Health Care Access Discussion
Do some groups in the United States have more difficulty accessing quality health care than others? Why? What can (or should) be done to address this? Why? Provide supporting evidence (Scholarly Articles) behind your reasonings of why.
Placebo effect
From a research point of view, placebos are often essential in determining the safety and efficacy of a treatment. On the other hand, research participants often hope they get active treatment, especially if it is for a disease they already have or might get. Is it “fair” to research participants to randomly assign them to […]
Psychology Homework
Project on a stigma-related topic. Topics can include: NIMBY deinstitutionalizing, mental health medication management, ethical responsibility of social workers in stigma, EAP Programs, persistent and chronically mentally ill individuals being able to be social workers and other mental health professionals, involuntary commitment of individuals for inpatient psychiatric stabilization, institutional racism, or another instructor approved […]
PSY 4462 week 4 disc
Prompt: · Describe the difference between objective and projective assessment method and provide one example of each. Explain why the test you listed is termed objective or projective (one paragraph) · If you were a patient and your emotional stability was being evaluated for a security clearance in a new job, which type of assessment […]
Psychology Week 3 Assignment ORG 6499
See attahced The Impact of Color-Blind Racism [WLO: 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Prior to beginning work on this assignment · Read Chapter 3: Individual Level Responses to Difference in Diversity, Cultural Humility, and the Helping Professions: Building Bridges Across Difference · Read the article Why Saying “I Don’t See Race At All” […]
Helping a Family at Church
Please see the attached. Please also use references provided. Helping a Family at Church atleast 400 words at least two scholarly citations in APA 7th ed. format. Each reply must incorporate at least one scholarly citation in APA 7th ed. format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Imagine that […]
Psychology assignment
There are two parts to this assignment. Part one is your original Discussion Board Post, which is a direct response to the questions/articles posed in the assigned week and is due the Thursday of the assigned week. Part two is your response to another student’s original post due by Sunday of the assigned week. Discussion […]
world cultures
see attachment Christianity and the Religion of Mesopotamia Table Study the resources included in the module and focus on finding more information about the Persian religion. Create a table in which you compare Christianity with the religion of the Persians. Be sure to review the academic expectations for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your assignment […]
world cultures
see attachment Conceptual Map: Empires Compared Instructions: Study each of the Mesopotamian empires further. Determine at least three categories that would help you describe each of the empires. Draw a conceptual map that would include the categories and explain how the category was exemplified in each empire. Be sure to review the academic expectations for your submission. […]
world cultures
see attachment Module 5: Discussion Forum: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon The Hanging Gardens of Babylon The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were constructed in ancient Mesopotamia. Do you think the Babylonian culture at the time influenced the design and construction of the Gardens? If so, in what ways do you think the culture impacted […]
general psychology
see attachment Module 5: Critical Thinking Activity Perform literature review and use analytical skills to write an essay. Instructions a. Choose one of the following talks to watch and analyze: 1. 1. 1. The neuroscience of psychedelic drugs, music, and nostalgia. [Video]: to an external site. 2. How reliable is your memory? [Video]: b. As you watch […]
general psychology
see attachment Module 5: Discussion Forum – Placebo Effect Module 5: Discussion Forum – Placebo Effect Identify and learn about the placebo effect and drugs that can alter your conscience. Discuss your findings with your peers. Instructions a) Search for academic information regarding one of these topics: 1. The placebo effect and its […]
MMPI-2 and MMPI-A Discuss the pros and cons of the MMPI-2 and the MMPI-A are they tried or true. 1-2 page apa style paper
Group Exercises
Please see the attached. Group Exercises You will post one thread that is between 300 and 350 words at least two of the required course texts in the thread. APA format. Rounds and dyads are excellent techniques for support and counseling groups, and they may also be effectively used in other types of groups. Describe […]
attached Enter group member names: Enter group number: Group Project Check-In: Research Summary Prep As a group, complete this weekly check-in form regarding group participation in the project. This will serve to keep you on track with the project and keep each other accountable for the work being completed. 1. Please list the names of […]
psy 2520 mod 3 assn 2
Instructions: In Module 3, we learned about a variety of personality disorders. For this assignment, you will create a table or chart which communicates the information below. Compare treatment options for at least five (5) different personality disorders. List characteristics and symptoms for each of these selected disorders.
psy 2520 MOD 3
Instructions: In Module 3, we learned about personality disorders, including characteristics, symptoms, and treatment options. For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation (minimum of five (5) slides) that communicates the information below. Research a Personality Disorder. Describe the disorder’s: characteristics etiology symptoms Provide treatment suggestions for your selected disorder. Reference at least […]
Week 5
See Attachment Instructions: Topic: Rorschach Inkblot Method · Discuss the description and purpose of the instrument, the population it was designed to assess, the results that it will provide, and interpretations that can be made from the results. · Must be 1-2 pages in length · APA Format · 100% No Plagiarism!! Will be submitted […]
Psychology Unit 4 Assignment: First Draft
Due Date: . . Points: 100 Overview: You will submit the full required paper for the course in this submission. It is not considered to be a final product, but rather a first step in creating a final research paper. You will be adding more detail and information to each section in future submissions. Be […]
Week 3 Discussion Board
See attached Harvard Project Implicit [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, · Read Chapter 3 in Diversity, Cultural Humility, and the Helping Professions: Building Bridges Across Difference, and examine the topics of people that you may consider different from Consider bias and its impact, […]
Unit 4.1 DB: Introduction, Literature Review and Conclusion
You have been thinking about your topic for the past several Units. We will now explore some of the essential, initial elements of a good research paper. • The first section of your paper you will work on will be your Introduction. This describes the paper to your reader. o What is important to include? […]
Psychology Unit 4 Assignment: Toy Project Part 1
Toy project PSY201 – Child Development Toy Project, Part 1: Literature Review Due Date: Part 1: Points: 100 Overview: You have been working at the Willie Wonka Toy Factory for approximately 6 months now. Your supervisor has given you your 6-month employment evaluation, which was excellent. As a result of your great work, your supervisor […]
9-3 neuropsychology
9-3 Final Project Submission Submit your case application paper. Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric.
9-2- neuropsychology
Textbook: Physiology of Behavior, Physiology of Behavior Neil R. Carlson and Melissa A. Birkett Pearson Thirteenth Edition 2021
9-1 neuropsychology
Textbook: Physiology of Behavior, Chapter 6 (pp. 149–153) and Chapter 15 (pp. 494–497) 9-1 Discussion: Medicating ADHD Prevalence rates for ADHD in children and adolescents have increased exponentially in the recent two decades. In parallel, prescriptions for stimulant medications have become commonplace. What are some possible reasons for the increase in diagnosis? What might some […]
9-2 intervention
9-2 Short Paper: Ethical Issues Submit a two- to four-page paper in which you evaluate potential ethical issues when developing treatment interventions for children or adolescents. In your paper, address the following: ● Discuss ethical issues to consider or guard against. ● Describe steps to follow to ensure these issues are addressed properly in determining […]
9-1 intervention
9-1 Discussion: Case Study In this discussion, please consider these important clinical skills for child and adolescent concentration students, such as the following: ● Use clear and concise communications ● Identify and use real-world resources on position papers in this field ● Demonstrate problem-solving skills In your initial discussion post, compare and contrast the case […]
Sports Psychology
Task: A written task, analyzing an academic paper about Sports Psychology: Instructions + Table of Contents: · Read an article · Elaborate an analysis of the paper, clearly explaining your interpretation of the following topics: § Team achievement goals § Within-team cooperation and competition § Team achievement goals and within-team cooperation and competition § Within-team […]
Theory of personality
see attachment Viktor Frankl Instructions: Read this week’s course material, and research the life and work of Viktor Frankl. Based on the information reviewed, answer the following question: · What were the events that precipitated and inspired the work of Viktor Frankl? Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 PM Eastern […]
Theory of personality
see attachment Concepts Definitions Instructions: Define the following terms: · Collective unconscious · Archetypes · Inferiority complex · Compensation Contribute a minimum of 1–2 pages. It should include at least 2 academic sources, formatted and cited in APA. Be sure to review the academic expectations for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your assignment by 11:59 […]
Theory of personality
see attachment Unconscious Plays in the Personality Instructions: Reflect on and complete the following premise: · How important is the role of the unconscious in the personality according to Carl Jung’s Theory? Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 PM Eastern on Wednesday. · Contribute a minimum of 200 words for […]
these statement
i need help PSY 1113 General Psychology Fall 2024 Informed Opinion Paper Part 3A: Title Page and Introduction Worksheet Prepare your responses to the following and submit this worksheet in Moodle. Personal Application Instructions: 1. Write: your Personal Application and include each of the following. a. An introduction statement about the topic utilizing a source […]
Theories techniques of counseling grid
Can someone help me create a grid Page 1 of 5 Theories Grid Guidelines and Scoring Guidelines General Instructions It can be difficult to make distinctions between the various theoretical models studied in this course. Some of the theories/models use the same terms but might attach different meanings to them. Other theories use different terms […]
PSY 319 Discussion 2 Responses
What do you think about what they said? For your response posts, do the following: · Reply to at least two classmates outside of your own initial post thread. · In Module One, complete your two response posts by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Eastern. · In Modules Two through Eight, complete your two response posts by […]
PSY 491 Video Reflection
What do you know about Theories of Personal Change and Authenticity? PSY 491 Module One Video Reflection Guidelines and Rubric Overview In Modules One through Seven of this course, you will watch a series of videos from leaders within the SNHU community. The objective of these videos is to share with you some reflections and […]
PSY 491 Milestone One: Theories of Personal Change
What do you know about Theories of Personal Change? PSY 491 Module One Milestone Guidelines and Rubric Overview In this milestone, you will examine various definitions of social change identity and the ways in which these definitions align with the attitudes, beliefs, and ideals that reflect your identity. You will revisit the social change initiative […]
Research Methods
PSYC 210 Research Exploration Assignment Instructions Overview There are 4 Research Exploration Assignments in this course, and they are designed to help you explore major concepts and questions related to human development and to enhance your skill in reading and interacting with scholarly literature. You will gain knowledge about prenatal development and will also develop […]
1. Describe endorphins, substance P, and how they work together to help us live a better life. Do not forget the last part of the question. 2. What is diacetylmorphine, and why is it so dangerous? There are individual physical and larger social implications for the dangers. Discuss both. 3. How can we therapeutically use opiates? Why can they be used for […]
Critique the BIP attached.
Critique the BIP, focusing on both its strengths and areas that may require improvement. Begin by reading through the entire plan, paying close attention to the definition of the target behaviors, the intervention strategies proposed, the methods for data collection, and the overall goals outlined for the client. Use the rubric or checklist provided to […]
Public Speaking
Public speaking Week 2 Instructions 1. 9 Tips to overcome public speaking anxiety.pdf Attached you will find 9 Tips to Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety. Review the tips and write a 2 page APA Style paper on Public Speaking Anxiety, your obervation and/orexperience, and your thoughts how can to overcome it.
Research wk 6
Research Methods Part A (300 Words) 1. How biologically plausible are artificial neural networks? 2. What is the central claim of the dynamical systems hypothesis? How plausible do you find it? 3. Dynamical models seem suited for examining the development of skills like walking. Will dynamical modeling prove fruitful for other phenomena of interest in […]
PSY 3901 week 3 disc
Choose a study in Part II: Analysis of Experiments of the text (starting on p. 139). Be sure to identify the study by name in your post. Then, in your post: · Explain what the independent variable(s) (IV) and dependent variable(s) (DV) are in the study you chose · For the IV, identify what is […]
PSY 3901 week 2 disc redo
Consider the domain of psychology most relevant to you. Within this domain, choose a topic you want to know more about or that is especially relevant to your personal/career goals. Find two peer-reviewed research articles that add to scientific knowledge on the topic. Be sure to attach the articles to your post. In your post: […]
Week 6: Areas of Psychology Dialogue
Over the past three weeks, you have been learning about some significant areas of psychology. In week 4 we studied sensation and perception, week 5 introduced learning theories, and week 6 discusses developmental psychology. As you reflect on these three areas of psychology, how might they reflect the idea that our understanding of reality and the […]
Special Topic Psychology
Details are given in the pdf attached. PY2100 – SEMINAR: SPECIAL TOPICS IN PSYCHOLOGY Special Topics Paper Instructions *Note: It is expected that students will have a working knowledge of APA format, citations, etc., as well as writing skills appropriate to a college level course. Students who struggle in these areas, may want to review […]
Psychology Help
Can I get someone to help me with this assignment Page 1 of 8 Counseling Treatment Plan Project General Instructions Most of you will have never worked in a therapy session with a client or clients. There is no way to prepare you for that experience unless you begin to think as if you were […]
Personal Growth
S ee attachment Goals, Self-Regulation, and Personal Growth Instructions: View the PowerPoint presentations for this module and additional resources, and watch Phillip Zimbardo’s video Psychology of Time (The digital platform allows subtitles in Spanish and other languages). Ted. (2009, June 22). Philip Zimbardo: The psychology of time. [Video]. YouTube. The social psychologist discusses how time affects our […]
personality assessment
personality assessment It needs to discuss the description and purpose of the instrument, the population it was designed to assess, the results that it will provide, and interpretations that can be made from those. The papers MUST follow APA format. (Points will be deducted for failure to adhere to APA guidelines.)
Social Development
Attachment and Forming Close Relationships Do you find yourself recreating relationships with the same characteristics with which you were handled when you were a child? Take a guess at the attachment style you feel you have currently; Are your results surprising? Is your current attachment style the same as the one you think you had […]
Culture Identity
See attachment What Is Culture? Types of Culture, Elements of Culture, Characteristics of Culture [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4] Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, · Read Chapter 2 in Diversity, Cultural Humility, and the Helping Professions: Building Bridges Across Difference and investigate the topics of cultural identity, acculturation, assimilation, […]