general psychology
see attachment Module 5 Personality PSYC 122 General Psychology II Objectives At the end of the module, the student will be able to: Distinguish the difference between the concepts of personality, character, and temperament. Identify the three (3) major contributors to personality, the multiple influences on personality, and the four (4) personality assessment methods. Evaluate […]
general psychology
see attachment 5.2 Assignment: Personality Theories 5.2 Assignment: Personality Theories After reading the required resources, answer the following questions: 1. Explain why we use defense mechanisms according to Freud. 2. Use the following table to explain in your own words Freud’s three levels of consciousness: Level of Consciousness Description 3. In addition to proposing that […]
attached Instructions 1. Review the Group Project Guidelines 2024.docx as needed. Using the information submitted via the group project check-ins, complete a formal Behavior Intervention Plan using this Template – Behavior Intervention Plan Report updated.docx · Every component of this template should be filled in. Please do not change the formatting. · […]
PSY 5130 Week 5 Discussion Board
See attached Vocational Development and Work/Life Balance Chapters 13 and 14 in the course textbook examine the impact of social roles and professional life on adult development. In our complex world that requires us to manage multiple roles, learning how to effectively balance social roles has become increasingly challenging. For you initial post: · Identify […]
LSD Week 5 Journal
See Attached Week 5 – Journal Adult Vocational Development Chapter 14 in the course textbook focuses on the value and meaning of work in adulthood. The social roles and meanings associated with work—what one does for a living or as a profession—are among the most complex and important identities associated with individuals in our society […]
Psychology Homework
Create a (3) PowerPoint Slides describe the characteristics of the drug/alcohol Whisky by discussing what it is, what are other names for it, what does it look like, and in what form is it distributed and taken. Provide two peer review sources to support this.
The Lack of Women Campus Presidents in Higher Education
· Describe the backlash that women face with the glass cliff and glass ceiling. · Discuss the differences between public and private universities and their promotions of women and women of color. · Identify the reasons why training programs that prepare underrepresented groups for top positions fail. · Explain the inclusion of cultural humility […]
Annotated Bibliography
· Describe the backlash that women face with the glass cliff and glass ceiling. · Discuss the differences between public and private universities and their promotions of women and women of color. · Identify the reasons why training programs that prepare underrepresented groups for top positions fail. · Explain the inclusion of cultural humility […]
6-2 Short Paper: Media vs. Parenting With reference to relevant literature from the Module Six resources and other research, argue your position on the topic of “media vs. parenting.” Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric.
6-1 Discussion: Media, Technology, Peer Pressure, Violence, and Current Events In your post, consider the potential impact on mental health from media usage by children and adolescents. For example, think about the media and its obsession with thinness, and particularly how this impacts female adolescents and the young-adult population. Explain your perspective on the relationship […]
6-2 capstone
6-2 Milestone Three: Methodology, Design, and Data Submit your Milestone Three paper on the methodology, design, and data management to be used in your research proposal. Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric. If you have any questions after reading the feedback for this […]
CNDV 5350 Abnormal Human Behavior Week 2 Application Assignment: Anxiety Disorders Overview Anxiety and adjustment disorders can arise from the simple fact that life is stressful. Your own experience might tell you that expectations from family, friends, work, as well as your own expectations regarding achievement, success, and happiness can create feelings of anxiety. While […]
Can you assist me with a homework question regarding crisis intervention? CRIS 605 Research Paper Assignment Instructions Overview Before starting this Research Paper Assignment, you will need to complete the Quiz: Research Paper Topic. For this Research Paper Assignment, you will write a literature review research paper based on your chosen topic. Your Research Paper […]
Career influence
I’m looking for a breakdown of career infor and influence Career Assignment Requirements 1) APA style – first person is fine for this assignment 2) Your paper should be AT LEAST 6-7 pages in length, but a majority of you will do well to make it longer. I would make sure you cover each topic […]
week three program
Consider the various research designs presented in chapter 3. Given the goals and objectives of your social services agency identified in week 2, discuss possible research designs that could be used to evaluate outcomes at your agency. What would be the best design to answer your evaluation questions? What would be the best sampling […]
circumstances and underlying causes in suicidal attempts in teenagers
what are circumstances and underlying causes in suicidal attempts in teenagers?
Help with psychology literature. Page 1 of 4 Midterm Project Assignment Select a term or concept that is frequently used in the literature in the field of cross- cultural education/counseling. Conduct an exhaustive literature search of the definition and use of the term. Students have the freedom to format the definition in a […]
Industrial Physiology
see attachment Job Analysis After you have read the content and resources of this module, perform the following assignment: · Part 1. Create two diagrams that describe in detail the following: · The importance of considering various job analysis strategies. · How can this strategy impact the organization’s results and performance? · What benefits or […]
Industrial Physiology
see attachment Job Analysis After you have read the content and resources of this module, perform the following discussion: · What is the importance of job analysis. · List and explain job analysis characteristics. Remember to review the academic expectations for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion before 11:59 p.m. Easter time […]
Industrial Physiology
see attachment Advantages Offered by Research in Organizations After you have read the content and resources of this module, perform the following assignment: · Analyze the advantages that research can offer organizations. · What ethical aspects should we consider? Support your answer. Take into consideration the following items: · Your assignment must be no less […]
Industrial Physiology
see attached Research Methods and their Applicability in Industrial-Organizational Psychology After you have read the content and resources of this module, perform the following discussion: · Regarding the importance of research and measurement for industrial/organizational psychology, provide an analysis that explains the following: · What is the importance of considering research methods in organizations? · […]
History Of Art
see attached Module 4: Explore More Choose one of the artworks shown from ancient Mesopotamia. Research it using academic sources (readings and videos, one of each) only available at your virtual online AGMU libraryLinks to an external site. . Write a short one-to-two-page essay on your findings. Start by describing in your own words the […]
History Of Art
see attachment Module 4: Mesopotamian Art Study the Royal Standard of Ur closely. Think about its purpose, style, theme, and other elements we have studied. 1. Now imagine you are an artist, and they asked you to create a new Standard of Ur with today’s themes. 2. On a poster board or any other surface […]
need help
will explain when accepted. Principle 1: Ruling out alternative explanations – Usually the results of any single study are consistent with several different explanations (or hypotheses) and additional research is often needed to decide which explanation/hypothesis is best supported. When looking at a pattern of results that has been reported from a study, it is […]
Soap Note
You will complete a comprehensive psychiatric mental health assessment of a child/adolescent. This should NOT be a patient you have encountered in your work but, instead, should be a family member or friend (who gives consent). You should note that all information will be confidential and that their private information will NOT be shared as […]
PSY-380-Introduction to Probability and Statistics Project 1: Descriptive Statistics Worksheet Directions: Students may complete this worksheet using either SPSS or Excel. If using SPSS to complete this assignment, refer to the SPSS resources located in either MindTap, Topic 2 resources, or Class Resources. If using Excel to complete this assignment, refer to the “Project 1 […]
psych week 4
Part A (AS) This week’s videos give us a lot to think about. Please discuss some of your take-aways from watching them. This may include the following: Do infants really have an innate sense of right and wrong from an early age? Do they also have a natural tendency of bias towards those who are […]
feedback p
I would recommend for the purposes of this class narrowing your focus to either reducing signma or increasing access. How would you measure increasing access though ? It may just be a yes or no question. I would focus on the reducing stigma if it were me. Also, collecting demographics is a given. Is there […]
Philosophy Children’s Learning
Module 4 Reflection Reflections are meant to encourage you to think deeply about the topics you learned throughout a module and link the course material to the real world and your own life experiences. For these assignments, you should think about the course material critically and… · Describe how your personal experiences relate to the […]
79 Chapter 9 Safety Planning and Lethal Means Counseling with Youth Maureen F. Monahan and Barbara Stanley There is a growing body of research to suggest that most suicidal crises (i.e., the period of time in which someone seriously contemplates killing themselves) are relatively brief. Close to 50% of youth aged 11–15 who died by suicide had no evi- dence […]
Demonstration/Application Activity: What’s My Motivation
Demonstration/Application Activity: What’s My Motivation (Week 11: Oct. 28 – Nov. 3)
Psychology of Personality
The course paper is an in-depth research paper on Burrhus Frederic Skinner. Your sources are to be only from the professional literature (journals) and professional books. Cite all sources in the body of the paper in APA citation style, with an APA style Reference page at the end of the paper containing a minimum of […]
general psychology
see attachment Language, Thought, and Intelligence View the PowerPoint slides that accompany this lecture: Language, Thought, and Intelligence PPT Download Language, Thought, and Intelligence PPT Language, Thought, and Intelligence PDF Download Language, Thought, and Intelligence PDF Read Sanderson, C. A., & Huffman, K. (2020). Real-world psychology (3rd ed.). Wiley. ISBN-13: 978-1119577751 to an external site. […]
general psychology
see attachment Language, Thought, and Intelligence View the PowerPoint slides that accompany this lecture: Language, Thought, and Intelligence PPT Download Language, Thought, and Intelligence PPT Language, Thought, and Intelligence PDF Download Language, Thought, and Intelligence PDF Read Sanderson, C. A., & Huffman, K. (2020). Real-world psychology (3rd ed.). Wiley. ISBN-13: 978-1119577751 to an external site. […]
general psychology
see attachment Creativity, Language, and Intelligence Instructions: After reading the required resources, please discuss the following questions. · What is creativity, and how can you measure it? · What do the theories of language development establish? · Do you think IT tests are culturally biased? Why or why not? · What is emotional intelligence, and […]
college algebra
see attachment Module 3: Comfort with factoring polynomials Discussion Instructions: Please review the class discussion directions . They tell you how to prepare and reflect before responding to the prompt below. They also include detailed guidelines how you must respond to classmates and then reply to the responses you receive. Please pay close attention to […]
Psychology Week 3 PSY 5130 Assignment
See attached Week 3 – Assignment · Due Nov 5 by 12:59am · Points 10 · Submitting an external tool Adolescent Cognitive Development Chapter 7 of the course textbook examines theories of cognitive development during adolescence and later adulthood. For this assignment, refer to the textbook and two peer-reviewed journal articles to compare and contrast the theories and […]
PSY Week 3 Discussion
see attached Cognitive Maltreatment and Neural Development Chapter 5 of the course textbook discusses the brain development of the child in early life as well as the impact of accidents and maltreatment. The required article by Perry (2009) illustrates and defends an approach to child maltreatment based on neurodevelopmental analysis that seeks to understand and […]
PSY 5130 Week 3 Journal
see attached Week 3 – Journal Start Assignment · Due Nov 4 Learning and Learning Disabilities Chapters 7 and 9 of the course textbook discuss theories of learning and information processing as well as various methods of assessing intelligence and testing achievement. Based on the required textbook readings and references, address or respond to each of […]
attached EAB4795 Senior Seminar in Applied Behavior Analysis Lecture Engagement: Written Summary Student Name: Date Completed: Student ID: Please answer the questions below in a narrative form. Each answer should be a complete paragraph. 1. What was the main point of the video/podcast? 2. Provide 2 major points discussed and describe those points. 3. What […]
attached Enter group member names: Group Project Check-In: Graphic Display As a group, complete this weekly check-in form regarding group participation in the project. This will serve to keep you on track with the project and keep each other accountable for the work being completed. 1. After you have graphed your data according to the […]
assistance needed
please see attachment PSY 112: Psychology of Human Relations Assignment Values and Life Planning 1. List at least 5 things for which you are grateful. 2. List 2 or more value indicators. 3. What’s something you want to do/accomplish/see/experience/create during your lifetime? 4. List at least 3 things that you want to (or should) STOP […]
Describe two 30 shoulds that you believe you accomplish well and explain why. Describe two 30 shoulds that you believe you do NOT do well, explain why, and discuss specific ways in which you can improve
Teaching using social learning
Social learning is a theory based on the idea of learning through observation. However, it is not that simple, as people do not imitate all behavior they observe. Bandura (1986) proposed that some basic processes must be present to succeed (as cited in Gluck, Mercado, & Myers, 2020). Create a scenario where you can use […]
Psychology psyc assignment
check on document Read the section on Baumrind’s model of parenting styles in chapter four, focusing on the characteristics of authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved parenting. Pay special attention to each style’s implications for child development and the influence of cultural and socio-economic factors. Then, write a brief reflection paper (250 words minimum) in which […]
Discussion Board
Respond to the 2 topics below, making sure to explain the evidence that supports your position and what evidence might counter your position: Underage Consumption: What do you know about policies in your community/state (Virginia) regarding the legal drinking age? What information can you find about policies responding to a minor being in […]
Discussion Board
Consider all of the information you read (and viewed) regarding child welfare practice, information you gained and personal experiences and compare that to your experiences thus far this semester with your field practice. Areas to consider should be: 1. Child welfare policies and laws 2. Agency policies 3. Client self-determination and ethical conflicts (cite […]
autism you are working in a community health center as a NP. Although you see children for mental health, you will also see children for some basic “bridge” care until primary care providers have openings. If the medical issue is complex then the clinic coordinator will escalate the referral for quicker appointment scheduling. Presentation […]
Review the article “Is it ADHD, Depression or Both pdf.” Discuss special considerations associated with the psychiatric interview of children. Describe how you would proceed with a comprehensive assessment of a child with suspected ADHD, depression or both. Support your statements with a minimum of two scholarly articles. Attached it the article. This is a discussion so […]
Pediatric case study
Addresses the following prompts using evidence-based references to support your answers: Summarize the case. What is your provisional diagnosis, as well as the possible differentials? Justify your answer with DSM-5 criteria (be short, brief and to the point). Is Ava too young to diagnose, or is there a basis for early identification and intervention? What […]