8.1 lecture
attached Instructions Watch “Episode 24: The Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts: Responsibility in Research” (BACB Podcast) [16 min.], below. Then, complete Template – Lecture Engagement Summary.docx . The podcast episode addresses the changes in the new code compared to the previous code. For question 2, when thinking about 2 main points, consider addressing 2 changes […]
Part A MINDFUL LISTENING & EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE After reading the Wood (2020) textbook and watching the videos in this module, answer these questions: 1. How will you use mindful listening to improve the way you communicate with others at home and at work (or in school)? *Be specific. 2. How will you use emotional intelligence […]
VT&CF Week 8 Discussion
To prepare: Review the Learning Resources on social support and community. Reflect on these concepts within the context of burnout, compassion fatigue, and vicarious trauma. Review the video on creating an ecomap. Then, make an ecomap of your own, representing your social connections and support systems. Consider what the ecomap shows about your social connectedness. […]
S&C Week 8 Discussion
How would you define hope? What does hope look like? Hope is difficult to describe and it is even harder to measure. Yet it is the foundation of your goals and in action it is exhibited in your desires. Hope has emotional elements in its sense of positive expectation even when the situation is uncertain, […]
Supervision and Mgmt in Applied Behavior Analysis
Imagine you’re a performance management supervisor at a large organization, tasked with developing a behavior analysis toolkit to monitor staff performance. How would you go about creating this toolkit? In your response, detail the type of data you would collect, how often the data would be gathered, and the methods you would use for data […]
attached The Chronicles of Narnia Final Project Read chapter 5 to complete your project and to demonstrate your understanding of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. 1. TYPED Book Report Complete a book report on the Chronicles of Narnia. In your book report, you must include: · Title of the […]
Autism/Learning disabilities: Instrument/tools for diagnosis
Instrument/Tool Criteria: For each assessment tool you select, you will identify an instrument and do the following: Identify a scholarly, peer-reviewed article that addresses the use of the instrument. Discuss if the instrument is appropriate for diagnosing the condition it is designed to assess or if the developers of the instrument reported that the […]
One of the features or elements of some cultures is some sort of religion or religions, which help to define or regulate acceptable behavior. Religions have played an important role in reflecting their understanding of what it means to be human. Across the globe, religions are at variance in their standards of behavior. Oftentimes the […]
Psychology Unit 7 Assignment: Presentation
In this assignment you are to prepare a PowerPoint presentation of your research study. The purpose of the presentation is to share the information with others in the field to become an informed practitioner.
PSY 2520 MOD 6 ASSN 1
Overview: For this assignment, you will prepare an infographic that describes aspects of schizophrenia. Please follow the instructions below and be sure to follow A P A for Instructions: In Module 6, we learned about schizophrenia. For this assignment, you will create an infographic that communicates the information below. Review the attached handout for […]
PS 2520 MOD 6 ASSN 2 2024
Overview: For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation (minimum of seven (7) slides) on a pychotic disorder. Please follow the instructions below and be sure to follow A PA for Instructions: In Module 6, we learned about psychotic disorders, including characteristics, symptoms and treatment options. For this assignment, you will create a […]
1-2 Short Paper: Darwin, Freud, and Hall Using what you have learned about various theorists in this module, incorporate either Darwin, Freud, or Hall’s perspective and apply it to your answers. As you answer the questions, clarify your position regarding the theorist’s position you are taking. Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all […]
1-3 Journal: Cultural Impact Pick a childhood disorder of your choosing and assess the cultural implications of the severity of the disorder and its treatment options. Focus your response on how culture influences child and adolescent development. Use articles from this week’s Reading and Resources to complete this journal assignment. Submit your assignment here. Make […]
1-1 Discussion: Potential Research Topic In this discussion, you will share the topic and research questions you will focus on for your capstone project. This discussion will help you prepare for Milestone One. In your initial discussion post: ● Discuss the topic you will focus on for your capstone project. ○ Why did you choose […]
Professional Development
Human services professionals are required to continue to learn, engage, and stay current in their field of choice. Discuss your target population, future/current work goals, and how professional development will fit into your future career development. Why is this important? What else would you like to learn related to your future career?
Hw help
This assignment is for a Consultation class in the School Psychology Profession. Part 1: Ethics Reading READ NASP’S Ethical Standards (Find it in google) 1) Name and describe five areas of potential conflict of Interest for consultants. 2) Describe 7 broad areas of competence consultants should develop. Part 2: · How do you suppose communication […]
Alternative medicine
Be sure to support your opinion with Journal Articles Do you have a positive view of people who use complementary and alternative medicine or are you somewhat suspicious of them? Do you think using complementary and alternative medicine is a good idea? If so, under what circumstances? If not, why not?
Theories explanation Instructions 1. Snapshot description: The basic task of this 2-3 pg paper is to choose the theory that most appeals to you, explain why, in terms of your own personal experiences and/or logical analysis, then compare/contrast it with a competing theory. Detailed description: This final writing assignment has two components. Part A: First, I’d like […]
lec 7.3
attached 2 Instructions: As a group you should have already chosen an assessment that is appropriate for your target behavior. 1. Conduct your assessment. Use the resources in Module 6 to guide your data collection and implementation of the assessment. 2. Review additional resource: Collecting Baseline Data Guide.pdf 3. Complete Group Project Check-In – Assessment […]
lec 7.2
attached 2 Watch “Episode 23: Ethics Code Update: Section 5, Responsibility in Public Statements” (BACB Podcast) [21 min.], below. Then, complete Template – Lecture Engagement Summary.docx . Feel free to make connections or reference the actual Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts Links to an external site. Section 5.
assistance needed
please see attachments When needing to address an issue, using “I” messages has been found to be an effective way to address the problem while lessening the likeliness that the person receiving the message will react in a defensive manner and hopefully an effective solution can be found. “I” messages have 4 basic components: NONJUDGEMENTAL […]
assistance needed
please see attachment PSY 112: Psychology of Human Relations Learning Unit 7: Journal Dirty Fighting Techniques Journal Okay, now’s the time to get real with yourself. Look at the Dirty Fighting Techniques below and figure out which one, or more, are your go-to methods when things start to get tense. In the journal entry answer […]
Psychology Week 6 Assignment ORG 6499
See attached The Lack of Women Campus Presidents in Higher Education Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read · Chapter 8: Fostering Cultural Humility in the Institutional Context in Diversity, Cultural Humility, and the Helping Professions: Building Bridges Across Difference. · The Women’s Power Gap at Elite Universities: Scaling the Ivory Tower .Links to […]
Week 6 Discussion Board
See attached Integrating Cultural Humility as a Human Service Professional [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read · Chapter 7: Diversity in the Legal Context in Diversity, Cultural Humility, and the Helping Professions: Building Bridges Across Difference. · Chapter 8: Fostering Cultural Humility in […]
PSY 3901 week 6 disc
Find a peer-reviewed article (in one of the domains of psychology) that includes controlling participant/subject-related factors. Describe the purpose of the study, why they chose to control subject factors, and how they controlled them. Be sure to explain why the subject control was needed/useful (consider threats to validity). Be sure to attach the article to […]
PSY 4462 week 6 Reaction
You will react to an extensive case study and answer the prompts provided. A reaction paper is just what its name suggests; it is a paper explaining your reaction to a case study. Your reaction will involve your opinion and analysis of each case. Keep in mind that you are writing a formal essay prepared […]
WK Station (ppt)
When Confirm, will share the photos ASSESSMENT Assessment Information – Workstation : Cinema Station – 5 mins slides ppt – APA 7th Format – PowerPoint – 5-10 reference – 3-5 theories Assessment Description 1. You must undertake a critical workstation assessment, identifying and analyzing needs (e.g. using or adapting the VDU Workstation Checklist), you should […]
Theory of personality
see attachment ournal Assignment (Assessment) REMINDER: All coursework is due by 11:59 PM Eastern on Saturday of this last module. Instructions: Reflect on and complete the following premises, using the journal for your answer: 1. This week, I learned… 2. The topic presented in the module helps me to…. 3. I can apply what was […]
Theory of personality
see attachment Relationship Between Positive Psychology and Personal Growth REMINDER: All coursework is due by 11:59 PM Eastern on Saturday of this last Module. Instructions: What is the relationship between positive psychology and personal growth? Discuss with your classmates. Remember to review the academic expectations for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion […]
Theory of personality
see attachment Journal Instructions: Reflect on and complete the premise, using the journal for your answer: 1. This week, I learned… 2. The topic presented in the module helps me to… 3. I can apply what was discussed in the module to my life and personal experiences by…. Contribute a minimum of 1–2 pages. It […]
Theory of personality
see attachment Environment vs. Genetics Instructions: Explain with examples how genetics and the environment are interrelated. · Review the resources included in the module. · Use alternative academic resources to find out more about the subject. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 PM Eastern on Wednesday. · Contribute a minimum […]
Personal Growth
see attachment Positive Psychology REMINDER: All coursework is due by 11:59 PM Eastern on Saturday of this last Module. Instructions: 1. Describe the area of positive psychology, its techniques, findings, and its contribution to the discipline. 2. Compare positive psychology, coaching, and mindfulness to determine their possible impact on the successful development of human […]
VT&CF Week 7 Discussion
To prepare: Review the Learning Resources on self-care and reflect on self-care as an ethical responsibility outlined in the NASW Code of Ethics. Consider the six domains of self-care and your practices and habits related to those domains, as well as future habits you want to initiate. Post an explanation of why you think […]
WK 6 Journal Entry
In 2 paragraphs describe SOCIAL ROLES THEORY. Alice Eagly took a look at what she calls social roles theory. She posits that the social behavior we see in people is rooted in social roles including gender roles. The first paragraph will describe a topic that you found particularly interesting during that week and what made […]
S&C Week 7 Discussion
What helps you relieve stress and how effective is your method? There are a variety of reasons individuals select the stress management techniques they use. However, an effective stress management technique allows you lessen the physiological impact of the stress you are experiencing. In addition, it helps you to assess your situation, recognize your emotional […]
PSY 491 Project One
What do you know about these themes? PSY 491 Project One Guidelines and Rubric Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: · Apply your psychological knowledge to develop a social change identity Scenario Your identity is a diverse collection of the perceptions and experiences that shape the lens through […]
PSY 319 W5 Discussion Responses
What do you think about what they said? · Reply to at least two classmates outside of your own initial post thread. · WRITING AT LEAST FIVE SENTENCES FOR EACH PARAGRAPH · Demonstrate more depth and thought than saying things like “I agree” or “You are wrong.” Guidance is provided for you in the discussion prompt. […]
PSY 319 W5 Annotated Bibliography
What do you know about Piaget’s theory and/or Vygotsky’s theory. PSY 319 Annotated Bibliography Guidelines and Rubric You will cite each resource in APA style, write an approximately 150-word description that summarizes the central theme and scope of the resource, and compare and contrast it with other resources. For more information on annotated bibliographies, consult […]
PSY 319 W4 Abstract
What do you know about comparing and contrasting Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories. PSY 319 Abstract Guidelines and Rubric Overview You will summarize the content of your final research paper comparing and contrasting Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories. Provide an overview of the key points of your paper, linking your content to your research using FOUR resources […]
BCBA Supervisory contract and relationship.
The BACB requires both the supervisee and supervisor to develop and sign a written contract before starting any fieldwork experience. This contract serves to protect both parties by outlining and clarifying roles, responsibilities, and expectations. You might receive a contract from your internship site or need to create one by modifying an existing template. Review […]
proj 4
Psychology help
Need help understanding how to complete a annotated bibliography
Article Review Theoretical Orientation/Comparative Essay (Due Wednesday 10/9 by 11:00 am) Snapshot description: The basic task of this 2-3 pg paper is to choose the theory that most appeals to you, explain why, in terms of your own personal experiences and/or logical analysis, then compare/contrast it with a competing theory. Detailed description: This final writing assignment has […]
proj 3
attached Enter group member names: Enter group number: Group Project Check-In: Research Summary Prep As a group, complete this weekly check-in form regarding group participation in the project. This will serve to keep you on track with the project and keep each other accountable for the work being completed. 1. Please list the names of […]
final question
please see attached. Message with any questions Term Paper – Instructions This assignment is a Self-Assessment with Report. You will take the Myers Briggs Personality Assessment and the Beck Depression Inventory (both of which will be provided mid-session). After having taken these, you will score them, create a report, and submit. The report headings will […]
Unit 6 DB: 2 responses to DB
In response to your peers, please note the various viewpoints on feedback. Draw conclusions regarding the role of feedback in the learning process.
Therapeutic Relationship
What is the therapeutic relationship / alliance between the therapist and the client / patient?
AS Video
WATCH THE VIDEO AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW. AS 1010-Introduction to Addiction Disorders Final Exam Video: The Days of Wine and Roses Points: 100 points Due: Where to submit: Via the Video assignment tab Main Characters: · Joe (husband) · Kirsten (wife) · Mr. Arnesen (Kirsten’s father) · Jim (AA representative) Overview of video: Joe […]
ADHD discussion
ADHD is a highly publicized and controversial topic in healthcare and our educational environments today. Answer the questions below to discuss in depth, remembering to back up your opinions with scholarly research (at least 2 references; no older than 5 years) What non-pharmacological treatment has been useful in treating children with ADHD? What are the […]
attached Enter group member names: Enter group number: Group Project Check-In: Research Summary Prep As a group, complete this weekly check-in form regarding group participation in the project. This will serve to keep you on track with the project and keep each other accountable for the work being completed. 1. Please list the names of […]