Unit 5: Writing Assignment Prompt: Answer Critical Thinking Challenge #4 at the end of Chapter 9. Compare the program you create to your current employer or a former employer’s management development

Unit 5: Writing Assignment Prompt: Answer Critical Thinking Challenge #4 at the end of Chapter 9. Compare the program you create to your current employer or a former employer’s management development program.  If your program is better, tell me why you feel that way.  If not, what ways can you improve yours? Requirements: 500 words […]

Feasibility Report https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNsimuW0dJU Smith-Worthington, D., & Jefferson, S. (2018). Technical writing for success. Cengage Learning. Chapter 3: Technical researchChapter

 Feasibility Report  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNsimuW0dJU Smith-Worthington, D., & Jefferson, S. (2018). Technical writing for success. Cengage Learning. Chapter 3: Technical research Chapter 13: Recommendation Reports. Using strategies from the Unit 5 text readings, research a new technology and discuss at least one pro and one con of implementing it in an emergency management or homeland security focused organization. Be […]

Unit 5 DB: Business Continuity Best Practices https://www.ready.gov/business https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-07/whole_community_dec2011__2.pdf https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2

Unit 5 DB: Business Continuity Best Practices  https://www.ready.gov/business https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-07/whole_community_dec2011__2.pdf https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-07/engaging-faith-based-and-community-organizations.pdf https://www.fema.gov/emergency-managers/individuals-communities/preparedness-activities-webinars/community-emergency-response-team Examine the FEMA Business Continuity resources and case studies in Readings and Resources. Decide on two best practices for businesses to include in their business continuity plan and address the following: Describe the two best practices and why you chose them. Explain how they […]

Strategic Plan RubricCriteriaCommentsPointsOrganizational Chartview longer descriptionComment/10 ptsMission & Vision Statement – a. Find a mission statement for your professional team, college ath

Strategic Plan RubricCriteriaCommentsPointsOrganizational Chartview longer descriptionComment/10 ptsMission & Vision Statement – a. Find a mission statement for your professional team, college athletics department, high school district or private school athletics department, or a national or international sport governing body. Record the mission statement here. Be sure to supply the link(s) you used to find your […]

Casino Games Layout: Setting up a Casino Floor with Slot Machines and Table Games In this paper or PowerPoint assignment, describe, by using terms and facts learned this week, how you, as a manager, w

Casino Games Layout: Setting up a Casino Floor with Slot Machines and Table Games In this paper or PowerPoint assignment, describe, by using terms and facts learned this week, how you, as a manager, would set up a casino floor with slot machines and table games.  You may be as creative as you like with this […]

3-1 Short Paper: Culture, Bias, and Decision Making please see attachment PHL 218 Module Three Short Paper Guidelines and RubricOverview As you have seen in this week’s required resources, cultural f

3-1 Short Paper: Culture, Bias, and Decision Makingplease see attachment  PHL 218 Module Three Short Paper Guidelines and RubricOverview As you have seen in this week’s required resources, cultural factors and biases affect the decisions we make about ethical issues. This is true for us, and it is also true for characters in books, movies, […]

1) TLMT498 DUE 2024/11/21 Instructions Brief Report – APA format Using your outline from week 1 as a guide, submit a minimum of 5 pages of the research you have completed on your topic to date. Yo

1) TLMT498 DUE 2024/11/21  Instructions  Brief Report – APA format Using your outline from week 1 as a guide, submit a minimum of 5 pages of the research you have completed on your topic to date. You should have an introduction and a beginning of a Literature Review for this assignment. You must include a […]

Unit 4 Assignment: Safety Briefing You will develop a safety briefing on personal protective equipment (PPE). The briefing will be delivered to a group of first responders getting ready to take part

Unit 4 Assignment: Safety Briefing You will develop a safety briefing on personal protective equipment (PPE). The briefing will be delivered to a group of first responders getting ready to take part in a full-scale exercise for a mass casualty incident. The brief should be concise and factual in nature. The purpose of this brief […]

Unit 4.1 DB: Situation Briefings https://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/ Briefly describe the terrorist attack you chose in the Unit 4 Readings and Resources. Explain what information you believe is critical i

Unit 4.1 DB: Situation Briefings https://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/ Briefly describe the terrorist attack you chose in the Unit 4 Readings and Resources. Explain what information you believe is critical if you had to deliver a situation briefing to senior state-level government officials just after this attack. How would your audience affect your delivery?

Unit 4 DB: Exploring the CISA Explore the CISA website and briefly describe one of the CISA cybersecurity programs or initiatives. Discuss how this program or initiative supports critical infrastruct

Unit 4 DB: Exploring the CISA  Explore the CISA website and briefly describe one of the CISA cybersecurity programs or initiatives. Discuss how this program or initiative supports critical infrastructure planning or preparedness. https://www.cisa.gov/about https://www.cisa.gov/protecting-critical-infrastructure https://www.cisa.gov/topics/critical-infrastructure-security-and-resilience/critical-infrastructure-sectors https://www.fema.gov/emergency-managers/practitioners/lifelines

This individual task (3,000 words) asks you to demonstrate your ability to propose an innovation to address a sustainability / company / industry challenge to improve customer-value, by drawing on the

This individual task (3,000 words) asks you to demonstrate your ability to propose an innovation to address a sustainability / company / industry challenge to improve customer-value, by drawing on the relevant learning material in this course. Your report will be evaluated on the following criteria related to innovative problem-solving (PLO3): Define the problem you […]

This assignment will be completed in two parts: Part I: Choose two American multi national companies (MNC’s). The selection must be an intercultural organization doing business in at least one foreign

This assignment will be completed in two parts: Part I: Choose two American multi national companies (MNC’s). The selection must be an intercultural organization doing business in at least one foreign country. In your submission, provide a review and arguments for and against each of the two companies. At the end of your submission, recommend […]

Unit 4: Writing Assignment Prompt: Complete the case at the end of Chapter 7, “It’s All in the Family” by answering the questions at the end of the case. This case is located in the supplemental cases

Unit 4: Writing Assignment Prompt: Complete the case at the end of Chapter 7, “It’s All in the Family” by answering the questions at the end of the case. This case is located in the supplemental cases at cengage.com/loginLinks to an external site.. You will have to follow the directions to set up a user account […]

Refer to this week’s reading and answer all questions in MS Word document and submit it. What are some of the characteristics needed in order to become a successful manager in the gaming industry?What

Refer to this week’s reading and answer all questions in MS Word document and submit it. What are some of the characteristics needed in order to become a successful manager in the gaming industry? What is the traditional career path for a hospitality professional interested in managing casinos as a VP of Operation or Hotel/Casino […]

This individual task (3,000 words) asks you to demonstrate your ability to propose an innovation to address a sustainability / company / industry challenge to improve customer-value, by drawing on the

 This individual task (3,000 words) asks you to demonstrate your ability to propose an innovation to address a sustainability / company / industry challenge to improve customer-value, by drawing on the relevant learning material in this course. Your report will be evaluated on the following criteria related to innovative problem-solving (PLO3): Define the problem you […]

Assignment: Public Information Release Instructions: 1. Identify a hurricane or significant winter weather event that occurred over the past 10 years. 2. Choose an emergency management or homeland sec

Assignment: Public Information Release Instructions: 1. Identify a hurricane or significant winter weather event that occurred over the past 10 years. 2. Choose an emergency management or homeland security related agency that was affected by this event and assume the role of an employee in the Public Information Unit. 3. Following the format below, write […]

Unit 2 DB: Knowing your audience https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-242.c&lang=en https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/documents/fema_nims-basic-guidance-public-informa

Unit 2 DB: Knowing your audience  https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-242.c&lang=en https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/documents/fema_nims-basic-guidance-public-information-officers_12-2020.pdf https://www.ready.gov/disability Knowing your audience is vital for successful emergency communications. Give an example of the potential impact(s) of not using this strategy. Your example should be based on either a notional (theoretical) or actual emergency event.

DB: Emergency Support Functions https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-04/National_Prevention_Framework2nd-june2016.pdf https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-04/National_Mitigation_Fram

 DB: Emergency Support Functions https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-04/National_Prevention_Framework2nd-june2016.pdf https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-04/National_Mitigation_Framework2nd_june2016.pdf https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-06/national_disaster_recovery_framework_2nd.pdf https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-04/National_Protection_Framework2nd-june2016.pdf https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-04/NRF_FINALApproved_2011028.pdf https://www.fema.gov/emergency-managers/practitioners/lifelines https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-07/fema_nims_doctrine-2017.pdf From the Unit 2 readings and resources, you know there are 15 Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) in the National Response Framework (NRF).  Choose an ESF that interests you. Assume the role of a Public Affairs representative at a town meeting. Your job will be […]

The objective of this task is to demonstrate your understanding of key organisational behaviour concepts by applying them to a real-world business case. Using a business case you are required to ident

The objective of this task is to demonstrate your understanding of key organisational behaviour concepts by applying them to a real-world business case. Using a business case you are required to identify the symptoms of the main business problem and review relevant academic literature to explore what previous research has revealed about similar issues. You […]

Hy, I have to make poster for subject of human resource managment. Topic: Design a poster to explain the strategies that can be used to manage shortage of employees. I have uploaded rubrics we need to

Hy, I have to make poster for subject of human resource managment. Topic: Design a poster to explain the strategies that can be used to manage shortage of employees. I have uploaded rubrics we need to follow that.  I have uploaded cover page poster which needs to be strictly followed. Page 1 : cover page […]

Restaurant Observation ActivityObjectives The objective of this individual activity is for students to practice how to properly observe a restaurant’s service, flow, cleanliness, leadership, employees

Restaurant Observation ActivityObjectives The objective of this individual activity is for students to practice how to properly observe a restaurant’s service, flow, cleanliness, leadership, employees, and the restaurant building and facility.  Guidelines Choose a restaurant you would like to observe and follow the guidelines and grading rubric below. Guidelines and Deliverables Select a restaurant you […]

Professional Memo https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writing/professional_technical_writing/memos/audience_and_purpose.html#:~:text=Memos%20have%20a%20twofold%20purpose,problems%2C%20and%20th

Professional Memo https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writing/professional_technical_writing/memos/audience_and_purpose.html#:~:text=Memos%20have%20a%20twofold%20purpose,problems%2C%20and%20they%20solve%20problems.&text=Regardless%20of%20the%20specific%20goal,and%20needs%20of%20the%20reader. https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writing/professional_technical_writing/memos/parts_of_a_memo.html https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writing/professional_technical_writing/memos/format.html https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writing/professional_technical_writing/memos/sample_memo.html Overview:  Write a professional memo. Instructions:  1. Choose an emergency management or homeland security agency and assume the role of an employee in the Public Information Unit.  2. Following the Purdue OWL memo guidelines in Unit 1, write a memo to your supervisor, John Smith, asking to attend the […]

EMH301 https://www.fema.gov/emergency-managers/national-preparedness/system https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-06/national_preparedness_goal_2nd_edition.pdf https://www.fema.gov/sites/defau

EMH301 https://www.fema.gov/emergency-managers/national-preparedness/system https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-06/national_preparedness_goal_2nd_edition.pdf https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/documents/fema_2022-npr.pdf From the Unit 1 readings and resources, you are aware there are six parts of the National Preparedness System, all supporting the National Preparedness Goal. Choose one of the six parts and briefly explain how it aligns with one of the five mission area core capabilities in the National Preparedness Goal.

Task 1 Submission total of 2500 words (+-10%) Your Task 1 submission should consist of two componentsThis assessment task is NOT a report, but a professional artefact with two components.I have attach

Task 1 Submission total of 2500 words (+-10%) Your Task 1 submission should consist of two components This assessment task is NOT a report, but a professional artefact with two components. I have attached all the documents that is required for assignment instructions and CASE for answering the questions. you have to go through the […]

Task 1 Submission total of 2500 words (+-10%) Your Task 1 submission should consist of two componentsa) your professional career development reflection (20 marks) PLUS (1500 words)b) your answers to t

Task 1 Submission total of 2500 words (+-10%) Your Task 1 submission should consist of two components a) your professional career development reflection (20 marks) PLUS (1500 words) b) your answers to the case study questions (25 marks). (1000 words) This assessment task is NOT a report, but a professional artefact with two components. i […]



Unit 1: Writing Assignment Chapters 1 and 2 in Human Resource Management. Valentine, S. R., Meglich, P.A., Mathis, R. L., Jackson, J. H. (2020). Human Resource Management (16th ed.) Cengage Learning,

Unit 1: Writing Assignment Chapters 1 and 2 in Human Resource Management. Valentine, S. R., Meglich, P.A., Mathis, R. L., Jackson, J. H. (2020). Human Resource Management (16th ed.) Cengage Learning, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-357-03385-2 Prompt: After completing the lecture and first two reading assignments, write a 3-page (minimum 750 words) response to the following assignment. Do […]

Overview: https://sgp.fas.org/crs/homesec/RL33729.pdf https://www.proquest.com/docview/1353375604?accountid=39363&sourcetype=Scholarly%20Journals After completing the course, reflect on the cou

Overview:  https://sgp.fas.org/crs/homesec/RL33729.pdf https://www.proquest.com/docview/1353375604?accountid=39363&sourcetype=Scholarly%20Journals After completing the course, reflect on the course learnings.  Instructions:  Answer the following questions about this course:  • What topic particularly caught your interest, and what do you want to know more about? How will you find the information to continue to spark your interest?   Unit #3  (Leadership and Decision-Making Historic […]

MBA 504 Module One Excel Workbook Guidelines and RubricOverview Data measurement is an important aspect of data analytics. Identifying trends in key attributes of data is a fundamental measurement for

MBA 504 Module One Excel Workbook Guidelines and RubricOverview Data measurement is an important aspect of data analytics. Identifying trends in key attributes of data is a fundamental measurement for various aspects of business data and an important skill for business professionals. In this scenario, you are a business consultant trainee assigned to work with your first client, TC Ice Cream. TC Ice Cream is a private-label ice cream manufacturer. Located in the northern region of Michigan, TC Ice Cream specializes in premium ice cream flavors. TC Ice Cream is categorized in the food/agriculture business sector. The company has gained popularity over the past three years due to recent publicity such as winning awards on network television food shows, hosting and attending promotional events, and actively using social media. The management team of TC Ice Cream is looking to see if there are specific trends that could be identified to help them improve their operations and sales and grow their business. You will report the research and analysis of the data to the TC Ice Cream management team. Periodically, you will be expected to apply your training and submit a deliverable to the management team. The TC Ice Cream information technology team has provided you with a data set, TC Ice Cream Excel Workbook, that contains data about orders over a span of three years. You will use the data variables to create descriptive statistics and visualizations for TC Ice Cream. This will enable you to effectively and efficiently gain helpful insights into the data and its attributes. You will continue to delve further into your analysis of TC Ice Cream throughout the course.  Prompt For this assignment, you will perform the following steps as you begin your analysis of the data provided. Within the TC Ice Cream Excel Workbook, review the sheet “Data Dictionary.” This will help you understand the data provided and specific information about each variable. Review the sheet “TC Ice Cream Data.” DO NOT EDIT this data.  Next, you will calculate the central tendency of the TC Ice Cream data set using the average, median, minimum, maximum, and range. You will also create multiple charts to present the descriptive analysis you performed.  Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Create a table to represent the average, median, minimum, maximum and range values for each variable. Within the TC Ice Cream Excel Worksheet, use the sheet “Descriptive Statistics” to create the following table. Use Excel formulas to calculate the average, median, minimum, maximum, and range values for each of the quantitative variables (Quantity Sold, Advertising Expenses, Flavor Rating, Social Media Posts, Event Promotions). Create charts to represent the key variables of the data. Within the TC Ice Cream Excel Worksheet, use the sheet “Overall Analysis” to create the charts listed below. It is recommended that you use pivot tables/pivot charts to create the visualizations. Feel free to use this sheet to create any additional visualizations that might help you better understand the data. Create a pie chart using the qualitative variable Region and the quantitative variable Quantity Sold to provide a visualization of percentage overview of quantity sold by region. Create a line chart (also known as a trend chart) using the qualitative variable Date and the quantitative variable Quantity Sold to provide a visualization displaying quantity sold by month. Create a bar chart using the qualitative variable Flavor and the quantitative variable Quantity Sold to provide a visualization displaying quantity sold by flavor. Use the Module One PowerPoint Template to create a PowerPoint presentation that explains the data and its key variables. This should include key visualizations and analysis to support your answers. The PowerPoint Template includes specific questions to answer as you explain the data and variables. Use the visualizations and data analysis you created in the “Descriptive Statistics” and “Overall Analysis” sheets to support your analysis. What to Submit TC Ice Cream Excel Workbook: Submit the TC Ice Cream Excel Workbook. For this assignment, work should be completed in the “Descriptive Statistics” and “Overall Analysis” sheets. PowerPoint Presentation: Submit a PowerPoint Presentation using the Module One PowerPoint Template. If references are included, they should be cited in APA format. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.

Unit 8 Scenario Decision http://coursematerials.net/emh380/unit8/index.html#/ Remember that the Unit 8 scenario is just that, a scenario. We have tried to anticipate and create an experience that you

 Unit 8 Scenario Decisionhttp://coursematerials.net/emh380/unit8/index.html#/ Remember that the Unit 8 scenario is just that, a scenario. We have tried to anticipate and create an experience that you can immerse in; however, similar to a real disaster, you cannot anticipate everything. Therefore, you need to adapt to the situation and think beyond the facts provided.   Interact […]

Forum: Unit 8.1 DB: Debriefing and Demobilization http://coursematerials.net/emh340/train_derailment/index.html#/ Using the JPB Northern Railroad Train Derailment scenario and debriefing best practic

Forum: Unit 8.1 DB: Debriefing and Demobilization  http://coursematerials.net/emh340/train_derailment/index.html#/ Using the JPB Northern Railroad Train Derailment scenario and debriefing best practices, identify and describe at least one piece of information that should be included in a debriefing checklist/After Action Review of this incident. Also, identify and explain at least one concern you have with the demobilization […]

Part II: Interoperable Communications Overview: For this assignment, you will assume the role of the Logistics Section Chief (LSC) for the JPB Northern Railroad Train Derailment scenario. Refer to

Part II: Interoperable Communications  Overview:  For this assignment, you will assume the role of the Logistics Section Chief (LSC) for the JPB Northern Railroad Train Derailment scenario. Refer to the attached Incident Radio Communications Plan, ICS-205 form. Research and report on currently available Interoperable Communications technology. In the role of the LSC, you will discuss […]

I’ll be providing an outline for this assignment in the link below. Each of these outlets allows for several articles to be viewed for free each month, and the UTA library has full access to both Har

I’ll be providing an outline for this assignment in the link below.  Each of these outlets allows for several articles to be viewed for free each month, and the UTA library has full access to both Harvard Business Review and the Wall Street Journal. Points will be deducted if you do not select an article […]

Resilience Development of Water Systems in Supply Chains It include: 1. Introduction 2. Research Question 3. Hypothesis 4. Background 5. Literature Review Supply Chain Resilience Water Systems Ch

Resilience Development of Water Systems in Supply Chains It include: 1. Introduction  2. Research Question  3. Hypothesis  4. Background  5. Literature Review  Supply Chain Resilience  Water Systems Challenges  Case Studies on Resilience Strategies  6. Methodology, Discussion and  7.Findings  8. Methodology  Data Collection  Data Analysis  9. Discussion and Findings 10.Conclusion 11. References 

Course Project Progress Monitoring: Return to MobileGo The MobileGo project is making progress implementing the new systems. However, the software upgrades and the new software installation are not co

Course Project Progress Monitoring: Return to MobileGo The MobileGo project is making progress implementing the new systems. However, the software upgrades and the new software installation are not complete. The project sponsor has requested an update on the project. Using the MobileGo Earned Value scenario spreadsheet, as an example, you will complete the following using the […]

9/11 Commission Executive Summary https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-911REPORT/pdf/GPO-911REPORT-24.pdf Overview: After reviewing the readings and resources for the unit, you will critique decis

9/11 Commission Executive Summary https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-911REPORT/pdf/GPO-911REPORT-24.pdf Overview:  After reviewing the readings and resources for the unit, you will critique decisions made prior to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and discuss the lessons learned.  Instructions:  In the Unit 7 readings and resources, review the Executive Summary of the 9/11 Commission Report: The final report of […]

Unit 7 DB It can be easy to let personal experience influence your professional decision-making process. Explain whether or not you believe it is appropriate to allow personal experience to outweigh p

Unit 7 DB It can be easy to let personal experience influence your professional decision-making process. Explain whether or not you believe it is appropriate to allow personal experience to outweigh professional experience when making a decision. Discuss how a mentor or role model has helped you develop your decision-making process or abilities.

Research Paper: National Response Structure Overview: Write a paper detailing the structure and dynamics of a national response. Instructions: • Research and explain the structure and dynamics of a

Research Paper: National Response Structure Overview:  Write a paper detailing the structure and dynamics of a national response.  Instructions:  • Research and explain the structure and dynamics of a national response, to include local, state, tribal, territorial, and federal levels of government.  • Explain the significance of the National Response Framework, the National Incident Management […]

http://coursematerials.net/emh340/train_derailment/index.html#/ https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-05/IncidentStabilizationGuide.pdf https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-04/NRF_FIN

http://coursematerials.net/emh340/train_derailment/index.html#/ https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-05/IncidentStabilizationGuide.pdf https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-04/NRF_FINALApproved_2011028.pdf https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-07/whole_community_dec2011__2.pdf 7.1 A community lifeline enables the continuous operation of critical government and business functions and is essential to human health and safety or economic security. Identify one of the seven community lifelines and briefly describe how stabilization of that lifeline can be supported by one of the fifteen Emergency Support Functions […]

DISCUSSION In Chapter 11 of your textbook, you read the top ten factors that can lead to the initiative decay and the eight sets of actions to ensure sustainable change. Discuss the validity of these

DISCUSSION In Chapter 11 of your textbook, you read the top ten factors that can lead to the initiative decay and the eight sets of actions to ensure sustainable change. Discuss the validity of these threats and the efficacy of these actions for a company that is about to transform its entire work environment from […]

1) Instructions DUE 2024/10/11 Assignment: Read the lessons for this week. Write a short paper discussing the different types of contingencies and contract planning. For this paper, you will need to f

1) Instructions DUE 2024/10/11 Assignment: Read the lessons for this week. Write a short paper discussing the different types of contingencies and contract planning. For this paper, you will need to find an article in the library that relates to this week's learning objective or topics discussed during the week and then summarize and discuss […]

WEEK 5 TO DO DISCUSSION A systematic review of the research suggests that there are ten steps to successful change. Most organizations seem to ignore this evidence, and this may contribute to the repo

WEEK 5 TO DO DISCUSSION A systematic review of the research suggests that there are ten steps to successful change. Most organizations seem to ignore this evidence, and this may contribute to the reportedly high failure rate of major change initiatives.  Considering the checklists covered on p. 323-327 in Chapter 10: Change Management Perspectives, explain how […]

Discussion Resistance can lead to issues such as implementation delays, increased employee stress, and even low productivity. On the other hand, pragmatic resistance to change can benefit organization

Discussion Resistance can lead to issues such as implementation delays, increased employee stress, and even low productivity. On the other hand, pragmatic resistance to change can benefit organizations in several ways. One such way is that it helps prevent or reshape poorly designed change initiatives. Explain why this type of resistance to change can lead […]

Unit 6 DB: Unit 6 Scenario Decision Remember that the Unit 6 scenario is just that, a scenario. We have tried to anticipate and create an experience that you can immerse in; however, similar to a re

Unit 6 DB: Unit 6 Scenario Decision  Remember that the Unit 6 scenario is just that, a scenario. We have tried to anticipate and create an experience that you can immerse in; however, similar to a real disaster, you cannot anticipate everything. Therefore, you need to adapt to the situation and think beyond the facts […]