Self analysis
Part 1: Leadership Analysis a 525- to 700-word self-analysis of your leadership abilities as it relates to health care organizations. Explain the skills necessary for leading health care organizations. Compare leadership in health care environments to leadership in non-health care environments. Analyze yourself as a leader, addressing the questions below: · What did you learn about being a leader […]
refle 3
Child Physiology
see attachment Case Study Conduct an Interview to Conduct a Clinical Case Study of One (1) of the Following Stages: · Breastfeeding · Early Childhood · Middle Childhood · Puberty · Adolescence Instructions: Guide for Conducting the Clinical Case Study of One (1) Developmental Stage A case study is a research design that allows for […]
assitant needed p
please see attachment PSY 121: Developmental Psychology Learning Unit 10: Assignment Preparing for Alzheimer’s Disease SLO: Analyze biological, cognitive, and socioemotional developmental processes for late adulthood, apply developmental psychological content to real-life situations to include individual differences, beliefs, values, and interpersonal relationships, and develop critical thinking skills. For this assignment, watch TED Talk: Alanna Shaikh-How […]
Lesson Plan
lesson plan assignment Introduction Imagine that you are a tutor and the following four people have come to you for assistance. Read the following four case studies and choose one as the focus for your assignment. You’ll create a lesson plan for that student using the Lesson Plan Template. In your plan consider the student’s […]
Professional Ethics
What is online Counseling? This file is too large to display.View in new window
Discussion Board You will be required to participate in the eight discussion prompts posted on the Canvas Discussion Board throughout the course of the semester. These will relate to assigned course materials. Your responses should incorporate course content assigned during that week and should be approximately 250 words (total, for both prompts). Please select and […]
(T) psych
Overview Welcome to Module Two! Module Two is all about self-justification, conformity, and compliance-related behaviors. What are the social-psychological processes associated with our tendencies to justify our actions, behaviors, and feelings? Is conformity good or bad? Why do people conform to group pressure? Why don’t bystanders always come to the aid of victims of injury […]
Define your professional brand. Explain how you will fulfill your responsibility as a scholar, practitioner, and leader. Summarize how this course has impacted your expectations for pursuing your DHA
see below
LEARNING RESOURCES Required Resources APA STYLE American Psychological Association. (2019, October). About APA style ( . Walden University. (2021). APA basics checklist ( . Note: This interactive tutorial teaches the basics of APA style. It will take you approximately 20 minutes to complete this tutorial. Walden University, LLC. (2021). APA tutorial [Interactive media] ( […]
Article review 2
Review a professional resource ( peer-reviewed journal or text ) on counseling after a School Shooting. The review must provide the following (hummm…these look like headings in a paper to me; hint, hint): 1. Source reference in APA 7th reference style, 1b. Citations as necessary (this is only an issue if you reference other’s article […]
Math, some English, Bio
Please read carefully 150 bid every two weeks to complete until course is complete on time.
Article Review
Can someone help me complete this review Article Review Instructions: Please Read Carefully Page 4 of 4 Article Review Instructions: Please Read Carefully You will write an article review, relevant to this week’s learning module and readings. You will select the article yourself by searching the UWA Library Databases. The article you choose should be […]
Article Review
Help with assignment You will write an article review, relevant to this week’s learning module and readings. You will select the article yourself by searching the UWA Library Databases. The article you choose should be a research article (has a hypothesis that is empirically tested). Pick an article relevant to a topic covered in the weekly […]
This assignment comes with 2 parts, parts A and B. Failure to do both will result in a significant drop in the grade. Part A For each research question below, write a hypothesis, define the best type of research (descriptive, correlational, or experiment) to use, and explain how you would design the necessary study. Your […]
You are responsible for leadership development in your health care organization. List 3 strategies for leadership development. Provide a rationale for each strategy. Consider the elements of your leadership development plan.
Article Review
Article Instructions for article review You will write an article review, relevant to this week’s learning module and readings. You will select the article yourself by searching the UWA Library Databases. The article you choose should be a research article (has a hypothesis that is empirically tested). Pick an article relevant to a topic covered in […]
critical thinking
Topic: The Tuskegee Experiment Find information from your text and/or from other reputable sources. Provide a brief, yet thorough overview of the experiment and the ethical problems involved in the scenario. Cite your sources. Discuss which of the three major principles from the Belmont Report (1. Respect for Persons, 2. Benficience, 3. Justice) are violated […]
Principle of Ethics
· Minimum of 2 scholarly sources (in addition to the textbook . Instructions For this week. Do this in the form of powerpoint. Option 1: The first option is to name and describe in detail a key specific and recent healthcare technology. What are at least two key moral problems this technology creates? What are the […]
Need help completing Article Review Instructions: Please Read Carefully Page 4 of 4 Article Review Instructions: Please Read Carefully You will write an article review, relevant to this week’s learning module and readings. You will select the article yourself by searching the UWA Library Databases. The article you choose should be a research article (has […]
EAB4764 Assessment and Intervention Lecture Engagement: Written Lecture Summary Student Name: Date Completed: Student ID: Please answer the questions below in a narrative form. Each answer should be a complete paragraph. 1. What was the main point of the video/podcast? 2. Provide 2 major points discussed and describe those points. 3. What did you learn […]
Article The Gloria Tapes The Gloria tapes showcase the approach of three of the pioneers in the foundation of individual psychotherapy and their very different approaches to the challenges of a single patient -Gloria. Review each of the videos below in preparation for completing this assignment. All Three approaches at once Car Rogers – Person […]
EAB4764 Assessment and Intervention Lecture Engagement: Written Lecture Summary Student Name: Date Completed: Student ID: Please answer the questions below in a narrative form. Each answer should be a complete paragraph. 1. What was the main point of the video/podcast? 2. Provide 2 major points discussed and describe those points. 3. What did you learn […]
Discussion Board You will be required to participate in the eight discussion prompts posted on the Canvas Discussion Board throughout the course of the semester. These will relate to assigned course materials. Your responses should incorporate course content assigned during that week and should be approximately 250 words (total, for both prompts). Please select and […]
discussion post
In this discussion, define “confidence” using behavioral terms, avoiding mentalistic explanations. Describe a specific time when you felt confident, and analyze the situation by identifying the antecedents, behaviors, consequences, and contextual factors that contributed to that feeling. Connect your explanation to the principles of reinforcement schedules or functional relationships discussed in the course.
Case Study 1 Instructions Make sure to fully respond to each question and to use the rubric to guide your writing (the rubric is used to determine your grade). Your assignments should be written in accordance with APA 6th edition guidelines and contain two professional sources (your text-book may count as one of your resources). […]
Research Proposal Topic
Topic is DIVORCE RATES Name: Date: Signature Project Stage 1 – Research Proposal Topic ED 504 – Spring 2025 OL1 Note: It must be a quantitative experimental design study. 1. Problem statement: 2. Best practice used to address your problem: 3. Hypothesis: 4. Study Population: 5a. Independent Variable: 5b. Dependent Variable: 6. Brief plan of […]
Theory matrix wk 2
Table of Context Theory Page Numbers Great Man 3 Trait (Big 5) 4-6 Skills Based Approach Behavioral Approach Leader Emergence Bases of Power Leadership and Influence Situational Theory Path-Goal Theory Great Man Theory Scholars Thomas Carlyle, 1841 Vital Information Foundations, Arguments, Assumptions Argument: Born vs Made · Hero worship · Godly power to shape the […]
REPLY TO THE FOLLOWING DISCUSSION BOARD POSTS WITH 250 WORDS EACH POST. THERE ARE TWO DISCUSSION POSTS THAT YOU WILL RESPOND TO, WITH Discussion Prompt 1: 250 WORDS RESPONSE Birds of a feather flock together. This proverb is probably one I’ve used many times in my life and many more times in the last […]
critical thinking
Module One Critical Thinking & Application Prompts (Four Prompts) Prompt 1: Think about some of your most successful (and unsuccessful) leadership experiences. Now consider the central social motives described by Aronson (belonging, understanding others and predicting accurately, control, a need to matter, and trust). Comment on the extent to which each of these social motives […]
Professional Ethics
What are professional ethical values and conflicts? Special Section: DOI: 10.1002/j.1556-6676.2014.00138.x Professionalism, Ethics, and Value-Based Conflicts in Counseling Professionalism, Ethics, and An Introduction to the Special Section Value-Based Conflicts in Counseling: Perry C. Francis and Suzanne M. Dugger, Guest Editors This introduction to this special section of the Journal of Counseling & Development explores the […]
Child Physiology
see attachment Case Study Conduct an Interview to Conduct a Clinical Case Study of One (1) of the Following Stages: · Breastfeeding · Early Childhood · Middle Childhood · Puberty · Adolescence Instructions: Guide for Conducting the Clinical Case Study of One (1) Developmental Stage A case study is a research design that allows for […]
Discussion Board You will be required to participate in the eight discussion prompts posted on the Canvas Discussion Board throughout the course of the semester. These will relate to assigned course materials. Your responses should incorporate course content assigned during that week and should be approximately 250 words (total, for both prompts). Please select and […]
Article review 1
Review a professional resource (peer-reviewed journal or text ) on Psychological First Aid. The review must provide the following (hummm…these look like headings in a paper to me; hint, hint): 1. Source reference in APA 7th reference style, 1b. Citations as necessary (this is only an issue if you reference other’s article information in your […]
HUM 5010 Week 1 Journal
See attached Week 1 – Journal My Future Career in the Human Services [WLO: 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 4] Prior to beginning work on this journal, read Chapter 1 in your text, Moffat’s Helping Those in Need: Human Service WorkersLinks to an external site. , Neukreg’s The Holland Code of Members of the National Organization […]
HUM 5010 Week 1 Learning Activity
See attached Week 1 – Learning Activity Evolution of Human Services: Designing the Historical Context Prior to beginning work on this learning activity, Read Chapter 2 in the assigned text and LoPatin-Lummis’ Protesting About Pauperism: Poverty, Politics and Poor Relief in Late-Victorian England, 1870-1900Links to an external site. . If you want to dive further, […]
Need help in completing this article review Special Section: DOI: 10.1002/j.1556-6676.2014.00138.x Professionalism, Ethics, and Value-Based Conflicts in Counseling Professionalism, Ethics, and Value-Based Conflicts in Counseling: An Introduction to the Special Section Perry C. Francis and Suzanne M. Dugger, Guest Editors This introduction to this special section of the Journal of Counseling & Development explores the […]
assitant needed p
please see attachment PSY 121: Developmental Psychology Learning Unit 9: Assignment Breast Cancer, Ins and Outs SLO: Analyze biological, cognitive, and socioemotional developmental processes for middle adulthood, apply developmental psychological content to real-life situations to include individual differences, beliefs, values, and interpersonal relationships, and develop critical thinking skills. According to the World Health Organization, breast […]
assitant needed p
please see attachment PSY 121: Developmental Psychology Learning Unit 9: Assignment Page 1 of 2 Erickson’s Psychosocial Development Across the Life Span SLO: Human Development – The student will examine and draw conclusions on human development across the lifespan. Directions: Interview someone whom you think is either in Erikson’s integrity vs. despair or generativity vs. […]
frame a research question, and then briefly explain why the topic interests you and how you might operationalize a study (who, what, when, and where) to answer the research question. 2. Describe a recent situation from your work or personal experience that might be improved with more research. Write a research question. Select an approach […]
AUDIT tool
Discuss differences in the AUDIT tool and the AUDIT-C tool. Briefly, what are the pros and cons of using AUDIT-C versus full AUDIT instrument?
Article review
Can someone please help with this article review? You will write an article review, relevant to this week’s learning module and readings. You will select the article yourself by searching the UWA Library Databases. The article you choose should be a research article (has a hypothesis that is empirically tested). Pick an article relevant to a […]
Article review help
Is there anyone available to help me with an article review? Article Review Instructions: Please Read Carefully Page 4 of 4 Article Review Instructions: Please Read Carefully You will write an article review, relevant to this week’s learning module and readings. You will select the article yourself by searching the UWA Library Databases. The article […]
Article Subject: Social Justice and Multicultural You will write an article review, relevant to this week’s learning module and readings. You will select the article yourself by searching the UWA Library Databases. The article you choose should be a research article (has a hypothesis that is empirically tested). Pick an article relevant to a topic covered […]
Article Updated: 08.03.18 Article Review Instructions You will write two article reviews for this course. Each review is worth 15 points. The review should be 1-2 single-spaced pages in a 12-point, Times New Roman font. It is in your best interest to submit your review before it is due so you may check your originality […]
Please see the attached and be aware that before starting you must provide me with the topic name first before proceeding . it must be approved first.
Psychology Homework
Consider the following practice situation and the ethical issues present in the situation. Discussing the ethical concerns (citing the NASW Code of Ethics specific areas which apply), the steps you would take in ethical decision making, and the decision you would make in addressing each of the ethical concerns: Jan is the 16-year-old daughter […]
refle 2
Child Physiology
see attachment Stages of Development After reading the module content, identify the different stages of human development, their growth rates, and defining characteristics. Remember to review the academic expectations for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 PM Eastern on Wednesday. · Contribute a minimum of 250 words for […]