SOUND CHANGE 1. From Proto-Iwaidjan to Mawng Consider the following changes from Proto-Iwaidjan to Mawng. Proto-Iwaidjan Mawng Meaning *maɭɾagan maɭagan ‘slowly, carefully’ *lɾa l

SOUND CHANGE  1.    From Proto-Iwaidjan to Mawng Consider the following changes from Proto-Iwaidjan to Mawng. Proto-Iwaidjan    Mawng    Meaning *maɭɾagan    maɭagan    ‘slowly, carefully’ *lɾa    la    ‘and’ *lɾiɾi    liɾi    ‘fight (n.)’ *wagaɽi    wagaɻi    ‘elbow’ *-aɽaga    -uɻaga    ‘go’ Notes: assume that the transcription uses IPA […]

Watch and evaluate in a 3-paragraph paper one of the following TED Talks: Shawn Anchor The Happy Secret to Better WorkIn your paper, discuss the following: How did the opening gain your attention, es

Watch and evaluate in a 3-paragraph paper one of the following TED Talks: Shawn Anchor The Happy Secret to Better WorkIn your paper, discuss the following:  How did the opening gain your attention, establish the speaker’s  credibility, introduce the topic and preview the main points of the speech? How was the body  of the speech organized? Was it easy […]

Submit your final research proposal. Note:You will not actually carry out your research project (i.e. operationalize your research design) in this class. You are writing a proposal for this assignment

Submit your final research proposal. Note:You will not actually carry out your research project (i.e. operationalize your research design) in this class. You are writing a proposal for this assignment (which is often used to obtain funding such as a grant to complete the research). It is not a complete research paper. Thus, you will propose […]

After learning about qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods, overall, which are the most effective means of analyzing data? What are some reasons why you will choose one method or the other for

After learning about qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods, overall, which are the most effective means of analyzing data? What are some reasons why you will choose one method or the other for After learning about qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods, overall, which are the most effective means of analyzing data? What are some reasons why […]

After learning about qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods, overall, which are the most effective means of analyzing data? What are some reasons why you will choose one method or the other for

After learning about qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods, overall, which are the most effective means of analyzing data? What are some reasons why you will choose one method or the other for After learning about qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods, overall, which are the most effective means of analyzing data? What are some reasons why […]

After learning about qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods, overall, which are the most effective means of analyzing data? What are some reasons why you will choose one method or the other for

After learning about qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods, overall, which are the most effective means of analyzing data? What are some reasons why you will choose one method or the other for your project in this class, and can you imagine doing your project using a different method? Which one do you think is easiest? […]

After learning about qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods, overall, which are the most effective means of analyzing data? What are some reasons why you will choose one method or the other for

After learning about qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods, overall, which are the most effective means of analyzing data? What are some reasons why you will choose one method or the other for your project in this class, and can you imagine doing your project using a different method? Which one do you think is easiest? […]

For this assignment you need to submit your research methods section of your paper. You will need to explain how your study would be carried out. What research design and methodology do you plan to us

For this assignment you need to submit your research methods section of your paper. You will need to explain how your study would be carried out. What research design and methodology do you plan to use? Your explanation needs to be clear enough that it would allow someone to replicate your study. You will need […]

Listen After reading my lecture, viewing the Powerpoint on Picture Books, and reading the assigned picture books, write a 300-400 word discussion post on the following: Discuss your impressions of Goo

Listen After reading my lecture, viewing the Powerpoint on Picture Books, and reading the assigned picture books, write a 300-400 word discussion post on the following: Discuss your impressions of Goodnight Moon, Guess How Much I Love You, and Where the Wild Things Are. Consider exploring any of the following ideas: What feelings did the […]

Listen After reading my lecture, viewing the Powerpoint on Picture Books, and reading the assigned picture books, write a 300-400 word discussion post on the following: Discuss your impressions of Goo

Listen After reading my lecture, viewing the Powerpoint on Picture Books, and reading the assigned picture books, write a 300-400 word discussion post on the following: Discuss your impressions of Goodnight Moon, Guess How Much I Love You, and Where the Wild Things Are. Consider exploring any of the following ideas: What feelings did the […]

AASP 201 Assignment Description, 2nd Draft Written Testimony: By now you should have received feedback from your instructor on the 1st Draft of your Written Testimony. You will incorporate feedback fr

AASP 201 Assignment Description, 2nd Draft Written Testimony: By now you should have received feedback from your instructor on the 1st Draft of your Written Testimony. You will incorporate feedback from your instructor for your second draft of your Written Testimony. If you need to review the assignment guidelines, the description below repeats what you […]

You will write a review of literature focusing on curriculum and/or curriculum leadership issues. This paper may be useful later in your program in forming a base for a dissertation proposal. Since th

You will write a review of literature focusing on curriculum and/or curriculum leadership issues. This paper may be useful later in your program in forming a base for a dissertation proposal. Since this assignment should pattern an actual literature review, it should be written as such. Please cite only scholar websites. Also use APA format only. […]

Type of paperScholarship Essay SubjectManagement Number of pages2 Format of citationOther Number of cited resources0 Type of serviceWriting SCHOLARSHIPS:

Type of paper Scholarship Essay Subject Management Number of pages 2 Format of citation Other Number of cited resources 0 Type of service Writing SCHOLARSHIPS: Please read the eligibility section and terms and conditions section. Eligibility Based on the eligibility criteria below, these scholarships will be awarded to Online MBA unconditional offer holders who: • […]

For this assignment, you will write a 5-page book review in current APA format that focuses on the required course textbook, Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning. You must summarize the p

 For this assignment, you will write a 5-page book review in current APA format that focuseson the required course textbook, Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning. Youmust summarize the premise of the book, take a stance for or against the key points made,and discuss implications for the field of education. The paper must […]

Literary poetry analysis essay: “Solitary” by Lau Evelym 3 FULL PAGES+ WORKS CITED Write an argumentative, analytical essay that provides close reading of the selected poem. Your analysis may take any

Literary poetry analysis essay: “Solitary” by Lau Evelym 3 FULL PAGES+ WORKS CITED Write an argumentative, analytical essay that provides close reading of the selected poem. Your analysis may take any focus you like, but it should make a specific claim about a specific aspect of the text. What does the poem suggest about love/family/religion/racism/etc.? Make […]

Write a comprehensive problem statement that can guide the work, answer three questions: Why is this a problem? (Develop a series of claims, supported through the literature, that logically lead to th

Write a comprehensive problem statement that can guide the work, answer three questions: Why is this a problem? (Develop a series of claims, supported through the literature, that logically lead to the problem the team intends to address.) Who is involved in or affected by (stakeholders or actors) the problem? (Consider these possibilities before deciding […]

THE POEM: Daddy BY SYLVIA PLATH Why does the poem end with the husband likened to a vampire? Choose one short quotation from the the final two stanzas of the poem and explain how this quotation suppor

THE POEM: Daddy BY SYLVIA PLATH Why does the poem end with the husband likened to a vampire? Choose one short quotation from the the final two stanzas of the poem and explain how this quotation supports your answer. How does the final two stanzas reflect the questions of systemic and individual oppression expressed in the […]

Please write an essay in which you examine ONE of the following major themes in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: -Family -Nature -Education Pick several incidents, moments, or scenes that you think are r

Please write an essay in which you examine ONE of the following major themes in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein:  -Family -Nature -Education Pick several incidents, moments, or scenes that you think are revealing about the theme you have chosen and discuss those sections of the novel.  What is the novel ultimately saying about the theme? Please make […]

Module 2: Week 2 Learn Assessment: Social Forces Visit the U.S. Government’s “Children, Youth, and Families Education and Research Network” link located on the Learn Assessment: Social Forces Assignme

Module 2: Week 2 Learn Assessment: Social Forces Visit the U.S. Government’s “Children, Youth, and Families Education and Research Network” link located on the Learn Assessment: Social Forces Assignment page under Learn Assessment: Social Forces Resource or other education research-oriented, internet sites and locate an article or information that pertains to any “one” of the […]

The purpose of this assignment is for you to read, evaluate, and critique the literature review of a dissertation using the criteria provided in this rubric. You will score each criterion with a 1, 2,

The purpose of this assignment is for you to read, evaluate, and critique the literature review of a dissertation using thecriteria provided in this rubric. You will score each criterion with a 1, 2, or 3, where “3” is good and “1” is poor and thenassign a final, overall grade. You will then provide a […]

This assessment comprises of a 3000-word research paper on the following topic: Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions and Economic Growth The objective of writing this assignment is to assess how well you a

This assessment comprises of a 3000-word research paper on the following topic: Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions and Economic Growth The objective of writing this assignment is to assess how well you are able to apply the theoretical models covered in class to issues of GHG emissions and suggest appropriate policy measures. In this assignment […]

Let X1,…,Xn_1 and Y1,…,Yn_2 be random samples respectively from EXP(theta, eta_1) and EXP(theta, eta_2).(a) If eta_1, and eta_2 are known, construct a Most Powerful Test for testing H0 :t

Let X1,…,Xn_1 and Y1,…,Yn_2 be random samples respectively from EXP(theta, eta_1) and EXP(theta, eta_2).(a) If eta_1, and eta_2 are known, construct a Most Powerful Test for testing H0 :theta = theta_1 against Ha : theta = theta_2 where theta_1 < theta_2 are given values at significance level alpha. This Assignment has been solved!  Contact me to get the sample for free or order a new one free from plagiarism and AI. My email […]

ou are conducting a muilimamual iypothesis test for the claim that the 4 categories cocur with the following frequoncies: = =0.15; -0.4; =0.15; =0.3Complete the tablo.\table[[Cxtegory,\table[[Dbterve

ou are conducting a muilimamual iypothesis test for the claim that the 4 categories cocur with the following frequoncies: = =0.15; -0.4; =0.15; =0.3Complete the tablo.\table[[Cxtegory,\table[[Dbterved],[Frequency]],\table[[Expected],[Frequency]],\table[[Squsred],[Residual]]],[A,12,,],[B,70,,],[C,36,,],[D,37,,]]What is the chi-socuare test-statistic for this data? 2=Report all final an This Assignment has been solved!  Contact me to get the sample for free or order a new one free from […]

Write a 3 page position paper to address the following. Many books are banned from American school curriculum. There are many reasons, such as adult themes,charged language, and graphic violence. Sh

Write a 3 page position paper to address the following.  Many books are banned from American school curriculum. There are many reasons, such as adult themes,charged language,  and graphic violence. Should books be banned or preserved freedom and social-being? Choose your side of the issue and decide what 3 supporting proofs you will defend your […]

Literature Review: My research is on how to make refugee/immigrant life better in the US and what is being done already to make it better. 3500-5000 words, Single spaced, 3-4 sub-topics, Chicago auth

Literature Review: My research is on how to make refugee/immigrant life better in the US and what is being done already to make it better.  3500-5000 words, Single spaced, 3-4 sub-topics, Chicago author-date citation  I will provide you with 15 sources, please add 3 additional sources and cite them as well. I will also attach […]

Search for information on August Wilson. Must have at least two outside source (does not include the play Fences) that are academically/scholarly and reliable. Create an essay at least 2 pages and ad

Search for information on August Wilson. Must have at least two outside source (does not include the play Fences) that are academically/scholarly and reliable.  Create an essay at least 2 pages and address background info on August Wilson.  How is his life intricately connected to a theme in Fences? Ensure APA format for all citations.

Think about your own social context and social interactions. Answer the following questions. A brief paragraph per question will be sufficient. What social interactions, either at work, in volunteer

Think about your own social context and social interactions. Answer the following questions. A brief paragraph per question will be sufficient.  What social interactions, either at work, in volunteer situations, or with family, have shaped my beliefs? [Give example(s).] When my beliefs have changed, why did this happen? When I look back on my learning […]

For this Art Interpretive Evaluation Essay, you will view, interpret, and evaluate the work of visual art presented in Chapter 5. The painting is the “Self-Portrait on the Border Between Mexico and th

For this Art Interpretive Evaluation Essay, you will view, interpret, and evaluate the work of visual art presented in Chapter 5. The painting is the “Self-Portrait on the Border Between Mexico and the United States” by Frida Kahlo. She composed this painting during a prolonged stay in the United States while her husband Diego Rivera […]

Find a famous work of art or famous photograph.Include a picture of your painting or photograph. Create an original descriptive poem that uses imagery to provide a visual description of the artwork

Find a famous work of art or famous photograph.Include a picture of your painting or photograph.  Create an original descriptive poem that uses imagery to provide a visual description of the artwork  and your reaction to it.  Poem needs to be at least 14 lines. Poem doesn’t have to rhyme. Write a paragraph that explains […]

After reading the stories in the unit, create your own work of fiction with a clear plot or sequence of events that focus on either a traditional plot arc or a nontraditional. Story should have a mai

After reading the stories in the unit, create your own work of fiction with a clear plot or sequence of events that focus on either a traditional plot arc or a nontraditional.  Story should have a main character,  a simple conflict t, ans a form of resolution. Final paragraph should explain why you chose a […]

Explain how Nation, State, Political Community is demonstrated in Octavia Butler’s parable of the sower Remember to make your essay as specific as possible (that is, as specific as necessary to make

Explain how Nation, State, Political Community is demonstrated in Octavia Butler’s  parable of the sower  Remember tomake your essay as specific as possible (that is, as specific as necessary to make yourpoint). Make them direct enough to demonstrate a thoughtful, working engagement withthe material but DO NOT give a mere topical summary of any of […]

Describe experiences (such as work, volunteer, church, social, academic) you have had that resulted in learning. Be as specific as possible with your examples.Discuss the reflective concept in the cou

Describe experiences (such as work, volunteer, church, social, academic) you have had that resulted in learning. Be as specific as possible with your examples. Discuss the reflective concept in the course which best describes your learning up to this point. How might you document the learning you achieved in that context? Possible sources of evidence […]

Nathaniel Hawthorne: “The Birth-Mark” Address the following in a written essay: Aylmer becomes obsessed and disgusted with his wife’s birthmark, not so much because it is a physical abnormality on he

Nathaniel Hawthorne: “The Birth-Mark”  Address the following in a written essay: Aylmer becomes obsessed and disgusted with his wife’s birthmark, not so much because it is a physical abnormality on her face but more because he is convinced that its shape and color symbolizes her tendency towards sin. Discuss the relationship between physical features and […]

Writing Response Answer each of the following in 100 words. Consider the role religion, specifically Catholicism, plays in “The Plague of Doves.” For instance, references are made to the season of L

Writing Response Answer each of the following in 100 words.   Consider the role religion, specifically Catholicism, plays in “The Plague of Doves.” For instance, references are made to the season of Lent leading up to Easter and to Mooshum’s brother being a priest. Does this religious backdrop directly impact what the narrator tells us […]

-Gabriel Garcia Marquez: “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” -A. S. BYATT “The Thing in the Forest” -Louise Erdrich “Love medicine” Compare the use of fairy tale in “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wi

-Gabriel Garcia Marquez: “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” -A. S. BYATT “The Thing in the Forest” -Louise Erdrich “Love medicine” Compare the use of fairy tale in “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” to that of “The Thing in the Forest” or “Love Medicine.” You may look at the narrator, intended (or […]

After reading the designated chapters from the course textbook, Hollywood Heroes: How Your Favorite Movies Reveal God (Turek & Turek, 2022), you will write to respond to 3-4 of the main ideas from

After reading the designated chapters from the course textbook, Hollywood Heroes:How Your Favorite Movies Reveal God (Turek & Turek, 2022), you will write to respondto 3-4 of the main ideas from the chapters. Each chapter should be addressed inthe paper, though you may choose to lean more heavily on one chapter rather thanthe other. Papers should be written […]

Select one film from the course list and write 750-1,000 words as an analysis of three literary elements (plot, characterization, dialogue, setting, irony, etc.) as they relate to an overarching theme

Select one film from the course list and write 750-1,000 words as an analysis ofthree literary elements (plot, characterization, dialogue, setting, irony, etc.) as theyrelate to an overarching theme of the film. Papers should be written in third personpoint of view, following MLA formatting guidelines. Aside from the chosen film andthe course textbook, no additional […]

Select one film from the course list and write 750-1,000 words as an analysis of three literary elements (plot, characterization, dialogue, setting, irony, etc.) as they relate to an overarching theme

Select one film from the course list and write 750-1,000 words as an analysis ofthree literary elements (plot, characterization, dialogue, setting, irony, etc.) as theyrelate to an overarching theme of the film. Papers should be written in third personpoint of view, following MLA formatting guidelines. Aside from the chosen film andthe course textbook, no additional […]

Select one film from the course list and write 750-1,000 words as an analysis of three literary elements (plot, characterization, dialogue, setting, irony, etc.) as they relate to an overarching theme

Select one film from the course list and write 750-1,000 words as an analysis ofthree literary elements (plot, characterization, dialogue, setting, irony, etc.) as theyrelate to an overarching theme of the film. Papers should be written in third personpoint of view, following MLA formatting guidelines. Aside from the chosen film andthe course textbook, no additional […]

Flannery O’Connor: “Everything that Rises Must Converge” Address the following in a written essay: Examine the references to eyes, sight, and so on, in “Everything That Rises.” What do these referen

Flannery O’Connor: “Everything that Rises Must Converge” Address the following in a written essay: Examine the references to eyes, sight, and so on, in “Everything That Rises.” What do these references reveal about Julian’s perspective through most of the story? At the end of the story? In “Everything that Rises,” does Mrs. Chestny’s encounter with […]

A.S. Byatt: “The Thing in the Forest”Flannery O’Connor: “Everything that Rises Must Converge””Passages from Flannery O’Connor’s Essays and Letters” James Richardson: “Late Aubade”Emily Dickinson: “Bec

A.S. Byatt: “The Thing in the Forest” Flannery O’Connor: “Everything that Rises Must Converge” “Passages from Flannery O’Connor’s Essays and Letters”  James Richardson: “Late Aubade” Emily Dickinson: “Because I could not stop for death”  Yusef Komunyakaa: “Facing It”  discuss the role of the narrator in each of the poems we read this week. Consider their […]

After reading the designated chapters from the course textbook, Hollywood Heroes: How Your Favorite Movies Reveal God (Turek & Turek, 2022), you will write to respond to 3-4 of the main ideas from

After reading the designated chapters from the course textbook, Hollywood Heroes:How Your Favorite Movies Reveal God (Turek & Turek, 2022), you will write to respondto 3-4 of the main ideas from the chapters. Each chapter should be addressed inthe paper, though you may choose to lean more heavily on one chapter rather thanthe other. Papers should be written […]

For this assignment, you will use MS PowerPoint to present your final argument utilizing one of the three forms covered in the class (Classic/Aristotelian, Toulmin, or Rogerian). After a catchy title

For this assignment, you will use MS PowerPoint to present your final argument utilizing one of the three forms covered in the class (Classic/Aristotelian, Toulmin, or Rogerian).  After a catchy title slide, you will present your introduction paragraph on slide 2. This should be the same introduction produced in week 5, but with some tweaking […]

Read a poem from this week making annotations as you go. Present 3-5 annotations in outline format and construct a 200 word close reading, as exampled on pages 308-309. Be sure to cite any quotations

Read a poem from this week making annotations as you go. Present 3-5 annotations in outline format and construct a 200 word close reading, as exampled on pages 308-309. Be sure to cite any quotations or paraphrases, using line numbers for poetry citations.  Tennessee Williams: A Streetcar Named Desire  Jhumpa Lahiri: “Interpreter of Maladies” Judith Ortiz […]

Tennessee Williams: A Streetcar Named Desire What is the significance of the title of A Streetcar Named Desire? How does the title resonate with other mentions of desire throughout the play? Jhumpa La

Tennessee Williams: A Streetcar Named Desire What is the significance of the title of A Streetcar Named Desire? How does the title resonate with other mentions of desire throughout the play? Jhumpa Lahiri: “Interpreter of Maladies “Interpreter of Maladies” provides an intriguing take on tourists because the Dases are Indian American tourists in India. Similarly, the guidebook […]