
 In your response posts to at least two other peers’ initial posts, respond to the following: Compare and contrast your thoughts on the legal and compliance implications identified by your peers. Explain one additional measure for preventing such actions that your peer did not discuss in their initial post. Why do you feel it is […]


 How do existing criminal justice and social policies create barriers for effective prisoner reentry and rehabilitation? 

crj 180

CRJ180: Juvenile Delinquency and Justice Week 6 Assignment Combating Juvenile Delinquency Please answer the following questions using well-developed sentences or short paragraphs, using your own words. This worksheet requires at least 3 credible sources cited in Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) format. 1. Examine two local programs that address juvenile delinquency and their strategies, partnerships, and […]

Please see attached

please see attached for instructions  GOVT 220 Presentation Assessment: Biblical Origins of the Constitution Assignment Instructions Overview Prior to beginning this assignment, complete Watch: The Constitution – Part 1 and Watch: The Constitution – Part 2 as found in the Learn items for Module 1: Week 1. These presentations were recorded live at convocation at […]

Db A.3

For this exercise, you will need to create a crime scene sketch. Choose a room in your home that has five items of evidence and four items that are not evidence. Complete a hand-drawn sketch and submit it as either a photograph or scan. Follow the lecture provided to guide you. Use the best technique […]

Discussion Question

PART 1 Read Chapter 8 in TIP 44 Substance Abuse Treatment For Adults in the Criminal Justice System.pdfDownload TIP 44 Substance Abuse Treatment For Adults in the Criminal Justice System.pdf Discuss the key issues identified in the text related to substance abuse treatment. What treatment services can reasonably be provided in a jail setting?    PART 2 Read Use of Medication-Assisted […]

Private prison

   What  factors contributed to the emergence of a market for private prisons in  the U.S.?  Discuss the  1. relationship between politics, 2. ideology,  3. and  private prisons.   How can policy makers optimize the use of private  prisons in the criminal justice system? 

C.S A.3

Use of Force & Law Enforcement Image Do you believe the use of force by the police should be more heavily regulated by the courts and legislative bodies, or should its use be entirely dictated by the state of mind of the individual police officer? Explain. The image portrayed by police tactical units is much […]

Case study segment 2

You will discuss the crisis intervention continuum and where on the continuum they ended up when working through your crisis. Refer to the assignment expectations for further detail.

criminal justice

 What  factors contributed to the emergence of a market for private prisons in  the U.S.?  Discuss the  1. relationship between politics, 2. ideology,  3. and  private prisons.   How can policy makers optimize the use of private  prisons in the criminal justice system? 

Risk Assessment

See attachment. CPSS/415 v2 Client Jennifer Scott Background CPSS/415 v2 Page 2 of 2 Client Jennifer Scott Background Information Categories Client Information Name Jennifer Scott Age: 15 Grade Level: 8th Diagnosis: ADHD Substance Abuse Disorder (Marijuana) Conduct Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Background Jennifer Scott is a 15-year-old bi-racial female, that identifies as lesbian. Jennifer resides […]

Law – Criminal WEEK 1 ASSIGNMENT

  This is one of several journal assignments you will complete throughout the course to build your Personal Leadership Conceptual Framework. For this journal assignment, reflect on the leadership styles reviewed this week and describe your own personal leadership style. Then answer the following questions: What do you feel are your strengths and weaknesses as […]


  Getting Started: Please introduce yourself briefly and discuss your prior knowledge of and interest in the course topic. Explain how this course will assist you as you move forward with your career plans. Briefly discuss your chosen direction for future career obtainment and goal achievement. After introducing yourself, respond to the following discussion prompt: […]

Discussion 2

Imagine that a hospital in the United States has recruited a billing specialist who reports to the manager of the billing department. The responsibility of the billing specialist is to ensure compliance with billing policies and procedures. The manager has begun an audit of the department’s adherence to policies and procedures. The audit reveals that […]


 For this assignment, students should choose two theories of delinquency to compare and contrast.  Identify the similar elements of the theories as well as the different elements of the theories.  Next, explain the implications of each theory on the treatment of juvenile offenders.  Consider in this explanation, characteristics of the offenders such as gender, education, […]

Cjad210 d3

After reviewing the TEDTalk Video: I Love Being a Police Officer, but We Need Reform by Melvin Russell, respond to the following: There doesn’t seem to be a question that law enforcement is in crisis today. What steps can be taken to transform the relationship between police and the communities they are sworn to serve and protect? […]


 In your response posts to at least two other peers’ initial posts, choose ones that identified different public health services from the ones you chose and respond to the following: Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the stakeholders and their roles in the public health services. Identify one other essential key stakeholder or […]

Discussion 1

In your initial post, introduce yourself to your classmates and explain why you chose to pursue a degree in healthcare. Please describe how you anticipate this course will build on your healthcare background. If you are not currently working in healthcare, discuss instead how you will incorporate what you learn in this course into your […]


 Should we revisit how juveniles are prosecuted? Explain your reasoning and address both prosecution in juvenile court and in adult court under the waiver system.  Include the economic implications of juvenile prosecution and consider the individual, group, and community implications of juvenile prosecution in your response. 

Summative Assessment: Ethical Advocacy Letter [

See attachment Frequently, a crisis could have been a risk factor that eventually led to the juvenile entering the justice system. Especially when crisis intervention is needed, it is very important to be able to identify ethical situations and ethical strategies associated with juvenile offenders. Continuing in your role as a juvenile court probation officer […]


Print Post: Weeks 15-16: Results, Conclusions, & Recommendations EMHS699 K001 Winter 2024 RO Jeffrey Williams Posted May 9, 2024 11:27 PM Mr. Awono, In your research did you find that current FAA administration of UAS/UAV police and administrative punitive fines was sufficient to dictate the expanding use and scope of drones? I ask because I […]

criminal justice

For this assignment, you will submit a memorandum evaluating whether Brady or Wilson violated Maryland law and identifying the specific criminal law code sections. 

criminal justice

Aaron Hernandez was a professional athlete, he was accused of murdering a mutual friend, Odin Lloyd. In 2015, he was convicted of the Lloyd murder.


  Please choose a landmark case from the list provided below.  Then, provide a brief description of the case selected.  Next, provide the historical context in which the case was argued (e.g., what events were taking place in society that led the US Supreme Court to hear this particular case).   Provide the historical evolution of […]

Criminal justice

What is the relationship between multicultural competence and fair and equitable policing?




  Please choose a landmark case from the list provided below.  Then, provide a brief description of the case selected.  Next, provide the historical context in which the case was argued (e.g., what events were taking place in society that led the US Supreme Court to hear this particular case).   Provide the historical evolution of […]


 Explain how childhood trends impact juvenile delinquency? How do you think childhood and delinquency influence behavior? 

Ted talk

After reviewing TEDTalk Video: Texting that Saves Lives, respond to the following questions:  Can text messaging really be used as an effective means of crisis communication? If so, how do we ensure these communications are handled appropriately? How can/will technology play a role in future crisis management?

Risk Factor Identification

See attachment.  Risk factor identification is a critical step in the process of supporting juvenile offenders. The risk factors for juveniles can differ from adults and can vary based on the stage of child development of the juvenile. It is important to identify the risk factors for your specific client. In this assignment, you are […]


Analyze the pre-arrest legal requirements to justify police encounters with individuals.

C.i. segment 1

Consider a crisis in which you have been intimately involved. It can be the same one you shared in your introduction, or it can be another crisis you experienced. Be sure to consider a case that has at least risen to a meso-crisis or beyond so that it will be substantive to critically evaluate through […]

C.i. segment 1

Consider a crisis in which you have been intimately involved. It can be the same one you shared in your introduction, or it can be another crisis you experienced. Be sure to consider a case that has at least risen to a meso-crisis or beyond so that it will be substantive to critically evaluate through […]

C.i. segment 1

Consider a crisis in which you have been intimately involved. It can be the same one you shared in your introduction, or it can be another crisis you experienced. Be sure to consider a case that has at least risen to a meso-crisis or beyond so that it will be substantive to critically evaluate through […]


What communication skills do we need to reduce the likelihood of using force on force? And does nonviolence work?

crj 180 crj

CRJ180: Juvenile Delinquency and Justice Week 4 Assignment Alex’s Troubled Choices Worksheet Please answer the following questions using well-developed sentences or short paragraphs, using your own words. This worksheet requires at least 3 credible sources cited in Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) format. 1. Describe both the protective factors and the risk factors Alex is experiencing. […]

The Mental Health of Victims Criminal Justice 2

 This should reflect all your research effort including the comments provided on the proposal, outline and rough draft, as well as those comments resulting from your research meetings with me and your library


Please see the file attached Instructions · Watch the film GUESTHOUSE (2018) documentary. The movie, “Guest House,” takes its name from an all-women’s residential program in Alexandria, Va. The filmmakers followed three women — Grace, Maddison and Selena — who moved into Guest House after being released from prison in 2018. · Make sure you […]

Criminal Justice

You need to use scholarly materials to support your statements. The film reflection notes are expected to be between 500 to 800 words that will include the following: 1. General introduction of film and explaining important parts of it 2. Applying main concepts and arguments of class materials to the movie. 3. Your brief analysis […]

Law and IT

1) What are some recommendations on ways that law enforcement can increase its effective and impactful use of technologies and information to keep citizens safer? 2)  Do most law agency funding sources (police departments) consider IT to be a commodity or a critical business necessity? 3) Why is it important to invest in IT staff […]

Law Enforcement

1) What is the background and history of the NYPD? (New York Police Department) Ex: When it was established, By whom etc… 2) What is the OMAP’s (Office of Management Analysis and Planning) part in the NYPD? 3) Why is OMAP so important?

Sophia touchstone 4 PHI

Name: Enter your name here. Date: Enter the date here. Critical Thinking Final Touchstone In this assignment, you will make two contrasting normative arguments about what one ought to do. Both arguments will be about the same topic, and so at least one of the arguments is likely to be something you don’t actually agree […]

Crj325 week5

CRJ325: Criminal Procedure Week 5 Assignment – Miranda Rule or Exception Template Name: Click or tap here to enter text. Professor Name: Click or tap here to enter text. Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Instructions: For each of the 10 scenarios: Determine whether the Miranda Rule applies or an exception to it […]

Capstone-rought draft

Weeks 5 – 12: Conducting the Research Learning Outcomes CO-2: Design a research process that gathers data, applies an appropriate methodology, and draws the appropriate conclusions. CO-3: Synthesize recommendations that improve theory and operations in the field of emergency management. Back to Content

Criminal Justice

Answer the questions below with 250 words. Please cite references Do you believe conflict theories have more or less relevance today? Why or why not?