Moore Professional Ethics and the Law Ethics Response RP

You will write a research paper of 6 to 8 pages, reviewing the literature on a specific ethics dilemma. 1) You will choose an ethical dilemma from one of the ones presented in your textbook or from one of the scenarios presented in the videos from your MindTap exercises. 2) Do your own research to […]

Managing Difficult Conversations

Describe a difficult conversation you were involved in or one that you witnessed. In your main post, describe the following details: Describe the conversation techniques used (if any). Explain your interpretation of the conversation. Propose how the conversation could have been better managed to make it less difficult and more productive. Describe the outcome. 2 […]

Human Resource

Submit back to me in a Word document, double spaced. 1.  If you were the governor of Mississippi, would you expand Medicaid under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act?  Why or why not? What is the impact of your decision on the Mississippi economy? 2. Assume you are the HR director for a medium […]


SEE ATTACHED. 2 Human Resource Development HRA-539-MBOL1 Assignments  HR Application 3 Top of Form Turnitin™ This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions It’s time to create a training plan for the new inventory system! Here are the learning objectives that should be addressed in the trainings: By the conclusion of training Super Users will […]

Week 4 Discussion Session

See Attached 1 4           Reference: Blanchard, P. B., Thacker, J. W., & Crosby, D. M. (2023).  Effective training: Systems, strategies, and practices (7th Ed.). Sage Publications, Inc.  ISBN 13: 9781071927809.             Please cite 2 other sources. Chapter 1 OVERVIEW Training was designed to provide the competencies needed for different types of jobs (not a one […]

Week Discussion 4 peer discussion response

See Attached. 1 4 Respond to the two peer discussions below using Specifically the following questions: 1. Where did you and your peers differ in your priorities? 2. How well did your peers plan to incorporate the Operations department and the Talent Development department into the design of this training? 1. Needed Discussion (Peer Response […]

Week 4 Discussion

SEE ATTACHED Discussion Board 4 You’ve been working closely with employees and senior leadership at SLUHE and have completed your Training Needs Assessment to better understand how to design the training for the new inventory system. Click the link below for a short summary of the TNA. TNA notes for Inventory System Training You’ll need […]

public speaking

I need your help Name: Date: Public Speaking Touchstone 4 Persuasive Speech Outline Template *As you build your outline, think of an effective way to incorporate at least one visual aid that will be relevant to your purpose and message and will enhance your speech, whether that is in the introduction, the body, the conclusion, […]

Organizational Behavior: Stress and Change Effect

 review of the Kotter Change Model  Classified as Public Classified as Public Classified as Public Overview of Assessment for Organisational Behaviour For the final assessment review the slides from Unit 6, Lecture 2 Change and Stress. Also refer to the textbook Chapter 16, pg 526 onwards. You should develop a short review of the Kotter […]


SEE ATTACHED Respond to at least two of your classmates: Specifically: What points did your peers make that you agree with? What information did they include that you may have overlooked? Where do you and your peers disagree? What could you suggest to strengthen their position? Would a different type of needs analysis (or no […]

HR 2 Application HRM-539

See Attached The CEO has just sent you the following email about training for the new inventory system: FROM: Smith, Lynn, CEO, SLUHE, Inc. TO: You, VP of Talent Development, SLUHE, Inc. RE: Training for the new inventory system Hi, We need to get moving on the preliminary steps to get all of SLUHE trained […]


SEE ATTACHED 7/16/24, 2:28 PM Module 3 – The 3 Parts of Training Needs Analysis – Human Resource Development HRA-539-MBOL1 1/2 Module 3 – The 3 Parts of Training Needs Analysis Human Resource Development HRA-539-… 7/16/24, 2:28 PM Module 3 – The 3 Parts of Training Needs Analysis – Human Resource Development HRA-539-MBOL1 2/2 Download […]

Week Discussion 3

See Attached Our textbook, Effective Training… explains that needs analysis can be proactive (planned in advance for an expected future performance gap) or reactive (conducted here and now to address an immediate, current performance gap). Provide an example of a situation (either a real past experience or a hypothetical) in which you would recommend either […]

Case Study 2

Answer the following questions for the case study you have chosen. Read all aspects of your case study carefully. Please make sure you address each question thoroughly and clearly. Each question should be at least 2-3 paragraphs to illustrate your understanding.  1) Review the Workforce Description in the case study you have selected. Select a […]

Pivot Tables

You will need to create Pivot Tables and save each Pivot Table to answer the questions. Please follow the directions below to name each of the Pivot Table sheets you create. You will place the answers to each of the questions on the Answer sheet within the database. Create all your pivot tables based on […]


  This module will wrap up our time together in Lab Management and Education. It is focused around your future career once you graduate and pass your boards. First, to help you begin to prepare for that, you will be submitting an updated version of your resume targeted toward procuring a job as a Medical […]

Identify and select two global industries.

 If you need some guidance or inspiration, you can check out List of Industries – Global | IBISWorld.  After selecting the two industries, identify an organization within each of those industries.  For your case study, you will…. Provide a brief background of the industry and your two chosen organizations.  Compare the following elements of chosen […]

Human Resource Management assignment 2

Analyze one human resource ethical issue that you believe is prominent in today’s organizations. Suggest two approaches that organizations could take in order to resolve this issue and provide a rationale for your response.

Moore Professional Ethics and the Law 14 Weeks DB 7 and DB 8

Used the PPT to do each DB please list them separate. DB 7 Discussion this week’s class lecture. Discussion post initial response must be 300 words or more in order to receive full credit of 10 points.  The discussion post writing prompt and references do not count toward the total word count. DB 8 Discussion […]

Case Studies

Answer the following questions for the case study you have chosen. Read all aspects of your case study carefully. Please make sure you address each question thoroughly and clearly. Each question should be at least 2-3 paragraphs to illustrate your understanding.  1) Of the three generic business strategies that most organizations follow (cost- cutter, customer-centric, […]

Case Studies

Answer the following questions for the case study you have chosen. Read all aspects of your case study carefully. Please make sure you address each question thoroughly and clearly. Each question should be at least 2-3 paragraphs to illustrate your understanding.  1) Of the three generic business strategies that most organizations follow (cost- cutter, customer-centric, […]

Ethical Decision Making in the Global Environment

This week, you will select a company from the following list.  This list reflects organizations that experienced some challenges in the global marketplace.  (Nestle) Each of these companies have experienced challenges operating in the global marketplace, bringing them negative notoriety in some cases, which could have or did impact their growth in the global marketplace […]

Negotiation Advocacy

Effective negotiations are designed with four key focus areas in mind: people, interests, options, and criteria (PIOC). Focusing on these four variables assists in reaching a successful negotiation outcome, a key deliverable for this milestone. Refer to Module One for information regarding PIOC. Discussions on possible ZOPA and BATNA agreements should also be reviewed in […]

Final Diversity 1

need help with draft question  Project Guidelines and Rubric.html IDS 400 Project Guidelines and Rubric Course Outcomes In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: Analyze the relationships among culture, diversity, and self by investigating their influence on one’s discipline of study or chosen profession Integrate interdisciplinary approaches for determining […]

Mental health agency

This assignment is structured to evidence your personal resourcefulness. Locating a mental health agency to visit is a major component of the assignment. To complete this assignment, you are going to do the legwork to find a local mental health agency and you must make an actual in-person visit to the agency. There are two […]

case st

Lets get this started. BUSI 642 Written Case Study Assignment Instructions Overview Employee compensation is one of the largest expenses a company has. It is important that compensation is well-designed and effective. Here you will read about how two different companies connect their total rewards to their organization values and goals. One of the companies […]

Human Resource Management human, resource, assignment

I need your help Name: Enter your name here. Date: Enter the date here. Critical Thinking Final Touchstone In this assignment, you will make two contrasting normative arguments about what one ought to do. Both arguments will be about the same topic, and so at least one of the arguments is likely to be something […]

Human Resource Management Unit 8 Assignment: Client Discharge

Sue Hernandez, a 35-year-old female, has been diagnosed with Schizophrenia Disorder exhibiting delusions and hallucinations. Sue identifies as a white, Hispanic, straight woman who has never been married. Sue is an Iraq War veteran. She served as a liaison to human resources and then as a paramedic and was honorably discharged in 2009. Before she […]

Sanders HRM 3303 Unit 7 Scholarly Activity

You have been asked to make a short speech to the executive team on how this course could help re-shape the job description and performance evaluation process for your organization. Reflect on the course and thoroughly explain your rationale. Journal post to be a minimum of 500 words and at least one supporting reference. Journal […]

Basic Counseling Techniques Week 5 Technique

Please used the PPT that attach to gain information to do the assignment. The PPT is the week lesson plan. Week 5 Technique Summary #5  The technique summary is intended to be a shorthand tool for summarizing a technique. You will write about an individual technique and a systemic technique). I wanted to create a […]

Diversity 6

need help with draft question  Module Six Activity Guidelines and Rubric.html IDS 400 Module Six Activity Guidelines and Rubric Overview In this activity, you will have the opportunity to examine how using critical analysis tools influences your interactions with others and your understanding of the role of diversity in society. You will also consider how […]

week 1 ass

attached Final Paper Introduction: For the final paper, you will propose a research study related to health care. In each week of the course, you will craft components of a proposed study. This first assignment starts your project. It is recommended you review Week 6 – Final Paper instructions for more information. Assignment Introduction: In […]

week 1 dis

  Biostatistics focuses on the treatment and analysis of data from biological, biomedical, and health-related studies. As you begin your journey into biostatistics, this discussion focuses on its real-world use. As part of federal regulations, states must conduct an external quality review of its contracted Medicaid managed care organizations and prepaid inpatient health plans. For […]

Moore Professional Ethics and the Law 6-10

250-300 a DB 1 DB 6 Please talk about this subject for this DB: Confidentiality: Ethical and Legal Issues Today’s class lecture centers around confidentiality. The professor mentioned how if you don’t take the initiative to mention confidentiality in the beginning then it could turn around and become a huge problem later on.   DB […]

Moore Ethics Response Final RP

You will write a research paper of 6 to 8 pages, reviewing the literature on a specific ethics dilemma. 1) You will choose an ethical dilemma from one of the ones presented in your textbook or from one of the scenarios presented in the videos from your MindTap exercises. 2) Do your own research to […]

Business Management in healthcare

   How do you train the observers in acting to stop bullying in the workplace. Who should do this? How should they do it? And of course, also why they should do it.

Research Proposal Trail of Tears

Research Proposal about the Trail of Tears   Student will submit of formal research paper proposal. The proposal must include a proposal for the research paper, a working thesis statement, and an outline of support for the thesis statement. There must also be an outline of the student’s plan to complete the paper. Please look over […]

HRM Effectiveness Improvement Plan

See Attached The field of HRM has experienced many opportunities and challenges in recent years. HRM has moved from being an administrative function to being a role that demands a number of new and challenging competencies. The HRM literature suggests that the profession faces a critical time. With more organizations downsizing, outsourcing, or eliminating their […]

Human Resource Management Unit 7 Assignment: Social History

Joe Brown (DOB 01/11/1930) is an 85-year-old straight, Black male who was recently admitted to the hospital after his youngest daughter found him lying on the floor in the bathroom. His daughter estimates that he may have been on the ground overnight. Mr. Brown was admitted to the hospital and diagnosed with a right side […]

Case Plan

Sue Hernandez, a 35-year-old female, has been diagnosed with Schizophrenia Disorder exhibiting delusions and hallucinations. Sue identifies as a white, Hispanic, straight woman who has never been married. Sue is an Iraq War veteran. She served as a liaison to human resources and then as a paramedic and was honorably discharged in 2009. Before she […]

Hr metrics

  Introduction: The introduction provides a brief historical overview, the reasoning for recommendations, and previews the report’s major points.  A General Discussion on HR Metrics: This section should include a discussion about the main types and categories of Human Resource Metrics; what each metrics measure; their importance in analyzing the effectiveness of a company’s human capital expenditures; […]

Diversity 5

Need help with draft question Module Five Activity Guidelines and Rubric.html IDS 400 Module Five Activity Guidelines and Rubric Overview An essential part of developing critical analysis skills is self-reflection. In this activity, you will have the opportunity to consider how critically analyzing your topic of diversity has affected your life and how you view […]

Human Resource Management Team Assignment Part A & B

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Are you underestimating your team members? Bain, Victoria The Journal for Quality and Participation; Winter 2001; 24, 4; ProQuest One Academic pg. 39 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further […]

Sanders HRM 3303 Unit VII Scholarly Activity

For this assignment, you will create a job description and a performance evaluation document that can be used in identifying a position within an organization and assessing the performance of an employee. The two items should be based on research for a specific job position in a career field you choose. Be sure to identify […]

Negotiation Advocacy

  In this assignment, put yourself in the shoes of Alice Jones, the executive facing possible severance in our case study. Develop a ZOPA and BATNA position for Alice, based on your review of her biography and the background information in the case study (located in the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document in the […]

wrk 100 wk 8

WRK100 – PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE OF WORK Name: Professor Name: Date: Week 8 Assignment – Development Plan for Two SkillsOverview For this assignment, you’ll identify two skills that you’d like to focus on and create a plan for developing those skills. At the end of the assignment, you’ll have a tangible plan for personal […]