points Exemplary (exceeds expectations; performance is outstanding) 19-20 points Support of Week’s Reading No Student Submission […]

Human Resource Management

Case Study Case Study Purpose: Flexibility, adaptability, and responsiveness to the external environment is essential if organizations are going to survive and thrive in a rapidly changing environment. Therefore, leaders and managers must know how to  implement change successfully in their organizations or departments in response to rapidly shifting conditions. The ability to respond to change […]

J. Moore ESSY for Scholarship

No reference Needed!!!  No reference Needed!!! No reference Needed!!! A well-written essay with 350 to 500 words. Essay must be typed double-spaced using 12-pt Times New Roman or Arial font. Write a well-developed argument that addresses one of the following prompts: 1. Do movements like Black Lives Matter and #MeToo promote inclusiveness and awareness or […]

Labor Relations week 3 discussion

 I am looking for original input, so please share your own experiences and then add support from our book our outside resources. Your thoughts and experiences are important to our discussions, so we can all learn from them. Please make sure that you back up the posts with factual information from the book, work/life experiences, […]

Sanders HRM 4301 Unit 5 DB and reply

Please note that there are two posts needed to successfully complete the discussion board assignment. An initial post addressing the discussion board topic is due by end of day Saturday. A response post to at least one other student is due by end of day Tuesday.  The method of training used can have an impact […]

week 8

Explain how decision making and controlling are interlinked in e-commerce and for MNCs as global organizations. Justify your response.

Discussion 2

Discussion 2 Does labeling employees as human resources make them more of an investment in the future rather than a current cost? Are employees an asset or expense? How do you define the value of a company’s employees? What about the ethics of treating employees, who are, after all, responsible moral human beings, as costs? […]

Human Resource Management homework

research Student Research Project: Proxy Statement Analysis Topic: Kraft Heinz Your proxy analysis should be prepared as a formal student paper following APA guidelines (7th ed.). Respond to the questions posed above within an essay format; do not simply list and answer the questions. The analysis must have a title page followed by an abstract […]

wk 6 oil 510

Module 6: Parallel Narrative Reflection 2 (Discussion)  Overview Parallel Narrative Reflections Parallel refers to writing from both an academic/critical scholarly perspective and a personal narrative perspective. Thus, this reflection on the reading is assigned for narrative reflection on how the readings resonate with your own personal leadership experiences.  Here’s the details: Parallel Reflection Assignment OGL […]

respond to discussion

2 SLP 1 Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name and Number Instructor’s Name Due Date SLP 1 Elasticity of Demand Price elasticity of demand is one of the fundamental principles of economics, which measures the responsiveness of the quantity demanded for a good when its price changes. If the demand is elastic, a small rise […]

Case Study

Copyright Post University 2022, All Rights Reserved Due Date: 11:59 pm EST, Sunday of Unit 7 Points: 100 Overview: To understand how to design a comprehensive compensation strategy, you will apply your learning to the selected case study. Instructions: Continue using the same company from Case Study 1 and 2 analysis. • Record your name, […]

Human Resource Management TODAY HOMEWORK

SEE ATTACHED Internal staffing systems work in fundamentally different ways than do external staffing systems. Question 1 options: True False Question 2 (1 point)   Most jurisdictions allow for candidate or employee medical information to be shared with supervisors if HR deems it wise. Question 2 options: True False Question 3 (1 point)   A major concern […]

human resource

I need your help JWI 510: Leadership in the 21st Century Lecture Notes © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. JWI 510 – Lecture […]


SEE ATTACHED TCOB Graduate Studies Discussion Rubric Criteria No Submission 0 points Novice (Criterion is missing or not in evidence) 1-13 points Basic (works towards meeting expectations; performance needs improvement) 14-16 points Proficient (meets expectations; performance is satisfactory) 17-18 points Exemplary (exceeds expectations; performance is outstanding) 19-20 points Support of Week’s Reading No Student Submission […]

Human Resource Management Wk 7 assignment automation or no

Imagine being an HR manager at KLC company who has been tasked with creating a Talent and Value Proposition that focuses on creativity, annual budget savings, and possible labor reduction. Leadership has recently learned about a variety of automated solutions to assist with faster production, including artificial intelligence. This solution could shrink the current internal […]

Wk 7 discussion total rewards program and benefits

Benefits are another core element of a Total Rewards Program that no longer focuses primarily on insurance benefits. Benefits are designed to help protect and ensure financial security and includes retirement plans, health and welfare plans, and programs that provide pay for time not worked. Identify at least one nonmandatory or voluntary plan that you […]

Wk 7 discussion employee training process

Context As you learned in your reading this week, employee training must be designed strategically and should follow a systematic process including a needs assessment, design and delivery, and evaluation. Over the next two weeks, you will complete an activity and an assignment on designing and delivering quality employee training as a human resource manager. […]

Wk 7 discussion employee training process

Context As you learned in your reading this week, employee training must be designed strategically and should follow a systematic process including a needs assessment, design and delivery, and evaluation. Over the next two weeks, you will complete an activity and an assignment on designing and delivering quality employee training as a human resource manager. […]

Wk 7 discussion employee training process

Context As you learned in your reading this week, employee training must be designed strategically and should follow a systematic process including a needs assessment, design and delivery, and evaluation. Over the next two weeks, you will complete an activity and an assignment on designing and delivering quality employee training as a human resource manager. […]

Wk 7 discussion employee training process

Context As you learned in your reading this week, employee training must be designed strategically and should follow a systematic process including a needs assessment, design and delivery, and evaluation. Over the next two weeks, you will complete an activity and an assignment on designing and delivering quality employee training as a human resource manager. […]

Unit 7.1 DB: Substance Abuse Programs

  What alternatives to 12-step programs are there for substance abusers? Conduct an Internet search and read about alternative approaches to treating substance abuse. Choose one and write a summary of the approach. 

Unit 7.2 DB: Codependency

  What is codependency? In defining the concept, share the characteristics of someone struggling with codependency. Discuss these characteristics in detail. 


Now that you have gained an understanding of Red Carpet, Leroy has asked you to join in on a preliminary meeting with the VP of HR and other members of the organization to discuss change. The meeting is important because many employees are unsure of their role in the change process. In fact, the VP […]


Module 1 – SLP Principles of Economics and  Entrepreneurship One of the topics you learned about economics in this first module is  price elasticity of demand. This is an important topic to you as a new entrepreneur because it will help you to price your products appropriately. This is because a change in price affects the […]

case 1

Module 1 – Case Principles of Economics and Entrepreneurship Assignment Overview Laverty and Little (2020) discuss the entrepreneurial journey.  Begin reading about the seven steps in the entrepreneurial journey on page 48 of the Laverty and Little (2020) text: Inspiration. When someone thinks about becoming an entrepreneur, what gives them inspiration to carry on? For this […]

Human Resource Management WEEK 6 ASSIGN HOMEWORK

SEE ATTACHED  HRA 549 Expectations for Written Assignments and Papers 1. FORMAT of assignments should conform to the following criteria:  Margins should be 1” in all directions  Papers should be double-spaced and in a single highly readable, black 12-point font (Arial, Times New Roman, Cambria, or Verdana are recommended). Headings may be larger […]


SEE ATTACHED TCOB Graduate Studies Discussion Rubric Criteria No Submission 0 points Novice (Criterion is missing or not in evidence) 1-13 points Basic (works towards meeting expectations; performance needs improvement) 14-16 points Proficient (meets expectations; performance is satisfactory) 17-18 points Exemplary (exceeds expectations; performance is outstanding) 19-20 points Support of Week’s Reading No Student Submission […]

HRM 225 Project two

Requesting assistance with a Human Resources class project. Please see attached for details.

dignity and social work

please see attachment  Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the following resources: · On Human Dignity and Social WorkLinks to an external site. · A Constructive Ethic in Eliminating Othering, Borders, and WallsLinks to an external site. · Pandemics, Leadership, and Social EthicsLinks to an external site. · Precarious Professionals: The Impact of […]

case study

hw help Simulon Defense Industries Benefits Exercise (C) Simulon is a publicly-owned defense manufacturer headquartered in Nashville, TN, with approximately 20,000 employees, 10,000 of whom are unionized. The company is structured functionally and has divisions such as finance, manufacturing, marketing, human resources, etc. The company has a CEO, six vice-presidents, and thirteen directors. All are […]

Discussion Replies 570

. Compare and Contrast Discussion 2 and the 2 replies attached using the instructions attached  BMAL 570 DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Replies Select at least 2 other classmate’s threads and post a reply that advances the conversation. Your replies must clearly link to the original author’s post, contribute new information, and be supported by the scholarly […]


SEE ATTACHED TCOB Graduate Studies Discussion Rubric Criteria No Submission 0 points Novice (Criterion is missing or not in evidence) 1-13 points Basic (works towards meeting expectations; performance needs improvement) 14-16 points Proficient (meets expectations; performance is satisfactory) 17-18 points Exemplary (exceeds expectations; performance is outstanding) 19-20 points Support of Week’s Reading No Student Submission […]

Wk 6 discussion: employee and wellbeing and wellnes

Often, employers miss the mark on having insight regarding an employee’s well-being or how wellness factors affect job performance and overall work productivity. Describe the following factors: well-being, wellness, workplace well-being, and financial well-being. Why should these factors become an integral part of total rewards? Identify one of the factors described that you place the […]


MNCs develop strategies based on analysis of both external and internal environments to identify the market environment and its competitive advantage to capture the market. Post a Response Read “Starbucks’ Caffeinated Push for Global Expansion” in Chapter 8 of the textbook. Please respond to the following: Explain Starbucks’ global expansion plan in China and Italy. […]

Unit 6.2 DB: Messages About Gender

Keeping in mind what you’ve learned about gender, grab a sheet of paper and fold it in half, the long way. Write your birth year on the left side and today’s date on the right. Between those two points write at least three key events in your life that brought awareness to you about your […]

human resource

I need your help JWI 510: Leadership in the 21st Century Assignment 2: Part A © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document […]

human resource

I need your help JWI 510: Leadership in the 21st Century Lecture Notes © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. JWI 510 – Lecture […]

Discussion 1

Discussion: Is Economics Relevant to Human Resource Management? HRM is one of the fastest-growing disciplines in business. Business leaders are calling for HR professionals who understand how economics affects the attracting, motivating, developing, and retaining of top talent. Choose one of the concepts introduced in this module and explain how knowledge of this principle can […]

Sanders HRM 4304 Unit 3 and Unit 4

Please answer each unit separated please.  Negotiation can be time consuming; however, most organizations will typically have a certain procedure in place to move through the negotiation process. Identify one tactic you agree with and one tactic you disagree with. Explain the rationale for your choices. A Model for Negotiating Sessions—Figure 5-1, which can be […]

assigment labor relations

Read Chapters 1 through 3. Then, in a Word document, answer  all questions:  1. List the four schools of thought along with the basic cause of the labor problem and the solution to the labor problem for each. 2. Explore the online exhibit about the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire (www.ilr.cornell.edu/trianglefire). a. What were working conditions […]

Labor Relations

ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS: 1. Workers in many occupations want a stronger voice in the workplace and there is increasing recognition that this is a fundamental human right. Do you believe that voice in the workplace is a fundamental human right? Why or why not? 2. Do you believe Unions are still relevant today? Why or […]

Human Resource Management HOMEWORK 5HRA549

SEE ATTACHED TCOB Graduate Studies Discussion Rubric Criteria No Submission 0 points Novice (Criterion is missing or not in evidence) 1-13 points Basic (works towards meeting expectations; performance needs improvement) 14-16 points Proficient (meets expectations; performance is satisfactory) 17-18 points Exemplary (exceeds expectations; performance is outstanding) 19-20 points Support of Week’s Reading No Student Submission […]

Human Resource Management Week 5 Homework

See Attached TCOB Graduate Studies Discussion Rubric Criteria No Submission 0 points Novice (Criterion is missing or not in evidence) 1-13 points Basic (works towards meeting expectations; performance needs improvement) 14-16 points Proficient (meets expectations; performance is satisfactory) 17-18 points Exemplary (exceeds expectations; performance is outstanding) 19-20 points Support of Week’s Reading No Student Submission […]

Human Resource Management Research

Human Resource Management  Instructions Due Tuesday Week 5 at 11:59 PM ET  10 Pts. The purpose of this assignment is to have the student identify and analyze various organizational structures, along with how structure impacts work and organizational culture. Using class material from the past weeks/modules, trade sources, and research-based articles from the online library, […]

Human Resource Management WEEK HOMEWORK

SEE ATTACHED 1 3   When developing employment measures, it is a good idea to give raters some leeway to interpret the meaning of scores as fits the specific situation. Question 1 options: True False Question 2 (1 point)   Correlation coefficients can range from 0 to +1. Question 2 options: True False Question 3 (1 point) […]

incentive plan

hw help GrowCo Engineering Incentive Plan – C Performance in the design engineering department of a major manufacturer had been less than satisfactory in terms of adherence to schedule, drawing quality, and the number of “mission-critical” complaints received from operations personnel. In an attempt to address these problems, on December 1, 2022, GrowCo approved a […]

2 peer Responses Applying Erickson’s Theory

  1. Using Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development, we can understand the struggles of both the parents and their 16-year-old son. The son is in the Identity vs. Role Confusion stage, where he is trying to assert independence and develop a sense of self. Losing his driving privileges may feel like a loss of autonomy, […]