Sanders Psy 4306 Unit 5 DB

Sometimes, job satisfaction is defined as cognition (attitude), emotion, or both. Consider a time when you were satisfied with your job and a time when you were dissatisfied with your job (these can be two different jobs), and list the cognitions (thoughts) you had and the emotions you had.

Sanders Psy 4306 Unit 4 Journal

Recall a recent instance in which you were interviewed for a full-time or part-time position. Was the interview structured or unstructured? Name three ways that you could have improved this interview. Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Sanders Psy 4306 Unit 3 PP

The manufacturing organization ABC has hired you as an industrial-organizational (I-O) psychologist to evaluate 100 assembly workers, 15 floor managers, and one plant manager. Create a PowerPoint presentation that discusses the important factors of job performance, job performance measurements, and evaluation and feedback. Address the following information in your presentation. · Identify the different components […]

Unit 3.2 DB: Working with Low-Income Families 2 responses

1.   Therapists who work effectively with low-income families possess a unique set of qualities, knowledge, and experience that enable them to provide the best care and support. Firstly, they exhibit empathy, understanding, and compassion towards the challenges and struggles faced by individuals living in poverty. They are culturally sensitive and aware of the societal and […]

Unit 3.1 DB: Social Class & Internalized Messages 2 responses

1.  While the poor are often portrayed as those who lack resources or may be seen as dependent on social assistance programs, I definitely grew up in a low-income household where we struggled with a lot of things like financial hardships and my parents being concerned what we would have for supper for that night […]

Literature Review

See Attachment  Assessment 1 Strong communication skills are imperative for an effective HR leader. The audience may be extremely broad—ranging from senior managers to employees at all levels. Effective communicators command attention that can translate into action and implementation. The ability to successfully communicate organizational mission and policy is vital for successful HR practice. Often, […]

Need Help

review the attached document This is an Individual PowerPoint (PPT) assignment ( REMINDER, you must use the required template in the Topic Resources). You MUST use speaker notes in your PPT. This is where the body of your essay should be with the slides used for bullet points that highlight the content from the speaker […]

week 1 ass

  The true story of the eleven blue men by Berton Roueché is one of the staple readings for many who begin the study public health and epidemiology. The story takes place in late 1944 and centers upon eleven men who, aside from their breakfast location, have little to do with one another. However, what […]

week 1 dis 1

  Now that you have reviewed the general history of public health and reviewed some of the organizations that have influence at the national, state, and local levels, what do you feel is the biggest health issue facing your community? Present an assessment, policy, and assurance scan for this health issue. In your post, Explain […]

Exo 4

ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS  1- Although more educated than ever before, African Americans remain more likely to be unemployed than comparably educated Whites, at all educational levels. What can explain racial differences in rates of return on educational investment? Is obtaining a college degree still a worthwhile investment for African Americans? 2-  Why do you think […]

Exercise 3

Please see attached PDF Instructions: · Circle all of the questions on this fictitious application form that could be directly or indirectly related to a prohibited ground of discrimination. · Come up with alternative ways for those questions you believe directly or indirectly related to a prohibited ground of discrimination. Employment Application About Yourself Preferred […]

Unit 3.3 DB: Motivation for Immigration

 What are the differences between those who immigrate for economic versus political reasons? How do you think these differences effect the process of acculturation to the host culture? 

Unit 3.1 DB: Social Class & Internalized Messages

 What messages have you internalized about “the poor,” “the middle class,” and “the wealthy”? How did you learn these messages and how do you feel about them? How may these messages impact your work in the human services field? These messages may include aspects of physical image or appearance, family size, identity, values, aspirations, home […]

Employment Law

ASSIGNMENT 08 R01 Employment Law Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages […]

Employment Law

ASSIGNMENT 04 R01 Employment Law Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages […]

Unit 2.2 DB: Children and Sexuality 2 Responses

 response to your peers, consider the messages received and share your experiences, both similar and different.  1. The appropriate age to begin talking to children about sexuality is a matter of individual judgment, considering the child’s developmental readiness, cultural norms, and family values. However, experts generally recommend starting conversations about sexuality early, in an age-appropriate […]

Discussion 1

Read the following article regarding diversity: Diversity in Everyday Discourse: The Cultural Ambiguities and Consequences of “Happy Talk”, Joyce M. Bell and Douglas Hartman Address the following: How do you see the individualism that is central to the American mainstream as being specifically in conflict with these definitions of diversity? Choose one of the five […]

Transfer ut

Rate the three most important concepts that you learned in this course in order of importance (one being the most important). Propose two applications of this knowledge in your current or a future position.

Human Resource Management Unit 2 Assignment: Media Portrayals

Due Date: Points: 100 Overview: For this assignment, you will have the opportunity to connect your reading to examples of men and women and their roles in a family unit as portrayed by mainstream media. Instructions: Select a family of your choice from a popular television show over the years. Feel free to select anything […]

Unit 2.2 DB: Children and Sexuality

 At what age should parents to begin talking to their children about sexuality? What kinds of information should parents provide at various ages? Should conversations start at a young age and change in content over time? In your discussion, please reflect on Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development to justify your points. *Remember, when we are […]

Need Asap

Help with a Motivation and Behavior Management Strategies and Conflict and Conflict Management.   4 Leading Teams at Southwest Transit Student Name Colangelo College of Business, Grand Canyon University MGT-605: Leadership in Organizations Dr. Marnie Davis Date Leading Teams at Southwest Transit The first paragraph of your summary should be a brief introduction (between 3-5 […]


Organizations often release diversity statements to publicly describe their perspective and policies towards diversity, equity, and inclusion. Think of an organization that you have been engaged in (i.e., your current or previous employer, UHD or another educational institution, a community organization, etc.). Imagine that they have asked you to quickly write a new diversity statement […]

Human Resource Management Assignment: Collaborative Network

  Watch the video, Case Management: CollaborationLinks to an external site., listed in the Module Introduction. As discussed throughout this course, building relationships, making connections with other agencies and professionals, and securing outside referrals for clients are all part of a case manager’s role in helping clients improve the overall quality of their lives. In […]

Need Asap

Help with a Motivation and Behavior Management Strategies and Conflict and Conflict Management.   ****APA Format and only the 2 sections on the template ( motivation and conflict) Team Selection Content Section of Essay Why did your team select the six team members? Why did you decide against the others? Elizabeth: With her problem-solving skills, […]

Human Resource Management HRM 565 WEEK 10 ASSIGNMENT

2 Overview A company has experienced several lawsuits as a result of equal employment opportunity (EEO) infractions. No diversity training has occurred within the company to date. As a newly promoted manager in this organization, you are given the responsibility to determine the effects of implementing diversity training (including diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI, […]

Human Resource Management HRM 560 WEEK 10 ASSIGNMENT

  Please respond to the following: Select two effective practices you might use as the chief diversity officer of your organization and discuss how you would use them to improve diverse relationships. Discuss the integration of diversity training into the primary HR strategies of your organization. Indicate whether diversity training supports particular HR strategies or […]

Human Resource Management WEEK 10 ASSIGNMENT HRM 590

2 Overview Over the past nine weeks, you have navigated a rigorous study schedule and application of your knowledge to various HR concepts and best practices. As this course draws to a close, you will reflect on your Week 1 discussion action plan concept and take it to the next level. To complete this assignment, […]

HR project management final Team presentation

See note  ProjectBudget Project Budget Project Lead: Centralized HR BUDGET ACTUAL Under(Over) Start Date: April 2024 Total $ 77,160.00 $ 97,590.00 $ (20,430.00) Labor Materials Fixed WBS Vertex42: WBS (Work Breakdown Structure): Each level uses a different formula to display the correct outline numbering. Copy the cell from the Template rows at the bottom of […]

Environmental awareness and organizational sustainability

Determine the major effects that an organization’s environmental awareness has on its sustainability. Recommend one approach that HR can take to use an organization’s environmental awareness in order to attract and retain top talent.


3 MGT501 Case 1 MGT501 Case 1 Your Name Trident University International MGT501 Management and Organizational Behavior Due Date MGT501 Case 1 Remember to always indent the first line of a paragraph (use the tab key) or paragraph formatting (see below). The introduction should be short (2-3 sentences). The margins, font size, spacing, and font […]


3 MGT501 SLP 1 MGT501 SLP 1 Your Name Trident University International MGT501 Management and Organizational Behavior Due Date MGT501 SLP 1 Remember to always indent the first line of a paragraph (use the tab key) or paragraph formatting (see below). The introduction should be short (2-3 sentences). The margins, font size, spacing, and font […]

Human Resource systems

Part 1: PESTEL ActivityUsing the PESTEL Analysis Worksheet, populate the first two rows: United States and Brazil. Filling out these rows will help you visualize global values (such as each country’s cultural and political trends) and will assist you as you work toward completion of your final project. Part 2: Composition that assesses Nimble Storage, […]

Malpractice: Advisory Report

See Attached  This assessment’s HRM healthcare challenge is implementing HR best practices that avoid malpractice cases and litigation for Vila Health doctors, nurses, and other medical staff. Medical malpractice can occur when appropriate treatment is not provided and causes harm, injury, or death to a patient. This issue is ever evolving and is controversial as […]

Religion and Spirituality

 What, if any, distinctions do you see between religion and spirituality? In your discussion, explore how religion and spirituality are both sources of strength and resiliency, as well as sources of conflict and struggle. 

Need Asap

Can managers really motivate employees, or does real motivation have to come from within the individual? What is the impact of goal setting on interpersonal and organizational? Explain how goal setting and conscious culture research supports your position.

Need Today

What is the current design of your job? Assume that the opportunity arose for you to utilize the idiosyncratic deals (i-deals) in redesigning your job. What would you do to make your job inherently more motivating? How would you design the feedback and reward systems in the new job? Be sure to include comments on […]

The Question, Theory, and Survey Instrument Selection

Preparation In this assignment, you will write a narrowly focused research or program evaluation question that is focused on your topic, has measurable variables, and addresses diversity, equity, or inclusion issues. Research/Program Evaluation Question As a guide refer to the following example of a process for narrowing a research problem and writing a research question. […]


  Conduct a search from the Strayer library for a scholarly article focused on teambuilding for virtual work teams. Then respond to the following: Discuss at least two team-building intervention approaches that could be conducted to improve performance management for virtual work teams. Identify two unique challenges that would need to be addressed for successful […]

Workforce Plan

Develop a workforce plan in response a change introduced into your chosen organization’s (COTSCO) environment. (New product development) Using your organization or one you are interested in working for, identify a catalyst for change that results in the need for workforce planning.  Create a workforce plan in which you include the following elements: Brief organizational identification […]

Leadership and Ethics

Evaluate the leadership of a leader in your organization, or prior organization, in terms of the seven habits of ethical leaders. Determine one area in which this leader could improve upon, and suggest one action that this leader could take in order to do so. Note: Please do not identify workplaces or leaders by name. […]

Conflict in Teams

When is conflict healthy for a team? Identify instances when conflict or interpersonal differences might produce positive outcomes in teams. Describe instances when a team or an organization suffered when there was too little conflict in the team. You can use your own experience or research to answer this question.

HR In Global Context

In your journal, answer the following questions: What are some common concerns companies have that keep them from being more effective in the global market? In a global market, what should a company consider changing to better embody social and cultural norms and to become a more geocentric organization? Consider possible changes to the company’s […]

HR In Global Context

Based on your assessment of this case study, in which of the four cultural concepts would you categorize Nimble Storage’s mission and vision: ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, or geocentric? Offer a rationale to support your selection. Finally, based on Nimble Storage’s mission, does the organization appropriately present itself as a global company? Explain why or why […]


PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT  2/27/24, 8:23 AM MHA Iconography: Foundation of Healthcare Admin-Spring 2024 1/3 MHA ICONOGRAPHY Throughout this program, certain Discussions and Assignments display iconography to signify that they are aligned to the NCHL Health Leadership Competency Model 3.0 ( . As you attain your Master’s in Healthcare Administration at Walden University, it is worth […]

Counselor Insensitivities

Q&A’S 1. The counselor “jokingly” says to a client who is having trouble focusing, “I’ll have to get you on some Ritalin.” Although distasteful at any point, this statement is particularly inappropriate with this client, whose son is a child who struggles with a learning problem. The client ends up feeling as if the helper […]

Challenging Ethical Beliefs

1. As defined by the ACA ethical code, the following issues are considered to be an ethical violation some or all of the time. For each issue: (1) identify where in the ethical code the issue is addressed and how it may be an ethical violation (2) present an understanding of why you believe the […]

Final Assessment

 In this assignment, you will reflect back on your Program Justification Assignment and explain the type/level of intervention you proposed. 

The Future of Protecting Children

 What changes should be made in the helping system to better serve children in the future? Thinking further, what societal changes are necessary to protect children in the twenty-first century?