journal 2

 All questions are worth 20 points:           1.   Victims sometimes have unrealistic expectations of the criminal justice system and become even more dissatisfied with the system when their recommendations are not accepted. If you were a victim advocate, how would you advise them of the realities?           […]


Using the four photos in this week’s lesson, answer the following. Regardless of the community we live in, we have potential targets for terrorism. Some we pass by every day and may not think about, or even realize, the potential danger. The photos for this assignment are of a school district bus barn where hundreds […]

Theme of Homicide

Watch the movie: Anatomy of Murder NOTE: As of Nov 14, 2022, Anatomy of a Murder is available for rent on Amazon prime for $3.99. Alternatively, the Miami-Dade Public Library has a DVD of Anatomy of a Murder. You can check it out for free with a library card. A documentary on the OJ Simpson Trial is currently available on Investigation Discovery (ID Channel) […]

Criminal Justice

POLICE CORRUPTION IS THE TITLE Students may choose their own topic for the term paper, as long as it is a topic relating to LAW ENFORCEMENT and is discussed in depth within the textbook (while corrections and courts are briefly discussed in the book, they are not law enforcement). Do not write about terrorism or […]

Criminal Justice

POLICE CORRUPTION IS THE TITLE Students may choose their own topic for the term paper, as long as it is a topic relating to LAW ENFORCEMENT and is discussed in depth within the textbook (while corrections and courts are briefly discussed in the book, they are not law enforcement). Do not write about terrorism or […]

response 2 611

100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/16/2024 Patton In crime scene photography, this adage is particularly true: “A picture is worth a thousand words” (Kapoor, R. R. and A. K, August 2023). The foundation of any crime scene is photography, which is done first. The most efficient and straightforward method for an investigating officer […]

response 1 611

100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/15/2024 Abel I think that photography should still be used in criminal justice for clarification aspect. I believe photography should be required when examiners make identifications and the photographs should be allowed as evidence in court. Forensic evidence like fingerprint analysis and DNA matching plays an increasingly vital […]

response 1 612

100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/15/2024 Herrera Exonerating persons who have been wrongfully convicted is the mission of the Innocence Project, which is a legal group that operates under a nonprofit model. DNA testing as a means of establishing innocence and lobbying for reforms to the criminal justice system in order to forestall […]


Discussion 1 Discussion #3 From your Chapter 5 readings, discuss the following: 1.  Define recidivism and describe its importance to probation. 2.  Discuss the revocation of probation, including “technical” revocation. 3.  Describe what is known about the effectiveness of probation supervision. Write a thoughtful and thorough post. Your post must be posted by April 29, no […]

Discussion Board #3 – Part 1

 Please make sure to review the materials for this Module before addressing issues pertaining to the measurement of police performance. For this weeks discussion we have a very complex issue presented in a simple question: How should police officer performance be assessed? Please note your opinion on this issue must be supported by relevant literature […]


  The courts in America are facing more challenges than ever, such as lack of funding, lack of employees, lack of resources, overwhelming dockets, etc. Please read the article (Jon O. Newman, The Current Challenge of Federal Court Reform 108 Cal. Law Rev. 905 (2020)) at the following link: First, in your initial post this week […]

Utilitarianism & Universal Ethics

Utilitarianism and Universal Ethics You work in the Ethics Department for ABC Company (ABC). Your department is dedicated to advising its employees about their ethical obligations in the corporate setting. All communications you receive in this capacity are confidential. Luke, an employee of ABC, comes to you with the following scenario and asks for your […]

Discussion 7 611

300 word response 2 references/intext citations due 2/14/2024 Fifteen years ago it wasn’t normal procedure to take pictures of an examiner’s identification. Presently it has become fairly standard but is still not required in order make an identification. Do you think photography should be required? And if so, should the photographs be entered into court as evidence of […]

Discussion 7 612

300 word response 2 references/intext citations due 2/13/2024 The Innocence Project and similar efforts have successfully overturned numerous convictions based on DNA evidence that had not been either discovered or presented during trial that tends to negate the defendant’s guilt.  In some cases, individuals who were clearly not guilty of the charged offenses have spent […]


Discussion 1 The poverty syndrome, which affects many people in lower socioeconomic class, may be characterized as inadequate housing, education, and jobs as well as a resentment of those who control the social system. Homeless individuals, for example, have more frequent contact with the criminal justice system because they are on the streets and highly […]

week 1

Research and discuss two different types of services offered to victims in the criminal justice system and human services. Can these services be improved upon and if so, how?

Criminal law

I need assistance with homework CJ 120 Professional Practices Example Professional Practice: Understanding the Public Description of Practice: Reconciliation is a professional practice in which police officers and citizens of the community come together and have discussions regarding their history with one another. They also discuss any grievances or misconceptions they may have, in an […]

Response 2 612

100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/9/2024 Vassell Reforming the capital punishment system requires careful consideration of various factors. Some potential reforms to address the concerns raised are limitation to the most heinous offenses. Restricting capital punishment to the most severe and egregious crimes can help ensure that it is reserved for cases where […]

Response 1 611

100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/9/2024 Arias Capital punishment is a controversial aspect of the justice system globally. This is because it involves taking the life of an individual found guilty. The death penalty requires very serious reforms to ensure justice is achieved and to prevent the killing of many innocent people. The […]


What are the prospects for rehabilitating offenders? Should we assume that all offenders can be rehabilitated?   Write a thoughtful and thorough post. Your post must be posted by April 29, no later than 10:00 PM. There is a minimum 300-word requirement to discuss your response thoroughly. Be sure you properly cite your sources and any […]

Case Presentation: Chuck and Referrals

See attachment.  In addition to meeting with clients, a human services professional needs to be able to plan out a client’s treatment and articulate that plan to others. In this regard, it’s important to understand how case planning works, regardless of your role in the process. In this assignment, you will take information from a […]

Treatment Plan Goals

See attachment.  CPSS/385 v3 Title ABC/123 vX Page 2 of 2 Case Planning and Case Management The Case of Maria Wk 5 Discussion – Treatment Plan Goals Maria, 33, was just released from jail after serving a 6-month sentence for shoplifting. You are a community-based re-entry case manager responsible for preparing her initial treatment plan […]

Case Study

Study Case brief and points using FIRAC Assignment: Prepare a brief for the  Hamer v. Sidway case . (On Page 2) Use the FIRAC format. Facts, Issue, Rule, Analysis, and Conclusion The FIRAC method is a  systematic approach used to summarize legal information 1 2 3 .  FIRAC stands for Facts, Issue, Rule, Analysis, and […]


This week I included a PowerPoint that covers characteristics of youth involved in the juvenile justice system.  Most of this is what most of you probably expected to see; broken home, low socioeconomic communities, poverty, abuse, working parent, and so forth. For the most part, we can see how this can be contributing factors leading […]


Reflect on the article by Kerrison (2017). Describe how racial dynamics impact treatment delivery and uptake. In your reflection, consider the full context of the experience of Black men in criminal justice settings which we have learned about in previous weeks.

Discussion Question

Choose a treatment modality, besides therapeutic communities, and describe special concerns related to social environmental, cultural, and demographic factors (e.g., race/ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, infectious disease, gender, socio-economic status) which may influence treatment uptake and outcomes.

Discussion Question

Choose a treatment modality, besides therapeutic communities, and describe special concerns related to social environmental, cultural, and demographic factors (e.g., race/ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, infectious disease, gender, socio-economic status) which may influence treatment uptake and outcomes.

Criminal Justice

My Research Paper Topic is Gun Violence Below is information regarding the research paper. Your paper is a 10 to 15-page literature review paper, APA format, meaning no research questions are required and not a thesis type paper, literature review is only the review of what the literature has to say about your chosen topic. […]

Response 2 611

100 word response 1 reference/intext citation due 2/7/2024 Patton Should every weapon be test-fired at the factory and entered into a database (NIBIN) with its serial number so that it can be linked to the owner who purchased it? What would be the pros and cons of this? Yes because utilizing NIBIN technology, a list […]

Response 1 611

100 word response 1 reference/intext citation due 2/7/2024 Dugar 1. Should every weapon be test-fired at the factory and entered into a database (NIBIN) with its serial number to be linked to the owner who purchased it? What would be the pros and cons of this? I think that test-firing every weapon at the factory […]


 Please answer the first three questions on p. 275 and video clip 9-I(1-5). (You do not need to answer the fourth question about how the presence of counsel impacted the mediation.) 


  Walk through the Mediation Method, as described in Getting to Yes. Describe the steps, explain why each step is vital, and why the order of the steps is also important.


  Walk through the Mediation Method, as described in Getting to Yes. Describe the steps, explain why each step is vital, and why the order of the steps is also important.


  Discuss the concept of “negotiation Jujitsu,” how it might work, and its appropriateness in mediation, as opposed to a negotiation setting. Is it appropriate in mediation; why or why not? Take any one of the “ten questions people ask about getting to YES” and explain how that concept interacts (positively or negatively) with biblical […]


  Why is agenda-setting important to the mediation process?  What are some benefits of structuring the negotiation and setting an agenda?


  Question #1: Please complete the Review Exercise on pp. 305-306. Question #2: What biblical concepts do you see reflected in the techniques discussed in Chapter 10, or how could you use some of these techniques to accomplish biblical principles? Label these two posts as your “primary” posts.


Chapter 4 Do you believe the media should be censored to protect Homeland Security? What if the news media got a hold of sensitive information as it pertained to an investigation into a potential terror attack and, by releasing that information to the public, it could hinder and prevent the arrest of the investigation and […]

5-2 Project One Submission

please read attachments but rubric first and chose the assignment template Hellfire Pistons Motorcycle Gang Study [Note: To complete this template, replace the bracketed text with your own content. Remove this note before you submit your presentation.] [Your Name] CJ 340: Criminology [Date] Crimes [Identify crimes in relation to this gang.] Offenders [Describe the offenders […]

5-1 Journal: Culture and Behavior

read attachment  Reflect in ePortfolio Download Print Open with docReader Module Five Journal Guidelines and Rubric CJ 340 Module Five Journal Guidelines and Rubric Overview In this journal assignment, you will reflect on how cultural views and values influence delinquency and criminal behavior, what subcultures are, and how subculture theories explain criminal behavior. Prompt In […]


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Selecting topics for research writing projects McKenna, Barbara J;McKenna, John J English Journal; Jul 2000; 89, 6; ProQuest Central pg. 53 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited […]

Respond to Traci post

I believe the interactionist theory, the differential opportunity theory, offers the best explanation for property crime. This theory is based on the idea that individuals engage in criminal behavior because of unequal access to opportunities for success. Individuals from underprivileged backgrounds may choose criminal behaviors as a way to achieve their goals. The unequal access […]

Respond to Lynn Post

The interactionist social disorganization theory provides a compelling framework for understanding the emergence of property and violent crime in high-crime areas characterized by a breakdown of conventional values (Adler et al., 2022). This theory posits that crime is not solely the result of individual pathology, but is also influenced by the social environment (Adler et […]


Instructions: The assignment must be a minimum of 1-full page in length with a minimum of 2 – outside sources. Please be sure to follow APA guidelines for citing and referencing source. Topic 1: The district court is considering whether the exercise of personal jurisdiction is proper. What should it decide and why? Links for […]

Discussion 6 611

300 word response 2 references/intext citations Due 2/6/2024 1. Should every weapon be test-fired at the factory and entered into a database (NIBIN) with its serial number so that it can be linked to the owner who purchased it? What would be the pros and cons of this? 2. Should detectives and other people besides […]

Discussion 6 612

300 word response 2 references/intext citations Due 2/5/2024 Capital Punishment statutes authorize the execution of defendants properly convicted of specific offenses.  The Supreme Court temporarily suspended capital punishment in the U.S. between the Furman v. Georgia and Gregg v. Georgia cases during which the current bifurcated trial system was emplaced thus satisfying the Court’s concerns.  How would you reform […]

Court sentencing

Discussion Question: Discuss in detail the use of (1) mandatory sentences, (2) sex offenders sentences, (3) use of the death penalty, (4) drug courts, and (5) sentencing disparities Is there racial discrimination in your justice system? Describe why and its relation to the prior listed items.