Now that you have explored many paths in counseling and related fields, identify which you would like to do. What graduate program will you attend and why? Is it accredited? What do you expect to learn throughout your training and education? 

Graduate Student Dilemma

 You are in a graduate program for counseling and one of the other students shares privately that they have been struggling with depression and issues from their childhood. The student mentions that they have not been in their own therapy. The student is starting their internship next month. You have concerns about the student working […]

Ethical and Professional Vignettes

1. After graduating, a fellow student in your CACREP-accredited counseling program takes and passes the National Counselor Exam (NCE). He then rents office space and advertises in the local newspaper saying “Individual, Group, and Family Counseling by a Nationally Certified Counselor.” Is this ethical? Is this professional? Is this legal in your state? Do the […]

Human Resource Management I need assistance with my assignment

 Criteria attached  Human Resource Business Partner (HRBP) Development This week’s assignment is two-fold. Please discuss the case, then complete assignment. Part One: 1. Add your opinion about the choices and decisions being made in the case. if this was your company, would you make this choice? 2. What would you do differently? 3. Use at […]

Human Resource Management Homework assignment

Topic selection  Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST Points: 100 Overview: Write a research paper based on the topic chosen. Answer the topic question and support your opinion with appropriate resources. Instructions: The essay must have the following components:  An Introduction that briefly sets up the topic and states the premise of your paper.  […]


Due Date: Points: 100 Overview: Your family of origin (FOO) is who raised you, not necessarily who you are related to biologically. While genetics and heredity are important to know and trace for medical, mental health, and substance abuse reasons, our FOO is the underpinning of our morals and values. Instructions: • Identify your family […]

Quick Discussion

It is generally accepted that attitudes affect behavior. Discuss how the reverse causation (e.g., the employment setting or work itself) might also be true in terms of affecting job satisfaction, organizational commitment, conscious leadership, and job involvement.

Program Justification

 In this assignment, you will be assuming the role of a member of the executive team for a community organization that serves children and families. You have been asked to explore options for new programs to support children in your community and are working on preparing a report about the issue your program will address 

Unit 7.2 DB: Impacts of Removal

 While removal from the home may sometimes be the safest option, it is not void of consequences. In this discussion forum, we will explore some issues that may arise for foster parents, children, and caregivers. List some possible fears or concerns the children may have when they are separated from their birth parents for placement […]

Unit 7.1 DB: Legal Interventions

 Compare and contrast the juvenile, criminal, and probate court processes for child protection cases. What type of maltreatment cases will be handled by each? In your discussion, identify the impact being involved in the court process may have on children? 

Unit 7.1 DB: Person of Color and a Police Wife

 You receive a call for a new client at your private practice. She reports being stressed and anxious over the past several months and identifies as a person of color. Upon meeting her in your first session, she discloses she has been struggling with the racial injustices that are happening. You validate her experience and […]

Unit 7.2 DB: LGBTQIA Counseling

ACA suggests that clients seeking to change their sexual orientation (formerly known as conversion therapy) should be clearly told of the lack of scientific evidence of such counseling practice, the potential harm they can do, and offer the client questions to ask any practitioner who might be practicing such approaches. Your colleague wants to uphold […]

A Day in the Life.

Due Date: Points: 100 Overview: This paper is a culmination of what you have learned in Units 1-7. For this paper, you will select two different types of counselors that were reviewed in Unit 1. Please select the two you are most drawn for your future career. For each counselor type chosen, please identify the […]


© 2022 Post University, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Due Date: Sunday 11:59p.m. Unit 5 Points: 100 Overview: Choose two psychiatrists and PCP’s in your area to fact find how long it will take to get an appointment if you are reporting symptoms of anxiety and sadness. Instructions: • Find two psychiatrists (or psychiatric APRNs) in your […]


  Reflect on the usefulness of a portfolio to provide evidence of accomplishments to pursue career goals. Determine if this approach may be more effective than others.

TQM Planning

Imagine your company is being considered for subcontracting the management of a project because of your firm’s excellent human resource and quality management skills. However, you find that you must first convince the contracting company that your company is worthy of the position. Recommend a plan that centers on total quality management (TQM) that highlights […]

Discussion board

Please read Five Common Grievance Issues from the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Union’s Steward’s Sourcebook and answer the following questions: During the term of most Labor Contracts, the union agrees not to strike or engage in any similar concerted actions against the employer. The Grievance Procedure in the contract provides a mechanism for the union […]

Human Resource Management Final Assignment

See attached  BUSI 653 Literature Review Assignment Instructions Overview The student will research and write an original 7-page Systematic Literature Review on the effects of communication in negotiations. Systematic Literature Reviews provide an overview of existing research with the intent of reporting and analyzing published research findings. The intent of this assignment is to explore […]

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Healthcare Privacy: Brief

See Attached This assessment’s HRM healthcare challenge is to support Vila Health in implementing better HR processes to avoid Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) violations, a law that protects patient health information, which will align the organization’s mission with both legal compliance and ethical behavior. To prepare for writing a brief in this […]

Human Resource Management assignment 9

Do you believe that a program of HR metrics and workforce analytics might be useful in Regional Hospital? What opportunities do you see regarding where and how metrics and analytics might be applied in this organization? Identify three analyses and associated metrics you think might be useful for Regional Hospital to consider.

Human Resource Management assignment 8

Explain your previous or current organization’s performance management, compensation, benefits, and payroll system. Can these systems be accessed via one HRIS, or does your organization use multiple systems? Explain. Do you think your organization’s performance management, com

Human Resource Management Assignment: Neurodevelopmental Disorder Timeline

  Neurodevelopmental disorders appear early in life disrupting the normal course of development and often persisting through adulthood. In this assignment, you will select one of the following neurodevelopmental disorders to focus on: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderLinks to an external site. (ADHD) Specific Learning DisordersLinks to an external site. Autism Spectrum DisordersLinks to an external site. […]

Discussion: Legal and Ethical Implications of Assessment

  Consider the following scenario: A client comes in to see you for case management services. She has many serious family problems, including some bouts of depression that seem to be only “situational” based on the current problems she is facing. She is in need of help, but reports that she cannot afford private counseling. […]

Simple Discussion

Discussion 1 In many organizations, being people-centered is considered soft, irrelevant, and unrelated to profitability. Based on the video, “Everybody Matters: A Documentary Short Based on the Best Selling Book” and the assigned readings on conscious capitalism, contemplate the conscious capitalism principles (e.g., conscious leadership, stakeholder orientation, conscious culture, and higher purpose) as a framework. […]

Budgeting Time and value risk management

You have been assigned to analyze the project plan of a payroll system that is behind schedule and over budget. The project was supposed to be completed in one year, but now it is running about three months behind schedule and 25 percent over budget. It is expected that the project may continue to fall […]

Conveyor Belt Injury

Use a current OHS incident/tragedy to discuss the incident root causes, apply legislation and provide detailed recommendations on how to prevent recurring incident on Conveyor Belt Injury 

Human Resource Management assignment 5

Compare and contrast the various change management models. Provide a brief overview of your comparison. Which models have you seen implemented in the workforce? Next, recommend which change model you would use when implementing your new HRIS, and explain why you would use the selected model.


  Both formal and informal knowledge management systems can emerge within an organization; each system type has unique traits and may emerge from several sources including organizational priorities or culture-respectively. Please respond to the following: Identify the differences between formal and informal knowledge management systems. Discuss at least three critical success factors for establishing an […]


  Discuss three challenges faced by employers today when ensuring their employee populations have the required skills and competencies.

Logistics Research

  What information can be discussed when talking about logistics in grocery supply chains?   MGT 309 – Logistics Research Paper Guidelines Paper Description 1. You may choose from any one of the hundreds of topics listed in your textbook, but the topic must be narrow and concise enough to cover in five pages. 2. You […]

Research Proposal

       What information can be discussed when talking about logistics in grocery supply chains?                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Values-Based Ethics vs. Compliance-Based Ethics Programs

Differentiate between a values-based ethics program and a compliance-based ethics program. Recommend either a values-based ethics program or a compliance-based ethics program for your current or a former organization. Provide a rationale for your response. Note: Please do not identify workplaces or leaders by name. Be sure to respond to at least one of your […]

Workplace Fatality

Use a current OHS incident/tragedy to discuss the incident root causes, apply legislation and provide detailed recommendations on how to prevent recurring incident on Workplace Fatality

Occupational Health and Safety

Use a current OHS incident/tragedy to discuss the incident root causes, apply legislation and provide detailed recommendations on how to prevent recurring Workplace Fatality.

HRM – Employee Retention

 This will be an exploration of the evolving role of a Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) topic that reflects one of the significant topics of our course.  

J. Moore ECO 231 PowerPoint

ECO231 Macroeconomics Topics for PowerPoint Presentation Macroeconomics is the study of an economy as a whole. For instance, when studying macroeconomics, researchers look at how certain factors affect the overall economy, especially when it comes to government influences. These factors can include everything from unemployment to interest rates to international trade. Because there are so […]

Sanders 4301 Unit VII Scholarly Activity

Students will complete a 3-page analysis of an article and a response to a series of questions concerning the ethics of a controversial marketing strategy. For this assignment, you will read an article and answer a series of questions concerning the ethics and moral responsibilities involved with a controversial marketing strategy. Begin by researching the […]

Unit VIII Journal Unit VIII Journal

For this journal, choose a real or fictional company or other organization of interest to you. In our scenario, the organization is conducting a search for a new chief executive officer (CEO). As a board member of this organization, you are in charge of drafting the environmental, sustainability, and governance (ESG) section of the CEO […]

Theories of development

Instructions ASSIGNMENT 1: THEORIES OF DEVELOPMENT PRESENTATION In this assignment for this week you will need to create a Prezi. ( Students can start a free 14 day trial) or PowerPoint that will highlight the important points of a theory that you will pick from this week’s reading and research. The selected theory should be […]

Unit 5.1 DB: Evidence-Based Practices

 Compare two evidence-based therapy models that were found in your readings or on the website. What education and training are required for a counselor to provide that type of therapy? Is adherence or fidelity to the model monitored? What population is the model developed for? 

Unit 5.2 DB: Scope of Practice and Ethics

 Donna is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Connecticut. She attended a CACREP accredited program and has worked as a counselor for teens and adults for the past several years. She works in her own private practice and received a call from a potential new client, Mary. Upon meeting with Mary for the first time, Donna […]

Unit 5.1 DB: Abuse Perpetrated by Outsiders

 Discuss the compounding effects of sexual abuse by clergy or daycare worker. Propose at least three possible preventive measures for religious institutions or daycares 

Unit 5.2 DB: Child Sexual Abuse Case Study

 Dawn and Nadya were 9-year-old neighbors who enjoyed playing in the woods behind their homes. Another neighbor, Mr. Gomes, was a man who lived alone and whose property was surrounded by a very high fence with a gate opening out into the woods. The girls often wondered what was behind his fence and made up […]

Civil and Criminal Law in Healthcare: Memorandum

See Attached  This assessment’s HRM healthcare challenge examines civil and criminal issues that may be implicated in a scenario at Vila Health. It is of vital importance for HR professionals to be made aware of situations surrounding patient care and to understand the basics of civil and criminal law in this context in order to […]