
Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations Grand Canyon University Sample A. Student A PowerPoint presentation can often be used to complement the overall presentation delivery, rather than serving as the presentation. PowerPoint offers numerous presentation templates. These can be found under the “Design” tab. The templates offer pre-designed backgrounds and Title/Text boxes. Use of the “Notes” function […]

TOFP Week 5 Discussion 2

To prepare for this Discussion: Review or familiarize yourself with the types and classifications of drugs on the SAMHSALinks to an external site. Web site. Review Chapter 17, “Drug Courts,” in the course text Handbook of Forensic Mental Health with Victims and Offenders: Assessment, Treatment, and Research. Reflect on the different approaches for treating drug offenders in forensic […]

TOFP Week 5 Discussion 1

To prepare for this Discussion: Review the course document, “Treatment Outcome Models,” found in the introduction area of this week’s discussion, and think about how each model is used to determine the success of treatment approaches. Review Chapter 17, “Drug Courts,” in the course text Handbook of Forensic Mental Health with Victims and Offenders: Assessment, Treatment, and […]

assitant needed p

please see attachment PSY 121: Developmental Psychology Learning Unit 5: Assignment Have It Your Way! Really! SLO: Analyze biological, cognitive, and socioemotional developmental processes for early childhood, apply developmental psychological content to real-life situations to include individual differences, beliefs, values, and interpersonal relationships, and develop critical thinking skills. The purpose of this exercise is to […]

Organizational Behavior

Quenchbliss Case Study: Final Report Scenario: Quenchbliss is a craft soda company headquartered in El Paso, Texas, with additional facilities in Juarez, Mexico. They have 80 full-time employees between the two branches. In 2023 they saw a massive increase in sales from $16 million to $20 million thanks to their expansion into Juarez. This has led […]

ORG 6520 Week 4 Learning Activity

see attached Week 4 Learning Activity Self-Care as a Graduate School Student [WLO: 3] [CLO: 7] Prior to beginning work on this learning activity, review the following resources: · Self-Care Tips for Grad Students Links to an external site. · Pathways to Wellness Personal Wellness Plan Links to an external site. · Personal Wellness Plan […]

Psychology ORG 6520 Week 4 Assignment

see attached Week 4 Assignment Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the following resources: · On Human Dignity and Social WorkLinks to an external site. · A Constructive Ethic in Eliminating Othering, Borders, and WallsLinks to an external site. · Pandemics, Leadership, and Social EthicsLinks to an external site. · Precarious Professionals: The […]

ORG 6499 Week 4 Discussion Forum

see attached Week 4 – Discussion Forum Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review the following resources: · On Human Dignity and Social WorkLinks to an external site. · A Constructive Ethic in Eliminating Othering, Borders, and WallsLinks to an external site. · Trauma Informed Ethics ConsultationLinks to an external site. · Ethical […]

Organizational Behavior

Quenchbliss Case Study: Present Recommendations Scenario: In Touchstone 1, you developed a SWOT analysis to fully understand the position of the Quenchbliss soda company in the current market. You should use that analysis to help inform your decisions on this Touchstone. You will continue your role as an Organizational Behavior Consultant to help Quenchbliss leaders grow […]

Health Care as a Business.

As we all know, health care in the United States is very expensive. Often, this expense is explained by the fact that health care is a business. Consider the various types of health care organizations and the role of the health care administrators within differing health care settings. Describe the primary types of health care organizations.  Explain […]

Psychology final assignment

Topic 8 – Altruism and Cooperation Prosocial Behavior (Obj. 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, IFLW) The purpose of this assignment is to illustrate what you have learned about prosocial behavior and apply concepts of altruism and cooperation to your own life. You may type directly into this worksheet. While APA format is not required for the […]

Gender Differences In Early Development

See Attachment Gender Differences In Early Development Chapter 12 in the course textbook discusses the impacts of caregivers and culture on gender development in early childhood. Based on the textbook chapter and one peer-reviewed journal article, write a paper discussing the gender differences in development from a psychoanalytic and systems perspective. Your paper should account […]


1- Nurses represent the largest and most costly group of professionals in health systems. They are also some of the most in-demand employees in health care environments. As a future health care administrator, describe why nursing staff are so important and expensive. Consider the financial imperatives you will face related to nursing costs in your […]

assistance needed psycology

please see attachment PSY 121: Developmental Psychology Learning Unit 4: Assignment Page 1 of 2 Ruby: A Case Study SLO: Analyze biological, cognitive, and socioemotional developmental processes for infancy, apply developmental psychological content to real-life situations to include individual differences, beliefs, values, and interpersonal relationships, and develop critical thinking skills. Read the following case study. […]


  Week 3 Discussion #2 Initial Post Post a brief description of the journal, along with the journal’s name, how often it is published, the type of research it publishes, and the URL. Then, address the following: In this week’s resources among the “Top Forensic Psychology Journals” I reviewed the Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and […]


  Journal Description: Psychology, Crime & Law is an internationally acclaimed peer-reviewed journal that advocates for the study and application of psychological modalities to matters of crime and law in the criminal and civil domains as well as on how the law affects behavior and conduct (Taylor & Francis Online, 2024). The journal’s publication frequency […]

Powerpoint – Ethical Dilemma

Create a power point presentation analyzing a current event featured in a local or national media outlet within the last month that created an ethical dilemma. The dilemma must revolve around some aspect of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) Ethical Diversity & Inclusion. 


 Use the “Top Forensic Psychology Journals” resource, from this week’s Learning Resources, to choose a journal that is related to a topic relevant to your program of study. Select an issue/volume of that journal from the last 2–3 years to browse 

need assistance P

please see attachment PSY 121: Developmental Psychology Learning Unit 4: Journal Journal: YOUR Temperament! SLO: Analyze biological, cognitive, and socioemotional developmental processes for infancy, apply developmental psychological content to real-life situations to include individual differences, beliefs, values, and interpersonal relationships, and develop critical thinking skills. Journals consist of free writing that demonstrates your ability to […]

ORG 6520 Week 3 Learning Activity

See attached Week 3 – Learning Activity Develop a Training Module Prior to beginning work on this learning activity, review the following resources: · COVID-19’s Impact on Worker Stress in Human Service Organizations: The Mediating Role of InclusionLinks to an external site. · Ethical and Relational Leadership in a Complex World: The Use of the […]

ORG 6520 Week 3 Discussion Board

See attached Week 3 – Discussion Forum Conflict with a Co-Worker Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review the following resources: · COVID-19’s Impact on Worker Stress in Human Service Organizations: The Mediating Role of InclusionLinks to an external site. · Ethical and Relational Leadership in a Complex World: The Use of the […]


· Reflect on your practice exam question results from Week 2. Identify content-area strengths and opportunities for improvement. · Also reflect on your overall test taking. Was the length of time allotted comfortable, or did you run out of time? Did a particular question format prove difficult? The Assignment · Based on your practice test […]


   Topic Specific Learning Disorder · Your Instructor will assign a specific disorder for you to research for this Assignment. · Use the Walden library to research evidence-based treatments for your assigned disorder in children and adolescents. You will need to recommend one FDA-approved drug, one off-label drug, and one nonpharmacological intervention for treating this […]

college algebra

see attachment  Module 8: Discussion Logarithmic Expressions, Equations, and Functions  Module 8:  Logarithmic Expressions, Equations, and Functions  Discussion Instructions: Please review  the class discussion directions . They tell you how to prepare and reflect before responding to the prompt below. They also include detailed guidelines how you must respond to classmates and then reply to […]

Critical Infrastructure Failures in Recent Disaster

Critical Infrastructure Failures In  a 10 to 15 slide PowerPoint presentation, identify a recent disaster  event (within the most recent 10 years), providing a description of the  major events of the disaster leading up to, during, and after the event,  to the extent possible.   Incorporating the selected area above, discuss, with detail and support, […]

Organizational Relationships

 Health care systems are large and complex. They encompass multiple organizations and settings. As a scholar, practitioner, and leader in health care administration, you will need to be effective at working within and across organizations.     – current events, policies, and issues impacting health care organizations.  – pick  an event, policy, or other current issue being […]


FINAL RESEARCH PAPER SUBMISSION · Due Sunday by 11:59pm   · Points 50   · Submitting a file upload · Available Dec 2 at 12am – Dec 8 at 11:59pm Upload your final research paper here. It is worth 50 points! No late papers accepted. Papers lacking proper APA format, referencing, and in-text citations will be given an automatic ZERO! Paper detected […]

help with project

  Step 1: Select a topic from Weeks 6–8 that you are interested in exploring further. Below is a list to help you in making that choice. Pick any of the sub-topics listed via bullet points under the main topics—which one do you want to learn more about? Mind and Brain: Cognitive bias. Predictive brain. […]

feed 1

attached Feedback Stage Instructions In the Feedback Stage, your group reflects on the evaluations received from peers. The group leader submits responses to each evaluation, addressing strengths, clarifying suggestions, and providing constructive, professional feedback. This phase helps develop professional communication and critical thinking skills and teaches you to accept feedback delivered by others. Expectations: · […]

Week 2 ORG 6520 Learning Activity

See attached Week 2 – Learning Activity · Due Tuesday by 12:59am Infographic for the Office Prior to beginning work on this learning activity, review the following resources: · Violations of Health as a Human Right and Moral Distress: Considerations for Social Work Practice and EducationLinks to an external site. · Online Relationships and the Role of the […]

feed 2

atteched Feedback Stage Instructions In the Feedback Stage, your group reflects on the evaluations received from peers. The group leader submits responses to each evaluation, addressing strengths, clarifying suggestions, and providing constructive, professional feedback. This phase helps develop professional communication and critical thinking skills and teaches you to accept feedback delivered by others. Expectations: · […]

Week 2 ORG 6520 DB

See attached Understanding Ethical Responsibilities to Clients [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 3, 4] Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review the following resources: · Ethical Issues in Electronic Health Records: A General OverviewLinks to an external site. · Violations of Health as a Human Right and Moral Distress: Considerations for Social Work Practice […]


1, Burn out video Staffing shortages.  As a future health care administrator, describe specific strategies to minimize burnout and to attract more health care workers to your institution. What incentives could you provide? How will you create scheduling and staffing practices that foster well-being for your staff?   2, 2  articles of your choice related to […]

counseling psychology

a comprehensive letter describing all aspects of your educational journey, your effectiveness as a counselor, and your ability to act ethically in a variety of circumstances, clearly demonstrating that you are the best for for the position.

college algebra

see attachment  Module 7:  Mathematical Thinking about Binomials Discussion Instructions: Please review  the class discussion directions . They tell you how to prepare and reflect before responding to the prompt below. They also include detailed guidelines how you must respond to classmates and then reply to the responses you receive. Please pay close attention to […]

Psychology week five assignment

  Attach the SPSS file that contains the data for your program evaluation.  You can create hypothetical data for this assignment, but the variables should reflect the items in the actual assessment measures that you have selected. Be sure to follow the scoring instructions for your instrument(s), including reverse-scoring items and calculating subscales and/or totals based on […]

Personal Manual

My MBTI was ENFJ. LDR 1100 Personal Leadership Manual “What do others need to know to get along with me?” As of January 2021 The ability to influence the transformation of people, organizations and societies requires a dedicated game plan. Just like the coach of a sports team poised to make the championship run, the […]

9=2 capstone

9-2 Final Project Submission: Research Proposal, Presentation, and Professional Reflection Submit all of the elements of your final project: the proposal, the presentation, and the reflection. All three components will be evaluated as a whole with the same rubric. Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines […]

Children’s Learning

Instructions: The purpose of this final reflection is for you to look back at your experience in this course and reflect on the skills you’ve developed and the information you’ve learned throughout this semester.  The end-of-semester reflection is worth 4 points and should be  at least 2 double-spaced pages long in Times New Roman point 12 […]

Children’s Learning

Module 5 Reflection Reflections are meant to encourage you to think deeply about the topics you learned throughout a module and link the course material to the real world and your own life experiences. For these assignments, you should think about the course material critically and… · Describe how your personal experiences relate to the […]

10-1 child

10-1 Discussion: Reflect on Course Content Review and appraise the major concepts and theories pertaining to child and adolescent development psychology that were explored in this course. In your post, comment on the most valuable information you learned and why it was valuable. How will you apply this information in your intended career? Support your […]

9-1- child

9-1 Discussion: Learning Disorders After reading the Module Nine articles, address the various child and adolescent learning disorders and propose a new industry standard for educators and school districts. Highlight the different methodologies available and justify one for the new industry standards you are proposing. Take into account what offerings are currently available and how […]


9-2 Final Project Submission: Grant Proposal Submit your final grant proposal. The final submission of the grant proposal should assemble all components and the milestones into a single document. It is expected that each milestone area will be revised in response to the feedback provided during the milestone submissions across the course. Grant agencies will […]

History Of Art

see attachment  Module 7:  Assignment: Explore Caravaggio (Short Research) For this assignment, you must conduct short research on Caravaggio’s artwork. Use reliable resources to complete the research and follow the following steps: 1. Select at least three of his paintings and study them. 2. Put together a presentation where you introduce Caravaggio’s style. 3. Talk […]

History Of Art

see attachment  Module 7:  Brunelleschi’s Duomo Instructions: 1. Go to AGMU’s virtual library and access Film on Demand. 2. Log in with your account. 3. Search for the segment from the  Duomo video on Brunelleschi’s Duomo and watch it. 4. Make annotations on the information the video presents. 5. Make a quick search on the Internet […]

History Of Art

see attachment  Module 6:  Assignment 2: Museum Guide Instructions: 1. Choose one of the artworks mentioned and discussed in this module. 2. Get all the information possible on it to help you guide us through it. 3. Record yourself as a museum guide showing us that work of art and explain it in detail. 4. […]

History Of Art

see attachment  Module 6:  Roman Architecture and the Present Day Share your thoughts on the art you have studied so far. Answer the following question: · What do you think are the biggest differences between Roman architecture and present-day artwork? In what ways has the approach to creating art changed over time? Remember to review […]

Industrial Physiology

see attachment  Industrial-Organizational Psychologist After you have read the content and resources of this module, perform the following assignment: · Mention and explain each of the roles and functions of the industrial/organizational psychologist. · What is the importance of industrial/organizational psychology. Take in consideration the following items:  · Your assignment must be no less than […]

Industrial Physiology

see attachment  Industrial-Organizational Psychologist After you have read the content and resources of this module, perform the following assignment: · Mention and explain each of the roles and functions of the industrial/organizational psychologist. · What is the importance of industrial/organizational psychology. Take in consideration the following items:  · Your assignment must be no less than […]

Industrial Physiology

see attached  I/O Psychology and Human Resources After you have read the content and resources of this module, perform the following discussion: · Using a Venn diagram, illustrate similarities and differences between industrial psychology and human resources. Remember to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion before 11:59 […]