lec 3

attached Instructions: Watch “Episode 19: Ethics Code Update: Section 3, Responsibility to Clients and Stakeholders” (BACB Podcast) [30 min.], below. Then, complete Template – Lecture Engagement Summary.docx .  The podcast episode addresses the changes in the new code compared to the previous code. For question 2, when thinking about 2 main points, consider addressing 2 […]

learning objective

i need help Module III – Examine the contribution of individual and group participation in the American political process Chapters 6, 7, 8, and 9 Chapter 6 1. Identify the factors of political socialization leading to party identification including demographic characteristics and focusing events. 2. Identify appropriate polling techniques such as sample size, framing effects, […]

Perceptual Illusions

  Falon Owens 8/26/24, 9:34 AM NEW This is known as a Hybrid image. It looks like 1 person close up and another one far away. I see Albert Einstein close up and Marilyn Monroe when I’m far away.

Theory of personality

see attached  Assessment (Journal) Instructions:  Based on what you have read and learned in this module, discuss how social cognitive theories can be applied to the workplace and how what is discussed in the module can be applied to your life and personal experiences. The student must answer this question in paragraph mode, preferably in […]

Theory of personality

see attachment  Motivation vs. Self-Efficacy Instructions:  Read this week’s course material. Based on the information learned, argue with a paragraph: · What is more important when performing a complex task: motivation or self-efficacy?   Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 PM Eastern on Wednesday.   · Contribute a  minimum of 200 words […]

Personal Growth

see attachment  Autonomy, Interpersonal Relationships, and Personal Success Instructions:  View the module discussion material and additional electronic resources for this module (including videos). Reflect on what you have learned in this module and answer the following questions: · · What do you think motivates human beings to relate to others? · How does culture influence […]

Personal Growth

see attachment  Diversity, Tolerance, and Respect in Human Relations View the PowerPoint presentation for this module and additional resources. Then, do a database search for scientific psychology studies related to the topics discussed in this module. Be specific in your search and prioritize research related to diversity in human relationships and effective communication in psychology. […]

Social Development1

The Culture of the Family When you were growing up, did your family eat dinner together?  How were stories, routines, and rituals used to communicate a sense of you and your culture? Parenting practices vary across cultures (see text box in Chapter 7, pp. 274-275).  What cultures influenced your own parents’ practices with respect to […]

Social Development

Cultural Experiences, Self-Esteem, and Identity How do you think your own cultural experiences influenced your development of self-esteem as a child? Your sense of identity as a teen and young adult? Reference the key concepts about identity formation in your response. *Chapter Reading attached for reference to answer questions.

Discussion Board

  Consider all of the information you read (and viewed) in this module regarding child welfare practice, information you gained from past courses and personal experiences (please do not share more than you are comfortable sharing and protect confidentiality in any information shared), and compare that to your experiences thus far this semester with your […]

Pschology Help

Could I please get help with these Articles PY 550 Article Review Guidelines For this assignment, you are to write a scholarly/academic “critical review” for each of two journal articles you choose from those provided. Each review should be at least 2-3 pages in length (not including title and reference pages). Q: What is a […]


PSYC 210 Discussion Assignment Instructions The student will complete 1 Discussion in this course. The student will post one thread of 300-500 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assigned Module: Week. The student must then post 2 replies with 150-250 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the assigned Module: Week. […]

Perceptual Illusions

 Share your chosen illusion in the discussion. Tell the class the name of the illusion and what you see when you look at it.  

Wk 6 Lev Vygotsky Theory

Depiction of  Vygotsky’s Theory Background and Origin of Theory Compare to Piaget’s Theory  Piaget vs Vygotsky: Similarities and Differences Between Their Theories | 2024 (psychologyfor.com)   Vygotsky: Life, Theories, and Influence of Lev Vygotsky (verywellmind.com) 

URL #3

From Chapter 5:  Psychology was one of the first professional fields to welcome women (if a bit cautiously at first). What is the gender situation in the field today?  How would you explain the current situation and what do you think the ramifications are? Chapter  6: Today, because of the Nazis in WWII, the term […]

VMock Resume Submission

VMock Aspire How-To Guide VMock Aspire helps users get instant feedback on their LinkedIn profi le with targeted and personalized recommendations on how to improve the language, content and keyword optimization of their LinkedIn profi le. Using Aspire, students can strengthen their search engine ranking, improve profi le visibility and create a consistent story across […]

Discussion Board

   Respond to the following: Chapter 11 in book:    Title From trauma to healing: A social worker’s guide to   working with survivors   Author Goelitz, A. and Stewart-Kahn, A.   ISBN 9780367029258   Publisher Routledge/Taylor and Francis It discusses many ways to build safe relationships. Please list and discuss the seven relationship tips and […]

Help 6

See Attachment Instructions: Topic: Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) · Discuss the description and purpose of the instrument, the population it was designed to assess, the results that it will provide, and interpretations that can be made from the results. · Must be 1-2 pages in length · APA Format · 100% No Plagiarism !! Will […]

Article Review

Article PY 550 Article Review Guidelines For this assignment, you are to write a scholarly/academic “critical review” for each of two journal articles you choose from those provided. Each review should be at least 2-3 pages in length (not including title and reference pages). Q: What is a critical review? A: The word “critical” does […]


PSYC 210 Discussion Assignment Instructions The student will complete 1 Discussion in this course. The student will post one thread of 300-500 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assigned Module: Week. The student must then post 2 replies with 150-250 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the assigned Module: Week. […]


Assignment Information Short answer questions are given in some classes based on the textbook readings and the videos you will watch. You will be working with group members to answer the questions. After you discuss the questions, you will write the answers individually in your own words and upload the assignments to Blackboard individually. Working […]

phl260 project three draft

Describe the background of the case. Summarize the events that are presented in the case. Cite your chosen case study.

Human Development

Please see attached document for specific details Human Development Paper This is only a general guide on how to start literature research. It varies according to the theme and topic, in your own words. No copy and paste as it cannot be accepted, and Turnitin reports the similarity, and if it is above the acceptance […]

Psychology 4-MAT Review Behun & Owens Assignment

Please see the attached DBFA 615 4-MAT Review Paper Assignment Instructions Overview The 4-MAT Review system is a way of responding to readings that requires you to interact with new ideas covered in the Dobson and Deal texts on several levels. Each 4-MAT Review Paper Assignment should be divided into four sections, the Summary, the […]

Psychology Week 4 Assignment ORG 6499

See attached Healthcare Discrimination During the Pandemic Prior to beginning work on this assignment, · Review Chapter 4 in  Diversity, Cultural Humility, and the Helping Professions: Building Bridges Across Difference, and investigate the issues of structural racial discrimination that subcultures face when seeking medical assistance associated with social, economic, and environmental. · Read the article […]

Week 4 Discussion Board ORG 6499

See attached Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 4 in  Diversity, Cultural Humility, and the Helping Professions: Building Bridges Across Difference, and investigate the issues of structural racial discrimination that subcultures face in when seeking medical assistance associated with social, economic, and environmental disadvantage. Loue, S. (2022).  Diversity, cultural humility, and […]

Making Stress Your Friend

After viewing the videos on Making Stress your friend and On Generosity and taking the Holmes and Rahe stress scale, discuss how you will utilize what you learned about your stress and health and positive coping methods to help make stress your friend. 

world cultures

see attachment The Minotaur  Study the myth of the Minotaur using the videos included in the references. In a short essay, explain in your own words how the myth of the Minotaur reflects humans’ ability to problem-solve using reason. Include a modern-day example to explain your findings. Be sure to review the  academic expectations  for your […]

world cultures

see attachment  Module 6: Discussion Forum: Human Freedom    Human Freedom  Study Homer’s influence on the Greeks. Compare a modern-day example of influence in the society where you live. Remember to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 p.m. ET on Wednesday, and react critically […]

Article Review

Article PY 550 Article Review Guidelines For this assignment, you are to write a scholarly/academic “critical review” for each of two journal articles you choose from those provided. Each review should be at least 2-3 pages in length (not including title and reference pages). Q: What is a critical review? A: The word “critical” does […]

general psychology

see attachment Module 6:  Assignment: Literature Review Essay Perform a literature review of recent scientific articles and use analytical skills to write an essay. Instructions 1. Search for scientific articles related to motivation and emotion in Psychology. It would be best only to use  articles published in the last five years for this assignment. 2. […]

general psychology

see attachment  Module 6:  Discussion Forum – Theories of Motivation and Emotion Reflect on theories of motivation and emotion throughout history. Instructions a. Search for academic information regarding theories of motivation and emotion that have been proposed at different times throughout history. Select one theory of motivation or emotion from the past that you found […]

lab 2

In-class Assignment – 2 Please read the scenarios below and answer the following questions: Scenario 1: Participants were randomly assigned to one of the four groups to investigate how different types of exercise and times of day influence their perceived energy levels. These groups included individuals engaging in cardiovascular exercise either in the morning or […]

10-4 NEURO

Textbook: Physiology of Behavior,  Physiology of Behavior Neil R. Carlson and Melissa A. Birkett Pearson Thirteenth Edition 2021


Textbook: Physiology of Behavior,  Physiology of Behavior Neil R. Carlson and Melissa A. Birkett Pearson Thirteenth Edition 2021

10-1 NERUO

10-1 Discussion: Seizures Describe one type of seizure common in childhood or adolescence, focusing on possible causes, how the seizure manifests, and possible treatments. How could uncontrolled seizures negatively affect development? What are the risks and benefits of the various treatments for the seizure you selected? To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

10-1 intervention

10-1 Final Project Submission: Intervention Plan and Assessment Tools Submit your intervention plan. The paper should encompass all areas of the class, including what assessment tools were implemented to aid in developing a well-rounded treatment plan for a child presenting with mental or behavioral issues as a direct result of being involved in the legal […]

Cultural Reflection

 Focus on the rationale for why we should seek to understand the perplexing phenomenon of suicide from distinctly cultural perspectives.

PSY 4462 week 4 questions

· five questions · No outside sources required · Any references/resources used must be cited within your essay response · APA Format 1. Describe the challenges related to confidentiality when the psychotherapy client is a child or adolescent, as well as suggestions for resolving these challenges. 2. Explain how the size and scope of the […]

Theories Grid

Can someone help me create a grid? Page 1 of 5 Theories Grid Guidelines and Scoring Guidelines General Instructions It can be difficult to make distinctions between the various theoretical models studied in this course. Some of the theories/models use the same terms but might attach different meanings to them. Other theories use different terms […]

Publick Speaking

Week 4 Assigment: Instructions 1. You must view the Ted Talk video for this Assignment. Follow the four Guidelines mention in the video to prepare you major idea for your speech. 1. Major Idea 2. Give your listeners a reason to care 3. Build your idea with familiar idea 4. Make your idea worth sharing […]

Psychology Psychology homework

  Assignment Instructions: Complete the Further Research and Conclusion sections of your work. 1. Complete: 5B Further Research and Conclusion Worksheet  2. Submit: your completed worksheet into Moodle for grading. 3. Review Feedback: after your assignment is graded, log back into Moodle to review feedback left by the professor. 4. Update Sample work: After you […]

VT&CF Week 5 Assignment

To prepare: Review the Learning Resources on the physiological response to trauma and fight, flight, or freeze.  Access and navigate to your selected case in the Case Studies interactive media in the Learning Resources. Analyze the symptoms experienced by the social worker in your chosen case study. Consider whether they fall into the category of […]

VT&CF Week 5 Discussion

To prepare: Review the Learning Resources on the physiological response to trauma. Recall a day at your field placement or in another professional setting when you were exposed to others’ trauma. This could be related to the same event and client you discussed in Week 2, or it could be different. Consider the sensations you […]

psych wk 7

Part A (300 Words) 1. How does Bayes’s Rule work? 2. What is the connection between Bayesianism and Gestalt approaches to perception? 3. How does the massive modularity thesis differ from Fodor’s way of thinking about modularity?   Remember to receive full points on the discussion board make sure to: · In your initial Reply […]

RS Prop

1 Literature Review on Brain Injuries Due to Combat September 8, 2024 Introduction Traumatic brain injuries are some of the most disabling types of injuries that can happen to military personnel during combat or battle. Modern warfare, which involves the improvisation of explosive devices, for instance, has increasingly caused such injuries. Long-lasting cognitive, emotional, and […]

PSY 319 W3 Discussion Responses

What do you think about what they said? DIRECTIONS: For your response posts, do the following: · Reply to at least two classmates outside of your own initial post thread, with at least two paragraphs for each response. · Each response MUST include a scholarly source or scholarly sources. · Demonstrate more depth and thought than saying things […]

PSY 491 Milestone Two

What do you know about the five core social motives? PSY 491 Module Two Milestone Guidelines and Rubric Overview In this milestone, you will reflect upon aspects of your identity using Susan Fiske’s 5 Core Social Motives to prepare you for Project One. You may want to revisit  A Review of Susan Fiske 5 Core […]

PSY 319 W2 Erikson vs Marcia

Compare and contrast the developmental theories of Erikson and Marcia.  2-2 Short Paper: Erikson vs. Marcia *MUST INCLUDE SCHOLARLY SOURCES* Compare and contrast the developmental theories of Erikson and Marcia. How did they view the formation of identity? What are their strengths and limitations? Provide examples to support your thinking. What to Submit Short paper […]