Here is a clip you can use for reference for the Frankenstein’s Monster/Creature question. Interesting fact, this clip is from a movie (Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman) that became a reference for so m

Here is a clip you can use for reference for the Frankenstein’s Monster/Creature question. Interesting fact, this clip is from a movie (Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman) that became a reference for so many depictions of the monster/creature in later depictions and how many (mis)understand the character, such as with the groans instead of speech and […]

Hello, Please write a psychology research proposal on a topic that inspires you. Your proposal will be evaluated for both completion and quality. To achieve this, ensure your proposal is written in AP

Hello, Please write a psychology research proposal on a topic that inspires you. Your proposal will be evaluated for both completion and quality. To achieve this, ensure your proposal is written in APA format, is well-articulated, addresses all questions in the attached document, and is free of grammatical errors.

Disclaimer: As you read about this theory, you might experience uncomfortable feelings. Remember that is normal and that if you need help dealing with this feeling you can reach mental health service

Disclaimer: As you read about this theory, you might experience uncomfortable feelings.  Remember that is normal and that if you need help dealing with this feeling you can reach mental health services.  Some of these services can be found on the syllabus and in Bb under the tab “Mental Health.” Learning Outcome: After doing this assignment, […]

Question: Your extra credit assignment is to write a 6-8 page research paper on art therapy trauma treatment. This paper is to be in APA 7th edition format with a title page and reference page (no abs

Question: Your extra credit assignment is to write a 6-8 page research paper on art therapy trauma treatment. This paper is to be in APA 7th edition format with a title page and reference page (no abstract required) and have a minimum of at least 6 academic sources. You can use my lecture as a jumping off point but […]

Essay. 12 pts 1.5 pages minimum. What were the central thrust or point of Gestalt theories and how is it believed that Wertheimer originally came upon his idea of the Phi Phenomenon? Make sure the di

Essay. 12 pts 1.5 pages minimum. What were the central thrust or point of Gestalt theories and how is it believed that Wertheimer originally came upon his idea of the Phi Phenomenon?  Make sure the discussion includes apparent motion, perception and reality. Describe the various contextual forces and internal forces (the original group) that interfered with […]

Present a client case from your internship Discuss the client’s presenting issue, information from the biopsychosocial interview, applicable career and human development theory, and ethical and diver

Present a client case from your internship  Discuss the client’s presenting issue, information from the biopsychosocial interview, applicable career and human development theory, and ethical and diversity considerations. Summarize the treatment plan goals, objectives, intended strategies you will implement based on theory and evidence-based practice, and planned assessments to monitor client progress toward goals. Questions […]

Your extra credit assignment is to write a 6-8 page research paper on art therapy trauma treatment. This paper is to be in APA 7th edition format with a title page and reference page (no abstract requ

Your extra credit assignment is to write a 6-8 page research paper on art therapy trauma treatment. This paper is to be in APA 7th edition format with a title page and reference page (no abstract required) and have a minimum of at least 6 academic sources. You can use my lecture as a jumping off point but please do […]

Doctoring data: how to sort out medical advice No book report At least 5 pages long double space doesn’t count the cover page or bibliography How it make you feel What did it make you think Do y

Doctoring data: how to sort out medical advice  No book report  At least 5 pages long double space  doesn’t count the cover page or bibliography  How it make you feel  What did it make you think  Do you agree or disagree with it and why  And does it remind you of psychology in general or […]

Present a client case from your internship site experience in a 15- to 20-minute presentation in which you: Discuss the client’s presenting issue, information from the biopsychosocial interview, appli

Present a client case from your internship site experience in a 15- to 20-minute presentation in which you: Discuss the client’s presenting issue, information from the biopsychosocial interview, applicable career and human development theory, and ethical and diversity considerations. Summarize the treatment plan goals, objectives, intended strategies you will implement based on theory and evidence-based […]

The effect a school counselor can have on a student’s success is immeasurable. They introduce, promote, and guide students on their educational journeys with resourceful tools. Think about your own ex

The effect a school counselor can have on a student’s success is immeasurable. They introduce, promote, and guide students on their educational journeys with resourceful tools. Think about your own experience with school counselors in your PK-12 experience. What tasks did they perform? With what aspects of your education were they involved? Informally interview two […]

Good evening, I am currently doing a research paper for my Experimental Psychology class and I need help writing my introduction and my discussion section. This paper has to be in APA format and it ha

Good evening, I am currently doing a research paper for my Experimental Psychology class and I need help writing my introduction and my discussion section. This paper has to be in APA format and it has to be in your OWN words, strictly NO PLAGIARISM. For the introduction and discussion, you will need to use […]

Good Afternoon, I am currently doing a research paper for my Experimental Psychology class and I need help writing my introduction and my discussion section. This paper has to be in APA format and it

Good Afternoon, I am currently doing a research paper for my Experimental Psychology class and I need help writing my introduction and my discussion section. This paper has to be in APA format and it has to be in your OWN words, strictly NO PLAGIARISM. For the introduction and discussion, you will need to use […]

1-2 Discussion: The Case of Stan After reading through the sections on the case of Stan in chapter 1 of the Corey text, consider the following questions: What is the importance of building a therapeut

1-2 Discussion: The Case of Stan After reading through the sections on the case of Stan in chapter 1 of the Corey text, consider the following questions: What is the importance of building a therapeutic relationship with someone like Stan? As a therapist, how would you go about building a therapeutic alliance with Stan? If […]

1-1 Discussion: Would I Feel Comfortable? First, introduce yourself to the class. Include your major and anything you would like to share about yourself. Then address the prompt below. Today many coun

1-1 Discussion: Would I Feel Comfortable?First, introduce yourself to the class. Include your major and anything you would like to share about yourself. Then address the prompt below. Today many counselors, social workers, and other helping professionals have websites, advertising their services and explaining their approach to therapy. For this discussion, do an internet search […]

Explain how research has evolved since the Florence Nightingale era. Discuss how research and EBP are different; include how you believe research supports EBP for nursing. Describe one past/historical

Explain how research has evolved since the Florence Nightingale era. Discuss how research and EBP are different; include how you believe research supports EBP for nursing. Describe one past/historical unethical breach of research conduct; then, share how you would ensure care of a study participant using one ethical or legal research consideration (guideline/principle). This Assignment […]

Question 1 Discuss how Keynesian understandings of economic development have influenced regional development policies. Question 2 Critically assess, with reference to real world examples, the role of

Question 1 Discuss how Keynesian understandings of economic development have influenced regional development policies. Question 2 Critically assess, with reference to real world examples, the role of regional governance in the regional economic development process. · The word count for each question is 1,000 words (minimum) up to 1,500 words (maximum), excluding bibliography. · Minimum […] 1. Write 600 words summary of the types of plays. 2. Select 1. Write 600 words summary of the types of plays.   2. Select one type of play to implement for a group of children.  This does not count towards the 600 words summaries a) explain why you have selected it b) Describe your population —————- Write 300 words ●Pros and Cons of the different types of delivery in chapter […]

Watch the video and make a connection with chapter 8 material.Make sure you describe the CPS modal and how this can be applicatble.Write 500 words response.

Watch the video and make a connection with chapter 8 material. Make sure you describe the CPS modal and how this can be applicatble. Write  500 words response. —————————— 1) See the video to start your assignment.  2) Read the article by Bloom.  3) Write 600 words describing the connection of babies’ morals and Jean Piaget’s theory on moral […]

Assignment: Compared and Contrast Paper (APA Style) Choose one of Dr. Daniel Siegel’s articles that are below or the video that is different from the other small- group members (unless there are more

Assignment: Compared and Contrast Paper (APA Style)  Choose one of Dr. Daniel Siegel’s articles that are below or the video that is different from the other small- group members (unless there are more students than materials). You are required to write total 800 words (body of the paper) in double-space. Compare and contrast Dr. Siegel’s […]

Assessment Description The effect a school counselor can have on a student’s success is immeasurable. They introduce, promote, and guide students on their educational journeys with resourceful tools.

Assessment Description The effect a school counselor can have on a student’s success is immeasurable. They introduce, promote, and guide students on their educational journeys with resourceful tools. Think about your own experience with school counselors in your PK-12 experience. What tasks did they perform? With what aspects of your education were they involved? Informally […]

2 Discussion questions 1. What are the important characteristics of scholarly sources? Why are scholarly sources more appropriate for academic research than other sources such as blogs or newspaper ar

2 Discussion questions 1. What are the important characteristics of scholarly sources? Why are scholarly sources more appropriate for academic research than other sources such as blogs or newspaper articles? Please google GCU Doctrinal Statement and Christian Identity and Mission and Doctrinal Statement 2. After reading the GCU Doctrinal Statement and Christian Identity and Mission, […]

To complete Lab 1, you will be required to compose a comprehensive report based on the survey research that was conducted during class. The report will mainly focus on two significant aspects: a thoro

To complete Lab 1, you will be required to compose a comprehensive report based on the survey research that was conducted during class. The report will mainly focus on two significant aspects: a thorough literature review and descriptive statistics. A good literature review will have a detailed assessment of existing research that is pertinent to our […]

compile 6 one-page entries relating real life media examples (from articles, TV shows, movies, books, songs, YouTube clips, etc.) to concepts in close relationships. The format will be to summarize th

compile 6 one-page entries relating real life media examples (from articles, TV shows, movies, books, songs, YouTube clips, etc.) to concepts in close relationships. The format will be to summarize the concept or theory in your own words, explain the clip (ideally hyperlinking to it), and then explain how the media clip supports or fails […]

Hello and welcome to Discussion Forum 1. You complete two discussion forums during the course. Each consists of an initial post of 400-500 words addressing an instructor-provided topic. The forums

Hello and welcome to Discussion Forum 1.  You complete two discussion forums during the course.  Each consists of an initial post of 400-500 words addressing an instructor-provided topic.  The forums also require responses to the posts of at least two classmates. Each response should be 150-300 words. While online learning is mostly independent in nature, […]

Basic Psychology Research Paper Choose an occupation in psychology that interest you or a possible career option for you in the future. Examples: Clinical Psychologist Clinical Social Worker L

Basic Psychology Research Paper  Choose an occupation in psychology that interest you or a possible career option for you in the future.    Examples:   Clinical Psychologist  Clinical Social Worker  Licensed Mental Health Counselor  Psychiatrist  Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner  Psychiatric Nurse  Forensic Psychologist  Military Psychologist  School Psychologist, etc.    List and describe the education requirements involved in this career. Provide a detailed job description of what this career would entail. […]

the paper, i have included all the sources needed for the paper topic: The Power of Touch in Romantic Relationships / scope How touch affects interpersonal relationshipsThe paper must be double-space

the paper, i have included all the sources needed for the paper  topic: The Power of Touch in Romantic Relationships / scope How touch affects interpersonal relationships The paper must be double-spaced, at least 8 pages long (e.g., not including the references, title page, etc.), include at least 10 peer-reviewed journal articles or chapters in […]

the paper, i have included all the sources needed for the paper topic: The Power of Touch in Romantic Relationships / scope How touch affects interpersonal relationshipsThe paper must be double-space

 the paper, i have included all the sources needed for the paper  topic: The Power of Touch in Romantic Relationships / scope How touch affects interpersonal relationships The paper must be double-spaced, at least 8 pages long (e.g., not including the references, title page, etc.), include at least 10 peer-reviewed journal articles or chapters in […]

Part A the paper topic: The Power of Touch in Romantic Relationships / scope How touch affects interpersonal relationshipsinclude at least 10 peer-reviewed journal articles or chapters in both the pap

Part A the paper topic: The Power of Touch in Romantic Relationships / scope How touch affects interpersonal relationships include at least 10 peer-reviewed journal articles or chapters in both the paper and the presentation. Similarly, you may also use other supplementary sources like books or videos, but these would be in addition to your […]

The purpose of the assignment is to provide students the opportunity to design a research project meant to improve performance of an athletic team (or any group that fits personal career aspirations)

The purpose of the assignment is to provide students the opportunity to design a research project meant to improve performance of an athletic team (or any group that fits personal career aspirations) The purpose of the assignment is to provide students the opportunity to design a research project meant to improveperformance of an athletic team […]

Assessment Description Think about how the types of situations mentioned in the “Policy Violations Examples” found in the “University Policy Handbook” might arise during your academic career. How coul

Assessment Description Think about how the types of situations mentioned in the “Policy Violations Examples” found in the “University Policy Handbook” might arise during your academic career. How could these situations relate to the concept of academic integrity? The Grand Canyon University Handbook Assessment Description What is Title IX and how does it affect you […]

Lab 4 is concerned with conducting a review of the literature and identifying an article that is related to the topic you are researching. We ask you to use material that was covered in the stress and

Lab 4 is concerned with conducting a review of the literature and identifying an article that is related to the topic you are researching. We ask you to use material that was covered in the stress and coping lecture, carry out your own brief research inquiry, compose a discussion board post and engage in a […]

SUBJECT: PSYCHOLOGY AND LAW INSTRUCTIONS: In class, we discussed the difficulties associated with efforts at rehabilitation of offenders. Discuss your own opinion of such efforts, including whether we

SUBJECT: PSYCHOLOGY AND LAW INSTRUCTIONS: In class, we discussed the difficulties associated with efforts at rehabilitation of offenders. Discuss your own opinion of such efforts, including whether we ought to devote more funds and resources to rehabilitation programs (and if so, how would that be managed?). Be sure to address the difficulties mentioned in class, […]

In class, we discussed the difficulties associated with efforts at rehabilitation of offenders. Discuss your own opinion of such efforts, including whether we ought to devote more funds and resources

In class, we discussed the difficulties associated with efforts at rehabilitation of offenders. Discuss your own opinion of such efforts, including whether we ought to devote more funds and resources to rehabilitation programs (and if so, how would that be managed?). Be sure to address the difficulties mentioned in class, and use outside sources (appropriately […]

SUBJECT: PSYCHOLOGY AND LAW INSTRUCTIONS: InstructionsIn class, we discussed the difficulties associated with efforts at rehabilitation of offenders. Discuss your own opinion of such efforts, includin

SUBJECT: PSYCHOLOGY AND LAW INSTRUCTIONS: InstructionsIn class, we discussed the difficulties associated with efforts at rehabilitation of offenders. Discuss your own opinion of such efforts, including whether we ought to devote more funds and resources to rehabilitation programs (and if so, how would that be managed?). Be sure to address the difficulties mentioned in class, […]

Students will be expected to write an 8-10 page APA style research paper on Rehabilitation Counseling. The paper should be written in APA format and the topic should be approved by the instructor. Stu

Students will be expected to write an 8-10 page APA style research paper on Rehabilitation Counseling. The paper should be written in APA format and the topic should be approved by the instructor. Students will be expected to write an 8-10 page APA style research paper on Rehabilitation   Counseling. The paper should be written in […]

Research Study Proposal 3 In this class, you will complete a Research Study Proposal. The Research Study Proposal is divided into three pieces: Research Study Proposal Part I, due in week 3Research St

Research Study Proposal 3 In this class, you will complete a Research Study Proposal. The Research Study Proposal is divided into three pieces: Research Study Proposal Part I, due in week 3 Research Study Proposal Part II, due in week 5 Research Study Proposal Final, due in week 8. In this hypothetical research study proposal, […]

My topic is Cultural competence The purpose of this assignment is to create an APA title page and reference list for a research paper. Select a topic to research. You may use Google Scholar, the GCU

My topic is Cultural competence The purpose of this assignment is to create an APA title page and reference list for a research paper. Select a topic to research. You may use Google Scholar, the GCU Library, or other reputable websites to conduct your research. Part 1: Resources Use the “Title Page and Reference List” […]

How can rehabilitation professionals adapt their approaches to address the multifaceted challenges posed by amnesia and promote successful outcomes for individuals undergoing rehabilitation? This ques

How can rehabilitation professionals adapt their approaches to address the multifaceted challenges posed by amnesia and promote successful outcomes for individuals undergoing rehabilitation? This question prompts exploration into the specific strategies, interventions, and considerations that rehabilitation professionals can employ when working with individuals experiencing amnesia. It encourages examination of the interdisciplinary nature of rehabilitation and […]

How do genetic predispositions, environmental factors, and the role of reinforcement interact to influence the development and maintenance of addiction? This question delves into the multifaceted natu

 How do genetic predispositions, environmental factors, and the role of reinforcement interact to influence the development and maintenance of addiction? This question delves into the multifaceted nature of addiction, exploring the interplay between genetic, environmental, and behavioral factors. It prompts an investigation into how individuals’ genetic makeup predisposes them to addiction, how environmental influences such […]