
Article Discuss the role the actualizing tendency plays in the non-directive nature of Person-Centered Therapy, and describe each of the three Core Conditions in Person-Centered Therapy. Then, argue for or against the following philosophy of Person-Centered Therapy:  The three core conditions are sufficient, by themselves, for creating change in a client. · Your initial response […]

disc 64 3.2

attached 1 Name: University: Course: Date: Why is it important to identify effective reinforcers for each individual, and for each circumstance in which reinforcement should be delivered? Is reinforcement a stable and consistent phenomenon, or is it something that is dynamic and ever changing?


attached After watching the virtual lecture students must complete the following questions in order to earn 10 weekly points. Each question in the summary template must be answered in a complete paragraph and contain enough detail to ensure the professor that the video was watched but should not be verbatim and should exclude issues unrelated to […]

eval 2

attached My experience with receiving feedback was when I was working at the Belvedere Elementary School, dealing with young children without prior knowledge as to how I should treat them. The principal gave me detailed feedback on my working ways, pointing out that I had to be more open-minded and kind to the children. The […]

eval 3

attached Giving and receiving feedback is essential for professional growth. I still remember a time when one super simple, but important feedback helped me to become much better. It was during my initial month as an RBT, my supervisor provided detailed feedback on my implementation of behavior intervention plans. She noted that while I was […]

Moudules 1- Modules 6

Please login and complete all discussions and quizzes. Please always complete each discussion respectfully Leshaela Williams also remember to reply to 2 students, read carefully, proof read before posting. all quizzes are only 5-8 questions please take your time and complete on time quizzes are time base.

Moudules 1- Modules 6

Please login and complete all discussions and quizzes. Please always complete each discussion respectfully Leshaela Williams also remember to reply to 2 students, read carefully, proof read before posting. all quizzes are only 5-8 questions please take your time and complete on time quizzes are time base.

Human Development

see attachment  nstructions: · Select three theoretical perspectives and write three cases (one per perspective) in which you apply the concepts of the selected perspectives (they can be real-life or fictional cases). It can also be the same case presented from three different perspectives). · Identify concepts as you integrate them into the newsroom. (For […]

Social psychology

see attachment  Theories to research: · Attribution theory: Attribution theory is how we attribute feelings and intentions to people to understand their behavior. · Schema theory: a branch of cognitive science concerned with how the brain structures knowledge. · Cognitive dissonance: the discomfort a person feels when their behavior does not align with their values […]


ALBERTO’S DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Based on your reading, identify the four generations that currently exist in the workplace. List key characteristics of each generation. 2. Based on Table 8.2 Active and Passive Resistance in your reading from “Palmer – Chapter 8: Resistance to Change,” identify two active and two passive symptoms that you have personally demonstrated while […]


Discussion 1. Discussion Question: Create a post with a discussion question.  This can be a short post, just a sentence or three, that poses an interesting question.  For example, “Based on the material from this week, what additional research do psychologists need to conduct to continue to understand and reduce racial prejudice?”  Or “In addition to […]

gd w5

Feedback from the video’s on self disclosure… Identify a time you witnessed appropriate self disclosure in a group and time you witnessed inappropriate self disclosure. As always you must have 4 quality post. All post can not be made on the same day.

ag w5d

After viewing the video below, we will have a discussion based on the content of the stages of group counseling. Use the text or other researched material to discuss a counseling approach and techniques that could be used at the stage you decide to address in this discussion question. 

ai w5

Matt comes to the attention of the counselor through the employee assistance program at the factory where he works. He was referred because of absenteeism and what his supervisor considered “mood swings.” Matt says that he is having a lot of stress at the plant. He has worked there for 12 years and believes he […]


In the pdf Topic History and Themes Methods Neuropsychology Consciousness Learning Perception Memory Development Psychology Personality Psychological Disorder Psychotherapy Social Psychology

Article Review

article review Read the attached article, “Adlerian-based responses for the mental health counselor to the challenging behaviors of teens,” and address the following in a short essay (approximately 500 words): · Write a summary of the article, making sure that you use your own words · Explain why you need to know this information and […]

Article Review

Article Review Read the attached article, “Adlerian-based responses for the mental health counselor to the challenging behaviors of teens,” and address the following in a short essay (approximately 500 words): · Write a summary of the article, making sure that you use your own words · Explain why you need to know this information and […]

psychology research methods

  What are the main hypotheses? What is/are independent variable(s)? What is/are dependent variable(s)? How did researchers recruit their participants? Identify participants’ demographic information and data collection procedure. What materials did researchers utilize to measure the hypotheses? Identify the apparatus and measurements. What are the key findings/results of the study? Do the findings justify authors’ […]

Chapter 4

Each post has to demonstrate a meaningful synthesis of the material posted (typically a research article) and the corresponding chapter assigned for that week. Keep in mind that your discussion forum postings will likely be seen by other members of the course. Care should be taken when determining what to post. Specifically, your posts should […]

PSY 3344 week 3 response

Instructions are included  Reply Post Your reply post should read 500 to 600 words and should reference at least one citation from the article the other student read for their initial post. To receive the maximum points, your post should include a reference from all of this week’s readings along with an article other students […]

PSY 3421 week 3

Instructions are attached  · Respond to at least two (2) peers · 200 words each peer response · APA format in-text citations and references Peer 1: Ashley After reading this week’s text, the simplicity of a model and its capacity to explain phenomena are critical factors in assessing the merit of a scientific theory or […]

Psychology PSY 3421 assignment 3.3

instructions are attached  Directions: Based on the Rescola-Wagner lecture Links to an external site. , and using the Rescola-Wagner formula, download this document Download document and complete the tables based on the scenario.

week three reverse

  CES-D Reverse Scoring Exercise CENTER FOR EPIDEMIOLOGIC STUDIES—DEPRESSION SCALE Circle the number of each statement, which best describes how often you felt or behaved this way – DURING THE PAST WEEK. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day) Some or a little of the time (1-2 days) Occasionally or a moderate […]


YENROSE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. How are empirical journal articles different from review journal articles? How are both types different from a chapter in an edited book? 2. Harlow’s study of attachment in baby monkeys is an example of basic research. Brainstorm some applied research questions that this basic research study might generate. Start by identifying […]

hn w5

Please continue to cultivate your essential questions and annotated bibliography. You can use the same template and document that you used for Milestone #1/#2. Please add new sections as follows: The newest essential questions developed are: ??? ??? Put your newest sources under this heading. You should add at least 4-5– you are looking to […]

Social psychology

see attachment  Define Concepts Instructions: Define the following basic concepts related to social psychology, you will use the technical vocabulary of the discipline. · Social psychology · Socialization  · Attitudes · Attributions · Communication both verbal and no-verbal · Ideology  · Conscience · Social perception  · Group behavior · Schemes Contribute a minimum of 1–2 pages. It should […]

Human Development

see attachment  Essay: Heredity and Environment Instructions: 1. Find two investigations related to studies evaluating heredity/environmental factors in different settings. 2. Write an essay explaining what the selected studies consisted of. Include the type of research, procedure, findings, and conclusions regarding the influence of environment and/or genetics on the development of the participants. 3. Voice […]

Thinking, Feeling, and Believing

Instructions Summarize the case study. Describe credible and scholarly sources relevant to a particular theory. Apply a social psychological theory to a chosen case study. Explain how social psychological research studies relate to a particular social psychological theory. Apply an ethical reasoning concept to a chosen case study. Apply a critical thinking concept to a […]

resp 5

attached Comment to your peer: Graphing data is important because it can be quantified and measured, making it easier for professionals to visualize and understand subjective data. Frequent graphing improves visualization, providing a clearer picture of client progress and helping professionals analyze their performance. Regular data graphing gives immediate feedback. For instance, in a hospital […]

resp 6

attached Comment to your peer: Some benefits of frequently graphing data are, that it helps researchers notice patterns, correlations, and differences and helps you see the research in a better way. When researchers notice patterns they realize similarities in their experiment and that can lead to a better conclusion in the end of their experiment. […]

those in relationship have a different libidos

when those in a relations have a different libido · When Those in Relationships have Different Libidos, Different Sexual Expectations, or Different Sexual Orientations As a therapist, you will encounter partners who may share challenges when it comes to how they are experiencing sexual needs and desires. These can take a variety of forms. It […]


attached · Before beginning the evaluation stage of this assignment make sure you review the guide for providing well-written peer evaluations, by using the link below. On this guide you will find examples and non-examples of what a well-written peer evaluation looks like. · · Use the rubric to provide an appropriate score for your […]

Literature Review Article Submission and Summary

PSY341 – Research Methods in the Social Sciences Unit 3 Assignment: Literature Review Article Submission and Summary Due Date: Points: 100 Overview: In Unit 2, you chose a topic for your Literature Review (due in Unit 7). The Literature Review will consist of a minimum of 4 scholarly, peer-reviewed, and full-text journal articles on your […]

psychology research methods

  Identify key information: Here are the key pieces of information to look for: What are the main hypotheses? What is/are independent variable(s)? What is/are dependent variable(s)? How did researchers recruit their participants? Identify participants’ demographic information and data collection procedure. What materials did researchers utilize to measure the hypotheses? Identify the apparatus and measurements. […]

week 2 feedback prof

 This is a very low Cronbach’s given this is scale that has shown reliability previously. Did anything stand out to you about your data? From just looking at the scores of the 15 participants, did they seem like wildly different responses?  Why do you think this was? Good job getting a good number of participants. 

Challenges to health and wellness

We all live with challenges to our health and wellness. For some it may be eating habits while others may battle time management. Others may face smoking, substance abuse, or many other challenges. This week I would like you to explore the many challenges people face.

learning assessment

Learning Assessment #4 Please complete the following steps as your Learning Assessment. This Learning Assessment serves as your exam, therefore do not share your answers otherwise it will be considered as academic dishonesty. Please refer to the syllabus for consequences of Academic Plagiarism. This Learning Assessment is worth 100 points. The purpose of this assignment […]


see attachment Module 2: Essay Discuss operating systems: Practices and Trends with New Digital Technologies. Use a word processor, such as Word. Include bibliographic references in the writing. 1. How has Operating Systems changed over the past ten years? 2. What digital technologies do you feel are the most useful today?   Be sure to review […]


see attachment Module 2: The Computer and its Components Read IC3 Certification. (2016).  Introduction to Computers and Information Technology (pp. 3-10). Person Education Company.    Watch [GcflearnfreeOrgplus]. (2020, September 3).  Computer Basics: Inside a Computer. YouTube. Scienceparticipative, P. [Scienceparticipative]. (2019, November 27).  Components of a Computer. YouTube. to an external site.  Suppplemental resources Casey, J. (n.d.).  […]


see attachment Module 2: Compare & Contrast Essay Search the Internet or in a newspaper or magazine for prices of various computer components or peripherals. Conduct an essay where you compare the prices and options of the different brands in the market. Submit the document with a brief explanation of the components, uses, and costs. Use an […]


see attachment Module 2: Activity: Computer and Keyboard Components Attached you will find a  document with two illustrations.  Download document with two illustrations. 1. Download the document so you can complete the activity. 2. Identify the computer components indicated in the image. 3. Identify the main keys within the illustration. 4. Once completed, save and submit […]

Week 2 The Impact of Stress

 Instructions Eustress and Distress affect the physical functioning of the body in similar ways. What is the difference between these two types of stress? Also discuss the physical stress response. What are stress hormones and what do they do in the human body? 

We all live with challenges to our health and wellness. Many challenges people face.

 See upload Articles and Discussion Board The discussion board is how class participation will be graded and is worth 30-percent of the overall grade. The grade is comprised of your post AND responding to the post of at least two other classmates. This assignment requires that you submit a brief (1-page, word processed) summary of […]

Health Psychology?

We all live with challenges to our health and wellness. For some it may be eating habits while others may battle time management. Others may face smoking, substance abuse, or many other challenges. This week I would like you to explore the many challenges people face.  

How to write/develop a Designing a Translational Research Study

In the Week 5 assignment, you created a brochure that discussed a specific behavior to increase, the current applied literature that used a specific behavior analytic theory to inform interventions to change that behavior, and the ethical considerations of intervention. For this week’s assignment, you will be using the information from our previous assignments to […]

general psychology

general psychlogy Description: For this assignment, you’ll be designing a more effective approach to studying for your struggling friend using your knowledge of how memory works.   Instructions: STEP 1: Understand Your Friend’s Situation.   Imagine that one of your best friends is struggling with his classes. He aspires to graduate in exercise science and earn […]

working with past trauma

how to work past trauma · Working with Past Trauma: Bridging with a Narrative Lens Trauma presents itself in therapy in different ways. Individual trauma can lead to any number of social (anger, aggression, violence, mistrust, etc.), emotional (depression, suicidal ideation, etc.), and physiological challenges (fears, dreams, health issues, addiction) (Sanders, 2021). Individual traumas and […]