Social Development

Attachment and Forming Close Relationships Do you find yourself recreating relationships with the same characteristics with which you were handled when you were a child?  Take a guess at the attachment style you feel you have currently; Are your results surprising? Is your current attachment style the same as the one you think you had […]

Culture Identity

See attachment What Is Culture? Types of Culture, Elements of Culture, Characteristics of Culture [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4] Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, · Read Chapter 2  in  Diversity, Cultural Humility, and the Helping Professions: Building Bridges Across Difference and investigate the topics of cultural identity, acculturation, assimilation, […]

Public speaking

Public speaking Week 2   Instructions 1. 9 Tips to overcome public speaking anxiety.pdf  Attached you will find 9 Tips to Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety.  Review the tips and write a 2 page APA Style paper on Public Speaking Anxiety, your obervation and/orexperience, and your thoughts how can to overcome it.  Instructions 1. Choose a […]

Week 2 Discussion Forum

See attachment What Is Culture? Types of Culture, Elements of Culture, Characteristics of Culture [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4] Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, · Read Chapter 2  in  Diversity, Cultural Humility, and the Helping Professions: Building Bridges Across Difference and investigate the topics of cultural identity, acculturation, assimilation, […]

PSY 4462 week 3 disc

Prompt: · What is the difference between intelligence and IQ? · Which subtest on the WAIS-IV do you think you would score highest on and which subtest do you think you would score lowest on? Why?


CNDV 5312 Group Theories and Techniques Week 4 Application Assignment: Reflections of a 12-Step Meeting This assignment includes a dialogue that you must have with at least one member at the group attended (the chairperson/leader is usually accessible and willing to talk with you before or after the group). Jot down your thoughts of the […]


  What kinds of tools do clinicians use to evaluate a client’s mental health?  

URL #2

URL 1: From Chapter 3: Phrenology was a wildly popular but untrue scientific theory.  Find another popular but untrue scientific theory. URL 2: From Chapter 4: The Wundtian school and the Wurzburg school had their day in the sun but were mostly forgotten until the artificial intelligence folks came along. For the second URL, explore […]

assigm 2

attached Instructions Watch “Episode 16: Ethics Code Update: Section 1, Responsibility as a Professional” (BACB Podcast) [26 min.], below. Then, complete Template – Lecture Engagement Summary.docx based on the podcast episode. Note that the episode addresses the changes in the new code compared to the previous code. For question 2 in the lecture engagement summary, […]

Psychology Culture Assignment

Introduction: This assignment will assist in your gaining a better understanding of the culture influence in society This assignment fulfills/supports:

Week 4 Help

See Attachment Please DIRECTIONS Write a 1-2 page paper in APA format critiquing the NEO Personality Inventory . Include the following and at least one reference: · Description of test · Purpose of the instrument · Population it was designed to assess · Results it will provide · Interpretation that can be made from results […]

psy 2520 mod 2 assn MAP

 Instructions: In Module 2, we learned about anxiety disorders, including symptoms and treatment options. For this assignment, you will create a mind map which communicates the information below.  Describe the characteristics of each: General Anxiety Disorder Social Anxiety Disorder Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Include for each: Symptoms Causes of the disorder (if known) Treatment options

Treatment Plan Project

Can someone help me create a grid? Page 1 of 8 Counseling Treatment Plan Project General Instructions Most of you will have never worked in a therapy session with a client or clients. There is no way to prepare you for that experience unless you begin to think as if you were in that situation. […]

Psychology Group Leading Proposal Assignment

Please see the attached  HSCO 511 Group Leading Proposal Assignment Instructions GROUP LED IN CHURCH PARTICIPANTS LISTED BELOW Abraham anthony isaiah ALLYSON KRYSTAL STEPHANIE Overview You will lead a 1–2-hour group session in your local community. The purpose of this assignment is for you to gain experience planning and leading a group with attention to […]

Psychology 4-MAT Review : Dobson Assignment

Please see the attached.  DBFA 615 4-MAT Review Paper Assignment Instructions Overview The 4-MAT Review system is a way of responding to readings that requires you to interact with new ideas covered in the Dobson and Deal texts on several levels. Each 4-MAT Review Paper Assignment should be divided into four sections, the Summary, the […]

Current Health issues

Consider the World Health Organization’s definition of health, particularly the phrase “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.” How would you define complete physical well-being? What would it look like in someone born with a health condition or who acquired one later in life? How would you define complete mental well-being? How would […]

Wk 2 PSY220- Fruedian and Neo-Analytic Theories

 Which one of the theories discussed in this week’s readings do you think is most useful in understanding and explaining personality development in contemporary society?  Super Ego, ID, or EGO Explain your position. Be sure to select a theory, briefly describe it and name the theorist, rather than a general concept. Link your chosen theory directly […]

8-3 neuropsychology

Textbook: Physiology of Behavior,  Physiology of Behavior Neil R. Carlson and Melissa A. Birkett Pearson Thirteenth Edition 2021

8-1 neuropsych

Textbook: Physiology of Behavior,  Physiology of Behavior Neil R. Carlson and Melissa A. Birkett Pearson Thirteenth Edition 2021

8-1 intervention

8-1 Short Paper: Psychological Report Writing Choose psychological test results from one of the case studies in the resources section. Submit a two- to four-page paper in which you evaluate the results of the assessment report and use them to propose treatment. Include the following in your paper: ● Describe what the report suggests about […]

Personal Growth

see attachment  Personality and the Influence of Impulses Instructions: · Visit additional electronic resources for this module and read from the suggested book for more information. · Reflect on your experiences where impulses and emotions have affected your health in some  negative or positive way.  · Do not include highly personal or sensitive examples. · Explain […]

Theory of personality

see attachment  Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory Instructions:  Read this week’s course material, including videos.  Discuss: How important is the role of the unconscious in the personality according to Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory?    Remember to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 PM Eastern on Wednesday.   · […]

Psychology of Aging/ Please select prompts below

** PART A, B & C ARE TO BE ANSWERED SEPARATELY** PART A: Select 2 of the following prompts: What is the age-based double standard of perceived competence in young and older adults? What three factors must be considered when understanding social belief systems? Are negative views of aging assimilated into adults’ views of themselves? […]

Psychology of Aging/ Please select prompts below

** PART A, B & C ARE TO BE ANSWERED SEPARATELY** PART A: Select 2 of the following prompts: What do telomeres and telomerase have to do with cellular theories of aging? What are age-related changes in hair, and how do these vary for men and women? What are the theories regarding changes in voice […]


 Discuss how different attitudes about the causes of poverty could be the result of the fundamental attribution error. Support with current academic research. 


 Pick one of the following pseudosciences (ESP, Déjà vu, Astrology, or Biorhythms) and find an article about it. Use the scientific method to explain why this is a pseudoscience and not science. 

Personality Assessments1

See Attachment DIRECTIONS Write a 1-2 page paper in APA format critiquing the Minnesota Personality Inventory-2 . Include the following and at least one reference: · Description of test · Purpose of the instrument · Population it was designed to assess · Results it will provide · Interpretation that can be made from results 100% […]

Susan b Anthony

Which historical figure from the reading did you select to interview? Describe their background and their role in the women’s movement. Include relevant dates.Which historical figure from the reading did you select to interview? Describe their background and their role in the women’s movement. Include relevant dates.Which historical figure from the reading did you select […]


Adoption is definitely an option I plan to consider once the time comes to have a child. Honestly, I am not sure what type of adoption I would prefer. I guess I would want little to no contact with the birth parents, but that may not be ideal for the child or the birth family […]

ORG 6499 Week 2

Please see attached Loss of Accent and Cultural Identity For this assignment, you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation. Prior to beginning work on this presentation, · Read the article  Come Join Us and Lose your Accent: Accent Modification Courses asLinks to an external site.   Hierarchization of International StudentsLinks to an external site. . […]

Group Leadership Skills

Please see he attached documents  You will post one thread that is between 300 and 350 words. you must incorporate relevant ideas from at least two of the required course texts in the thread. Must be APA format. Through the course materials, you have learned about how to effectively lead a group session. Which  one of […]

PowerPoint Help.

Need help in creating a PowerPoint. Overview Create a 5–7 minute audio presentation with a visual component (such as PowerPoint or Kaltura) and include a reference list. Instructions Your assignment should meet the following criteria: · Communicate effectively in a presentation format. · Practice beforehand to assure a clear, high-quality final product. You may choose […]

Discussion Board

 In what ways do race and gender impact the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness?  

Psychology Unit 3 Assignment: Annotated Bibliography

Overview: Research and select source material for your research paper. In this assignment, you will gain experience in APA style formatting as well as how to write summaries of scholarly articles. Instructions: • Formatted in appropriate annotated bibliography format: o Locate five scholarly resources relevant to your research paper topic. o After listing each source, […]

Unit 3.1 DB: Annotated Bibliography

Writing an annotated bibliography is a common step in the overall writing process. Discuss your understanding of this process including supplemental sources that you found to be helpful as well as the book. Offer suggestions and questions. Please share any sources that you found helpful as you construct this element of your paper.

7-2 neruopsych

7-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Rough Draft Submit your rough draft for your final project. For additional details, please refer to the Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric and the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric.

7-1 neuropsych

7-1 Discussion: Analyzing Alex Consider the following scenario. Alex grew up in a violent and abusive home. His father drank to intoxication each night and neglected Alex until he turned three. At age three, his father began to physically abuse Alex regularly. Alex’s mother screamed at him whenever he cried as a child, and she […]

7-1 intervention

7-1 Discussion: Assessment Tools Do you believe assessment tools are a hindrance (user error, false positives), or do they enhance a clinician’s ability to diagnose correctly? To support your response, provide an example of an assessment tool, and describe the tool’s benefits and challenges. To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

Research Proposal

Research Study Proposal Part 2 (I have enclosed Part 1 of the topic of brain injuries) In this class, you will complete a Research Study Proposal. In this hypothetical research study proposal, you will investigate a social-psychological issue of your choice. The Research Study Proposal is divided into three pieces:   · Research Study Proposal […]

VT&CF Week 3 Assignment

Imagine that you have spent years doing the work you are meant to do. It’s stressful, but you think you manage it well. You always wanted to help people. Their suffering is one of your main driving factors in choosing this path. However, you notice that you have recently started having negative feelings when you […]

VT&CF Week 3 Discussion

To prepare: Review the Learning Resources on the hazards of practice. View the TEDx Talk in the Learning Resources, in which Laura van Dernoot Lipsky recounts her experience with vicarious trauma. Consider the message of the talk and what resonates with you, in the context of social work practice.  Post your response to Laura van […]

PSY 4462 reaction

This course requires two reaction papers (Weeks 2 and 6). You will react to two extensive case studies and answer the prompts provided. A reaction paper is just what its name suggests; it is a paper explaining your reaction to a case study. Your reaction will involve your opinion and analysis of each case. Keep […]

PSY 3901 week 2 disc

Identify the domain (field, topic area) of psychology that is most relevant or interesting to you. Then, discuss how experimental psychology in that domain is or can be useful to you (e.g., your work, future aspirations, or daily life). In your post, be sure to explain the value of experimentation specifically. In other words, what […]


attached Group Project Check-In: complete this weekly check-in form regarding participation in the project. This will serve to keep you on track with the project and keep each other accountable for the work being completed. 1. What is the target behavior that your group will intervene on in your self-management plan? Target Behavior: nail biting […]

world cultures

see attachment  Events in the Bible Search in the Old Testament historical events. 1. Identify the events mentioned in this module. 2. Create a list of the events. 3. In your list, including where in the Bible they are found. 4. Find a non-biblical source in the library where they talk about the same events. […]

world cultures

see attachment  Discussion Forum: Henotheism   Henotheism Find in the library information about henotheism.  Search the Bible for evidence of the Hebrews being henotheistic. Remember to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 pm ET on Wednesday, and react critically to at least two of […]

general psychology

see attachment  Module 4:  Presentation- Phantom Limb or Extrasensory Perception Compare and analyze scientific information to design a presentation and answer the given question. Instructions a.    Consider the following statement and question: Not everything that is sensed is perceived. The sensation is directly related to our five senses. Do you think it’s possible something […]

general psychology

see attachment  Module 4:  Discussion Forum – Neuroanatomical Terms Discuss and analyze the material with peers to demonstrate comprehension. Instructions a)    Consider the following questions and respond to each one, according to what you have learned: 1.    Mention three occupations in which good vision, hearing, smell, and other senses would be necessary. Make […]