PSY 3344 week 5 disc reply

Instructions are attached  Reply Post Your reply post should read 500 to 600 words and should reference at least one citation from the article the other student read for their initial post. To receive the maximum points, your post should include a reference from all of this week’s readings along with an article other students […]

PSY 3344 week 5 assign

Instructions are included  Talking About Race Paper For this assignment, please read one of two books about how to talk about race and engage in more conversations around race. For many of us, these conversations are uncomfortable; but just because something is uncomfortable, that does not mean we should avoid it. These conversations are not […]

PSY 3421 week 5, 5.3

Instructions are included  · Respond to at least two (2) peers with 100 words as the minimum peer response · APA format in-text citations and references Peer 1: Patyn The matching law, introduced by R.J. Herrnstein, says that we tend to spend our time on activities that give us the most rewards. This idea can […]

PSY 3421 week 5 assig

instructions are included Directions: In Week 2, you chose a behavior that you want to change in order to improve your study and/or work habits. Now that you know more about operant and classical conditioning, it is time to develop a plan for how to execute those changes. After your plan is approved, you will […]

basics of sex therapy

How would basics therapy work in a relationship Instructions This week, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that highlights some of the basics of sex therapy. Be sure to gear this presentation toward MFT internship students that are thinking about increasing their skills and understanding of sex therapy. Be sure to address the following key […]

Bondage Breakers workshops

I heard a Bondage Breaker workshop is being offered tomorrow morning in Manchester, NH Can you help me find where and when so I Can attend? Rena Marianne Segool

4-3 dev

4-3 Journal: Web Exploration: Applying Theory to Education Use the internet to locate a lesson, exercise, assignment, activity, or lesson plan that exemplifies application of one of the concepts from cognitive developmental theory reviewed in Module Four. In your journal, describe the lesson or activity, including the theoretical concept it demonstrates, and reflect on whether […]


4-2 Annotated Bibliography: Part 2 In this module, you will continue to work on your Annotated Bibliography. This is to help you organize the research that you conduct for this class and for your final project. Please refer to the Annotated Bibliography Example for additional information. To help format your assignment, use Sections V through […]


4-1 Discussion: Strengths and Weaknesses For this discussion, you will be assigned a theorist or theorists according to your last name. Your instructor may reassign you to a different theorist as needed, so check the announcements for any revisions. In your initial post, you will briefly describe your assigned theorists’ approach to personality psychology. Evaluate […]

Comprehensive Genogram

This is a scaffolding assignment to help students understand how a genogram is created and how to use the various symbols to denote family relationships, marital status, family issues, family patterns of mental illness, and substance abuse. Develop a genogram illustration that addresses the following criteria: Choose a family (for this assignment this can be […]


  Dr. Eric Hickey’s career path, his research, and work as a consultant really fascinated me. As I was trying to determine what I wanted to get a master’s degree in I considered the career area I’m most familiar with, law enforcement. After listening to the video provided in the materials, Dr. Hickey’s path really […]

Comprehensive Genogram

  This is a scaffolding assignment to help students understand how a genogram is created and how to use the various symbols to denote family relationships, marital status, family issues, family patterns of mental illness, and substance abuse. Develop a genogram illustration that addresses the following criteria: Choose a family (for this assignment this can […]


Week 1 Assignment – Identifying a Research Topic Overview The purpose of the Week 1 assignment is to identify possible topics for your research topic and develop and a problem statement and possible research question(s). Week 1 targets the following Course Learning Objectives · CLO1: Examine a variety of topics relevant to teaching and learning […]


  Identify a topic that would be related to your specialization and dissertation interests. Write down key terms that could be used to search for your topic. Use the library specialization area databases to locate literature. Practice using your literature evaluation tool selected in Week 2: SQ3R or SOAR method.

Discussion Board

  How can you use the experience of being evaluated as a student to improve your effectiveness as a social worker?


Article Discussion Instructions: Follow the instructions below to participate in this discussion forum.  NOTE: Do not post attachments! · To post a response, click on  Type a response in the space below. · After posting your original response, read other postings and post a response to at least  two classmates using the following ABC Approach. · Be sure […]

Human Development

see attachment  Assignment: Essay Instructions: · Based on what you have read and learned in this module, lay out your stance on home birth versus hospital birth. Explain your opinion and support it with empirical data. · Identify the three prenatal stages and describe at least three important processes that occur in each. Contribute a […]

Human Development

see attachment  Teratogens, Genetic and Environmental Factors Discussion Questions: 1. Look for a  scientific study identifying a teratogen and explaining  how it affects human development. 2. Present the data and analyze, in your own words, what actions can be taken to reduce that impact. (They can be individual actions or at the public policy level.) You can look for […]

Social psychology

see attachment  Define Concepts Instructions: Define the following basic concepts related to social psychology, using the technical vocabulary of discipline. · · Self · Self-esteem · Self-concept · Social perception, · Nonverbal behavior · Self-fulfillment prophecy · Stereotypes · Prejudice · In-group and out-group discrimination · Social cognition · Social identity Contribute a minimum of […]

Social psychology

see attachment  Discussion Forum Instructions:  Answer the following questions:  · · · Who am I? · How do I feel about my self-esteem? · How do I handle my personality in different social contexts? · How do I handle self-control?  Remember to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial […]

Discussion Replies

YENROSE DISCUSSION REPLIES: Akillah Turner May 27, 2024, 12:32 AM Unread Hello Everyone, Happy Monday and happy new week. Shake off any bad vibes from last week and start a fresh. I hope everyone had a great and stress-free weekend. There are three different kinds of claims: causal, association, and frequency (Andrade, 2018). Construct and […]

PSY 3344 week 5 disc

Instructions are attached  Initial Post Your initial post should read 500 to 600 words, with the accompanying citations/references in APA format. To receive the maximum points, your post should include citations/references from all of this week’s readings and an additional article of your choosing. Prompt In what ways do you still see colonialism present today? […]

PSY 3421 week 5 disc’s

Instructions are attached  5.2 Prompt #1 Compare and contrast the theoretical approaches to reinforcement developed by Edward Thorndike and Edwin Guthrie. From the perspective of Thorndike, why would a student continue to attend the lectures in a course in which the student is doing poorly? Parameters · Answer the entire prompt · Initial post should […]


see attachment  Module 3: Essay Explain the differences between data and information. What is data? Explain with an example · What are the different types of data? What is information? Explain with an example Use an Essay Format · You must present your writing double-spaced, in a Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier New font, […]


see attachment  Module 3: Data Storage and Network In this chapter, you will learn about Data Storage and Network Types First, we learn the main concept of this topic: How Do Computers Store Data? According to  IC3 Certification (2016), Computer storage is like the backpack you bring to the school. Both store things until you are […]

introduction seminar

see attachment Module 3: Self-Assessment Rubric This week, we’ve learned about assessment and our ePortfolio. These are both ways to track our progress throughout our academic journey, from a big picture perspective. How to we keep ourselves on track on smaller timelines? How do we track day to day, or week to week progress to […]

Health Psychology?

 What are some of the strategies for managing stress in one’s daily life? What are healthy life habits that can aid in decreasing the impact of stress? 


YENROSE: 1. Review the following websites: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and Americans for Medical Progress. What are the guidelines to conduct research on animals ethically? What do you find to be the importance to the “Three R’s”? What are the alternatives to using animals for testing? Under what circumstances would these alternatives […]


1. Based on your reading, what are the seven key components of a persuasive message? Provide a brief explanation for each component. 2. Explain the key components of the ADKAR model. How can this model be best utilized to complete a successful change within an organization? Identify types of organizational changes that are best suited […]

Psychology Cultural Identities and Values Assignment

Please see attached instructions and required reading Chatraw, J. D., & Prior, K. S. (2019). Cultural Engagement. HarperCollins Christian.  Read: Superiority of group counseling to individual coaching for parents of children with learning disabilities Links to an external site. 


Please see attached instructions,  Required reading and assignment template. Required reading:  Hawkins, R. (2015). The New Christian Counselor. Harvest House Publishers. 

Clinical Psychology 100

I will post the instructions on notepad Bipolar Disorder Manic Episode For 1 week or more, person displays a continually abnormal, inflated, unrestrained, or irritable mood as well as continually heightened energy or activity, for most of every day. Person also experiences at least three of the following symptoms: Grandiosity or overblown self-esteem Reduced sleep […]

Ag w6d

What are some advantages of using a group format for dealing with topics/issues? What changes might you make in organizing and conducting a group?

assig 13

attached EAB4764 Assessment and Intervention Lecture Engagement: Written Lecture Summary Student Name: Date Completed: Student ID: Please answer the questions below in a narrative form. Each answer should be a complete paragraph. 1. What was the main point of the video/podcast? 2. Provide 2 major points discussed and describe those points. 3. What did you […]

disc 4.1

attached What factors should be considered while using token economy? How are “backup reinforcers” different from “tokens?”  

Task 3

Please see attachment and address A, B, C, and D. Follow the instructions for the weekly paper assignment: · 12- point font, double spaced, one inch margins · 2-3 pages in length · MUST be in APA format · Must reference at least ONE source (published book, textbook, credible website, or peer reviewed journal article) […]


Discussion 1. Discussion Question: Create a post with a discussion question.  This can be a short post, just a sentence or three, that poses an interesting question.  For example, “Based on the material from this week, what additional research do psychologists need to conduct to continue to understand and reduce racial prejudice?”  Or “In addition to […]


PSY3211 Assignment #4: APA Formatting  Upload your assignment to canvas. Please be sure to upload the document with your answers in it. Double check your submission, accidently submitting a blank assignment is not a valid excuse. Please write your responses in a different color than black (any color is fine!). Below is a paragraph with […]

PSY 3421 4.2 reply

Instructions are attached  · Respond to at least two (2) peers · APA format in-text citations and references · 200 word minimum each response Peer: Aubree Throughout life, we all learn new things based on what we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. It is through this information that we begin to develop memories of […]

PSY 3344 4.2 reply

Instructions are attached  Your reply post should read 500 to 600 words and should reference at least one citation from the article the other student read for their initial post. To receive the maximum points, your post should include a reference from all of this week’s readings along with an article other students read. Prompt […]

PSY 3421 4.3 reply

Instructions are attached  · Respond to at least two (2) peers with 100 words as the minimum peer response · APA format in-text citations and references Peer1: Panadda Bouton (2018) highlighted that one of the most important things about the study of animal brains is the implication that behavior systems theory and how much the […]


see attached work- homework help  Week (enter week #): (Enter assignment title) Student Name College of Nursing-PMHNP, Walden University NRNP 6645: Psychopathology and Diagnostic Reasoning Faculty Name Assignment Due Date NRNP/PRAC 6645 Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Note Template CC (chief complaint): HPI: Past Psychiatric History: · General Statement: · Caregivers (if applicable): · Hospitalizations: · Medication […]

creating a brichure tgat addressed IPB and therapy

 How to create a brochure that addressed IPB and therapy Hide Folder Information Turnitin™ This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions This week, you will create a brochure that addresses IPV and therapy. Your audience includes professionals that work with relationships from any human services approach. Think of this brochure as having at least […]

discussion 1

 Explain the biological (genetic and neuroscientific); psychological (behavioral and cognitive processes, emotional, developmental); and social, cultural, and interpersonal factors that influence the development of psychopathology. 

Psychology Unit 5 Assignment: Running and Interpreting a Correlation Using Excelv

PSY341 – Research Methods in the Social Sciences Unit 5 Assignment: Running and Interpreting a Correlation Using Excel Points: 100 Overview: For this assignment, you will apply your knowledge of correlational research by running a correlation statistic (Pearson r) using a sample data set. Directions for Enabling Data Analysis ToolPak. See instructions for Downloading Microsoft […]

Critical Thinking

Using the Personal Learning Analysis Template [DOCX] Download Personal Learning Analysis Template [DOCX], write a 5–7 page paper that addresses your learning processes in the following areas: Metacognition. Optimal challenge and performance. Motivation and procrastination. In your paper, do the following: Analyze your skills in specific areas of metacognition, supporting your thinking with information from […]

3-2 deV.

3-2 Final Project Milestone One: Draft of Developmental Issue For Milestone One, you will submit a draft of your developmental issue. You will utilize research to identify a developmental issue relevant to this course. You are expected to use the library to locate two to three articles to provide additional information on the developmental issue […]

3-1 DEV.

3-1 Discussion: Co-Sleeping and SIDS Child-rearing presents as a set of culturally bound practices that can complement or conflict with research and health promotional practices. The practice of co-sleeping and the risk reduction practices for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) have become conflictual in recent years. In preparation for this discussion, review the website and […]