ADHD discussion
ADHD is a highly publicized and controversial topic in healthcare and our educational environments today. Answer the questions below to discuss in depth, remembering to back up your opinions with scholarly research (at least 2 references; no older than 5 years) What non-pharmacological treatment has been useful in treating children with ADHD? What are the […]
attached Enter group member names: Enter group number: Group Project Check-In: Research Summary Prep As a group, complete this weekly check-in form regarding group participation in the project. This will serve to keep you on track with the project and keep each other accountable for the work being completed. 1. Please list the names of […]
Personal Growth
Se e attachment Relationship Between Positive Psychology and Personal Growth REMINDER: All coursework is due by 11:59 PM Eastern on Saturday of this last Module. Instructions: What is the relationship between positive psychology and personal growth? Discuss with your classmates. Remember to review the academic expectations for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial […]
lec 6.2
attached Watch “Episode 21: The Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts: Responsibility to Supervisees and Trainees” (BACB Podcast) [24 min.], below. Then, complete Template – Lecture Engagement Summary.docx . The podcast episode addresses the changes in the new code compared to the previous code. For question 2, when thinking about 2 main points, consider addressing 2 […]
Psychology Unit 6 Assignment
Due Date: Points: 100 Overview: The submission of this assignment is your final research paper. Priors drafts should be finalized and combined into 1 final paper that includes all the required elements of the course. Instructions: • The final submission should include the following components: I. Title Page (page 1) II. Abstract (page 2) III. […]
PSY 2520 MOD 5 ASSN 2
Overview: For this assignment, you will write a 1-2 pag e about suicide. Instructions: In Module 5, we learned about suicide. For this assignment, you will write a 1-2 pag e that communicates the information below. Describe risk factors and warning signs of suicide. How can you identify someone who might be suicidal? What […]
PSY 2520 MOD 5 ASSN 1
Overview: For this assignment, you will prepare an infographic that describes symptoms and compares treatment options for depressive and bipolar disorders. Please follow the instructions below and be sure to follow AP Instructions: In Module 5, we learned about depressive and bipolar disorders. For this assignment, you will create an infographic that communicates the […]
psy 2520 mod 5 db
following: Watch the video “Depression, The Secret We Share” linked below. What do you see in this video related to depressive disorders? What symptoms/characteristics would a diagnosing physician look for if there was a concern a patient was suffering from depression? Bipolar disorder? What did you learn that surprised or was new to you? […]
Criminology paralegal
The question is to describe how different theories explain deviance
Social Development2
Peers, Schools and Online Environments How did your family manage your participation in peer relationships online? How were these relationships positive/ helpful and/or negative or even harmful for you? How would you advise parents today on their children’s use of technology and online options for schooling and relationships? How would you help parents guide their […]
Psychology Homework
Assignment: Create (1-2) slides that focus on Who we want to support us? The below provides information on our targeted group Group name: Linked to Healing Targeted Group: Middle Schoolers (11-14 years old) Trauma type: Gun violence Rationale/Justification for Project: Our organization would like to provide a safe place for middle schoolers and to […]
Psychology Support Group Assignment
The support group I will be attending is a Alcoholics Anonymous group at my church The purpose of this Alcoholics Anonymous group is to fellowship of women and men to share their experience, strengths and hopes with each other to solve their common problem and help others recover from alcoholism. It is a group for […]
Psychology Week 5 Assignment ORG 6499
See attached Annotated Bibliography Week 5 Prior to beginning work on this assignment, refer to the Week 6 – Final Paper: The Lack of Women Campus Presidents in Higher Education description. Additionally, review the Annotated Bibliography Links to an external site. page on the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing CenterLinks to an external site. […]
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Please see the attached Oppositional Defiant Disorder Must be 400 words APA Format with 2 scholar sources including biblical text. Briefly describe what is ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), especially symptoms, using your personal experience in your ministry if possible. How can you help your church members who struggle with ODD or explosive children?
Psychology Movie Review: Help for Violent Teens Assignment
Please see the attached, you can choose the movie DBFA 615 Movie Review Assignment Instructions Overview For this Movie Review Assignment, you will watch a movie that that has examples of a cultural battle for the hearts and minds of today’s children and adolescents (this may include etiological factors surrounding strong-willed, aggressive, and violent behaviors […]
please see the attached DBFA 615 Research Paper Assignment Instructions Overview You will write a Research Paper Assignment focusing on the general topic of deviance and violence as it applies to child/adolescent development. The Research Paper Assignment will primarily discuss assessment and treatment strategies primarily, as well as proactive parenting interventions. You must select a […]
general psychology
see attachment Module 7: Assignment: Critical Thinking Review an academic resource, use analytical skills to write an essay, and demonstrate reading comprehension Instructions a. Read these reports by the American Psychological Association: 1. 1. Stress in America 2021: Stress and Decision-Making During the Pandemic: to an external site. […]
world cultures
see attachment Your Own Greek Museum Search the references in this module and find at least 10 examples of Greek classical art. Put them together in a PowerPoint presentation with at least one good image. Make sure you credit each image in the slide where it is placed. Put together a video presentation inviting us […]
world cultures
see attachment FreedomModule 7: Discussion Forum: Human Freedom Human Freedom Search online for quotes from Sappho’s poems and Sophocles’ play Antigone. Put at least five quotes from each in separate PowerPoint slides. One quote per slide. Share your thoughts about what you think about these quotes. Remember to review the academic expectations for your […]
general psychology
see attachment Module 7: Assignment: Assessment-Journal Entry Students’ comprehension of the topics in the course is assessed via this technique. Instructions 1. Reflect on what you have learned in this course. Imagine you wanted to write a journal entry about your learning experience in this class. 2. Identify the topics that you consider were the […]
general psychology
see attachment Module 7: Discussion Forum – Stress and Health Instructions 1. Search for academic information related to stress management techniques used by mental health experts, as well as a specific treatment for stress-related disorders. You will need information on at least 2 specific techniques or types of treatments. 2. Briefly summarize and discuss the […]
Dap technique
Dap technique Week 730 Discuss one interpretation of a feature drawn in the DAP technique. 1-2 pages APA style.
MMPI-2 MMPI-A Week 3 Discuss the pros and cons of MMPI-2 and MMPI-A. 1-2 pages APA Style
Week 7
See attachment Instructions: Topic: Sentence Completion Methods · Discuss the description and purpose of the instrument, the population it was designed to assess, the results that it will provide, and interpretations that can be made from the results. · Must be 1-2 pages in length · APA Format · 100% No Plagiarism !! Will be […]
Reflection ( Children’s Learning )
Module 2 Reflection Reflections are meant to encourage you to think deeply about the topics you learned throughout a module and link the course material to the real world and your own life experiences. For these assignments, you should think about the course material critically and… · Describe how your personal experiences relate to the […]
Week 5 Discussion ORG 6499
Please see attached Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, Read Chapter 5: Loue, S. (2022). Diversity, cultural humility, and the helping professions: Building bridges across difference .Links to an external site. Springer. · The full-text version of this ebook is available through the University of Arizona Global Campus library. · · Read Chapter […]
Case Study Peds/SOAP note
Read the following case study: Delaware Department of Education. Case Vignette – Joshua. Complete a SOAP Note and treatment plan based on the information provided.
Article Summary
summary of the article titled “The Use of Task Clarification and Self-Monitoring to Increase Affirmative to Constructive Feedback Ratios in Supervisory Relationships.” Focus on the main points, including the strategies discussed for improving the balance of positive and constructive feedback in supervisory settings. Highlight the key findings and how these methods can be applied in […]
Wk 5 Journal Entry Positive Psychology
Positive psychology focuses on enhancing the functioning of human beings from the standpoint of mental wellness, not mental illness. It investigates, among other things, what makes individuals happy. It explores the positive strengths of life such as hope, wisdom, inventiveness, and spirituality. The first paragraph will describe a topic that you found particularly interesting during […]
Wk 3 Journal Biological Learning Perspective
Biological Learning Perspective. Simply put, this perspective concerns itself with how genes affect behavior. The first paragraph will describe a topic that you found particularly interesting during that week and what made it interesting. The second paragraph will describe something that you have observed occurring in the real world that exemplified that topic. Kelland, M. […]
Describe a specific behavior that you learned and response to an external stimulus.
Psychology Homework
Celebrity Name: Whitney Houston Each student will briefly reiterate one of the theories and present how this theory was applied to the selected case. You will pick a celebrity or someone “famous” of your choice (do not use any clients or family members). Each student is expected to diagnosis the mental disorder using DSM […]
ETHC 101 Ethical Application Essay Assignment Instructions Overview This assignment requires you to take your comparative analysis from the previous essay assignment and apply it to an ethical issue covered in this course. You will write a 1000–1200-word essay (not including footnotes, the title page, table of contents, and bibliography) that combines your insights and […]
Psychology VT&CF Week 6 Assignment
To prepare: Review the Learning Resources on resilience and building such resilience in the context of the professional self. Access and navigate to your selected case in the Case Studies interactive media in the Learning Resources. Analyze how the social worker in the case is showing up at work. In what ways is the trauma-exposure […]
In response to your peers, offer what growth areas and strengths you share with your classmates as well as any strategies that you have used to address potential issues. 1 What are your three weakest areas so far in the writing process and how are you going to improve them over this week? This […]
i need help PSY 1113 General Psychology Informed Opinion Paper Part 6B Academic Integrity Check Getting Started: This week is all about making final edits to your paper based on the feedback from your professor, double checking the reference citations to be in the correct format in-text and in the reference list, correcting any grammar […]
Psychology Unit 5 Assignment:
The main goal of this draft is to answer the thesis statement/research question posed in the first draft. It also serves to lengthen the paper by including more details, research, and relevant sections in order to work toward a cohesive final product. In this draft, you will also write your Abstract. Abstracts are important because […]
lec 3
attached Instructions: Watch “Episode 19: Ethics Code Update: Section 3, Responsibility to Clients and Stakeholders” (BACB Podcast) [30 min.], below. Then, complete Template – Lecture Engagement Summary.docx . The podcast episode addresses the changes in the new code compared to the previous code. For question 2, when thinking about 2 main points, consider addressing 2 […]
learning objective
i need help Module III – Examine the contribution of individual and group participation in the American political process Chapters 6, 7, 8, and 9 Chapter 6 1. Identify the factors of political socialization leading to party identification including demographic characteristics and focusing events. 2. Identify appropriate polling techniques such as sample size, framing effects, […]
Perceptual Illusions
Falon Owens 8/26/24, 9:34 AM NEW This is known as a Hybrid image. It looks like 1 person close up and another one far away. I see Albert Einstein close up and Marilyn Monroe when I’m far away.
Theory of personality
see attached Assessment (Journal) Instructions: Based on what you have read and learned in this module, discuss how social cognitive theories can be applied to the workplace and how what is discussed in the module can be applied to your life and personal experiences. The student must answer this question in paragraph mode, preferably in […]
Theory of personality
see attachment Motivation vs. Self-Efficacy Instructions: Read this week’s course material. Based on the information learned, argue with a paragraph: · What is more important when performing a complex task: motivation or self-efficacy? Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 PM Eastern on Wednesday. · Contribute a minimum of 200 words […]
Personal Growth
see attachment Autonomy, Interpersonal Relationships, and Personal Success Instructions: View the module discussion material and additional electronic resources for this module (including videos). Reflect on what you have learned in this module and answer the following questions: · · What do you think motivates human beings to relate to others? · How does culture influence […]
Personal Growth
see attachment Diversity, Tolerance, and Respect in Human Relations View the PowerPoint presentation for this module and additional resources. Then, do a database search for scientific psychology studies related to the topics discussed in this module. Be specific in your search and prioritize research related to diversity in human relationships and effective communication in psychology. […]
Social Development1
The Culture of the Family When you were growing up, did your family eat dinner together? How were stories, routines, and rituals used to communicate a sense of you and your culture? Parenting practices vary across cultures (see text box in Chapter 7, pp. 274-275). What cultures influenced your own parents’ practices with respect to […]
Social Development
Cultural Experiences, Self-Esteem, and Identity How do you think your own cultural experiences influenced your development of self-esteem as a child? Your sense of identity as a teen and young adult? Reference the key concepts about identity formation in your response. *Chapter Reading attached for reference to answer questions.
Discussion Board
Consider all of the information you read (and viewed) in this module regarding child welfare practice, information you gained from past courses and personal experiences (please do not share more than you are comfortable sharing and protect confidentiality in any information shared), and compare that to your experiences thus far this semester with your […]
Pschology Help
Could I please get help with these Articles PY 550 Article Review Guidelines For this assignment, you are to write a scholarly/academic “critical review” for each of two journal articles you choose from those provided. Each review should be at least 2-3 pages in length (not including title and reference pages). Q: What is a […]
PSYC 210 Discussion Assignment Instructions The student will complete 1 Discussion in this course. The student will post one thread of 300-500 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assigned Module: Week. The student must then post 2 replies with 150-250 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the assigned Module: Week. […]