Memories and Creativity (DISCUSSION)

  Question A As individuals attempt to recall memories from the past, they filter those memories through their present lives. Does this process then taint their memories? Remember to explain and cite educational sources to support the ideas within the post. Question B What is creativity? How would you define creativity in your everyday life? […]


Week 14 Assigment Answer the following questions:  1. Define psychotherapy. 2. Briefly explain the history of psychological therapies. 3. Explain the basics of the psychodynamic approach and Freudian psychoanalysis. 4. Explain the concepts of the humanistic approach including the contributions of Rogers. 5. Explain Gestalt therapy and the techniques used. 6. Explain the behavioral approach […]


see attached  Module 6:  Augustine and Freedom (Short Paper) Instructions:  Answer the following question:  How does Augustine view the relationship between God’s foreknowledge and human freedom? What do you think about it? 1.    Use at least two academic sources from the AGMU virtual library to answer the questions. 2.    Your complete answer should […]


see attachment  Module 6:  Descartes’ Radical Doubt Instructions: 1.    Look around you. Examine ads, the Internet, your primary school. 2.    Apply to them an exercise on Descartes’ radical doubt. 3.    Mention at least three things you thought were in one way, and they turned out to be something else.  4.    Why […]

Global Community

see attachment  Resources in Your Region Instructions: Research current problems and policies surrounding the use of natural resources in your city, state, or region.  Examples include the use of land for private, public, or business use, access to fish and seafood, timber, use of waterways such as rivers, and management of roads, bridges, and tunnels. […]

Global Community

see attachment  Common Resources Instructions:  Define the term “common resources” and explain how government regulations monitor and manage the use of these resources.  What are the goals of the government in its resource management policies?  What types of constraints exist for citizens in harvesting these resources?   Remember to review the  academic expectations  for your […]

Psych 1540

See attached worksheet. Can this be done by tomorrow? Remove or Replace: Header Is Not Doc Title Killing Us Softly Worksheet Directions Follow the directions carefully for each part. Complete each of the 5 parts. Preparation If you haven’t already, before completing the worksheet for this assignment, watch Killing Us Softly 4: Advertising’s Image of […]

Gender Schema Theory. Social Role Theory

What do you know about the gender scheme theory and the social role theory? PSY 355 Module Five Milestone Template Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Part One Apply the foundational concepts of gender schema theory to address each of the following rubric criteria in 2 to 3 sentences: […]

ODD Bulleted Outline

What do you know about ODD?  PSY 314 Milestone 3 Info Topic: ODD Assignment Instructions Create a 2- to 3-page bulleted outline and a bibliography of six to eight references in APA style for your final presentation on your approved topic related to childhood and/or adolescent disorders. Your outline should be created in a way […]

help with case study

  Imagine that you are a tutor working with students one-on-one. You have four new students assigned to you for tutoring. The four new students are presented in the following media piece: Educational Lesson Plan Case Studies. Read about the four students, and then choose one to focus on for your assignment. For this assignment, […]

Consultation Exercise

Instructions, additional resources, and prompts are included in the links below. In the previous  Module 5 Emergency Management Response Team Assignment: This team would require interdisciplinary community outreach.   Choose post and  respond as the Consultant. Original Questions: 1.  Decide on what type of Community Outreach team would be a good fit for your interagency design. […]


For this assignment, you are to find a news article of some kind that discusses or depicts a current matter involving older adults, provide a summary of the article, how it relates to the class topic readings/videos, and your thoughts/opinion/questions after reading the article. *PLEASE SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT AS A WORD DOCUMENT* You are welcome […]


Help on a speaking assignment  COURSE REFLECTION JOURNAL UNDEFINED Summarize overall theme Review each main point Tie to introduction Creative concluding thought

Mental health

Assistance with summary  1. one individual residing in a assisted living facility. refusing to see a behavioral health counselor. Has history of trauma. how can you use motivational interviewing or role play to get her to open up about trauma and seeing a counselor  2. one individual who resides in a assisted living facility who […]


see attachment  Module 5: Assignment 1: Explore the Stoics on Suicide Instructions:  Find at least three academic sources on the topic of suicide and the Stoics (two of them could be videos from Films On Demand). Present your own argument in favor or against the Stoics about suicide. Make sure you support your point of […]


see attachment  Module 5:  Assignment 2: A Hellenistic Approach to a Modern-Day Challenge Instructions: 1. Choose a problem we are dealing with in the present (Examples: the pandemic, war, poverty…). 2. Use one of the philosophers from this module and provide a possible approach toward dealing with the problem. 3. Make sure you use at […]


See Attachment  Stoic Philosophy Exercises Instructions: 1. Read the following article which discusses 10 different Stoic Exercises and select one exercise to experiment with and apply, that you feel could be beneficial in your life: · Faja, E. (2016, August 12).  10 Insanely Useful Stoic Exercises. Daily Stoic.  to an external site.   2. Present the name […]

Global Community

see attachment  Diasporas: Identifying and Explaining Historical Mass Migrations Instructions: Identify the types of ethnic groups involved in mass migration. Research a well-known historical diaspora. Describe and explain the causes of the diaspora and the impact on cultural groups involved in the migration and the citizens of the nations where the groups of migrants landed. […]

Global Community

see attachment  Elements of Geographic Economics Instructions: Discuss and explain the elements of geographic economics, focusing on the relationship between cultural groups, international trade relationships, and how the economic trade policies of nations affect the standard of living for citizens within a given nation. Remember to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: […]


A science journalist explains how the Spanish flu changed the world It’s estimated that the Spanish Flu killed around 50 million people in between 1918 and 1919. Image: via REUTERS 30 Apr 2020 Kate Whiting Senior Writer, Formative Content A couple of years ago, journalist Laura Spinney could hardly believe how little people thought about […]

Ethical Decision-Making Model

Instructions and links are provided below. Ethical Decision Case Scenario: Before you prepare your rough draft or final paper, please review the following article, Examination of Ethical Decision-Making Models Across Disciplines: Common Elements and Application to the Field of Behavior Analysis

Mandated Client Responses

Instructions and prompts are included in the link below. Directions: Reply to TWO fellow team members. You will respond thoughtfully to two other learners regarding their strategies.  Focus on their strategies and if you see any challenges or concerns with them ethically. 1. Fairway Recovery Center Fairway Recovery Center is a non-profit inpatient substance abuse […]

2-2 Neuropsychology

Textbook: Physiology of Behavior, Chapter 2 and Chapter 4 (pp. 89–101) 2-1 Discussion: The Brain-Behavior Relationship The brain consists of an estimated 100 billion neurons. Each neuron can have thousands of connections to other neurons. Also, there are an estimated 10 times the number of glial cells (support cells) as there are neurons. In other […]

2-2 Intervention Strategies

2-2 Final Project Milestone One: Intervention Plan Overview Submit an overview of your intervention plan. The overview should include a brief description of a treatment plan for a diagnosis of your choice, and it should indicate why this diagnosis is a result of the child’s or adolescent’s involvement in the legal system. The paper should […]

2-1 Intervention Strategies

2-1 Short Paper: Cultural Sensitivity and Intervention Based on your reading of the module resources, submit a two- to four-page paper on the importance of cultural sensitivity and intervention strategies. Your short paper should include the following: ● Select a specific culture. ● Evaluate the multicultural approach to implementing treatments and strategies with children and […]

week 5 discussion

  Can one of you try to combine the two definitions to refine and clarify the definition for archival research?    Equivalent Time Samples Design Nice start, Barbara. What about the equivalence of other potentially influential variables, such as prior therapy experiences? Would that influence  the outcomes?

home work

Erik Erikson For this assignment, you will write a 5–7-page (approx. 1,700 – 2,300 words) page paper that outlines Erikson’s 8 Stages of Development. For each stage define and describe in your own words what occurs during this stage. Then provide an example that you create that demonstrates a person at that stage. You may […]


PSY-352 CLC Group Projects Agreement  CLC Course Information  Course Name/Section Number:  Health Psychology/ PSY-352  Instructor’s Name:  Candace Duffy  Start Date of the Course:  July 8th,2024    CLC Member Contact Information  (Who is in our group?)  CLC Member Name  Primary Email Address  Secondary Email Address  Other Contact Information  Brooke Echols  [email protected]  [email protected]  234-736-6248  Nicole Adkins  [email protected]  […]


Service Project Experience Summary of Intent Complete this “Service Project Experience Summary of Intent” and submit to your instructor for approval. Name of the Organization Name and Contact Information for the Organization’s Leader Description of Your Intended Servant Leadership Activity Must Be One or Two Paragraphs in Length © 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights […]


   Pick a couple in your church or community to interview. Write about the couple you interviewed and their answers to the pertinent questions. Include details of the conversation that unfolded during the interview. Analyze their answers and conclude as a counselor.

Psychology homework help

Professional Identity Paper Description: Each student will write an APA style paper on the professional identity of a school counselor (if you are in the school counseling program) or a mental health counselor (if you are in the mental health program). 1. How do you define being a School Counseling/Mental Health counselor ( Note: per […]


Week 13 assigment  INSTRUCTIONS 1. Please answer the following questions:  1. Briefly explain the historical views of psychological disorders. 2. Explain the criteria that constitute a psychological disorder, and what role does the DSM-V play in diagnosis. 3. Explain the diagnostic criteria for Anxiety disorders including phobias, panic, generalized anxiety, OCD, and PTSD and the […]

Changing Behaviors

Think of a behavior you engage in you would like to change. Describe the behavior then explain how you would use positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and punishment to reshape that behavior. For the last part, describe how operant conditioning differs from classical conditioning. 

Discussion Board

 Chapter 9 Reflection Questions (Choose 1-3 questions to Reflect Upon) What have been your experiences with conflict? Have most of them been harmful and destructive, or have you had some personal experiences with conflict that resulted in positive outcomes? What factors contributed to the resulting outcomes? What were your contributions to the outcomes? What approaches […]


 Begin by completing three assessments from “Leadership and Personality Assessments,” located in the topic Resources. Provide a 2-3 sentence explanation for each assessment. Reflect on what these results say about you and how you function on teams. Respond to one peer who has similar results and another who has different results. Discuss how you would foster […]

psych week 10

   relevant literature to support your work. PSYC 6393/FPSY 6393/IPSY 6393/DPSY 6393: Capstone  Capstone Project Required Content Overview The final Capstone Project is completed throughout the course through the weekly written assignments. However, not all of the assignments will be a part of the final project—some are preparation assignments. You will compile your paper using […]

PSY 3441 5.2

Week 5 Discussion – Thinking about our close relationships Prompt: Using any two of the concepts described in the text on relationships and attraction, apply these to explain a close relationship you have, in terms of how those concepts explain either how your relationship was formed, or implications for how well your relationship is working […]

PSY 3423 5.3 disc

A great deal of drug dependency has to do with the concept of physiological reward. What region(s) of the brain are responsible for producing this effect? Which neurotransmitters play a role in reward? Response Parameters Initial Post · Each initial post should include a minimum of 250 words of actual text (i.e., the 250 word […]

Court-referred Clients

The prompt is included in the link below. Copyright of Journal of Counseling & Development is the property of American Counseling Association and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder’s express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for […]

history of study

see attachment   Oral History Interview  Instructions: Study the module resources to complete this assignment.  1. Identify a person to perform an interview about a historical event. 2. Select with your interviewee a topic. It can be related to politics, sports, natural phenomena, music, or any significant event the interviewee has witnessed. 3. Ask at least  […]

history of study

see attachment  Oral History Practices  Instructions: Study the module resources and participate in the discussion forum.  Answer the following questions: 1. Mention and explain the six considerations for oral history practice. 2. If you could interview a famous personality, which one should you select? About what important event would you like to interview this personality?   […]

social sciences

see attachment  Module 5:  Researching Social Inequality Today Search the internet for recent news related to protests from anywhere in the world. (It is better if you find something local to you.  Prepare a table with the three main theories discussed in this module.  Analyze three aspects of the issue you found using the concepts […]

social sciences

see attachment Module 5:  Discussion Forum 1: What is Your Place?  Look at your place in society through the eyes of the theories discussed in this module.  Explain what each of them would say to you about your very own place in the society you live in. Remember to review the  academic expectations  for your […]

Piaget and Vygotsky

  Question A What is the role of culture in cognitive development? Compare and contrast how Piaget and Vygotsky address the role of culture. Remember to explain and cite educational sources to support your perspective. Question B Must development precede learning as Piaget believed? Must learning precede development as Vygotsky believed? That is to say, […]


   Describe the mother-child attachment before and after birth Identify the characteristics of fathers who have securely attached infants ·  Explain how parents can promote secure attachments in their young children ·  Explain how these early attachments can have a lasting emotional and behavioral impact.

Psy 355 Module 4 Activity

How can something that is supposed to connect us leave us feeling so disconnected? PSY 355 Module Four Activity Guidelines and Rubric SCHOLARLY SOURCE TO USE: Overview If you’re anything like the average user, you might describe your relationship with social media as complicated. On one hand, your engagement in educational, awareness-raising, social-media groups and […]

Psychology QR&A Week 10 Major Assignment 2

To prepare for this Assignment: Review the social change articles found in this week’s Learning Resources. Trustworthiness—summarize across the different data sources and respond to the following: What themes are in common? What sources have different themes? Explain the trustworthiness of your findings, in terms of: Credibility Transferability Dependability strategies Confirmability   Based on the […]

Theories of Social Psychology

What do you know about changing minds and changing behavior? PSY 355 Week 3 Discussion 4-1 Discussion: Changing Minds, Changing Behaviors In this scenario, you have a teenage cousin who complains to you about their classmates, saying, “They all think and act the same way. No one has any originality. They are all sheep!” As […]

PSY 3441 4.4

Identify any two factors that are needed in order for the Contact Hypothesis to more effectively lead to a reduction in prejudice.

Theories of Social Psychology

What do you know about the socio-psychological foundations of in-group favoritism? PSY 355 Theories of Social Psychology WK3 Journal Info Overview Although our individual differences contain powerful opportunities for us to expand our worldview, such differences can also cause us to embrace social stereotypes that often exist beyond our conscious awareness. According to social identity theory […]