general psychology

see attachment  Module 2:  Discussion Forum – Psychology Analyze a scientific article of a study in psychology and discuss it with peers.  Instructions a)    Use the databases available in the University’s library to search for an investigation in the psychology of a  topic you are curious about . Access the article, read, and analyze. […]

general psychology

attachment  Module 2:  Essay – Scientific method in Psychology Objective: Demonstrate comprehension related to the use of the scientific method in psychology and its importance. Instructions a.    Discuss what the scientific method is and how it solidified the study of behavior. b.    Search in a scientific research databases. It can be about any […]

Discussion Board

  regarding supervision, information you gained from past courses and personal experiences with supervision, and compare that to your experiences thus far this semester with field supervision.  Areas to consider should be:  1. Relationship and boundaries with field supervisor thus far 2. Scheduling and structure of supervision, content and depth of discussions 3. Whether supervision […]

Habits, Stress and Health

 Explain how personal habits, stress, and health interact; discuss the difference in the medical model’s view of health and the view of the biopsychosocial model; and describe the work of professionals in the fields of health psychology and behavioral medicine.  

Genetics and Happiness

  Question A To what extent is our response to stress affected by genetics? How can individuals better cope with stress? Remember to explain and cite educational sources to support the ideas within the post. Question B There are people who argue we cannot fully experience happiness without fully experiencing unhappiness. Do psychologists agree or […]

resdency 2 q3

   Advanced Methods.pptx Advanced Methods.pptx – Alternative Formats (96.688 KB)  Surgeon General Issues New Advisory About Effects Social Media Use Has on Youth Mental Health _ Surgeon General Issues New Advisory About Effects Social Media Use Has on Youth Mental Health _ – Alternative Formats (177.612 KB) Review the slides on Research Methods […]

S&C Week 1 Discussion 2 (One Student Response)

Respond by Day 6 in one of the following ways to at least one of your colleagues whose posting is in response to the portion of the Discussion to which you were not assigned: Ask a probing question. Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting. Offer and support an opinion. Validate an idea with your own experience. […]

S&C Week 1 Discussion 1 (One Student Response)

Respond by Day 5 to at least one of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways: Ask a probing question. Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting. Offer and support an opinion. Validate an idea with your own experience. Make a suggestion. Expand on your colleague’s posting.

Discussion Post Intensive Autism Intervention

Discuss the importance of  understanding the history and background of autism and how it has impacted ABA treatments for autism and the general guiding philosophy of ABA programs?  What has the history of autism taught us about pseudoscience like refrigerator mothers?


 Post a brief description of your topic of research interest. Next, state the philosophical orientation that reflects your worldview and explain the epistemological and ontological assumptions of this orientation. Then, explain how these assumptions lend themselves to one or more research approaches. 


 Research a type of mental health professional, what degree is required, and/or what training? What is the specialty area for this professional and what setting do they work in? (one paragraph) 


 why are women and children the most likely victims of family violence? 

Personal Growth

see attachment  Relationship Between Parenting, Culture, and Other Factors Instructions:  What is the relationship between parenting, culture, and other factors in children’s cognitive development? Explain your answer. Contribute a minimum of 1–2 pages. It should include at least 1 academic source, formatted and cited in APA. Be sure to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. […]

Personal Growth

see attachment  The Role of Culture in the Development of Children and Adolescents Instructions:  Review the resources included in each subtopic. Research the role of culture in child and adolescent development. Look for examples and review related studies. Based on the information reviewed, answer the following questions: · · What has been discovered, thanks to […]

Group Development

please see the attached.  Group Development In this module, you will read and hear about stages of group development and factors that contribute to group cohesion. Discuss a few aspects of the beginning and transition (storming/norming) stages of a group that—based on the readings, videos, and your experience—are  most critical for the group leader to attend […]

Psychology The Child’s Will and Spirit Assignment

Please see the attached and use the required reading for references. DBFA 615 Movie Review Assignment Instructions Overview For this Movie Review Assignment, you will watch a movie that that has examples of a cultural battle for the hearts and minds of today’s children and adolescents (this may include etiological factors surrounding strong-willed, aggressive, and […]


 How would defining violent incidents operationally help one to study the amount of violence on different TV programs? How would that reduce the subjectivity involved in comparing different programs? The videos and readings will help with this. 

Psychology Assignment-4

 Complete library assignment. Link below for assignment instructions. 


Help on PowerPoint assignment. Assignment Your third assignment,  World Cultural Perspectives Visual Storytelling Presentation, is due next week. You will create a PowerPoint presentation that tells a digital story about the impact of cultural differences on communication between the U.S. and another culture of your choosing.

PSY 3423

4. How is electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) administered today compared to years ago? Under what conditions is it often used? Is it effective? 7. Identify and describe the two major brain anomalies in schizophrenia. Discuss how these anomalies were tested, measured, and/or observed. 8. Describe Alzheimer’s disease in terms of behavioral and cognitive symptoms and underlying […]

PSY 3441 8.2

Title: Applying social psychology to your own life: A course-long project to apply social psychological concepts to a social dilemma Directions: Briefly identify a social dilemma in your life that you are trying to resolve and what you see as your role in that dilemma. This will be an issue that you will return to […]

Employee Mental Health Discussion

What do you know about employee mental health? PSY 355 W8 DISCUSSION TOPIC, SOURCES, AND INFO Increasingly, companies and employers are allocating their resources in ways that enable them to become change agents in community mental health. However, corporate entities with profit-based interests may be fundamentally antisocial and, consequently, the modern corporate spirit could lead […]

Concerns of Adolescence Discussion

What are some concerns of adolescence? PSY 314 W8 DISCUSSION TOPIC, SOURCES, and INFO CONCERNS OF ADOLESCENCE What critical factor do you believe has the greatest influence on whether a teenager develops a particular disorder or life event of the type we are reviewing this week—eating disorder, substance abuse disorder, early pregnancy, self-injury (“cutting”), gender […]

5-3 neuropsych

5-3 Final Project Milestone Two: Annotated Bibliography Submit your annotated bibliography for the final project. For additional details, please refer to the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric

5-1 Neuropsych

Textbook: Physiology of Behavior,  Physiology of Behavior Neil R. Carlson and Melissa A. Birkett Pearson Thirteenth Edition 2021

5-2 intervention

5-2 Short Paper: Neglect Find a peer-reviewed journal article on neglect, abuse, the foster care system, depression, or suicide. Then submit a two- to four-page paper in which you complete the following: ● Describe the essential issues related to the topic you chose. ● Identify at least one effective intervention. For additional details, please review […]

5-1 intervention

5-1 Discussion: The Legal System Research has supported the idea that children and adolescents who have been involved in the legal system will have or already have developed a mental disorder precipitating or following their involvement in the legal system. What is the importance of exploring the impact of the legal system on behavioral and […]

VT&CF Week 1 Discussion

To prepare: Review the introductory textbook chapter in the Learning Resources. As you reflect on the chapter, consider the purpose or passion that drives your interest in social work, as well as the focus area in which you see yourself practicing. Review the Kaltura section of the Classroom Support Center, accessed via the Help button (the i icon) on […]

S&C Week 1 Discussion 1

Life stressors as common as work pressure or as obscure as being zapped with electricity while running in a maze, all activate the stress response. With such varying sources from which stressors emerge, stress is a holistic phenomenon with emotional, biological, cognitive, and coping aspects. Research into the stress response touches a variety of scientific […]

PSY 314: Concerns of Adolescence

What do you think about what they said? PSY 314 W8 DISCUSSIONS TO RESPOND TO (SHOULD INCLUDE SCHOLARLY SOUCE WITH EACH RESPONSE!!!) BY: JESSICA BURLEY Hello Everyone!  Congrats on making it to the end of the term!  Eating disorders are a disorder that we often see adolescent youth develop today. The question is, how come […]

Final Project Responses

What do you think about what they did? PSY 314 WEEK 8 FINAL PROJECT RESPONSES INFO & INSTRUCTIONS Provide responses to two classmates’ presentations. Constructive comments are suggestions, recommendations, or questions that provoke fresh considerations. Should you identify something that needs work in a presentation, offer an idea, proposal, or inquiry that prods your classmate […]

psy 2024

A one to two page essay prepared by the student indicating the applicant’s academic and career goals AND the ways in which the applicant meets the criteria for the Charles Bates Scholarship in the Social Sciences. · Students who have demonstrated academic growth,achievement and financial need. I am working on becoming a physician and help […]

Personal Growth

see attachment  Nature vs. Nurture Instructions:  Based on what you have read and learned in this module, expose what Psychology proposes as the main debate between heredity or environment (nature vs. nurture) in relation to behavior. Explain how this general psychology debate can apply to individual development and personal growth. Contribute a minimum of 2 […]


  Do you agree with Matt Normand’s assumption that as behavior analysts, we are first scientists? Why or why not? What are the implications of acting as a scientist and how can you ensure that you will practice along these guidelines? (Note: You must include ALL required readings for this week and include 1 outside […]

combat injuries

instructions Research Study Proposal Part 1 (Do this on brain injuries due to combat) In this class, you will complete a Research Study Proposal. In this hypothetical research study proposal, you will investigate a social-psychological issue of your choice. The Research Study Proposal is divided into three pieces:   · Research Study Proposal Part 1, […]


Please see attached document for instruction and questions. In your case conceptualization, you will need to address ethical and multicultural considerations presented in a case. Based on the counseling theory “Structural Family Theory” you need to explore how you will address your own barriers when helping clients. Reflect on the following in your respond: · […]

C & P

   Using the “Bloom’s Taxonomy Applied to Questioning” chart, create two questions for each of Creswell & Poth: Chapters 1 & 2. Maximize your questioning techniques by employing all 5 levels of questioning.

PSY 3441 week 8 Disc

My experience with groupthink Prompt: Provide a brief description of a past situation you either observed or were a direct participant in where GroupThink may have been involved. What were some of the characteristics of that group that may have contributed to the creation of GroupThink? Were you aware of this at the time? Did […]

world cultures

see attachment  Graphic Organizer: Human Development Analyze in a  graphic organizerLinks to an external site.  the characteristics of the different periods of human development.  The main objective of this assignment is to go deeper into the topics discussed in this module. All the information you need can be found in the module and the suggested […]

world cultures

see attachment  B asic Characteristics of a Civilization After studying this module, look again at the basic characteristics of a civilization. Think about these elements, and suggest at least two improvements in the society you live in. If you are new to Canvas, follow  these directionsLinks to an external site.  for participating in the discussion […]

general psychology

see attachment  Module 1:  Discussion Forum – Main Perspectives of Psychology Objective: Examine the main perspectives of psychology to explain which one you identify with.  Instructions a)    Review the perspectives of psychology and evaluate its main approaches. You are encouraged to use the resources included in the module and to search for additional academic […]

general psychology

see attachment  Module 1:  Discussion forum: Psychology as a science and psychological phenomena Review the resources included in each subtopic. Identify the process that led to the study of individual behavior becoming the science we call psychology and discuss what the scientific method is and how it solidified the study of behavior. Based on the information […]

general psychology

see attachment  Module 1:  Assignment: Short Essay – Main ethical principles in Psychology Objective: Review, compare, and discuss the main ethical principles in psychology Instructions:  a)    Examine the code of ethics that governs the discipline of Psychology in the United States. Look for the code of ethics that governs the discipline of Psychology in […]

residency powerpoint

  Review the slides on Research Methods (attached)  Read the article on social media and mood disorders/mental health (attached) and use as the basis to form a hypothetical research study on a related topic in mental health.  Create a recorded presentation (10-15 minutes) to elaborate the following questions based on the social media article and the […]

Theory of personality

see attachment  Person-Situation Debate (Thematic Forum)  Instructions: Study the PowerPoint presentation for this module and the suggested videos. You are encouraged to search for additional information.  Discuss: If the personality is relatively stable and permanent: Will the behavior be consistent from one situation to another? Or do situational factors significantly determine the behavior, and is […]

Personal Growth

see attachment  Conditioning and Behavior Instructions: Review the resources included in each subtopic of this module. · Analyze the scientific method and how it solidified the study of behavior. · Investigate what classical conditioning and operant conditioning are. Based on the information reviewed, apply what you have learned to develop an example of classical conditioning […]

Psychology WK 2 Assignment

See attached Required Resources Text Cascio, W. F., & Aguinis, H. (2019).  Applied psychology in talent managementLinks to an external site.  (8th ed.). SAGE Publications. · Chapter 3: People, Decisions, and the Systems Approach · Chapter 4: Criteria: Definitions, Measures, and Evaluation · Chapter 5: Performance Management · The full-text version of this ebook is […]

Week 2 db 2

See attached WK 2 DB 2 Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, · Review Chapters 4 and 5 from your textbook,  Applied Psychology in Talent Management. · Review the article  Tear Off the Rearview MirrorLinks to an external site.. Address the following: · Define the purpose of a performance management system. · What […]

Week 2 db 1

See attached Required Resources Text Cascio, W. F., & Aguinis, H. (2019).  Applied psychology in talent managementLinks to an external site.  (8th ed.). SAGE Publications. · Chapter 3: People, Decisions, and the Systems Approach · Chapter 4: Criteria: Definitions, Measures, and Evaluation · Chapter 5: Performance Management · The full-text version of this ebook is […]