PSY 3761 questions

Instructions are attached  16 short essay questions · All answers require at least one citation in addition to, or in lieu of, the textbook · All citations with accompanying references must be in APA format · While there is no word count requirement, please be sure to answer each question completely, using proper grammar and […]

Dara Analysis

  prompt you to research the current data on your chosen specialty area project.    Propose a research design for your problem statement that includes methods, setting, and population.  Define a process for analysis of data and information.  Discuss how your research design would help in solving your problem.

Peer Relationships

What role do peers play in a child’s social status?  PSY 321 Week 88-1 Discussion: Peer Relationships Peer relationships play an important role in child development. What role do peers play in a child’s social status? What factors influence with whom an adolescent makes friends? Did your peers play a role in your own development […]

Unit 1 DB: Ethics in Psychological Research

 Review the two classic psychology studies (Milgram’s Obedience to Authority and Zimbardo’s Stamford Prison Experiment) under Readings and Resources.  Using evidence from Chapter 3 of your textbook, as well as the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct, discuss two (2) ways in which research ethics were violated in one (1) of these […]

PSY 3100 questions

Instructions are attached  Answer these short-answer questions MUST use APA format in-text citations and references 1. Describe the criminalization hypothesis. 2. Describe the type of defendant most likely to be judged incompetent to stand trial. How successful are attempts to restore competence? 3. How can psychological tests distinguish between claimants with real disorders and those […]


Part 4.1 Adolescent Development You read chapters about middle childhood through early adolescence. Consider that there are many challenges for this age group: peer relationships, puberty, sexual identity, multicultural development, media/social media and anxiety to name a few. Reflect on your own experiences growing up when thinking about this assignment. For this assignment you will […]

Strategic Communication Plan

Can you help me with my strategic consultation plan assignment for media and politics class? I have attached the rubric for the assignment and my proposal, which includes the feedback from my professor. 

A Bowenian Perspective

how to do a study from a Bowenian perspective view This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions After reviewing the resources for this week, assume you work with couples from a Bowenian perspective, and a majority of your work is done through teletherapy. You develop a handout/worksheet you can give to clients that explains […]


Bounce Journal Assignment Instructions Read assigned chapters in Bounce: Living the Resilient Life (2010) and write a concise, comprehensive “So What?!” A three-part journal entry follows the convincing pitch to get the reader involved. The body of the Bounce Journal should be least 2 pages. The “So What?!” must be proofread to eliminate grammar and […]

Adolescent Psychology

Course Description We will study and explore the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and behavioral development of humans from puberty to maturity. In addition, an examination of the challenges experienced by adolescents and parents will be covered. Syllabus is subject to change! Course Objectives. 1) To gain a fundamental understanding of the major theories pertinent to […]

Psychology homework

question is attached Submission author: Assignment title: Submission title: File name: File size: Page count: Word count: Character count: Submission date: Submission ID: Digital Receipt This receipt acknowledges that Turnitin received your paper. Below you will find the receipt information regarding your submission. The first page of your submissions is displayed below. Semiloore Akerele Turnitin […]

Self and Self-Control

In your paper, complete the following: · Summarize the case study. · Describe credible and scholarly sources relevant to a particular theory. · Apply a social psychological theory to a chosen case study. · Explain how social psychological research studies relate to a particular social psychological theory. · Apply an ethical reasoning concept to a […]


please review the info below  Watch the first 27 minutes of the following video and list 10 learning points and explain them in short in 5 to 6 sentences .


Nicole E Costanzo  SundayApr 21 at 10:37am Police Psychology: Individual therapy and counseling. Intervention. Motivational interviewing. Individual therapy and counseling for police officers involve providing support tailored to the unique stressors and challenges they face in their occupation. The therapeutic approach of motivational interviewing aims to help those in the law enforcement occupation to strengthen […]

Course Outcomes

What have we learned? PSY 322 Week 8 8-1 Discussion: Course Outcomes Course Outcomes Upon completion of the course, students will be able to: · Communicate in depth about major concepts, theories, and empirical findings in adolescent developmental psychology · Communicate in depth about several adolescent developmental issues of current relevance and apply them to […]

Cognitive Development from Childhood through Adolescence

What do you know about this? 1 Cognitive Development from Childhood Through Adolescence Shalonte Cross Southern New Hampshire University PSY 322: Adolescent Development Professor Emily Garcia March 31, 2024 2 Black, M., & Adjei, N. K. (2022). Longitudinal analysis of cognitive development across childhood and adolescence: evidence from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. The Lancet, […]

PSY 3100 Week 8 Critique 2

Instructions are attached  supporting doc attached  Presenter’s Name: Gregory Swim Person Providing Critique: Brianna Davis Component Comments Case summary: Case was summarized in a succinct, easy-to-understand manner and was in the presenter’s own words. I understood the issue confronting the Supreme Court. APA’s brief: The APA’s stance was presented in an easy-to-understand manner. The presenter […]

PSY 3100 Week 8 Critique

Instructions are attached  supporting doc attached  Presenter’s Name: Lila Davis Person Providing Critique: Brianna Davis Component Comments Case summary: Case was summarized in a succinct, easy-to-understand manner and was in the presenter’s own words. I understood the issue confronting the Supreme Court. APA’s brief: The APA’s stance was presented in an easy-to-understand manner. The presenter […]


 SEXUALITY CASE STUDY  Running head: SHORT TITLE OF PAPER (50 CHARACTERS OR LESS) 1 SHORT TITLE OF PAPER (50 CHARACTERS OR LESS) 8 How to Format an APA Paper James C. Guy Course Name and/or Number My University [Date as applicable] Author Note James C.Guy, Psychology Department, My University; Co-Author Name, Department of Behavioral Sciences, […]


Personal Introspection PERSONAL INTROSPECTION PAPER INSTRUCTIONS COU3313 Human Sexuality PURPOSE: The purpose of this assignment is to help students practice introspection as they seek to understand their own thoughts, own sexuality, and how their perspectives inform and influence their counseling and interaction with others in the areas related to sexuality. FORMAT/LENGTH: The paper should be […]

A Day in the Life of My Brain

Topic for paper: Cooking/ Eating breakfast in the morning Please include these two resources plus two of your choosing. Instructions: This paper is your chance to investigate and learn about the biopsychological perspectives of some of your own everyday experiences. Your paper should contain a particular event related to a specific time of day:  morning, afternoon, […]


Assignment 3 Middle School Scenario Early to middle childhood span several years. Social development and peer groups become more important for them. Anxiety of school, peers, and caregivers can begin to weigh on these children. Challenge yourself to utilize your theory/theories and techniques but also creative techniques that are beneficial to children at this age. […]

focusing on couples experiences with rules and roles

How to focus on couple’s experience with rules and roles This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions For this assignment, you will apply an EFT lens to examine a case scenario where the rules have changed in a relationship. You will consider how EFT could be integrated into a case to best approach a […]


Review this week’s Learning Resources to deepen your understanding of the roles and responsibilities of forensic psychology professionals in police and investigative psychology settings. Select one subspecialty area from either “police psychology” or “investigative psychology” andthen choose one Learning Resource concerning that subspeciality form this week’s Learning Resources on which to focus for this Discussion.

Psychology Week 3 Assignment

2 Controversial Behavior Analytic Procedures Student first and last name Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Capella University PSY 7710: Ethics for Behavior Analysts Instructor Name Assignment Due Date Controversial Treatment (You may state which treatment as your heading, i.e., Escape Extinction – Please note, all italicized writing in this template is for instructional purposes. […]

week 8

 As an education leader, how would you address your faculty after they asked you this question: “Whose fault is it if students aren’t motivated to learn?” Include a discussion on instructional strategies and authentic assessment that impacts student motivation? Why is authentic assessment difficult to get teachers to use, and what can leaders do to […]


MGT-325: Motivational Values and Emotional Intelligence Under the headings below, respond to the prompts in the assignment instructions. Motivational Value System (200-250 words) Emotional Intelligence (200-250 words) Introverted and Extroverted Professionals (200-250 words) Incivility in the Workplace (150-200 words) References: © 2023. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. image1.jpeg


WEEK 3 ASSIGNMNET YENROSE Choose a deviant behavior to research. Locate references (e.g., current news stories, pop culture, and reality TV shows) that convey deviant behavior being accepted or rejected/scorned. Write an essay of 500-750 words, summarizing your findings. Include the following: 1. What was the deviant behavior? 2. What were the demographics of the […]

Mindful Meditations

Does mindful meditation have a significant impact on anxiety levels? Must know what SPSS is for experiment 

BJ A 2

Bounce Journal Assignment Instructions Overview This learning activity seeks to foster a greater awareness of and attention to preventative self-care strategies. It is designed to be a helpful evidence-based reflection on a leading resiliency expert’s research. Instructions This learning activity is comprised of three submissions. For each submission, you will read assigned chapters in Bounce: […]

Personality and Intelligence

Explain and evaluate the personality trait of ‘Openness’. To what extent (if any) does measures of childhood intelligence predict levels of ‘Openness’ in adulthood?

PSY 3761 week 8 disc

instructions are attached  Psychotic Disorders and Schizophrenia Discuss how psychotic disorders are different from schizophrenia. · Posts should read approximately 200 words in APA format, including any citations

PSY 3100 week 8 disc

Instructions are attached  Initial Response Find a peer-reviewed journal article that relates to one of the topics below. Thoroughly read the article and provide a 400 to 500 word summary of your article presented as a response to the question/topic. There is no right or wrong response. Points will be earned for proper grammar, spelling, […]

Positive Psychology

You are required to write a report aimed at considering, describing, and evaluating the characteristics and effectiveness of a positive psychology intervention (PPI) using the following case study. You are encouraged to read widely around the subject


Module Overview19.html Professional Application Reflection Throughout this course, you have gained a deeper understanding of the usefulness of psychological testing. Throughout your career path, you will be sure to come across psychological testing and assessments in your day-to-day work. You may find yourself administering tests, interpreting results, reviewing a psychological report, making decisions that are […]

Elements of Statistics II

see attachment  Module 6:  Content Mastery Test Instructions After studying and reviewing the concepts and practices of correlation and simple linear regression, solve the following exercise using Excel: 1. The following sample observations were randomly selected: X:        5          3          6          3          4          4          6          8 Y:        13        15        7          12        13        11        9          5 2. […]

Elements of Statistics II

see attachment Module 7:  Discussion Forum 1: Non-Parametric Tests I This space has been created for you to share the link of a newspaper or blog article that discusses the importance for companies of using non-parametric tests, for example U Mann-Whitney testing with your classmates. 1. Write a summary about the blog or article. 2. […]

Elements of Statistics II

see attachment Module 7:  Discussion Forum 2: Non-Parametric Tests II Instructions This space has been created for you to share the link of a newspaper or blog article that discusses the importance for companies of using Kruskal-Wallis testing and how they deal with data ties with your classmates. 1. Write a summary about the blog […]

Elements of Statistics II

see attachcment Module 7:  Content Mastery Testing II Resolve 1. Listed below are amounts of arsenic in samples of brown rice from three different states. The amount are in micrograms of arsenic and all samples have the same serving size. The data are from the Food and Drug Administration. Use a 1% significance level to […]

General Phycology II

see attachment Social Psychology, Social Cognition, Impression, Prejudice, and Discrimination REMINDER:  All coursework is due by 11:59 PM Eastern on Saturday of this last module. Instructions: After reading the required resources, answer and discuss the following questions: 1. Define in your own words the concept of social psychology and social cognition. 2. What is the […]

General Phycology II

see attachment Foundations on Neuropsychology REMINDER:  All coursework is due by 11:59 PM Eastern on Saturday of this last module. Instructions: After reading the required resources, answer the following questions: Part I 1. Explain the concept of conformity and the factors that contribute to it. 2. What is compliance, and what are their three (3) […]

PSY 3761 week 7 reply

Instructions are attached  Reply to peer · Posts should read approximately 200 words in APA format, including any citations Peer: Keanna The term Internet Use Disorder (IUD) refers to a group of symptoms that are brought on by obsessive and excessive internet use, which can cause severe distress or functional impairment. The American Psychiatric Association […]

PSY 3100 week 7 reply

Instructions are attached  Reply to peer Responses need to be a minimum of one paragraph of substance in which you add to another student’s posting or clearly articulate (in a respectful manner) why you agree or disagree with the student’s opinion; this effort will result in a grade of “C.” You can improve your grade […]

PSY 3761 week 7 Reaction

Instructions are attached  Reaction Papers – Introduction A reaction paper is just what its name suggests: a formal paper explaining your reaction to a peer-reviewed journal article whose topic is relevant to this course. The paper is a review because your reaction will involve judgment or evaluation; it is an analysis because you will focus […]


Movie critique Hollywood Film Critique A lot of what we see portrayed in movies may not based in reality, which can lead to confusion about psychological disorders. Select  one of the following films and review the film as a  Psychology student, not just a movie-watcher . You must provide a brief summation of the selected movie […]

resp 48

attached Comment about this post: Adolescence is a special and forming period of life. Adolescents who experience physical, emotional, or social changes, such as being exposed to domestic violence, assault, or poverty may be more susceptible to psychological problems. Adolescent health and mind wellness during adolescence and adulthood depend on preventing hardship, fostering social, emotional, […]

resp 49

attached Comment about this post: For our last week of discussions, I chose to talk about conduct disorder. As someone who is pursuing a career with children in behavior analysis, this subject quickly caught my eye. Conduct disorder gives information on the continuation of antisocial behavior from childhood to adolescence, stressing diagnosis stability and the […]

resp 50

attached Comment about this post: How many of us would prefer to not speak to anyone at all? While I can’t relate to that extent, I do enjoy time alone in solitude. I think there’s a diagnosis for everything because we want to understand why it is we are the way we are BUT there […]