
3-2 Milestone One: Background and Basics of the Theory For this milestone assignment, you will complete Section I: Background and Basics of the Theory of the final project. To complete this assignment, review the following documents: ● Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric ● Final Project Guidelines and Rubric ● Milestone One Template


3-1 Discussion: Neo-Freudians You will be assigned a theory according to your last name. Your instructor may reassign you to a different theory as needed, so check the announcements for reassignments. Consider how these theories have changed over time or are perceived differently through history. First Letter of Last Name Assigne d Theory A–H Adler […]

resp 7

attached Comment to your peer: Identifying effective reinforcers for each individual and circumstance is important in behavior analysis because each individual has unique preferences, and what serves as a reinforcer for one person might not work for another. That’s why reinforcers must be tailored to the individual’s likes and needs for it to work. We […]

resp 8

attached Comment to your peer: Since reinforcement is a phenomenon that is not universally applicable, it is essential to identify the reinforcers that work best for each individual and situation. Since each person is different, what may be reinforcing for one may not be for another due to differences in needs, preferences, and motives. Positive […]

Health psychology

 1.Eustress and Distress affect the physical functioning of the body in similar ways. What is the difference between these two types of stress? Also discuss the physical stress response. What are stress hormones and what do they do in the human body?  2.  We all live with challenges to our health and wellness. For some […]

Healthy Life Habits and Managing Stress

 What are some of the strategies for managing stress in one’s daily life? What are healthy life habits that can aid in decreasing the impact of stress? See attachment. Weekly Assignment.    

Discussion Replies

YENROSE DISCUSSION CLASSMATE’S REPLIES: Sharon Lewis May 20, 2024, 11:28 AM Unread Happy Monday,    Empirical Journal Articles had a purpose to present original findings, include abstracts, introductions, methods, results and discussions. With content we focus on specific hypotheses and new data. Review Journal Articles purpose is to summarize and evaluate existing research. Structure**: Varies, […]

lect 9

attached EAB4764 Assessment and Intervention Lecture Engagement: Written Lecture Summary Student Name: Date Completed: Student ID: Please answer the questions below in a narrative form. Each answer should be a complete paragraph. 1. What was the main point of the video/podcast? 2. Provide 2 major points discussed and describe those points. 3. What did you […]


Reaction report instructions in files  video link included 

PSY 200

Application Paper 1) You will turn in 1 application/reaction paper for the course. • The goal of this paper is to first help you absorb information from lectures and readings, then let you go beyond presented information to explore what interests you the most. • The paper should include a brief description of the social […]

Psychology Week 7 Assignment

1 Cultural Humility in Practice Student Name Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Capella University PSY 7710: Ethics for Behavior Analysts Instructor Name Assignment Due Date Culture in Behavior Analysis Please note, all italicized writing in this template is for instructional purposes. You will not be using italics. Remove all instructions in your paper.) In […]


  The article news article that I chose for this week’s discussion deals with a Texas attorney who pleaded guilty to slipping an abortion medication into his pregnant wife’s drinks. Mason Herring, a Houston attorney, was initially charged with felony assault to induce abortion but was given a plea deal for charges of injury to […]

pc 11

Problem to Solution speech outline – topic  is single parent household 

PSY 3761

Instructions are attached  Social Networking and Mental Health Discuss the various positive and negative effects of our current technology on mental health. What concerns do you have (if any) about social networking as it pertains to mental health? Posts should read approximately 200 words in APA format, including any citations

PSY 3100

Instructions are attached Find a peer-reviewed journal article that relates to one of the topics below. Thoroughly read the article and provide a 400- to 500-word summary of your article presented as a response or opinion on the topic. There is no right or wrong response. Points will be earned for proper grammar, spelling, organization, […]


please help with assignment  Please make the needed corrections to the Final proposal that was submitted.

week 9

attached Comment about it: This week we’re covering the topic: Identity! do people figure out who they are and what they want to do with their lives? This week you’ll learn about the biological, social, and cognitive factors that impact who we are, how our definition of ourselves changes, and some of the theories on […]

Child Development

What is child development and why is it important to study? Reading and Resources

psych week 3 dq 1

 SEE ATTACHMENT FOR DQ PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods Quantitative Legitimation Model (Onwuegbuzie, 2003) Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, Ph.D., P.G.C.E., F.S.S. This is a companion document to the Week 3 Internal Validity and External Validity PowerPoint. Figure 1 is a graphic of Onwuegbuzie’s “Quantitative Legitimation Model” Table 1 is a table containing descriptions of the […]

Discussion 1

Please help with assignment  Discussion 1 Science is a method of knowing about the world. People often believe that science attempts to prove facts, but in science we rarely use the word “prove” or “fact”. If people understand what science is and how the various terms like theory vs. hypothesis work together, it might clarify […]


A Laboratory Study of Fear: The case of Peter Read the original journal article.       -Summarize the study similar to how you would write an annotated bibliography.       -Describe in detail the methods and participants. Describe weaknesses and any ethical issues that may be present.       -Suggest another culture where this study could be replicated and the steps […]