PSYC 3002

Can you have this done by 11:00 PM tonight? My career goal is to be a substance abuse counselor. Career Planning Worksheet Career Planning Worksheet Directions: Respond to the following questions in preparation for completing the Career Planning Worksheet. 1. What is your career goal? (If you don’t have a specific goal, this can be […]


Week 3 Assignment: Critiquing Quantitative or Qualitative Research Overview: This week’s assignment asks the student to critique examples of published research. During a professional career, a person will often be presented with research on a specific topic. As a consumer of research, how will that person know if the research is legitimate and/or worthwhile? At […]

working with a variety of sexual challenges, or sexual dysfunction

 How to work with a variety of sexual challenges, or sexual dysfunction Hide Folder Information Instructions This week, using Kaltura, you will create a podcast that will be a primer for therapists working with a variety of sexual challenges or sexual dysfunctions and how these could be approached using a systemic approach (e.g., not looking […]

5-2 dev

5-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Draft of Theoretical Foundations and Draft of Program Selection For Milestone Two, you will submit a draft of your theoretical foundations and a draft of your program selection and sociocultural evaluation. For the draft of theoretical foundations, you will apply contemporary developmental psychology research and classic and contemporary theories to […]

5-1 DEV.

5-1 Discussion: Humans as Computers? The growing body of research on the information-processing theory continues to show its application across cognitive, social, and emotional domains. Kuther (2023) outlines three basic assumptions for the information-processing theory: * Thinking is information processing. The human mind is designed to take in information, process it, retrieve it, and use […]


5-2 Milestone Two: Evaluation and Comparison Milestone Two is due this module. To complete this assignment review the following documents: ● Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric ● Final Project Guidelines and Rubric ● Milestone Two Template


5-1 Discussion: Trait Theories For this discussion, you will discuss the Big Five trait theory. Your initial post will be your position on the extent to which the Big Five are predictive of behavior. Use the following questions to help you develop your position statement: ● Does the Big Five generalize traits or behaviors of […]

Cushing Syndrome

Power Point about Cushing Syndrome  Please include: -Etiology, Symptoms and signs, Diagnosis, Laboratory Studies, treatment and prognosis. 


Power Point about Hyperthyroidism   Please include: -Etiology, Symptoms and signs, Diagnosis, Laboratory Studies, treatment and prognosis. 


see attachment  Module 4:  Word Processing  Read IC3 Certification. (2016 ).  Introduction to Computers and Information Technology (pp. 135-163). Pearson Education Company. Freeman, J. (2021, December 3).  Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizers | Free Templates | Edraw. Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizers.  to an external site.     Watch There is no multimedia at this time.

Good, Bad, and Loving

This week you will be writing a paper in which you complete the following: Summarize the case study. Describe credible and scholarly sources, relevant to a particular theory. Apply a social psychological theory to a chosen case study. Explain how social psychological research studies relate to a particular social psychological theory. Apply an ethical reasoning […]

Neurodiversity Fact

Remove or Replace: Header Is Not Doc Title Neurodiversity Fact Sheet (Include name of the diagnosis in title.) Description of neurodiverse condition: The impact on individuals with the condition: Technique 1 for enhancing learning for (Name the condition and remove this instruction.): Technique 2 for enhancing learning (Name the condition and remove this instruction.): Technique […]

ag w7.2

  1. Understanding Your Countertransference. As a group leader, you too have feelings! You might also have unfinished emotional business in your own life that could blur your objectivity at times in working with others who strike a chord in you. Put yourself into the following situations to see how any of them might fit for […]

Health psychology-CHRONIC ILLNESSES

  Chronic illness is one of the most challenging and expensive of the medical challenges facing the world today. It is also at the root of a the multi-trillion dollar international medical industry. What are chronic illnesses and how do they impact the individual? 

resp 10

attached Comment to your peer: The teaching of complex skills will always be challenging unless properly broken down into steps, or links, in the chain of events that are necessary to occur for the completion of such task. A task analysis is a great tool because this will allow the analyst observe current behavior and/or […]

resp 9

attached Comment to your peer: Using task analysis to teach complex skills can be incredibly effective. Task analysis involves breaking down a complex behavior into smaller, manageable steps. This detailed breakdown makes it easier to teach and learn each component of the skill systematically. To start, identify the final goal or the complex skill you […]

Practicum experience plan

4 · Review your Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form you submitted last week and think about areas for which you would like to gain application-level experience and/or continued growth as an advanced practice nurse. How can your experiences in the practicum help you achieve these aims?   · Review the information related to developing objectives provided in […]

Psychology Reflection Assignment

Instructions are included in the file below. Students will describe their own experience as an adolescent and relate it to the developmental information presented in class. Students will also discuss how to apply their own personal experience to counseling adolescents and working with parents of adolescents. Students will also analyze how their experiences could help […]

Genogram Family Analysis

Generation 1 (Grandparents) ┌── ─── │ │ │ │ │ └── │ │ │ └── Generation 2 │ │ │ └── Children: │ │ ┌── │ │ │ └── │ │ └── │ │ └── , │ │ └── Godparents: │ Generation 3 (Parents) ┌── ─── │ │ Grandfather ( ☐ John, 1920-1980) Grandmother ( […]

PSY 3344 6.3 part 1

Instructions are included  Part 1: Cultural Plunge Paper . This assignment exposes you to unfamiliar dimensions of diversity or to a marginalized group about whom you have less knowledge or exposure. You should identify events that are open to the public or, at a minimum, open to individuals who are not members of that particular […]

Genogram Family Analysis

1 Comprehensive Genogram: Module 3 Assignment Victoria Hernandez-Diaz St. Thomas University Dr. El Kholy NUR 640 06/02/2024 2 Comprehensive Genogram: Module 3

PSY 3421 week 6 disc’s

Instructions are attached  6.2 Discussion Board: Aliens! Discussion Board | Graded Prompt You have been captured by aliens for research and are the subject of a category learning experiment with stimuli (@, #, $, %) matched to categories such as @# = Farnut, $# = wahool, $% = karrd, and @% = taroom. You successfully […]

PSY 3344 week 6 disc

Instructions are attached  Initial Post Your initial post should read 500 to 600 words, with the accompanying citations/references in APA format. To receive the maximum points, your post should include citations/references from all of this week’s readings and an additional article of your choosing. Prompt What are some helpful ways to engage in a conversation […]

The Culture of Family Violence

  Identify your culture and how it address family violence. In your opinion, what is the best way for a family therapist to bring up the issues of abuse and violence in a family when those are not the problems that family members have identified? Hispanic culture 


please read fully ! Compare and contrast the role, title, and scope of the School Guidance Counselor vs. the School Counselor. Include a description of the current roles of school counselors based on the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) 

Chronic Illness

Chronic illness is one of the most challenging and expensive of the medical challenges facing the world today. It is also at the root of a the multi-trillion dollar international medical industry. What are chronic illnesses and how do they impact the individual?

Discussion Board

   · What sections of the NASW Code of Ethics provide guidance to social work leaders? · What are the ethical responsibilities of social work leaders to clients, colleagues, and organizations?

Human Development

see attachment  Attachment Instructions: 1. Select three scientific studies related to attachment. Make a one-paragraph summary of each of the selected resources. 2. Discuss the importance of attachment in childhood or early childhood and its repercussions (positive or negative). You can cite examples to illustrate your point. 3. Please give your opinion on the  findings and […]

Human Development

see attachment  Self-Concept Discussion Questions: · How does self-concept develop during early childhood? · How important is self-concept to human development? Remember to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 PM Eastern on Wednesday.   · Contribute a minimum of 250 words for your initial post. […]

Social psychology

see attachment  Define Concepts Instructions: Define the following basic concepts related to social psychology, using the technical vocabulary of the discipline.   · · · Thinking processes   · Categories · Social Categorization · Prototype · Schema · Endogroups · Exogroups · Sources of error in social cognition  · Attributions · Biased · Focalization, Vigilance, and Efficacy · […]

Social psychology

see attachment  Discussion Forum Instructions: Answer the following questions: · · How do emotions interfere with different cultures? · How have your facial and/or body expressions interfered with other cultures? · Mention the similarities and differences between personal identity and social identity. Remember to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit […]

Discussion 5 sentences

This week is another blended week. In the developed countries of the world, we are living longer than at any time in history. While this is definitely a plus for those of use in our later years, it also has resulted in more of those individuals over fifty living longer with chronic medical conditions. How […]


  Your assignment is to interview someone (of any age) and assess his/her level of moral development according to Kohlberg.  Please see ASSIGNMENT – Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development for specific instructions and grading criteria for this week’s discussion topic:  Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Reasoning.  Follow the instructions outlined in the assignment details and post […]


see attachment  Module 4: Reflection Write a short reflection on learning by answering the following questions in a short document with 3 to 5 sentences: 1. What have you learned about AI, robotic, and trends in technology? 2. What relevance do you find for your future as a professional? 3. Briefly share some other items […]


see attachment  Module 4:  Word Processing  Read IC3 Certification. (2016 ).  Introduction to Computers and Information Technology (pp. 135-163). Pearson Education Company. Freeman, J. (2021, December 3).  Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizers | Free Templates | Edraw. Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizers.  to an external site.     Watch There is no multimedia at this time.


see attachment  Module 4: Reflection Write a short reflection on learning by answering the following questions in a short document with 3 to 5 sentences: 1. What have you learned about AI, robotic, and trends in technology? 2. What relevance do you find for your future as a professional? 3. Briefly share some other items […]

introduction seminar

see attachment  Module 4:  Intelligence in Video Take the Multiple Intelligences test found here: Personalitymax. (n.d.).  Multiple Intelligences Test.  to an external site. Note down (or save a pdf) of your results showing your strongest intelligence(s). For this Week’s Discussion, Record a short video (maximum three minutes) indicating: · What type(s) of intelligence resulted in […]

Psychology Unit 6 Assignment: Literature Review Article Submission and Summary

PSY341 – Research Methods in the Social Sciences Unit 6 Assignment: Literature Review Article Submission and Summary Due Date: Points: 100 Overview: In Unit 2, you chose a topic for your Literature Review (due in Unit 7). The Literature Review will consist of a minimum of 4 scholarly, peer-reviewed, and full-text journal articles on your […]

discussion 2

 Post a brief explanation of three important components of the psychiatric interview and why you consider these elements important. Explain the psychometric properties of the rating scale you were assigned. Explain when it is appropriate to use this rating scale with clients during the psychiatric interview and how the scale is helpful to a nurse practitioner’s […]

Counseling Those Who Suffer

Your human services counseling clients will come to you suffering at one level or another. The Learn materials from the last two modules discuss the concept of suffering and factors guiding how to counsel those who are suffering. In fact, a careful analysis of the Learn materials indicates numerous concepts and principles that could apply […]


Discussion 1. Discussion Question: Create a post with a discussion question.  This can be a short post, just a sentence or three, that poses an interesting question.  For example, “Based on the material from this week, what additional research do psychologists need to conduct to continue to understand and reduce racial prejudice?”  Or “In addition to […]

Psychology Homework

   In this PowerPoint presentation, I will discuss the topic of Preventing Gun Violence The presentation will: Briefly summarize the Grand Challenge. Connect the Grand Challenge to your social problem. Connect the Grand Challenge to your scholarly literature. Explain why this Grand Challenge is important for social work. Explain how a social worker can impact […]

Discussion Board

   How might your clients’ cultural beliefs about seeking help, especially from those different from themselves, affect your ability to engage with them?


Week 2 Assignment 1: Literature Review Overview: Last week candidates had the opportunity to talk to colleagues regarding areas of concern that are pertinent to the field of counseling. This week candidates will conduct a search of the literature about their topic and write a small-scale literature review. General Instructions Using the following resources: · […]

lect 15

attached EAB4764 Assessment and Intervention Lecture Engagement: Written Lecture Summary Student Name: Date Completed: Student ID: Please answer the questions below in a narrative form. Each answer should be a complete paragraph. 1. What was the main point of the video/podcast? 2. Provide 2 major points discussed and describe those points. 3. What did you […]

disc 5.1

attached How can the use of a task analysis help in the teaching complex skills? How should one break down the steps in a complex behavior such that they can be trained using forward or backward chaining?

PSY 3421 week 5, 5.2

instructions are included  · Respond to at least two (2) peers with 100 words as the minimum peer response Peer 1: Patyn Edward Thorndike and Edwin Guthrie had different ideas about how reinforcement works in learning. Thorndike is known for his Law of Effect, which says that if a behavior is followed by something good, […]