Nurse Extern Resume

I need a resume for Nurse EXTERN —- Like an intern I will fine-tuned everything, just help me put it together Note— Include Clinical Experiences at Rasmussen University, I HAVE DONE 3 CLINICALS BRIA of Westmont | Nursing Home—- Pharmacology clinical Alden Courts of Shorewood- Memory Care & Assisted Living— Fundamental Clinical Alden Estates of […]

Case Study Presentation

 To conduct an assessment of health promotion while applying the nursing  process and evidence based research to disseminate findings to course  colleagues. 

Nursing Philosophy theory week 2 assignment

Goal: Analyze and evaluate a middle range theory.  You will select a middle range theory and identify application of nursing theories into clinical practice . Content Requirements: 1. Components of the theory · · Discuss the major concepts of the theory · Philosophical basis or worldview change, advancing health 2. Structural aspects of the theory […]

Care plan and concept map

Need assistance with creating a careplan and concept map. All details are attached with specific details.  Concept Map Directions You will submit one data packet that contains two concept maps by the due date on Blackboard. You will have to collect data at clinicals to complete your concept map. There are tons of resources on […]

W4 Malaria

Please see attached file. You will have to write a paper focusing on health disparities and interventions in a population outside of the United States. Choose any of the issues or diseases (or make your own up!) from the list below that are considered global public health problems. · Malaria In your introduction, briefly describe […]


Use the resources linked below to help complete this assessment. Collapse All Health Policy Positions and Collaboration Refer to the following reading list: · Assessment 2: Health Policy Positions and Collaboration .  Review your Assessment 2 Problem Identification and Policy Development activity, which enables you to practice identifying problems within health care systems and the […]

W4 Global Healthreview

Please see attached file W4 Global Health Every other week, you will have a global health publication to read and review. You will write an overview essay on what the publication was regarding, what you learned from it, and what you would do for the future. Essays should be similar to the “conclusion” section of […]

Prepare a 10-20 slide presentation of the strategic plan you developed in Assessment 2, to be delivered to key stakeholders at a strategic visioning session.

The implementation and success of a strategic plan depends on the support of key stakeholders. This in turn depends on your ability to communicate clearly and persuasively with decision makers and to sell your vision of the future. You must also be able to lead the initiative and sustain strategic direction. This assessment provides you […]

Fundamentals of Professional Nursing

Discussion Responses-2 Written Assignment Module 08 Written Assignment – Fluid Imbalances Module 08 Content Your written assignment for this module should be a 1-2 page paper (not including title page and reference page) that describes the following: Describe what a fluid and electrolyte imbalance is and how this is important to the function of the […]

philo- Middle Range Theory Utilization

  Middle Range Theory Utilization & Application Paper Goal: Analyze and evaluate a middle range theory.  You will select a middle range theory and identify application of nursing theories into clinical practice . Content Requirements: 1. Components of the theory · · Discuss the major concepts of the theory · Philosophical basis or worldview change, […]

the state or federal level

Research legislation that has occurred within the last 5 years at the state or federal level as a result of nurse advocacy. Describe the legislation and what was accomplished. What additional steps need to be taken to continue advocacy for this issue?

create a SOAP note for a female 63 years old female with urinary incontinence

Patient is a female 63 years old , 3G2P1A  who presented complaining of urinary frequency, urgency incontinence, no hematuria no stress incontinence. She indicates requires multiple pads during the day, she also indicates it started after lumbar spine surgey associated with bilateral leg weakness. Indicate treatment plan and add 3 differential diagnosis using scholarly references […]


  1. How long have you been a Nurse Executive and what major changes have you seen in the Nurse Executive role over the past 3-5 years? 2. What are the major challenges that you face in your role today as a Nurse Executive? 3. In your opinion, what are the key competencies that Nursing […]

older adult

continuation work of project, find atttached Your supervisor at Rasmussen Home Health Services is satisfied with the resources described in your annotated bibliography and is eager for you to continue your work. As a next step, your supervisor wants you to develop and share the following items with them. 1. Write an introduction about your […]

Nursing Cultural Interview Assignment

· Contact an individual from the cultural group selected in module two (with their consent) and conduct a cultural interview.   · This interview can be in person, over the phone, or through a video call.  · The individual can be a patient, neighbor, grandparent, in-law, or friend. Do not use your parent, brother, sister, spouse, or significant […]

Post discussion

  What is the regulatory process for obtaining approval for a pedestrian walkway, and will regulatory agencies oversee this project? What is the estimated timeframe? 

Evidence-Based Practice

   DISSCUSSION DISCUSS GAPS IN PRACTICE [Type here] DNP Project Summary 1 DNP Project Summary DNP Project Summary The title for the planned DNP project is ‘Tangible Virtual Treatment’ and the setting will be at the private practice Virtual Consult MD in Norcross, Georgia, USA. The private practice offers telepsychiatry to individuals across the lifespan. […]

practical nursing

An 8-year-old girl comes to your ambulatory care clinic with complaints of left ear pain for the past 3 days. She had respiratory infection a week ago. On physical examination, the tympanic membrane is bulging. Answer the following questions: • What else should you ask the client? • What teaching would you reinforce to prevent […]

n r 3

Instructions: This week we have explored the Inflammatory Process and Wound Healing. Reviewing everything you’ve learned this week, select one example of an inflammatory condition and one example of an infectious disorder from a wound. Compare and contrast the causes, signs and symptoms, diagnostic tools, and treatment. In what ways are they similar? In what […]

Week 3 discussion

View the TED Talk “5 Ways to Listen Better” by Julian Treasure (TEDGlobal, 2011). Next, complete the linked listening assessment. In light of Treasure’s talk, respond to the following questions: What do you find most interesting about the skill of listening? Do you agree with Treasure’s warning about the dangers of losing the ability to […]

Please provide the following information about your culture: Ancient Egypt

attached Content 1. Introduction with a thesis statement 2. Provide a brief history of your culture 3. Explain how your chosen culture is represented in the United States 4. Is your culture individualistic or collectivistic? Provide at least one example 5. What are some of the artistic (art, music, architecture, dance) contributions of your culture? […]

Case Study: Medical treatment against cultural beliefs

Please read attached document completely, it has the case study itself.  1. Select one of the case studies presented in the  Assessment 03 Supplement: Applying Ethical Principles [PDF]  Download Assessment 03 Supplement: Applying Ethical Principles [PDF] resource. · Note: The case study may not supply all of the information you need. In such cases, you […]

Burnout among nurses

1. Select one of the health care problems or issues presented in the  Assessment 02 Supplement: Applying Research Skills [PDF]  Download Assessment 02 Supplement: Applying Research Skills [PDF] resource. Write a brief overview of the selected health care problem or issue. In your overview: · Summarize the health care problem or issue. · Describe the […]

pn mod a

Otitis Media Top of Form Bottom of Form Module 08 Content 1. Top of Form An 8-year-old girl comes to your ambulatory care clinic with complaints of left ear pain for the past 3 days. She had respiratory infection a week ago. On physical examination, the tympanic membrane is bulging. Answer the following questions: 1. What […]

Stakeholder Presentation

Assessment 4 Stakeholder Presentation For this assessment, you will create an 8-12 slide PowerPoint presentation for one or more stakeholder or leadership groups to generate interest and buy-in for the plan proposal you developed for the third assessment. INTRODUCTION As a current or future nurse leader, you may be called upon to present to stakeholders […]

Nursing NUR 501 assignment 2

2 Learning Theories, Principles, and Quality Health Care Melissa Godoy St. Thomas University NUR 501: Philosophical and Theoretical Evidence-Based Research Professor Mary Richards May 23, 2024 Learning Theories, Principles, and Quality Health Care Theories and learning principles are like tools in the hands of APNs for excellence in providing care to clients. Specific strategies can […]

Nursing research assignment (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Prevention)

Please see attachment Week 8 Assignment: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Prevention In this written assignment, you will explore the health needs of men or the elderly. Step 1: Choose a health need to investigate. From the following list, choose  ONE health need to focus on for this assignment: · Health needs of men: prostate health, cardiovascular health, […]

policy, nursing

see attached An Op Ed (opinion editorial) represents a strong, informed, and focused opinion of the writer. Choose a healthcare topic that you are passionate about and write an op ed as if you are submitting it to a professional journal for publication. Purpose: Student will demonstrate knowledge of and skill in effective public communication […]

Medication to fill templates

Unit 2 Medications to fill templates out for (you should be completing 33 templates – one for each medication. Remember that you need to handwrite these.) fluconazole ciprofloxacin vancomycin acyclovir tetracycline isoniazid imipenem gentamicin rifampin amoxicillin nitrofurantoin itraconazole aztreonam erythromycin penicillin azithromycin amphotericin metronidazole cephalosporins (generally) trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole Maraviroc Trastuzumab Dexamethasone Enfuvirtide Vincristine Raltegravir Delavirdine Cisplatin […]

Team PowerPoint Presentation: Capital Budget Proposal

  Goal: To Assess the need for a capital budget item. To also, investigate the information needed to prepare a budget proposal. Content Requirements: Identify the capital budget item. Identify the need and consequences if it is not purchased.

Discussion 2

Choose one learning theory and/or principle you think is most useful to the advanced practice nurse (APN) in providing high-quality health care to clients. Explain your rationale for choosing this theory and principle. 

Foodborne Pathogens

2  Using examples from your own home, define the types of foods you typically eat that would have the highest risk for foodborne pathogens. Refer to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration: Foodborne Pathogens: to an external site.   Be sure your paper includes the following: What types of pathogens would they be? What habits […]


2  Using examples from your own home, define the types of foods you typically eat that would have the highest risk for foodborne pathogens. Refer to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration: Foodborne Pathogens: to an external site.   Be sure your paper includes the following: What types of pathogens would they be? What habits […]

Nutrition Log Reflection 2

  “You are what you eat.” Have you ever heard that? Although that saying is not exactly true, what we do eat does impact how we concentrate in class, work, perform in sports, and even affects our moods. The purpose of this activity is to deepen learning through reflective thinking. Follow these guidelines when completing […]

RWH powerpoint wk 3

RWH week 3 powerpoint  turn info into powerpoint Workflow Improvement in a Mental Health Clinic Identification of Workflow Issues 1. Patient Intake: Long waiting times and repetitive paperwork. 2. Appointment Scheduling: Inefficiencies in booking and handling cancellations. 3. Communication: Poor coordination among healthcare providers. 4. Documentation: Time-consuming processes prone to errors. Technology for Improvement Electronic […]


THE IMPACT OF NURSING INFORMATICS ON PATIENT OUTCOMES AND PATIENT CARE EFFICIENCIES In the Discussion for this module, you considered the interaction of nurse informaticists with other specialists to ensure successful care. How is that success determined? Patient outcomes and the fulfillment of care goals is one of the major ways that healthcare success is […]

DNP Project

   Phase 1 of  DNP Project [Type here] DNP Project Summary 1 DNP Project Summary because this is a QI project, document the specific intervention that is occurring in the organization and what you will be evaluating after it has been implemented. DNP Project Summary The title for the planned DNP project is ‘Tangible Virtual […]

Improvement Plan Tool Kit

Improvement Plan Tool Kit For this assessment, you will develop a Word document or an online resource repository of at least 12 annotated professional or scholarly resources that you consider critical for the audience of your safety improvement plan to understand or implement to ensure the success of the plan. Senario: For this assessment, build […]


NURS 450: Public/Community Health Experiential Nursing Learning Course Assignment: Community Health Promotion Poster 55 points Assignment: Following the completion of the volunteer hours, the student will create a poster presentation that would support health promotion for the population served by the agency where the volunteer hours were completed. Part of this assignment requires you to […]

Transforming Nursing

   Project Design: Conduct a SWOT analysis  [Type here] DNP Project Summary 1 DNP Project Summary because this is a QI project, document the specific intervention that is occurring in the organization and what you will be evaluating after it has been implemented. DNP Project Summary The title for the planned DNP project is ‘Tangible […]

w10 5550

MSN 5550 Health Promotion: Prevention of Disease Case Study Module 10 Instructions: Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions. Please provide evidence-based rationales for your answers. APA, 7th ed. must be followed. Deadline: Due by Saturday at 23:59 p.m. CASE STUDY: Preschool Child: Ricky Ricky, age 4 years, arrives in the clinic […]

Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal

Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal For this assessment, you will create a 2–4-page plan proposal for an interprofessional team to collaborate and work toward driving improvements in the organizational issue of shortage of nurses and high turnover rate. This assessment will allow you to describe a plan proposal that includes an analysis of best practices of interprofessional […]

Fundamentals of Professional Nursing

Discussion – Reflective Practice – What Did You Learn? Discussion Topic Activity Time: 2 hours; Additional Time for Study, Research, and Reflection: 1 hour Directions: An important part of professional nursing is routinely examining your practice and determining what you have done well and what areas you have yet to develop. Think about your learning […]


please see attached NRNP/PRAC 6635 Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Template Week (enter week #): (Enter assignment title) Student Name College of Nursing-PMHNP, Walden University NRNP 6635: Psychopathology and Diagnostic Reasoning Faculty Name Assignment Due Date Subjective: CC (chief complaint): HPI: Past Psychiatric History: · General Statement: · Caregivers (if applicable): · Hospitalizations: · Medication trials: · […]


Post a brief description of your results from the StrengthsFinder assessment. Then, briefly describe two core values, two strengths, and two characteristics that you would like to strengthen based on the results of your StrengthsFinder assessment. Be specific. Note: Be sure to attach your Signature Theme Report to your Discussion post

Nursing Assignment week 3

Week 3 Research Proposal Project: Literature Review Literature Review This week, you will receive feedback from your instructor on your rough draft assignment. You will edit, revise, and add any additional information to your literature review based on your instructor feedback and additional research and reading. This submission should be more polished than your previous […]

Nursing Assignment week 2

Week 2 Research Proposal Literature Review (Rough Draft) Literature Review Rough Draft The literature review is one of the most important components, and often the most time consuming part, of a good research proposal. Without the solid foundation of a good literature review, it is difficult to make a strong research proposal. This week, you will work to develop a […]