PSY 3421 week 7, 7.3

· Respond to at least two (2) peers · APA format · 100 word minimum each reply Peer 1: Heymi Amsel’s frustration theory is based on the assumption that when an individual experiences a blockage or interference in achieving a goal, they will become frustrated. This frustration then leads to various behavioral and cognitive responses […]

PSY 3421 week 7, 7.4

Directions: As you did last week, please turn in the data you have collected this week on your behavioral modification project. You may also want to begin working on your final report and presentation that will be due next week.

PSY 3344 week 7, 7.3

A Friend of the Pod Journal and Paper More and more information is becoming available via podcasts. This assignment is designed to help you become more familiar with this source of information. Choose any podcast that you currently do not listen to that talks about some aspect of multiculturalism. This can be in any context […]

PSY 3344 week 7 reply

Reply Post Your reply post should read 500 to 600 words and should reference at least one citation from the article the other student read for their initial post. To receive the maximum points, your post should include references from all of this week’s readings and an article other students read. Prompt Analyze another student’s […]

Psychology QR&A Week 4 Major Assignment 1

To prepare for this Assignment: Finalize your Parts 1, 2, and the Annotated Bibliography of your Major Assignment 1. Then  Submit Parts 1, 2, and your Annotated Bibliography section of your Major Assignment 1. 

Treating Alcoholism through a Narrative Approcah

Review the attached Article regarding a Case Study using Narrative Therapy. Provide a summary, and discuss 3 learning points that will be important in using the Narrative Approach in Substance Abuse.

feed back li

  I find it to be interesting to view various research articles on the same construct, as it provides the opportunity to gain new perspectives.. This was evident, as you and I both found research supportive of the construct of optimism, with additionally focusing on the same measurement. In what way do you feel gaining new […]

6-2 DEV

6-2 Journal: Reflection on Temperament and Attachment Utilizing the concepts of temperament and attachment, reflect on your own experiences as a child, those of a child you know, or those of a fictional child featured in media (book, film, television, etc.). For additional details, please refer to the guidelines and rubric document.

6-1 DEV

6-1 Discussion: Social and Cultural IQ Influence Historically, research on the determinants of intelligence quotient (IQ) has led to many questions: Is IQ fixed or fluid? Is IQ an innate quality of the human brain or do intelligence tests define IQ? If testing defines IQ, does this mean that changes in intelligence testing will result […]


6-2 Annotated Bibliography: Part 3 In this module, you will continue to work on your Annotated Bibliography. This is to help you organize the research that you conduct for this class and for your final project. Please refer to the Annotated Bibliography Example for additional information. To help format your assignment, use Sections IX through […]


6-1 Discussion: Social Problems For this discussion, identify a real-world social issue and discuss how biological or genetic factors may influence the issue. Examples of social problems include bullying, criminology, obesity, and alcoholism. Select a social issue for this post and discuss some of the biological or genetic factors that can negatively influence this issue. […]


Article From chapter 14 of your textbook, describe three of the following family systems therapy interventions: joining, boundary setting, unbalancing, reframing, ordeals, paradoxical interventions, and enactments. · Describe the following  only so far as you feel comfortable sharing : If you divided your family of origin into subsystems, who would be in the parental subsystem? […]

PSY 3421 week 7 Disc #1

Instructions are attached  Prompt PART I Travis is teaching a course of average difficulty. On the first day, he informs his class that the course is very hard and that very few students earn grades higher than C. He knows that this is an exaggeration. He expects that the grades will be distributed just as […]

PSY 3421 Week 7 Disc #2

Instructions are attached  Prompt Explain the basic assumptions of Amsel’s frustration theory and how the theory accounts for paradoxical reward effects. Give and explain two situations (that were not mentioned in the textbook) of situations you have experienced or encountered where this theory resulted in paradoxical reward effects. Parameters · Answer the entire prompt · […]


Current Issues For this assignment, you are to find a news article that discusses or depicts a current issue involving older adults, provide a summary of the article, how it relates to the class topic, and your thoughts/opinion/questions after reading the article. You are welcome to find articles in local/national news, pop culture news, etc. […]

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This milestone is all about drafting a much as you can of your Chapter 2: Literature Review. Remember, as discussed in class, you should begin by drafting the body sections of your literature review. Every body section will have its own Level 2 heading. It is up to you if you want to break that […]

Unit 8 DB: Case Study

 Your textbook describes several advantages and disadvantages of the case study research method, which are listed below:Advantages A Source of Ideas about Behavior An Opportunity for Clinical Innovation A Method to Study Rare Phenomena  A Method for Challenging to Theoretical Assumptions  A Method for Providing Tentative Support for a Psychological Theory Disadvantages Difficulty of Drawing […]


Please see the attached document for specific instructions and questions. Overview of Mental Health Conditions Trauma- and stress-related disorders have become more common among individuals seeking counseling. There is a significant push in mental health counseling to become trauma-informed. It can be argued that almost everyone experiences trauma at some point in their life. However, […]


 A problem statement narrowly defines your topic area to a specific problem or issue. 

PSY 3344 week 7 Disc

Instructions are attached  Initial Post Your initial post should read 500 to 600 words, with the accompanying citations/references in APA format. To receive the maximum points, your post should include citations/references from all of this week’s readings and an additional article of your choosing. Prompt In what ways are health inequities related to healthcare access […]

Human Development

see attachment  Risk Behaviors Discussion Question: · What are the main risk behaviors during adolescence, what factors influence their appearance, and how can they be prevented? Explain and justify your answer. Remember to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 PM Eastern on Wednesday.   · […]

Human Development

see attachment  Risk Behaviors Discussion Question: · What are the main risk behaviors during adolescence, what factors influence their appearance, and how can they be prevented? Explain and justify your answer. Remember to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 PM Eastern on Wednesday.   · […]

Social psychology

see attachment  Define Concepts Instructions: Define the following basic concepts related to social psychology, using the technical vocabulary of the module. · · · Social influence · Exchange theory · Social influence theory · Conformity · Asch  · Moscovici  · Affiliation · Acceptance · Obedience · Milgram’s studies · Pro-social behavior · Altruism Contribute a […]

Social psychology

see attachment  Discussion Forum Instructions:  Answer the following questions:  · · What techniques have some websites used to get people to meet a partner? · Why do people defy the law? · Why have good people do things against their will? · How do we allow ourselves to be influenced by others?  Remember to review […]

Health psychology-Abuse of Medical System/ Book review

 There are many forms of abuse in the current US medical system. Some of these abuses are initiated by medical professional and some are initiated by the consumer. Explore “both sides” of this issue as you research the topic this week.   The Immortal Henrietta Lacks – The Infamous Unit 731 – Doctor’s From Hell 

Health Psychology

PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT!!!!!!!! 1. How does the body respond to stress? Include both immediate physical responses and long-term affects of stress. 2.   Fully discus at least two aspects of how the current medical system is abused. 3.   Discuss two possible interventions to decrease the impact of daily life stress. 4.  Fully discuss the difference between […]

Abuse of the medical system

There are many forms of abuse in the current US medical system. Some of these abuses are initiated by medical professional and some are initiated by the consumer. Explore “both sides” of this issue as you research the topic this week.

evalu 5

attached Anonymous Peer Creation 2 · 23 words ·     Impolite: One time Jason was rude and impolite to his mother. When she called his name, he said “what do you want?!”

evalu 6

attached Anonymous Peer Creation 3 · 22 words ·     Eloping: each instance in which someone leaves the room without permission from an adult or a demand to leave the area.

evalu 4

attached Anonymous Peer Creation 1 · 84 words · Drinking from a straw: Each instance in which Susan puts her lips around a straw, uses the straw to suction water into her mouth, then uses her tongue to swallow it. · Examples: only count when a straw is used to suction the liquid and swallowing […]

Abuse of the medical system

There are many forms of abuse in the current US medical system. Some of these abuses are initiated by medical professional and some are initiated by the consumer. How van we Explore “both sides” of this issue?

introduction seminar

see attachment  Module 5: Managing Time and Stress We all experience stress from a variety of sources in our lives; job stress, home stress, financial stress, you may even be feeling some academic stress realizing you have to participate in a discussion this week! As you prepare your  Anti-Stress Agenda assignment  this week, let’s take […]

introduction seminar

see attachment Module 5: Assignment 1-“My Anti-Stress Agenda” Instructions: This assignment aims to introspect and reflect on the most relevant topics this week. “Discover” your procrastination style and discuss how you intend to overcome it. To achieve this, complete the following test:  Procrastination test. (n.d.). IDRlabs.  to an external site. and review the module items where procrastination […]


see attachment  Module 5: Word Processing Programs and Key Features Instructions: 1. Select two basic functions of word processing programs. 2. Use a chart diagram to compare the two basic functions and their key features. You must include at least four characteristics in each column. Write complete sentences and be mindful of grammar errors. To […]


see attachment  Module 5: Microsoft Word, Three Ways After studying the content of the module and the suggested resources, participate and comment on the multiple versions of Microsoft Word (desktop, online, and mobile). Make an initial contribution paragraph describing the version of Word on your computer, Word online (, and Word mobile (iOS or android). […]

Psychology Cultural Conversation Assignment

Please see attached and use all reading materials.  HSCO 509 Cultural Conversation Assignment Instructions Overview It is important for human resources professionals to be aware of their own cultural identities, acknowledge their values and beliefs, and be prepared to navigate situations involving cultural and value differences. The purpose of this assignment is to practice having […]

Psychology Journal Article Review: The Bible and the Christian Counselor Assignment

Please See attached !  Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission […]

week 6

  Select from one of the following categories: Moral Judgement Spiritual and Religious Concepts Creativity Emotional Intelligence Optimism Gratitude Sense of Humor Then find a scale that measures the construct (include name). Describe what the scale entails (type, range of scores, sample items). Include the reliability and validity of the scale.  If the scale is […]

Psychology Psyc assignment

See attachment Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Time I woke up: Total # of hours slept: How rested I feel on a scale of 1 – 10 (0=awful -> 10=great): # of caffeinated drinks today: Time of last caffeinated drink: Exercise or meditation completed today (minutes): Did I use any technology in the […]


Need help with making a mental health poster. Overview Combating low quality information with scientific evidence is a challenge faced by most human services professionals. Posters can be used to provide easy-to-digest facts in a visually appealing way, as an aid to challenging flawed information. The objective of this assignment is to communicate persuasively and […]

Adolescent Discussion

Instructions and materials are provided below. Initial response to question/ topics: 300 to 500 words • Response to peer 1: at least 100 words   • Response to peer 2 at least 100 words Initial Discussion · What did you learn about adolescent development, the adolescent brain, the adolescent experience, or contextual factors in adolescent […]

Psychology Unit 7 Assignment/Final Project: Literature Review

PSY341 – Research Methods in the Social Sciences Unit 7 Final Assignment: The Literature Review Due Date: Points: 100 Overview: For this assignment, you will write a literature review based on your approved topic from Unit 2. You should incorporate into your literature review information from the peer-reviewed journal articles you found in Units 3, […]

Psychiatric assessment interview of a child/adolescent

 This assessment should NOT be on a patient that you have encountered in your work, but instead, should be a family member or friend. Your assessment should be comprehensive, and you should refer to course texts to inform items for inclusion in your assessment.  Template included.


  Symptom Media. (Producer). (2016). Training title 2Links to an external site.[Video]. Symptom Media. (Producer). (2016). Training title 8Links to an external site. [Video]. Symptom Media. (Producer). (2017). Training title 18Links to an external site. [Video]. Symptom Media. (Producer). (2016). Training title 28 Links to an external site.[Video]. 8 Symptom Media. (Producer). (2016). Training title […]


Article Page 1 of 8 Counseling Treatment Plan Project General Instructions Most of you will have never worked in a therapy session with a client or clients. There is no way to prepare you for that experience unless you begin to think as if you were in that situation. Theories are important to know, but […]

PSY 3421 week 6, 6.2 reply

Instructions are attached  · Respond to at least two (2) peers with 100 words as the minimum peer response · APA format Peer 1: Carolyn Rescorla-Wagner, feature, prototype, and exemplar theory can all guide categorization performance. However, not all necessarily work in the context of the alien example provided. Moreover, using more than one theory […]