See attached
NR394 Week 4 Assignment Staff Education Template Directions: Use this template to complete the Week 4 Staff Education assignment as outlined in the assignment instructions in Canvas. Click into the box below to add your name and date. Click into each box where it says [Type Here] on the following slides. Remove the words [Type […]
Research Critiques and Evidence-Based Practice Proposal
NRS-445: Research Critiques and Evidence-Based Practice Change Proposal Guidelines Use this document to synthesize the information from your “Literature Evaluation Table” from Topic 1 into a literature review. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you use your conclusions from your literature review to propose an evidence-based practice change. Introduction · Introduce your nursing practice […]
Hello I need your expertise on this assignment please. Caring for African American, Mexican, & Navajo Populations After studying Module 2: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following: A. Describe the importance of folk medicine practices and folk healers to African Americans in the rural setting. B. Mrs. M., a Mexican American who just gave […]
Nursing SOAP Assignment
Make a SOAP note for a pediatric patient. Patient Name: J.C Age/sex: 4 years old female Diagnosis: Type 1 diabetes
See attachment 6ab3OUT WHAT : Discussion Post FORMAT : APA with In-text Citation and Reference List REFERENCES : TWO Peer-Reviewed references minimum within last 5 years Word Count : 200 MINIMUM INCLUDE : Turnitin Report ___________________________________________________ 1. Compare and contrast the major differences between quantitative and qualitative research designs. 2. How is a descriptive research […]
Frameworks and models
RESOURCES · White, K. M., Dudley-Brown, S., & Terhaar, M. F. (Eds.). (2024). Translation of evidence into nursing and healthcare (4th ed.). Springer. · Chapter 2, “The Science of Translation and Major Frameworks” (pp. 25–53) · Chapter 3, “Change Theories for Translation” (pp. 53–67) · Jones-Schenk, J., & Bleich, M. R. (2019). Implementation science as a leadership […]
Management of development in peds
List strategies that might be used by a pediatric primary care provider to incorporate developmental anticipatory guidance into the following sick visits: An 18-month-old with an acute upper respiratory infection A 4-year-old with stool withholding and constipation A 9-year-old with chronic headaches A 15-year-old with dysmenorrhea.
peds clinical experience
Describe your clinical experience for this week. Did you face any challenges, any success? If so, what were they? Describe the assessment of a patient, detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S), assessment, plan of care, and at least 3 possible differential diagnosis with rationales. Mention the health promotion intervention for this patient. What did you […]
THE DRUG NAME IS FUROSEMIDE (LASIX) image1.png image2.png image3.png image4.png
Concept maps are useful tools to help care providers and patients visualize the big picture of a condition. By being able to present a snapshot of symptoms, impacts, treatments, as well as contributing and risk factors, concept maps can improve communication, treatment planning, and health outcomes. Understanding how to create accurate, well-organized, and easy to […]
Measures Used in Epidemiology
Measures Used in Epidemiology One important application of epidemiology is to identify factors that could increase the likelihood of a certain health problem occurring within a specific population. Epidemiologists use measures of effect to examine the association or linkage in the relationship between risk factors and emergence of disease or ill health. For instance, they may […]
soap Note
Submit a Problem-Focused SOAP note here for grading. You must use an actual patient from your clinical practicum. Review the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded. Be sure to use the SOAP note template for your program and view the rubric associated with your program for details on how your […]
Nursing leadership assessment 2
Create a 2-4 page report on an interview you have conducted with a health care professional colleague. You will identify an issue from the interview that could be improved with an interdisciplinary approach, and review best practices and evidence to address the issue. This is the first of three assessments that build on each other. […]
Need help with a question. Due 3/24/2025 There is more to CAM than many think, and it actually works in conjunction with conventional medicine more than is widely acknowledged. There are CAM therapies available for ailments that many believe only conventional medicine can heal. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that describes an overview of CAM […]
Complete the StrengthsFinder assessment instrument, per the instructions found in this Module’s Learning Resources.
a brief description of your results from the StrengthsFinder assessment. Then, briefly describe two core values, two strengths, and two characteristics that you would like to strengthen based on the results of your StrengthsFinder assessment. Be specific
Measures Used in Epidemiology One important application of epidemiology is to identify factors that could increase the likelihood of a certain health problem occurring within a specific population. Epidemiologists use measures of effect to examine the association or linkage in the relationship between risk factors and emergence of disease or ill health. For instance, they may […]
WK 5 dis Data
Self-Study: Comparison of Means, Comparison of Means, Part II: ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis Throughout the course, there will be a self-study Discussion pertaining to an important concept or topic covered within the assigned week. These Discussions are designed to give you the opportunity to collaborate with your peers and faculty, test your knowledge, ask questions, […]
Occupational Pulmonary Fibrosis
Explain pathophysiologic mechanisms responsible for the patient symptoms
Instructions Social Movements are only as important as the person leading them. The person(s) leading a social movement must have charisma and be able to captivate an audience. Political scientists and historians are taught to analyze body language, especially during debates and speeches. For this assignment, you will watch Dr Martin Luther King’s I Have […]
2 2 Create a 3 page report on an interview you have conducted with a health care professional colleague. You will identify an issue from the interview that could be improved with an interdisciplinary approach, and review best practices and evidence to address the issue. Interview questions.. WOULD LIKE TO ADDRESS STAFFING SHORTAGES IN HEALTHCARE […]
soap note
Students must paste their SOAP note under the management plan section of the iHuman system. Dear Student, Please make sure to write your SOAP note directly in the Management Plan section within the iHuman platform. It is important that all work is completed within iHuman. Any Word document attachments will not be accepted or graded, […]
Soap note
see attachment Demographic Data • Age, and gender (must be HIPAA compliant) Subjective • Chief Complaint (CC): A short statement about why they are there • History of Present Illness (HPI): Write your HPI in paragraph form. Start with the age, gender, and why they are there (example: 23-year-old female here for…). Elaborate using the […]
See Attached. cap
Week 2 Assignment Evidence Summary Name: Sacari Kebe Date: 3/16/2025 Directions: Identify a nursing clinical practice problem in your current or previous practice. Use this template to complete the Evidence Summary Assignment addressing your selected nursing clinical practice problem. Answer the questions under each section with explanation and detail. Correctly cite and reference information from […]
6 CC: “Anxiety and depressive symptoms with concerns about appetite, weight, sleep, energy, and motherhood abilities.” HPI: D.R. is a 48-year-old female with a history of anxiety treatment is presenting to establish care with a new provider. She reports experiencing increased appetite, poor sleep, low energy, excessive worry, depressed mood, intrusive thoughts, rumination, and excessive […]
Nursing Pharmacology
Case Study 2: Antibiotic Stewardship in a Pediatric Patient with Pneumonia Objective: Explore appropriate antibiotic selection, dosing, and resistance concerns in pediatric care. Patient Profile: Age: 6 Gender: Female Weight: 44 lbs (20 kg) Medical History: Recurrent ear infections, no known drug allergies Current Medications: None Diagnosis: Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) Instructions for Students: Identify the […]
PICOT Literature search
exact instructions to follow attached Submission Type: 6-to-8-page paper Details: This Literature Search Review should be 6-8 pages (not including the title or references pages) Part 1 Review the systematic search strategies and examples in Chapter 3 before completing this assignment. Part 2 Choose one PICOT question from the Week 2 Assignment. Complete the tasks […]
nursing statistics
Use the facilitators and barriers to the implementation of practice change projects that you list from the Furtado et al., 2024, article and specifically apply them to your current setting or a healthcare setting with which you are familiar. Provide details. Besides these eight facilitators and barriers, what changes in your setting would provide […]
Antibiotic Stewardship in a Pediatric Patient with Pneumonia
Case Study 2: Antibiotic Stewardship in a Pediatric Patient with Pneumonia Objective: Explore appropriate antibiotic selection, dosing, and resistance concerns in pediatric care. Patient Profile: Age: 6 Gender: Female Weight: 44 lbs (20 kg) Medical History: Recurrent ear infections, no known drug allergies Current Medications: None Diagnosis: Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) Instructions for Students: Identify […]
Nursing Ethics Assignment
Assignment on ethical dilemma DHE 237 Ethics and Jurisprudence Ethical Dilemma Project Instructions Purpose: To allow the dental hygiene student to incorporate their knowledge of ethical principles and apply the ethical decision making process to a scenario often seen in dental practice. The student will make application of all the knowledge acquired in DHE 237 […]
Nursing homework
This is what the course is about and what are the course outcomes please make sure my goals are targeted to the course. Course Description This course provides the student with clinical knowledge in group psychotherapy techniques that are applicable across the lifespan focusing on theoretical and conceptual models of group dynamics using evidence-based practices […]
Nursing Homework
For this assignment, you will work on setting goals for yourself using the SMART method. You will find an explanation of this method in the module that will guide you in your goal-setting process. You will list a minimum of five professional goals that you would like to accomplish during the clinical experience in this term. For each goal, you must provide an […]
NRP 473
Homework- Powerpoint Part 1: Choose an underserved population to research. You will complete this assignment as a PowerPoint Presentation. Please make sure to include all work below in your presentation. Populations to choose from. Please select one from the following: Rural Population Correctional Health LBGTQ Veterans Human Trafficking Homeless Population Be sure to include (use […]
LDR 180
Homework Please review the handout entitled “Leadership, Power, Influence, Relationships & Communication…Tied Together” and then describe an experience from your personal or professional life where you were led by another person. Most importantly, the leader must have effectively used their leadership, power, influence, relationships, and communication for the betterment of a group, organization, or a […]
Signature assigment part 2
SCHOOL OF NURSING GRADUATE STUDIES MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING – FNP NUR6400 Role Development in Family Practice: Clinical Integration Signature Assignment Understanding the role technology plays in advanced primary care to vulnerable populations is vital to ensure proper and timely diagnosis and treatment to improve healthcare outcomes for the patient. The purpose of this […]
Instructions This week you will use your readings from the past two weeks as a point of departure to create your own artistic production and a reflection paper. Part 1: Art Creation Select one of the visual art pieces from Chapters 1-6 or the lessons from Weeks 1-3 to use as a point of inspiration. […]
PP- Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease
TOPIC: Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease – PEDIATRIC PATIENTS INSTRUCTIONS AND GUIDELINES ATTACHED Presentation Guidelines • Title Page–Cover Slide • Objectives • Definition/Description of health condition • Epidemiology of topic • Case presentation–HPI, PMH, PSH, ROS, Objective Data • Pathophysiology • Assessment and Plan (including differential diagnoses), Labs/Imaging that you will order, Rx( MEDICATION), Patient […]
Back to Week at a Glance Randomized Trials in Epidemiology Imagine that researchers are conducting a randomized controlled trial of a high-fiber supplement as a preventive measure in persons at increased risk of type 2 diabetes. People enrolled in the study are disease free at the time they agree to participate in the trial, but […]
Microbial Nutrition and Metabolism
Let’s discuss the three main pathways of glucose catabolism. For this discussion, select a prokaryote or eukaryote and discuss whether it uses aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, or fermentation. Once you identify the catabolic pathway of your microorganism, compare it to one of the other three pathways by answering the following questions: Are the Krebs cycle […]
work study
To Prepare · Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide about clinical practice guidelines. · Select a group patient for whom you conducted psychotherapy for a mood disorderduring the last 4 weeks. Create a Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Note on this patient using the template provided in the Learning Resources. There is […]
strat. leader assess 4
Assessment 4 Vila Health: Human Resources Write a 3–5 page paper that includes a workforce analysis that anticipates future needs of an organization and a staffing plan that will give the organization a competitive advantage. Collapse All Introduction Human resources are those individuals with specialized skills and commitment to deliver the required services. Strategic human […]
nursing statistics
Reflect on change projects in your setting and describe what elements in the process of the change were effective and what elements were not effective? Has the anticipated outcome been sustained over time? Give specific evidence related to how well the change has been sustained. What would you do differently in planning and implementing […]
peds clinical experience
Did you face any challenges, any success? If so, what were they? Describe the assessment of a patient, detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S), assessment, plan of care, and at least 3 possible differential diagnosis with rationales. Mention the health promotion intervention for this patient. What did you learn from this week’s clinical experience that […]
pediatric primary care
You see a child whose family believes in natural therapy for illnesses (e.g., diet therapy, massage, heat treatments). How will you incorporate the family’s beliefs into the treatment of a child with an acute upper respiratory infection? With leukemia?
Epidemiologic Study Designs
Epidemiologic Study Designs As introduced in the first few weeks of this course, investigators use various epidemiological study designs to study health problems and the effects of health interventions. You have examined several study designs, including descriptive designs (in Week 2) and analytic study designs that are observational (in Week 3) or experimental (this week). […]
Self-Study: Comparison of Means, Part 1 Throughout the course, there will be a self-study Discussion pertaining to an important concept or topic covered within the assigned week. These Discussions are designed to give you the opportunity to collaborate with your peers and faculty, test your knowledge, ask questions, practice research analysis, and assist your peers. […]
Back to Week at a Glance Randomized Trials in Epidemiology Imagine that researchers are conducting a randomized controlled trial of a high-fiber supplement as a preventive measure in persons at increased risk of type 2 diabetes. People enrolled in the study are disease free at the time they agree to participate in the trial, but […]
Literature Search Review
Please see attached for instructions Literature Search Review Submission Type: 6-to-8-page paper Details: This Literature Search Review should be 6-8 pages (not including the title or references pages) Part 1 Review the systematic search strategies and examples in Chapter 3 before completing this assignment. Part 2 Choose one PICOT question from the Week 2 Assignment. […]
Mod 3 Assngm
Using the “Mod 3 | Part 3” section of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template presented in the Resources, conduct an analysis of the elements of the research article you identified. Be sure to include the following
See Attachment Response 6ab WHAT : REPLY to the TWO Discussion Posts FORMAT : APA with In-text Citation and Reference List REFERENCES : TWO Peer-Reviewed references minimum within last 5 years INCLUDE : Turnitin Report * Please and THANK YOU * _______________________ AbDj Discussion Post Reply #1 Primary sources of research are immediately available observations […]
patho assessment 1
Holistic nursing care is crucial for driving positive health outcomes because it considers the whole person, including their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs. This comprehensive approach allows for more personalized care, leading to better patient satisfaction and improved health outcomes. For Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) nurses, understanding holistic nursing care is vital […]