Change Management and Change Fatigue

Week 4: DQ 4.2 Change Management and Change Fatigue Change is a given in nursing and healthcare. Yet, sometimes we think there is a real choice to “change or not to change.” Take the self-assessment in Table 15.2, page 339 in our eBook.  Are you receptive to change?  What is your personal perception and reaction […]

Decision Making

Week 3   Decision Making Watch this video on decision-making in nursing: to an external site.  For your initial post, complete the following: Read the entirety of Chapter 13.  Use the Decision-Making Format in Box 13.1 on page 291 in the eBook to answer “The Challenge” (below) practice example found on page 291 (Chapter 13).  […]

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution Assignment You can prepare yourself for this assignment by reading Chapter 8: Communication and Conflict; and Chapter 7: Gaining Personal Insight. There are five modes of conflict management described in our text: avoiding, accommodating, competing, compromising, and collaborating (p. 185).  Understanding how people react to conflict is the first step to resolving it.  […]

Cultural Differences and Practice

Week 2 DQ 2.3 Cultural Differences and Practice After reading Chapter 4: Toward Justice and watching the two videos below, answer the discussion question.   Becoming a Culturally Competent Nurse (2018). to an external site.  The Challenges of Cultural Diversity (2020) to an external site.  · Define cultural diversity, culture, and cultural competence using published […]

Legal Nurse Case Study

Week 2  For your initial post, complete the following: 1. Prepare a minimum of a 200-word response using the instructions and the scoring rubric. Write in your own words (No Direct Quotations).  APA Format is required for writing in-text citations and references. From the legal case study describe how the nurse manager, nurse, and nurse leader could […]

Evidence-based Plan

Create a 5-10 minute video of yourself, as a presenter, in which you will propose an evidence-based plan to improve the outcomes the patient in the provided case study, and examine how remote collaboration provided benefits or challenges to designing and delivering the care. For this assessment, you are a presenter! You will create a […]

PICO(T) Question

Create a 3-5 page submission in which you develop a PICO(T) question for the diagnosis you worked with in the first two assessments and evaluate the evidence you locate, which could help to answer the question. After reviewing the materials you created to research a specific diagnosis in the first two assessments, apply the PICO(T) […]

Diagnosis Research

Develop a 2-4 page scholarly paper in which you describe the diagnosis you researched for the previous assessment, and then identify and analyze credible evidence that could be used as the basis for applying EBP to the issue. The purpose of this analysis is to better understand what constitutes credibility of journal articles as well […]

Databases relevat to EBP

Create a 2-4 page resource that will describe databases that are relevant to EBP around one of the diagnoses found in the provided PDF supplement and could be used to help a new hire nurse better engage in EBP. The purpose of this assessment is to understand where to find evidence that can be applied […]

Audio Presentation Script

Prepare an 8–10 minute audio training tutorial (video is optional) for new nurses on the importance of nursing-sensitive quality indicators. For this assessment, first review the nursing-sensitive quality indicators presented in the  Assessment 04 Supplement: Informatics and Nursing Sensitive quality Indicators [PDF]  Download Assessment 04 Supplement: Informatics and Nursing Sensitive quality Indicators [PDF]resource and select […]

Annotated Bibliography

Write a 4–6 page annotated bibliography where you identify peer-reviewed publications that promote the use of a selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing. First, review the technologies presented in the  Assessment 03 Supplement: Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bib on Tech in Nursing [PDF]  Download Assessment 03 Supplement: Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated […]

Nursing Influencing Health Module 5 Assignment

1. Select a state health policy reform innovation 2. Discuss the rationale for the policy, how it was adopted (e.g., federal waivers, passage by state legislature), the funding structure, and (to the extent statistical data are available) its impact. ethical outcome based on evidence. 3. Examples of state innovations include Maryland’s hospital rate setting, Vermont’s single payer system, […]

Staff Update

Prepare a 2 page interprofessional staff update on HIPAA and appropriate social media use in health care. First, select one of the health care settings described in the following resource: · Assessment 02 Supplement: Protected Health Information [PDF] Download Assessment 02 Supplement: Protected Health Information [PDF] As a nurse in this setting, you are asked […]

Nursing nus 505 assignment. 5

In preparation for your module seven assignment, choose a cultural group that you believe is essential for your fellow colleagues to understand in the context of your healthcare setting. Consider the diversity of patients you may encounter. Begin conducting thorough research on the chosen cultural group.  Plan the layout, design, and format of your pamphlet. […]

Nursing Diversity Module 5 Assignment

Instructions  In preparation for your module seven assignment, choose a cultural group that you believe is essential for your fellow colleagues to understand in the context of your healthcare setting. Consider the diversity of patients you may encounter. Begin conducting thorough research on the chosen cultural group.  Plan the layout, design, and format of your […]

Evidence-Based Proposal

Write a 4–5 page evidence-based proposal to support the need for a nurse informaticist in an organization who would focus on improving health care outcomes. For this assessment, assume you are a nurse attending a meeting of your state’s nurses association. A nurse informaticist conducted a presentation on her role and its impact on positive […]


Treatments for Genitourinary Tract Disorders Based on  Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources  and experience, please answer the following questions: 1. Describe urinary tract infection, causes, symptoms and treatment 2. Discuss treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia 3. Describe overactive bladder, causes, symptoms and treatment  4. Treatment options and recommendations for different STIs (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphilis) […]


Completes reflective journal a. 150 word minimum reflection. b. Summarize new information learned by completing this assignment. c. Reflects on how the new knowledge will impact future behavior as a healthcare professional. d. Logical reflective flow which follows standard grammatical rules with minimal (1-2) misspellings and APA where applicable. Patient Information Nursing notes and assessment […]


Please review the assignment as my price is nonnegotiable.  Purpose The student will review, summarize, and critique a scholarly article related to a mental health topic. Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes. (CO 4) Utilize critical thinking skills in clinical decision-making and implementation of the nursing process for […]


1 Assessment 01 Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video For this assessment you will use Kaltura to create a 5–10 minute video reflection that addresses either an interprofessional collaboration you experienced or the case study on interprofessional collaboration presented below. If you choose to reflect on the interprofessional case study presented below, imagine that you are […]

healthcare info concept map

Assignment Instructions: Note: You will need to download medical apps onto an iPhone, iPad, or Android device to complete this assignment. If you do not have any of these devices, you may use the app in a web browser on the host’s website.  Assignment Instructions: Review the following tutorial on building concept maps in Word […]

Case 33

See attached instructions Instructions 1-Write a 4 pages Paper (not including references page) following strict APA Format. 2-Develop the following questions on your paper: -How would you, as a health professional, plan policy change in your community to address the realities of millions of older adults living in urban communities? -Explain how you would plan […]

PowerPoint – Pace Maker

Powerpoint must be 10 slides Must include: Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, assessment findings, Labs and diagnosis, Nursing management, nursing priorities & Considerations.

Psychiatry Note

   Write the clinical write up for a  psychiatric fictitious  patient .46-Year-Old male With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Stable Patient. Follow up. Form attached . 


WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENT ASSESSMENT Clearly, diagnosis is a critical aspect of healthcare. However, the ultimate purpose of a diagnosis is the development and application of a series of treatments or protocols. Isolated recognition of a health issue does little to resolve it. In this module’s Discussion, you applied the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory to diagnose potential […]

Nursing homework

HSN/376: Health Information Technology For Nursing Wk 4 – Consumer Health Informatics Assignment Content Top of Form Consumer health informatics (CHI) is still a relatively new field, but it is rapidly evolving and has the potential to revolutionize the way we think about and access health care.   Write a · 875- to 1,050-word APA-formatted […]


1. The submitted assignment should be 2-3 pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages. 2) Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the Grading Rubric must match exactly). a. Introduction • Establishes the purpose of the paper • Captures the attention of the reader b. Article Summary • Statistics to […]

Annotated Bibliography

find below the attached documents for annotated bibliography Course Competency: · Compare the care models for nursing practice specific to the older adult. Transferable Skill: · Information Literacy: Discovering informationreflectively, understanding how information is produced and valued, and usinginformation to create new knowledge and participate ethically in communities oflearning. Your nursing supervisor likes the topic […]

Hypertension & Lipid Treatment Protocol

Outline template following clinical practice guidelines.  NR565 HTN Lipid Protocol 2 HYPERTENSION PROTOCOL: INITIAL VISIT 1. RATIONALE 0. This protocol will assist in the differentiation between essential hypertension and renal artery stenosis to aid in the identification of patients in need of referral to nephrology to prevent further renal damage from an unidentified renal artery […]

NSG7000 – Week 9 Project

Instructions attached. Week 9 Project   Instructions Course Project: Rough Draft of the Organizational Change through Leadership Paper This week, the rough draft of the paper on organizational change through leadership is due. This paper is meant as a final demonstration and culmination of perspectives gained from this course and will assist you in the […]

literature review

The literature review Topic: How does integrating simulation-based training in respiratory care protocols enhance competency and confidence among nursing students and novice nurses? The literature review includes identifying current nursing, medical, and other pertinent journals and textbooks related to your chosen topic. Conducting a literature review includes a search of databases to identify information relevant […]

see below

To Prepare: · Review the Resources and examine the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory, found on page 20 of Clark (2015). · Review the Work Environment Assessment Template*.. · Select and review one or more of the following articles found in the Resources: · Clark (2019) · Hover and Williams (2022) · Lee and Miller (2022) […]

see below

Week 9: Women’s and Men’s Health, and Ear, Eyes, and Skin 1. Review the case studies (attachment) and answer ALL questions. 1. When recommending medications, write out a  complete prescription for each medication. What order would you send to a pharmacy? Include drug, dose, route, frequency, special instructions, # dispensed (days supply), refills, etc. Also state […]

I need this by Saturday 7/27

Please see the attachment, please read the instructions.  Topic: Diabetes prevention Target Population: Patients under the age of 50 at a community hospital Develop a 5-9 page problem statement that presents information related to the problem-intervention-comparison-outcome-time (PICOT) approach to nursing research. Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the […]

Case Studies Week 9

Week 9 Assignment NURS 6521, Week 9 Assignment With Template Provided: COPY AND PASTE THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT BELOW INCLUDING THE QUESTIONS AND GIVE ANSWERS WHERE IT SAYS ‘YOUR ANSWER.’ BE VERY BRIEF. PRIMARY FOCUS: ADVANCED PHARMACOLOGY! General Directions:  For each of the scenarios below, answer A, B, C, D & E using clinical practice guidelines […]

how to create a video

how can i create a video the easiest way This video will be based on the papers you have been providing regarding Type 2 Diabetes Present your approved intervention to the patient, family, or group and record a 10–15 minute video reflection on your practicum experience, the development of your capstone project, and your personal […]

Nursing homework

Describe your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about clients with disruptive behavior disorders. Use the following questions to guide your response:  Have you had experience with people who have these behaviors? How has that influenced your feelings about caring for clients with disruptive behaviors?  What are your feelings and attitudes about being in an environment when […]


SUBSTANCE USE, ADDICTION/IMPULSE CONTROL DISORDER  In this Blog, you will have the opportunity to teach your peers about a specific substance use and/or addiction/impulse control disorder. A Blog is a conversational, informal written piece on a topic. Your faculty will assign you a particular illness and the approved treatment for the illness to create a […]

Diversity Pamphlet

Create a Pamphlet on Mexican culture in regards to healthcare Consider visual elements, headings, and the overall structure to make the content engaging and easy to follow. · Compile key information that will be useful for your colleagues to understand and apply in their practice.  · Include information on: · healthcare beliefs, · health practices, […]


RUA RUA Scenario After treating a patient injured in a rather unusual sporting accident, the hospital released to the local media, without the patient’s authorization, copies of the patient’s skull x-ray as well as a description of the complainant’s medical condition. The local newspaper then featured on its front page the individual’s x-ray and an […]

Health Promotion replies week 5

Michael Rodriguez 7 hours ago, at 12:05 PM   NEW Top of Form Michael Rodriguez. Health Promotion & Role Development in Adv. Nursing Practice. Week 5 discussion question. Professor: Jacqueline Alonso.   The primary risks associated with cardiovascular disease include hypertension, high cholesterol levels, and smoking. Hypertension can lead to increased arterial pressure, damaging blood vessels over […]

Epidemiology week 5 replies

Jose Duarte 7 hours ago, at 11:19 AM   NEW Top of Form      Social determinants of health significantly influence the prevalence of obesity within populations. Socioeconomic status, food environment, built environment, and social support networks all play interconnected roles in shaping individuals’ dietary choices, physical activity levels, and ultimately, their weight status. Addressing these SDOH factors through […]

Neurological & Male Genitourinary Disorders

Once you received your case number, answer the following questions: 1. What other subjective data would you obtain? 2. What other objective findings would you look for? 3. What diagnostic exams do you want to order? 4. Name 3 differential diagnoses based on this patient presenting symptoms? 5. Give rationales for your each differential diagnosis. […]

Health promotion adolescents

Answer the specific question on the table above. Then, continue to discuss the 3 topics listed below for your case: 1. Discuss appropriate interventions for adolescents suspected of having an eating disorder. Describe how they would initiate conversations with adolescents about this issue. 2. Describe the physical changes of adolescents that include natural processes of biology and […]

Your task is to, over the course of the semester, reach out to some person or some organization in the healthcare system. That could mean contacting someone at Florida Hospital (or a hospital closer to you),

  How did you find the person/organization you contacted? What was the experience of finding someone to talk to like? Why did you choose this type of organization or position? What did you learn about the healthcare system from this person or experience? Positive and negative! Is this the type of person or organization you could […]

Blog discussion

See attached doc Blog discussion In this Blog, you will have the opportunity to teach your peers about a specific substance use and/or addiction/impulse control disorder. A Blog is a conversational, informal written piece on a topic. Your faculty will assign you a particular illness and the approved treatment for the illness to create a […]

Case study Advanced Health Assessment

See attached document Management Plan for a 41 years old female, Hispanic-American decent who presents to the clinic for a well visit assessment; assessment reveal she is at risk for the following : · hypertension (bp 134/74); · breast cancer (first degree family member mom 63 and 1st cousin 44 being diagnosed and early menses […]

soap note

follow attachment and document. Pick one case  Case # (1, 2, 3 or 4) and Description of the Case Chosen: · Case 1: Teresa · Case 2: Joanna · Case 3: Monica · Case 4: Laura Outline Subjective data. Identify data provided in your chosen case and any additional data needed. Outline Objective findings. Identify […]

DNP Project

 PAMPHLET  (educational materials ) EBP Question: How does education enhance staff knowledge of interpreting physical monitoring of mental health patients and improve staff proficiency in medication administration? Education: Increase staff knowledge on interpreting blood drug levels, understanding contraindications, and treatment efficacy. one pamphlet —


replies 1   Anxiety and depression association of America is one of the applications I found for support on mental illness. They offer different support groups for several different forms of mental illness as well as for different ages. Substance abuse and mental health services administration is the second website that I found. They have […]