Interest Groups

The goal of this assignment is to familiarize students with interest groups. Please follow the steps below to complete your assignment.   1. Select an interest group (AARP, AHIP, Coalition for Health Services Research, Emergency Nurses Association, Pharma) 2. Discuss how they are pushing their agenda (i.e., mechanisms used to influence policy makers), key obstacles, and spending […]

discussion 7

  View the TED Talk “The Power of Introverts”Links to an external site. by Susan Cain (TED, 2012). Respond to the following questions: Did her talk give you any new perspective on the process or skill of communication, especially concerning personality and interpersonal engagement? Share how you may relate to her talk and (or) to […]


  In the realm of marketing, a successful branding strategy is one of the most important contributors to organizational success. A solid branding strategy can help add visibility and credibility to a company’s products. Similarly, nurse-scholars can build a personal brand to add visibility and credibility to their work. You can begin building your brand […]


  Reflect on the concept of social determinants of health as presented in the resources.  Contemplate whether digital inclusion or broad band access should be added to the 5 key areas of social determinants of health.   Using the optional outside resources or other peer reviewed journal articles, consider how electronic health records, mobile health, patient […]

teaching plan presentation

In this assignment, you will  develop  and  deliver  a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the highlights of your Week 6 teaching plan. 1. Develop: Develop a 5- to 8-minute PowerPoint slide set summarizing the key components of the teaching plan you developed during Week 6 2. Deliver: Record a video of yourself presenting your summary as if you […]

Pamphlet Presentation

Part I: Using the information and design plan from Module 6, create a visually appealing and informative educational pamphlet Include information on: · healthcare beliefs, · health practices, · communication styles, · family dynamics; and · any specific health disparities.  · Include practical tips, strategies, or scenarios that illustrate culturally competent care within the pamphlet.   · Provide examples […]

Critical Research Appraisal

critically appraise a research design Discuss what is meant by the term Qualitative Research The study, sampling, data collection, analysis, rigor, findings and limitations Discuss what you understand by the term Quantitative Research – Use the following dot points to guide your discussion (give reasons for your argument and support with references) Critique the Quantitative […]

Need help with my nursing course

 Need help with my nursing course 4010 Paper 2 helpful activity (NOT GRADED) ACTIVITY (The PDSA cycle) 1) Which of the following are best practices for the Plan step of the PDSA Cycle? (Select all that apply). Select all answers that apply a) Prioritize those areas over which you have no control. b) Involve your team. c) Consider […]

Interest Groups

The goal of this assignment is to familiarize students with interest groups. Please follow the steps below to complete your assignment.   1. Select an interest group (AARP, AHIP, Coalition for Health Services Research, Emergency Nurses Association, Pharma) 2. Discuss how they are pushing their agenda (i.e., mechanisms used to influence policy makers), key obstacles, and spending […]

Focused SOAP Note

 Use the focused SOAP note template to address the case study. Edwin is a 69-year-old male who comes into the clinic today stating that over the past few days, he has had a fever and chills, cough, and has been quite fatigued. He didn’t take his temperature because he did not have a thermometer but […]

Health Assessment

Make up an event that happen – Sentinel Events Literature Review Assignment: Complete a literature review about a Sentinel Event. First, reflect on a sentinel event that you know of personally, professionally, or have heard about in the media. Then, locate two research articles about preventing such an event. Lastly, critique the two articles. Follow […]

Health Assessment

My topic – “Strategies to meet the need of nonverbal stroke patient.” Complete a review of literature on the topic you chose in Module 3 using PubMed. To access PubMed, go the library home page and in the database search box enter PubMed. 2 databases will appear. I recommend using PubMed Medline. Your review should […]

Nursing homework question 618

You are leading an interprofessional team in a small rural community health clinic to promote the purchase of a new data management system to address the new payment reform and pay-for-performance mandates. The team understands the need for accurate and reliable data that effectively supports these new mandates, and the National Quality Strategy (NQS) aims […]


Include information on: healthcare beliefs, health practices, communication styles, family dynamics; and any specific health disparities. 

Evidence-Based Practice

   Evidence-Based Practice PEER RESPONSE Evidence Based Practice PEER RESPONSE Read a selection of your colleagues’ blog posts and respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by supporting or expanding on their work thus far with their practice focused question. Work to share additional perspectives on the issue described by your colleague. PEER #1 Friday Chidozie Nwabuisi […]

Assessment 3 Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing

Assessment 3 Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing Write a 4–6 page annotated bibliography where you identify peer-reviewed publications that promote the use of a selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing. INTRODUCTION This assessment will give you the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of how technology can enhance […]

see below

To Prepare: · Review the case studies (attachment) and answer ALL questions. · When recommending medications, write out a  complete prescription for each medication. What order would you send to a pharmacy? Include drug, dose, route, frequency, special instructions, # dispensed (days supply), refills, etc. Also state if you would continue, discontinue or taper the patient’s […]

see below

LEADERSHIP THEORIES IN PRACTICE A walk through the Business section of any bookstore or a quick Internet search on the topic will reveal a seemingly endless supply of writings on leadership. Formal research literature is also teeming with volumes on the subject. However, your own observation and experiences may suggest these theories are not always […]

n w 11 2

Instructions Please use the document below to complete the following activities: · Complete Gray Boxes and Highlighted Areas. · Submit to the Canvas Dropbox. · Submissions must be handwritten.

n w 11 1

Instructions Please use the document below to complete the following activities: · Define the following terms using their roots/suffixes, and prefixes. · Create and define 10 additional terms. · Submit to the Canvas Drop Box. · Submissions must be handwritten.

how to create a powerpoint

how can i successfully create a powepoint to describe my answers  For this assessment, you will create an 8-12 slide PowerPoint presentation for one or more stakeholder or leadership groups to generate interest and buy-in for the plan proposal you developed for the third assessment. In addition to summarizing the key points of Assessments 2 […]

how to successful make a plan proposal

 how can i successful make a plan proposal for improvements an organizational issue ? For this assessment, you will create a 2-4 page plan proposal for an interprofessional team to collaborate and work toward driving improvements in the organizational issue you identified in the second assessment. Having reviewed the information gleaned from your professional interview […]

n d 11

Instructions It is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts to peers have no minimum word requirement but must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers. Substantive content is imperative for all posts. All discussion prompt elements for the topic must be addressed. Please proofread […]

n w 10 1

Please use the document below to complete the following activities: · Complete Gray Boxes and Highlighted Areas. · Submit to the Canvas Dropbox. · Submissions must be handwritten.

n d 10

Instructions It is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts to peers have no minimum word requirement but must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers. Substantive content is imperative for all posts. All discussion prompt elements for the topic must be addressed. Please proofread […]

annotated bibliography

1 Assessment 03 – Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing For this assessment, you will write a 4–6 page annotated bibliography where you identify peer- reviewed publications that promote the use of one of the technologies presented below that enhance quality and safety standards in nursing. Before you complete the detailed instructions […]


Pls check the highlights BIG DATA RISKS AND REWARDS When you wake in the morning, you may reach for your cell phone to reply to a few text or email messages that you missed overnight. On your drive to work, you may stop to refuel your car. Upon your arrival, you might swipe a key […]

Improving the Way You Eat

  Write a plan for improving the way you eat. Please refer to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Improving Your Eating Habits: to an external site. What do you currently eat during the day and where? What foods you could continue to eat or add to your diet and why? What foods you […]

Vulnerable populations

  Identify three local organizations in your community that deliver healthcare services to vulnerable populations

Nursing Homework

Adapt the concept map that you developed in the last module to now show the interrelationship between functional health patterns and functional, potentially dysfunctional, and actually dysfunctional categories of behavior for the family. Use lines, shapes, and color creativity to show the relationships. Review the scoring rubric before you begin your work. 

Nursing Homework

Please answer the following questions pertaining to the scenario. Use the references above or other scholarly resources to augment your discussions.  Review the case scenario above and the associated referenced resources. Pay particular attention to the MD Anderson Cancer Center sepsis algorithm.  Select and research a different clinical issue. (DO NOT USE SEPSIS AS YOUR […]

Nursing homework

NSG/416: Theoretical Development And Conceptual Frameworks Summative Assessment: Applying Multiple Theories to Care Top of Form Bottom of Form Top of Form In this assessment, you will create a presentation or paper based on a given scenario in which you will apply Benner’s novice-to-expert theory. Then you will select another theory of your choosing that […]


See instructions attached For your week 4 assignment, evaluate drug treatment plans for patients with various disorders and justify drug therapy plans based on patient history and diagnosis. To Prepare: · Review the case studies and answer ALL questions. · When recommending medications, write out a complete prescription for each medication. What order would you send to […]

assist week 4

Week 4 – Assignment: Assess the Health Services Industry Structure This week, in your role as the Health Economics intern, you are assigned to the Health Economics and Statistics team responsible for the production of services at the regional clinic. You know that the services to be offered and the cost of those services are […]


See instructions attached The Assignment In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following · The pulmonary pathophysiologic processes that result in the patient presenting these symptoms. · Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning. · How these processes interact to affect the patient. Scenario: A 16-year-old black female presents […]

assist week 3

Week 3 – Assignment: Investigate the Supply of Healthcare Services The Health Economics and Statistics team on which you serve as the Health Economics intern, is now ready to develop the relationship between the demand profile of the new enrollees and the services to be offered. You are asked to prepare an example of the […]

Fundamentals of Professional Nursing

Module 11 Written Assignment – Comprehensive Final Top of Form Bottom of Form Module 11 Content 1. Top of Form Your written assignment for this module should be a 1-2 page paper (not including title page and reference page) that describes the following: · What did you learn from this course that you did not already […]

Case study analysis

The Case Study Assignment Week 4 Case study Scenario: 76-year-old female patient complains of weight gain, shortness of breath, peripheral edema, and abdominal swelling. She has a history of congestive heart failure and admits to not taking her diuretic, as it makes her “have to get up every couple hour to go to the bathroom.” […]

Pharm discussion 6

Module 6 Discussion     Treatments for Genitourinary Tract Disorders 1. Describe urinary tract infection, causes, symptoms and treatment 2. Discuss treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia 3. Describe overactive bladder, causes, symptoms and treatment  4. Treatment options and recommendations for different STIs (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphilis) Submission Instructions: · Your initial post should be at least  […]

Nur 501 discussion 6

Module 6 Discussion      Theory Development and Evaluation Examine the science and art of theory development and evaluation.   Submission Instructions: · Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. · Due Wednesday June 19 @11:59pm image1.png image2.png

n w 9 2

Please use the document below to complete the following activities: · Complete Gray Boxes and Highlighted Areas. · Submit to the Canvas Dropbox. · Submissions must be handwritten.

Nursing NUR 501 assignment final

  Critical Research Appraisal Assignment Goal: You will critically appraise a research design Content Requirements:  You will select one research report with a qualitative design and one with quantitative design and answer the following questions regarding the following categories: 1. Discuss what is meant by the term Qualitative Research · Briefly, describe the characteristics of […]

n w 9 1

Please use the document provided below to complete the following activities: · Define the following terms using their roots/suffixes, and prefixes. · Create and define 10 additional terms. · Submit to the Canvas Drop Box. · Submissions must be handwritten.

n r 7

Instructions: · Share your findings in your initial post, then respond to two of your peers.   Remember: · Always construct your responses in a word processing program like Word. Check for grammar, spelling, and mechanical errors.  Make the corrections and save the file to your computer. · Find the posts that you are going to reply […]

Nursing Pharm Assignment final

Module 6 Assignment For this assignment, you will write a paper on the pharmacological management of the disease. The paper should include a review of the: · Select a disease process that is of interest to you. · Pathophysiology of the disease state. · Review of the pharmacological agents used for treatment and important information […]