Human Resource Management assignment 3

 Merit-based pay links pay to performance to reward individual contributions for employees and to provide encouragement for employees to perform at their best. While there are positive considerations for implementing this type of pay program, there are also drawbacks depending on the business environment. Identify at least three ways that a merit-based pay system can […]

Moore Occupational Interview 2-4

Submit your first Occupational Interview here I need a Occupational Interview For: Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 I need three different attachments please see sample

value of safety and quality agenda

Assessment 3: Instructions Attached Files:  HEAL5001 Assessment 3 Rubric.pdf HEAL5001 Assessment 3 Rubric.pdf – Alternative Formats (423.391 KB) Instructions Imagine you are working as a safety and quality partner for a health care organisation. You have been asked to prepare a report and presentation to the executive team to demonstrate the importance of a […]

Signature Project Part XL Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

  PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS  ATTACHED BELOW The second part of the project (value: 100 points) includes a revision of the first section, plus the addition of a more extensive section describing any unsuccessful strategies one or more of the parties have taken to resolve the conflict, as well as the reasons for their failure.   At […]

activity 3

  Please pick one of the three scenarios and answer the questions, connecting and citing course-related materials. Scenario 1 Since I do most of the eating in my family, my wife is happy to let me do most of the grocery shopping, too. Pushing the shopping cart down the meat aisle one day, I noticed […]

activity 2

  Standards that guide teachers’ preparation and professional development today require teachers to use their knowledge of cultural diversity. In Chapter 2, you learned about national teaching standards that guide your growth as a teacher and multicultural educator. Standards specific to social justice education have also been developed for educators. In particular, the Social Justice […]

Toy Project Part 2 – Final Presentation

PSY201 Child Development 1. Name and Aspect of Development: Name your toy and identify the aspect of development (e.g., cognitive, linguistic, socioemotional, or physical) your toy addresses. This should be a revised version of your unit 4 slides incorporating instructor feedback. 2. Literature Review (A minimum of 3 slides): Find and discuss at least three […]

Week DiscussioN response

SEE ATTACHED Please response to each below using this discussion question. Which component of compensation is most essential to motivate executives to lead companies toward competitive advantage? Discuss your rationale: Please cite references for each response: 1 LW}]Executives play very important roles within the organizations they work for. They are representative of the organization, they […]

Manage Through Communication

  Using the Communications Template, identify two overall issues that are present in the final project case that can be addressed using internal and external communications. For each issue, note the red flags that contribute to the issue and list those factors in the first column in the template. For each factor, identify potential communications […]

Wk 2 Change readiness

Based on the case study from the discussion preparation, how would you describe the challenges faced by the bakery owner in terms of change readiness? What policies or strategies could Simply Delicious adopt to promote both employee safety and customer satisfaction? Describe the pros and cons of each approach and identify which approaches will also […]

Human Resource Management Wk 2 assignment

Watch the Selecting a Company video for help getting started on this assignment. Choose an organization with which you are familiar or one in which you have an interest. Research and analyze the organization’s human resource management programs, policies, procedures, or initiatives. Evaluate their effectiveness and select a program, policy, procedure, or initiative that you […]

human resources week 7 dq

  Evoking Change Talk Change talk is language that reflects movement towards change. There are two broad types of change talk: preparatory and mobilizing. Preparatory change talk occurs when the service user is thinking about changing or exploring a specific change. Mobilizing change talk occurs when the service user is ready to commit to change. […]

Human Resource Management AA PP HOMEWORK 8

SEE ATTACHED Please cite textbook author: Martocchio, J. (2020). Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach (10th ed.) Pearson. and outside sources. This is a assisgnment. *******Read the Jenkins Goes Abroad case study; then answer these 2 questions in the case below. **** Case 1: Jenkins Goes Abroad Jenkins Consulting is a national firm that helps […]


SEE ATTACHED TCOB Graduate Studies Discussion Rubric Criteria No Submission 0 points Novice (Criterion is missing or not in evidence) 1-13 points Basic (works towards meeting expectations; performance needs improvement) 14-16 points Proficient (meets expectations; performance is satisfactory) 17-18 points Exemplary (exceeds expectations; performance is outstanding) 19-20 points Support of Week’s Reading No Student Submission […]


 Topic 8- Summer Learning Loss (Chapter 9): According to studies, all students return from summer vacation with decreased academic levels of achievement. For low-income students, however, the decrease is greater than that for middle-class children. What conditions may contribute to this difference? Discuss at least two (2) possible ways that the “summer loss gap” can […]

Human Resource Management assignment 2

  Instructions Standards that guide teachers’ preparation and professional development today require teachers to use their knowledge of cultural diversity. In Chapter 2, you learned about national teaching standards that guide your growth as a teacher and multicultural educator. Standards specific to social justice education have also been developed for educators. In particular, the Social […]

Resource management

INSTRUCTIONS: ●Please submit your assignment as an attachment in your assignments folder. ●Your assignment cannot be accepted via messages or email. ●Respond to all four questions below on a new, blank word processing document (such as MS Word). ●Develop each answer to the fullest extent possible, discussing the nuances of each topic and presenting your […]


Instructions of the final project Final Project (Written Report 25%; Presentation/Demonstration 10%): Total 35% Introduction The purpose of the final project is to encourage students to design a training session for a selected public agency to fulfill the related goals of public management. The designed training session should be aligned with one of our weekly […]

Week 1 Discussion – Effective Organizational Change

   Based on your reading, 10 Tips to Drive Effective Organizational Change: Evaluate your current organization, one in which you are interested, or one with which you are familiar. Select three of the ten proposed strategies you believe are most relevant to the organization and explain why you selected those three.

Week 1 Discussion – Strategic Talent Management

 For the first week’s discussion, you will refer to the illustration of the four phases of strategic planning: formulation, development, implementation, and evaluation in Chapter 1, “Strategic and Workforce Planning”. Within the scope of the development phase, a difference is distinguished between a person who can create a strategy (someone who can understand the process) […]

Human Resources

Colgate-Palmolive’s global HR strategy, chapter 13 400 words Each student is to post the synthesized executive summary here and be prepared to discuss your thoughts on the reading assignment.  Remember Executive Summaries are usually in paragraph format.

Multiple Relationships

 This week, you explored different types of multiple relationships. Some multiple relationships are unavoidable and unanticipated, such as human services professionals working in a rural community might have a neighbor as a client. However, other multiple relationships, such as developing a romantic relationship with a client should never happen. 

HR Activities in Health Care

2 paragraph, include reference-SWS FORMAT and student response    Please introduce yourself to your peers by sharing something unique about your background.(please talk about Event coordinator)  Explain how you expect this course will help you move forward in your current or future career. Then respond to the following: Course name-Health Services Human Resource MGMT.  HR […]

Human Resource Management assignment 2

As an organization develops a Total Rewards Strategy, one of the primary categories to consider is the compensation category. For a company to maintain a competitive edge, pay adjustments should be made based on job market fluctuations. As such, it is imperative to know where to begin as an HR professional. Discuss the steps needed […]


Proposal due 10/5 The agency should deal with a Social Equity topic Students need to submit a proposal (1 page) to clearly indicate the selected agency, the observed needs, and the preliminary format of the training program. The submitted proposal should include the following elements: •    The selected agency. Identify the public agency for […]

Human Resource Management assignment 1

Consider the various components in a compensation philosophy. Identify at least one practice within a compensation philosophy. Discuss the benefits of the selected practice as well as possible limitations or drawbacks that can occur if not aligned with an organization’s business strategy. Discuss pros and cons of pay transparency. Discuss why you would select either […]

pp hris

Human Resource Information Systems: Basic Application and Future Direction (5th edition) by Michael J. Kavanagh & Richard D. Johnson (ISBN-13: 978-1544396743) Publisher: Sage Publishing 

Human Resource Management COMPAA W6 ASSIGNMENT

SEE ATTACHED **Cite textbook and outside sources. Strategic Compensation: Martocchio, J. J. (2020). Strategic compensation: a human resource management approach (10th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN: 9780135192146 Assignments: *****Imagine you are designing an incentive plan for your organization’s (or an organization of your choice) middle managers. Create both short-term and long-term incentives, explaining […]


SEE ATTACHED Please site textbook: Martocchio, J. (2020).  Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach (10th ed.) Pearson. and outside source: *Please response to both discussions below regarding the following case***views about whether discretionary employee benefits should be an entitlement or something earned based on performance. NG1…To determine whether discretionary employee benefits should be considered entitlements […]

Discussion 10

 Review the module resources. Then, in your initial post, address the following:  What HR functional areas within the People Knowledge Domain do you believe will be affected the most by future trends? How?  What HR functional areas within the Workplace Knowledge Domain do you believe will be affected the most by future trends? How?  What […]


See attached 6 Discussion Week 6: Cite 2 outside scholarly sources and (textbook AUTHOR: Martocchio, J. (2020).  Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach. Boston: Pearson Education. Discuss views about whether discretionary employee benefits should be an entitlement or something earned based on performance.

Activity 1

200 word discussion 1 reference/intext citation Due 10/1/2024 Social Equity Class activity I How will you distribute this chocolate cake? Let’s assume this is an in-person class with 20 students. Today, the instructor has brought a delicious 10-inch chocolate cake to share. As a student, how would you distribute the cake in the fairest way […]

Human Resource Management human, resource, assignment

I need your help Name: Enter your name here. Date: Enter the date here. Critical Thinking Final Touchstone In this assignment, you will make two contrasting normative arguments about what one ought to do. Both arguments will be about the same topic, and so at least one of the arguments is likely to be something […]

Human Resource Management Assignment: Assessment & Inclusion

  Part 1: Compare Data To complete this activity, please visit the IRIS Module: Assessing the General Education Curriculum: Inclusion Considerations for Students with Disabilities.Links to an external site. Make sure you watch the Challenge video and read all of the content in slides 1, 2, 3, & 4 of the IRIS Module Assessing the […]

Case 2

The case will be Social Equity and the Gender Pay Gap Submit the written memo, which should be 3 pages in length. Due 9/28/2024 Written memo To address each case, the recommended structure and expected responses are listed as below: · Basic information (headings). At the beginning of each memo, students must indicate (1) the recipient, […]


SEE ATTACHED *****Ensure the following questions are addressed and answered. Why did you make specific allocation in the Pay Policy Mix? What led you to your Pay-Policy Level decision?

Human Resource Management brito assignment 3

1 2 Job Analysis Worksheet Conduct an interview with someone who has a career or job position that is different from your own. Identify the duties associated with his or her position, as well as any skills and abilities necessary for the position. Use the information gathered in the interview, as well as the Chapter […]

Response 2

200 word response 1 reference intext citation Due 9/26/2024 Please use a reference for an article that can be accessed in the United States. Do you agree that “AI” should be applied in the public sector or the delivery process of public services? If you do, how can this technology be better implemented? If you […]

Response 1

200 word response 1 reference intext citation Due 9/26/2024 Please use a reference for an article that can be accessed in the United States. Currently, the mechanisms for online petitions have not been formally institutionalized in our political system, particularly at the local level. Do you agree or disagree that this mechanism should be integrated […]

Week 5 Discussion RESPONSE

SEE ATTACHED Please site textbook: Martocchio, J. (2020).  Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach (10th ed.) Pearson. and outside source: *Please response to both discussions below regarding the following case:You are a compensation analyst for Worry-Not Insurance Company, which is located in Hartford, Connecticut. Define the relevant labor market for insurance claims adjusters and for […]


SEE ATTACHED HRA 562 – Compensation Project Scoring Rubric Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Students will complete the assignment with attention to the following criteria: Rating Scale Exemplary: Corresponds to an A- to A (90-100%) Proficient: Corresponds to B- to B+ (80-89%) Basic: Corresponds to C- to C+ (75-79%) Not Attempted: Corresponds to an F (0-74%) […]

Response 4

100 word response for each public organization 1 reference intext citation Due 9/24/2024 According to contingency theory, each public organization may require a different style of leadership. Discuss to determine an appropriate leadership approach or theory (as introduced in the prior slides, pp. 18-25) for the following public organizations. (1) Welleby Elementary School (public) in […]

Response 3

300 word response 1 reference intext citation Due 9/24/2024 (1Do you agree or disagree with the statement that successful leaders are born, rather than made through training? Explain your reasoning. (2) Based on your life experience, share an example of a leader (or a leadership style) you admire.

English Composition 14 Weeks

Introductory Paragraph: Hook- Main Ideas- Thesis- Body Paragraphs (same structure for each body paragraph) 1. Transition word or phrase that links this paragraph to the previous one. 2. Mini-thesis (topic sentence) The arguable point that you will prove and explain in this paragraph. Statement of this part of your argument (in proving your thesis). 3. […]

Managing Difficult Conversations

This course presented a number of different communication theories and applications that can be used in the workplace for individual or collaborative communication. For your final discussion of the course, assume the role of a manager and draft your personal communication philosophy you will use in your new position. Employees always want to know the […]

Managing Difficult Conversations

Combine all three into one final Cohesive finished product. Feedback for milestone One Good job describing the communication practices however I don’t see where you identified if they are explicit/explicit.   Feedback for Milestone Two Good job identifying “productivity above all” there are others heuristics that are relevant consider identifying those as you matriculate through the […]