Week 8 discussion electronic payment systems

 Using the readings or additional literature, research the concept of electronic cash. What are some of the security implications of using forms of electronic cash? Are there any options we could use to increase security when an organization uses electronic cash, and are there any special regulations a company must abide by to avoid criminal […]


prepare a paper that studies the state of BI/Analytics within a given industry. The industries that you can select from are listed at the end of this document. Industry: Coffee Describe and characterize the industry. In general, what is the scope and focus of the industry? Who are the leading competitors in the industry? Define […]


Cyber Paper Writing(1.5 pages) In 300+ words, reflect on this week’s learning.  Essential Activities:  1. Watch the Podcast,  “ Up in the Air” with Dr. Brandon McIver . Then read  Red Team vs. Blue Team in Cybersecurity  to answer this question:  Does teaming help organizations? Why or why not? 2. Reviewing the Coursera material Notes: 1. This […]


I need 2 sets 2 discussions and 4 replies for each subject Discussions Network:- What personal computing or network devices and resources do you have at home? How do you access the Internet from your home and what network devices and IP addresses are used?  Please reply to 2 of your classmates. Project Management: 1. […]


2 discussion and 4 replies for each set. There should be no plag between ur work and AI report should be submitted Discussions Network:- What personal computing or network devices and resources do you have at home? How do you access the Internet from your home and what network devices and IP addresses are used?  […]

Network Management

need in 48hrs Phase:-1  University looking for Consultation Company to design the network for Indiana Campus. The Campus has Internet connection with one ISP. You have four programs’ departments; Engineering, Nursing, IT, and Finance; in additional to the staffing and the management departments.   Your design should include:  · Network Diagram. · IP address distribution. · […]

Network Mini PROJECT

Hi, This was sample project of network management if project approved and score was above will be given Major project Phase:-1  University looking for Consultation Company to design the network for Indiana Campus. The Campus has Internet connection with one ISP. You have four programs’ departments; Engineering, Nursing, IT, and Finance; in additional to the staffing […]

supply chain and procurement

DONOTUSEARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TODOTHIS ASSIGNMENT. TURNITINWILL DETECT IT For this individual project, students will write a research paper on either one the following topics: 1. Supplier Diversity in Procurement 2. Sustainability in Procurement 3. Public Procurement (also known as Government Procurement) 4. Global Sourcing 5. Low-Cost Country Sourcing This assignmentmust be 5 pages (Excluding Presentation Page, […]

Professional Scrumdamentals

 Developing software is a complex endeavor. Scrum is a lightweight framework that helps people, teams, and organizations generate incremental value through adaptive solutions for complex problems. The Scrum framework consists of the Scrum team and the associated roles, events, artifacts, and rules. For your discussion, pick one of the components of the framework (e.g., roles, […]


Please read the assignment and let me know if you understand.  You will Also need Eclipse Workspace Chapter 3 Project Project Name: Chpt3_Project Class Name: Chpt3_Project Write a Java program that generates a random number between 50 and 150 that represents the temperature in Celsius of a pot of boiling water on a stove, and […]

Fundamentals Of Microsoft Azure

You must then read your classmates’ responses. After you have read their responses, you must respond to TWO of your classmates by the last day of the academic week at 11:59 pm ET. These are called your PEER RESPONSES. Each Peer Response is worth 10 points and should be 100 words in length, which is […]


2 SETS Week-6 Project Management: 1. What types of contracts are there? 2. What is the difference between a qualitative and quantitative risk analysis? Cyber Security Please listen to this week’s Podcast episode and in 300 words explain in detail:  1. What was your biggest takeaway from podcast?  2. What is open-source intelligence? Is open-source […]

A pitch

Provide a succinct introductory overview of what you are going to build. Introduce the problem that you’re trying to solve. Outline the solution you’re offering with your software and what makes your solution special. Evaluate the potential consumers or target market that proves your product’s potential, including who and how many will use your product. […]

Fundamentals Of Microsoft Azure

Your task for each week’s discussion is to read all required resources. You must then respond to ONE of the questions. This is called your INITIAL POST. Click the blue Start a New Thread button to post your response. Your Initial Post is due by the fourth day of the academic week at 11:59 pm […]

SCI100 MGT200

SCI 100 Module Six Activity Template: Science in the Real World Instructions First, choose one video from the module resources to watch. You should use points made in the video you chose, and any other course resources, to support your responses to the questions below. Replace the bracketed text with your responses. Apply the scientific […]

Dis and replies

there was 3 subjects. i need 2 discussions and 4 replies for each subject. each dis- 4$  Dis- 250+ words, each reply 75-100 words. Advance database What is the difference between primary and secondary storage? Discuss the mechanism used to read data from or write data to the disk. What is the difference between static […]

case study 1

Case Study 1 – Analytics at P&G This is an individual assignment. Make sure to include your name on your assignment. The assignment is based on the Harvard Business School case titled “Managing with Analytics at Procter and Gamble”. This case can be purchase from Harvard Business School at the link provided in the course […]

Finance and Strategic Mgt

Find questions in attach UU-MBA710 : FINANCE & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Week 7 1 UU-MBA710 : FINANCE & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Week 7 Assignment 2 This is your final assignment. You are requested to prepare a report for a public company. You should approach this case from a director’s point of view upon issues related with financial […]

Productive Failure

   Demonstrate a clear understanding of the organizational change process. Discuss a productive failure and the significant lessons that emerged. Sometimes things go wrong, and that is not always a bad thing. You can learn from failure. If the organizational members learned from the failure, the failure was productive However, if no learning occurred, the […]

Fundamentals Of Microsoft Azure

Project Scenario You are employed as a cloud administrator at Cyber Domain Consultants, a firm specializing in Microsoft Azure cloud adoption support. Your current client, a federal government agency, has hired your firm to help with the agency’s upcoming Azure cloud pilot. The agency has 1,000 employees and several regional offices throughout the country. The […]

Case Study Application: Disaster Recovery vs Backup

Please see attached. Follow the rubric. Security Infrastructure Design Written Application Focus: 1. Backup VS Disaster Recovery – From your experience and knowledge, debate is a backup and disaster recovery the same thing or not? · Papers  · 3-5 page length (including title page, does not include reference page) · Fonts: 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, […]

Information Systems Click on assignment

Please read and review any reputable article of your choice on the following topic: System Architectures. In your review, describe the system architecture and provide examples of cloud-based and virtualized systems. See  Article Reviews for further instructions regarding formatting requirements. Article Reviews Please keep in mind that there are three article reviews required for this course. Be sure to […]