Pediatric case study
Addresses the following prompts using evidence-based references to support your answers: Summarize the case. What is your provisional diagnosis, as well as the possible differentials? Justify your answer with DSM-5 criteria (be short, brief and to the point). Is Ava too young to diagnose, or is there a basis for early identification and intervention? What […]
PSY 319 Piaget vs. Vygotsky
What are the major facets of each theory, the strengths and limitations of each, and relevant current research from the past three years pertaining to each theory?
lecture 9.1
attached Instructions This lecture engagement asks you to familiarize yourself with several resources dealing with potential ethics code violations. If you are concerned that you, or someone else, may have violated one or more of the BACB’s ethics requirements, you can report your issue of concern to the BACB’s Ethics Department. The BACB receives reports […]
psychology of personality
Instructions: The course paper is an in-depth research paper on Burrhus Frederic Skinner. Your sources are to be only from the professional literature (journals) and professional books. Cite all sources in the body of the paper in APA citation style, with an APA style Reference page at the end of the paper containing a minimum […]
assistance needed
Take a moment to think about and answer the following questions. Think about how you feel when given information that is contradictory to what you believe. How do you think cognitive dissonance has an influence on critical thinking abilities? Explain. Does it have an influence on the way we consume and interpret media? Explain.
week 2-D
Topic 1. Some biases are a learned behavior that shape our perceptions of who we are according to our gender, ethnicity, and culture (i.e.. girls wear pink, boys should be competitive and confident; certain ethnicities are considered smart while others are not, etc.) happen very early in our development. These biases can follow us into […]
Public Speaking
Instructions Discuss the following: After watching the video above, please discuss 3 key ideas you took from it. Instructions: Please review the expectations below, then create an original posting and respond to two peers. Select the “Click to Launch” button above to get started. Grading Expectations for Discussions YOUR ORIGINAL RESPONSE NEEDS TO: • Contain […]
college algebra
see attachment Module 2: Discussion Polynomials Module 2: Polynomials Discussion Instructions: 1. Using a scale of 1 – 5, with one being “very uncomfortable” and five being “very comfortable,” briefly describe your comfort level with addition, subtraction, and multiplication of polynomials. 2. Explain as to why you gave the rating above. 3. Why is it […]
general psychology
see attachment Module 2 Discussion: Bandura’s “Bobo Doll” Bandura’s “Bobo Doll” Instructions: After reading the required resources, answer the following questions: 1. What is the Bandura’s “Bobo Doll” studies about? 2. Argue about your position related to Bandura’s “Bobo Doll” studies. Do you agree with Bandura’s postures? Explain your answer. Remember to review the […]
general psychology
see attachment The Learning Process Instructions: After reading the required materials for this module, answer the following questions: 1. Explain the major types of learning. 2. Identify and explain the six (6) principles and applications of classical conditioning. 3. Compare classical conditioning and operant conditioning. 4. Distinguish between the concepts of reinforcement versus punishment. 5. Identify […]
general psychology
see attachment Memory and Forget Instructions: After reading the required materials for this module, answer the following questions: 1. What are the biological factors in memory loss? 2. Explain the levels of the processing model. 3. What is the Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP) Model? 4. What is the difference between Short-Term Memory (STM) and Working […]
Module 2 Reflection Reflections are meant to encourage you to think deeply about the topics you learned throughout a module and link the course material to the real world and your own life experiences. For these assignments, you should think about the course material critically and… · Describe how your personal experiences relate to the […]
3-2 child
3-2 Final Project Milestone One: Problem Identification Draft For Milestone One, you will create a concise problem statement that develops your program and grant proposal. You will identify only the problem statement for this milestone, not your program and proposed solution. For additional details, please refer to the Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric and the […]
3-1 child
3-1 Discussion: Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) After reading the module resources, think about the importance of attachment and the ramifications according to attachment patterns. According to the DSM 5, RAD is classified as a consistent pattern of inhibited, emotionally withdrawn behavior toward adult caregivers, manifested by a child who rarely or minimally seeks comfort when […]
3-1 capstone
3-1 Discussion: Relevant Theory In this discussion, you will identify a theory you will use to guide your research and summarize research you have found related to the theory. You will also give your classmates feedback on their summary of research on the theory they chose. This discussion will help you prepare the Milestone Two […]
History Of Art
see attachment Module 2: What did it Mean? Research the meaning of prehistoric art. Write an essay on your findings. Do you agree or disagree with what the sources say about the importance of art? Explain in your answer the concept of prehistory concerning the artistic creation. Contribute a minimum of 2 pages. It should […]
History Of Art
see attachment Discussion Forum: Prehistorical Art Module 2: Discussion Forum – Prehistorical Art Identify different prehistorical artistic manifestations from different parts of the world. What is the difference between them? Remember to review the academic expectations for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 PM Eastern on Wednesday. · Contribute […]
Industrial Physiology
see attachment Theoretical Perspective of Industrial-Organizational Psychology After you have read the content and resources of this module, perform the following essay: · Analyze the following question to develop your essay: · What is the relationship between organizational activity and changes in society? · How does this impact the evolution of the discipline in our […]
Industrial Physiology
see attached Theoretical Perspective of Industrial-Organizational Psychology After you have read the content and resources of this module, perform the following discussion: · What is the definition of an organization as an open system? · List and explain the organizational resources. · What are the main organizational theories and their importance to the discipline? Remember […]
PSY 5130 Week 2 Discussion
See attached Week 2 Discussion Sexual Identity Development Chapter 12 of the course textbook discusses the issues of identity development during adolescence. Based in part on the textbook readings and the 60 Minutes videos listed as Required References for this week, consider what you learned about the topic and your reaction to what you read. In […]
PSY 5130 Week 2 Journal
See attached WEEK 2 JOURNAL Chapter 6 of the course textbook addresses the issues of adult personality development. For this journal, reflect on how stress impacts overall wellness, how stress can be managed, and how you have managed it in your own life. In this journal entry, address the following: · Comment on how this […]
Psychology PSY 5130 Week 2 Assignment
See attached Week 2 – Assignment · Due Oct 29 by 12:59am · Points 10 Gender Differences In Early Development Chapter 12 in the course textbook discusses the impacts of caregivers and culture on gender development in early childhood. Based on the textbook chapter and one peer-reviewed journal article, write a paper discussing the gender differences in development […]
SNHU 107 Module Six Journal Template Complete all parts of this template by replacing the bracketed text with your responses. Submit for grading and feedback. 1. Why do you think feedback from others is important? · [Insert response here.] 2. Describe your perceptions regarding receiving feedback. How does receiving feedback make you feel? How can […]
Discussion Assignment – Based on your own knowledge, respond to the following questions: Should battered mothers be held legally responsible for protecting their children from abusers in their households? Why or why not? Discuss the difficulties women experience when trying to leave abusive male partners. What are the economic problems faced by battered women? What […]
Worksheet help on course assignment Remove or Replace: Header Is Not Doc Title Research Breakdown Worksheet Directions: Choose one of the following two articles, and then complete the worksheet below. Be sure to write in full sentences and paragraphs and to properly cite and reference your work. Self-Serving Bias: Sanjuan, P., & Magallares, A. (2014). […]
Discussion Board
Listen to the experiences of NA Speaker Lisa G in this posted YouTube video: . This moving story remind us of the impact of addictions on those around us. Please listen to this story and process it in your discussion from the perspective of the impact of the addiction on the relationships within the […]
Industrial Physiology
see attachment Industrial-Organizational Psychology After you have read the content and resources of this module, perform the following assignment: · What is the importance of industrial-organizational psychology? · Why have companies become interested in applying the principles of industrial-organizational psychology? · What competitive advantages can a company gain from an I/O psychologist within its administrative […]
Industrial Physiology
see attachment Fields of Industrial-Organizational Psychology After you have read the content and resources of this module, perform the following discussion: · Select one of the fields described in this module. · Analyze the importance of this field for the profession and how you would adapt it to our current reality. · Justify your response […]
History Of Art
see attachment Module 1: Essay Review Choose one of the artworks included in this module. Apply the art concepts and elements from Sayre (2004) you learn above to it. If you are new to Canvas, follow these directionsLinks to an external site. for submitting your assignments and to review the academic expectations for your […]
History Of Art
see if attachment Module 1: Analyzing a Work of Art After seeing the module’s content, please share with your colleagues the prehistoric work of art that most impressed you and why taking into account in your understanding, its antiquity, and its degree of sophistication. Try to apply the art concepts and elements from Sayre (2004) […]
Outline how using the scientific method for your situation would help you approach it in a more rational way. How might you use the scientific method to address that situation? Be specific and address each step. Respond to at least two of your peers, commenting on the applicability of the scientific method for the […]
Discussion Board
Respond to the following: Research and discuss basic Prevention Theories and their importance to social work practice. Prevention vs Intervention.
Discussion Board
1. A summary of the education and practice experience of the social worker. 2. Tips for building expertise in that area of specialized practice. 3. Discussion of one ethical dilemma that social worker has faced in practice and how they resolved the dilemma. 4. How the social worker addresses and encourages diversity and difference […]
Wk 1-D
Read this 2013 Forbes Magazine articleLinks to an external site. on the definition of leadership. With the above article in mind, and after having heard the Chancellor and Dr. Kline speak about leadership and reading all of the different leadership concepts, think about the following questions: Do you agree or disagree with the author’s […]
PSY 5130 Week 1 Discussion Board
See attached Early Childhood Physical Development The sensory system of the young child develops early in life. Watch the video clips Inside the Living Body and review Chapters 3, 4, 5.5, 5.6, and 5.7 in the course textbook. · Discuss the way in which the various sensory systems develop and how sensory development impacts a […]
Reading and Resources1.html Required Resources Article: Learn How to Make a Mind Map to Enhance Productivity This article provides an introduction to the use of mind maps. Article: Creating Logical Flow When Writing Scientific Articles This article suggests organizing ideas in a logical progression. Article: How to Write a Psychology Research Paper This article […]
2-2 Journal: Treatment vs. Intervention Consider the readings and resources which have been identified as relevant to this journal assignment and look at the differences between medicinal treatment and psychological interventions for ADHD treatment. Supplement with any additional resources you find in your research on this topic. Which path would you take for treatment of […]
2-1 Discussion: ADD/ADHD and the Classroom Review the readings and resources from this module and address the following: In your post, discuss your thoughts on working with children or adolescents with ADHD in the classroom setting. Should teachers be trained to work with these students in a different manner compared to children or adolescents without […]
Unit 8.1 DB: Informed Practitioner
Upload your research project presentation (PPT from the previous Unit). Discuss what you learned through your research.
Psychosis in Children
Research in recent years has emerged to support early diagnosis of psychotic disorders in young children and adolescents. Discuss how a definitive diagnosis can be made in young children, and adolescence, and considerations in treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological). Support your statements with a minimum of two scholarly articles (less than 5 yrs old).
WK 7 Discussion Personality Theory
Choose at least two (2) different theoretical perspectives that have been covered in this course and discuss how the cultural, societal, and historical contexts within which the theories are derived have influenced their major tenets and framework. Kelland, M. (2017, July 07). Personality Theory. OER Commons. Retrieved October 15, 2024, from
general psychology
see attachment HI to all the classmates and to the professor, My name is Miguel Quintana I am 25 years old. I was born in Cuba. I moved to the United States when I was five years old with my parents and both of my sisters, looking for a better economic opportunity. When I graduated […]
general psychology
see attachment Memory and Cognition View the PowerPoint slides that accompany this lecture: Memory and Cognition PPT Download Memory and Cognition PPT Memory and Cognition PDF Download Memory and Cognition PDF Read Sanderson, C. A., & Huffman, K. (2019). Real world psychology (3rd ed.). Wiley. ISBN-13: 978-1119577751 to an external site. Chapter 1: The Science […]
college algebra
see attachment Module 1: Functions Discussion Instructions: Please review the class discussion directions . They tell you how to prepare and reflect before responding to the prompt below. They also include detailed guidelines on how you must react to classmates and then reply to the responses you receive. Please pay close attention to the response […]
Social Development5
Prosocial and Altruistic Behavior Chapter 11 offers ideas about the development of prosocial and altruistic behavior, beginning in infancy. Four determinants of prosocial development are discussed: biological influences, environmental influences, cultural influences, and the empathy/perspective taking that is facilitated by maturation. Find a recent news story about someone who was praised as being a […]
Social Development6
Causes of Aggression Chapter 12 discusses two broad influences on the development of aggression — biological origins, social influences, and combined biological/social influences (e.g., the interaction of genes and environmental triggers). Find a recent news story in which someone was aggressive and/or antisocial, harming others. Briefly state the facts of the story and then choose […]
Social Development4
Social Influences on Gender Typing As discussed in the textbook Chapter 10, most cultures emphasize different characteristics as valued and important for boys/men and girls/women. They also differ in how flexible these expectations are, and how accepting they are of norm violations. How were you socialized with respect to norms for masculinity, femininity, and androgyny? […]
Psy 5130 Week 1 Journal
See attached Prenatal Development With the evolution of Google, accessible information, the study of genetics, prenatal tests, social media, and many other sources of information for new parents, the process of preparing for a healthy baby can be overwhelming. For this first journal assignment, reflect on the substance and theoretical foundation of what you have […]
Abnormal Psychology help
Include different classification systems such as DSM5 and ICD10 and how it’d be better and easier if classification systems were universal
8.1 lecture
attached Instructions Watch “Episode 24: The Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts: Responsibility in Research” (BACB Podcast) [16 min.], below. Then, complete Template – Lecture Engagement Summary.docx . The podcast episode addresses the changes in the new code compared to the previous code. For question 2, when thinking about 2 main points, consider addressing 2 changes […]