SOAP Note 1 SOAP_Note Instructions and Example-1.docx Students will watch the Netflix series MAID and write SOAP notes for certain episodes of the series. A SOAP note is a commonly used format often
SOAP Note 1 SOAP_Note Instructions and Example-1.docx Students will watch the Netflix series MAID and write SOAP notes for certain episodes of the series. A SOAP note is a commonly used format often employed by those who work in social services to document what is occurring in a family and for developing a plan to assist the […]
3-1 Discussion: Stress and Resilience Both the individual and the community can develop effective strategies for managing stress and building resilience. For example, individuals can improve their p
3-1 Discussion: Stress and Resilience Both the individual and the community can develop effective strategies for managing stress and building resilience. For example, individuals can improve their physical health through exercise and nutrition, while a community may provide a recreation center with various programs. In your posting, provide two examples of how both the individual […]
3-1 Discussion: Individual Differences In this week’s readings, you have learned about the impact of intelligence on adolescent functioning and encountered several different perspectives on intellig
3-1 Discussion: Individual Differences In this week’s readings, you have learned about the impact of intelligence on adolescent functioning and encountered several different perspectives on intelligence. In your discussion post, consider the application of these insights to the classroom. In what ways should current research on intelligence affect educator decisions about curriculum, activities, instruction, and […]
3-1 Discussion: Individual Differences In this week’s readings, you have learned about the impact of intelligence on adolescent functioning and encountered several different perspectives on intellig
3-1 Discussion: Individual Differences In this week’s readings, you have learned about the impact of intelligence on adolescent functioning and encountered several different perspectives on intelligence. In your discussion post, consider the application of these insights to the classroom. In what ways should current research on intelligence affect educator decisions about curriculum, activities, instruction, and […]
this assignment is for tutor chahca he is doing my assignment
this assignment is for tutor chahca he is doing my assignment
I need someone to do my research assignment part A only for my Education class// this is based on how you’re going to be a good teacher and a kind teacher// Please use APA format and list 10 SOURCES//
I need someone to do my research assignment part A only for my Education class// this is based on how you’re going to be a good teacher and a kind teacher// The topic I got is ODD- Oppositional defiant disorder // Please use APA format and list 10 SOURCES// please no plagiarism and follow the […]
NO AI WRITING The eye-of-the-storm technique is an experiential, teaching technique heralded by Jane Elliot, and used to enlighten youngsters on the impact of overt racism and discrimination. Micro
NO AI WRITING The eye-of-the-storm technique is an experiential, teaching technique heralded by Jane Elliot, and used to enlighten youngsters on the impact of overt racism and discrimination. Micro-assaults are covert or subtle acts of discrimination that plague minority, dis-empowered or disenfranchised groups in our contemporary world. Watch the following video on the Eye of […]
You have been tasked by your organization to create a brochure which provides educational information related to a specific psychological disorder (i.e., Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Major Depr
You have been tasked by your organization to create a brochure which provides educational information related to a specific psychological disorder (i.e., Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Substance Use Disorder, (SUD), Schizophrenia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), or Autism). Before starting this assignment, conduct research on a psychological […]
250+ words Discussions are scholarly dialogs, so while sharing what you think and not just what published authors wrote is encouraged, only stating opinion isn’t acceptable. Instead, thoughtfully inte
250+ wordsDiscussions are scholarly dialogs, so while sharing what you think and not just what published authors wrote is encouraged, only stating opinion isn’t acceptable. Instead, thoughtfully integrate relevant theory and research you read about this week and strive to make connections between that academic content and your own observations and experiences. Formal citations are […]
I need a psychology assignment done by tomorrow, it’s a book review on “Man Search for Meaning” it holds a large portion of my grade so please answer if you actually can do the assignment. PSY388 P
I need a psychology assignment done by tomorrow, it’s a book review on “Man Search for Meaning” it holds a large portion of my grade so please answer if you actually can do the assignment. PSY388 Personality Man’s Search for Meaning Book Review Written Portion of Assignment Talk about the passage (approx pp. 86-87) that […]
I have a discussion for my psyc further details will be discussed upon acceptance
I have a discussion for my psyc further details will be discussed upon acceptance
Information Literacy Research Project: Literature Review 100 Points Possible Review the following resources: Sample Literature Review Download Sample Literature Review Writing a Literature Review at h
Information Literacy Research Project: Literature Review 100 Points Possible Review the following resources: Sample Literature Review Download Sample Literature Review Writing a Literature Review at h Information Literacy Research Project: Literature Review 100 Points Possible Review the following resources: Sample Literature Review Download Sample Literature Review Writing a Literature Review at Links to an […]
For this task, select two scholarly articles related to “context and environment” and “support systems as infrastructure.” Summarize, evaluate and analyze each article, adding your critique and insigh
For this task, select two scholarly articles related to “context and environment” and “support systems as infrastructure.” Summarize, evaluate and analyze each article, adding your critique and insights. Be sure to use proper APA citation format for each article. Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and […]
Researching Your Topic: You are expected to be well-versed with regard to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and her model representing the five stages of grief. This means that you can provide, in YOUR OWN WORDS,
Researching Your Topic: You are expected to be well-versed with regard to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and her model representing the five stages of grief. This means that you can provide, in YOUR OWN WORDS, a comprehensive summary of the psychologist and her findings regarding self-bereavement. You should read ANY and ALL reliable sources regarding this social scientist and her work. Depth of Discussion (Essay […]
I have a revision of a article review due today Further details to be discussed upon acceptance
I have a revision of a article review due today Further details to be discussed upon acceptance
do all of the following: Do some search and look through different forms of media (e.g., movies, shows, news articles, magazines, advertisements, music videos/lyrics, websites, podcasts) to see how al
do all of the following: Do some search and look through different forms of media (e.g., movies, shows, news articles, magazines, advertisements, music videos/lyrics, websites, podcasts) to see how alcohol, smoking, and vaping are portrayed. Then, include all of the following in your post: How do you think alcohol and smoking are often portrayed in the media? To support […]
do all of the following: Find a scholarly peer-reviewed article about weight stigma or weight bias via PsycINFOLinks to an external site. or other scholarly databasesLinks to an external site. Give a
do all of the following: Find a scholarly peer-reviewed article about weight stigma or weight bias via PsycINFOLinks to an external site. or other scholarly databasesLinks to an external site. Give a very brief summary of the article in a few sentences. Cite the peer-reviewed article using APA style at the end so that we can easily look it up online. You may use the APA, […]
You have watched a talk about Health Bank account. If you have not done so already, please watch the Health Bank Account video board.
You have watched a talk about Health Bank account. If you have not done so already, please watch the Health Bank Account video board. think about your health as a bank account and include all of the following in your post: Provide a brief summary of the concept of “health bank account” discussed in Suparna Damany’s talk. What are some […]
ASSIGNMENT 1: THEORIES OF DEVELOPMENT PRESENTATION In this assignment for this week you will need to create a Prezi. ( Students can start a free 14 day trial) or PowerPoint that will
ASSIGNMENT 1: THEORIES OF DEVELOPMENT PRESENTATION In this assignment for this week you will need to create a Prezi. ( Students can start a free 14 day trial) or PowerPoint that will highlight the important points of a theory that you will pick from this week’s reading and research. The selected theory should be one […]
Please summarize its key points in no more than two (2) pages. Distill the information down to its most essential elements. Questions to be Addressed Were there any hypotheses or expected outcomes? If
Please summarize its key points in no more than two (2) pages. Distill the information down to its most essential elements. Questions to be Addressed Were there any hypotheses or expected outcomes? If so, what were they? What did the researchers do and how did they do it? What were their findings? What do the findings […]
The purpose of this assignment is to apply information you have learned related to social psychology and personality when assessing individual, group, and societal behavior to gain a deeper understand
The purpose of this assignment is to apply information you have learned related to social psychology and personality when assessing individual, group, and societal behavior to gain a deeper understanding of human behavior and thinking. This will assist in being better equipped to interact with individuals from different cultural backgrounds and who have differing belief […]
Question: Describe the stages of Lewy Body Dementia in your own words. In your opinion, what is the worst stage and why? 1 Give approximate prevalence rates for delirium among patients with Us and w
Question: Describe the stages of Lewy Body Dementia in your own words. In your opinion, what is the worst stage and why? 1 Give approximate prevalence rates for delirium among patients with Us and what proportion of cases of delirium may be caused by UTIs. 2. You are asked to determine whether an older adult […]
Bibliography: Community Psychology—Definition and Application For this task, select two scholarly articles on CP. Summarize, evaluate and analyze each article, adding your critique and insights. Be s
Bibliography: Community Psychology—Definition and Application For this task, select two scholarly articles on CP. Summarize, evaluate and analyze each article, adding your critique and insights. Be sure to use proper APA citation format for each article. Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric.
Listen to the podcast using the link below are respond to the following questions. Enter your response in Bb. What are the key principles of change initiatives that Bradie Speller identified? Do you
Listen to the podcast using the link below are respond to the following questions. Enter your response in Bb. What are the key principles of change initiatives that Bradie Speller identified? Do you support these critical components? As an OD Consultant, what would you do if the “problem” is the organization leader? Is your solution the […]
Article Review Assignments Students will be required to research and peer reviewed articles from academic journals. These articles help you understand how ethics is being applied to your field. Studen
Article Review Assignments Students will be required to research and peer reviewed articles from academic journals. These articles help you understand how ethics is being applied to your field. Students will read the article and (for each article) answer these questions that follow. 1. What is the thesis of the article? Provide a factual summary […]
I have questions psyc questions and a Discussion I need help with further details to be discussed upon acceptance
I have questions psyc questions and a Discussion I need help with further details to be discussed upon acceptance
1. Building off the introductory paragraph you wrote for WIG 1, write the next paragraph to follow it. You will have two fully written paragraphs. 2. Submit a Word Document that is consistent with AP
1. Building off the introductory paragraph you wrote for WIG 1, write the next paragraph to follow it. You will have two fully written paragraphs. 2. Submit a Word Document that is consistent with APA 7th edition guidelines. Be sure to include a title page and your first two paragraphs that you have wrote for […]
Write an introduction paragraph on your proposal (at least 5-6 sentences in length) that broadly introduces your topic to your reader(s) (audience). 2. Do NOT include in-text citations from reference
Write an introduction paragraph on your proposal (at least 5-6 sentences in length) that broadly introduces your topic to your reader(s) (audience). 2. Do NOT include in-text citations from references 3. Do NOT use the following words in your paragraph: is, are, were, was, has, had, have, having, be, being, been 4. Utilize at least […]
Read the Chapter’s opening scenario Linda’s Tool Kit – People & Technology – page 85 Answer the following questions: 1. Can you identify direct and indirect sources of job information available to
Read the Chapter’s opening scenario Linda’s Tool Kit – People & Technology – page 85 Answer the following questions: 1. Can you identify direct and indirect sources of job information available to Linda? 2. What other resources could Linda have used to further explore the hidden job market? Name at least 2 3. What do you […]
1-1 Discussion: Exploring Community Psychology First, introduce yourself to the class. Include your major and anything you would like to share about yourself. Then address the prompt below. Discuss h
1-1 Discussion: Exploring Community PsychologyFirst, introduce yourself to the class. Include your major and anything you would like to share about yourself. Then address the prompt below. Discuss how CP relates to building community. What do think are the limits of community and individualism? In your responses to your classmates, discuss how this perspective shapes […]
Directions: Answer the following theories by listing the founder; explain the theory in length; an example and the main goal of each theory. Remember to add the key concepts in each theory and what pr
Directions: Answer the following theories by listing the founder; explain the theory in length; an example and the main goal of each theory. Remember to add the key concepts in each theory and what problems best fit each theory? Psychoanalytic Therapy Individual/Adlerian Theory Narrative Theory Person-Centered Theory Existential Theory Discuss ways in which one can […]
demonstrate your comprehension of the theories and frameworks we’ve discussed/read/engaged in any form that suits them and their learning style by writing a poem based on Foundations in Hip Hop/Studie
demonstrate your comprehension of the theories and frameworks we’ve discussed/read/engaged in any form that suits them and their learning style by writing a poem based on Foundations in Hip Hop/Studies: The Elements, Feminism Enters the Cypher, and De/Constructing Gender, Race, Sexuality. Then explain in a paragraph below, What did you learn? How did it affect […]
This study finds important patterns in mental exhaustion experiences across genders, age groups and leadership ranks within the company. Women, especially those who have been working for 2-5 years, ex
This study finds important patterns in mental exhaustion experiences across genders, age groups and leadership ranks within the company. Women, especially those who have been working for 2-5 years, experience different levels of burnout. On the other hand, men with a job length of 2-5 years often report stress leading to burnout. The OptOut group […]
Students will submit 1 written critique of a research article (chosen by the student) from a counseling journal. The analysis should be 3 to 5 pages, following APA 7th edition format. Each article ana
Students will submit 1 written critique of a research article (chosen by the student) from a counseling journal. The analysis should be 3 to 5 pages, following APA 7th edition format. Each article analysis will address the following: Brief introduction of the article and its general purpose Description of the research methodology An analysis of […]
Information Literacy Research Project: Annotated Bibliography Review the following: Annotated Bibliography Template Download Annotated Bibliography Template Annotated Bibliographies at https://owl.pur
Information Literacy Research Project: Annotated Bibliography Review the following: Annotated Bibliography Template Download Annotated Bibliography Template Annotated Bibliographies at Links to an external site. Review 7 to10 resources on the specific information literacy research topic you selected in Week Two. Prepare a 750- to 1000-word annotated bibliography in which you address the following: Summarize […]
Behavior modification uses operant conditioning techniques to change undesirable behaviors. Once a behavioral excess or deficit is identified, secondary reinforcement is identified and applied to crea
Behavior modification uses operant conditioning techniques to change undesirable behaviors. Once a behavioral excess or deficit is identified, secondary reinforcement is identified and applied to create desired changes. Behavior modification is often implemented in an attempt to improve overall health and wellbeing. The purpose of this assignment is to illustrate your understanding of behavior modification. […]
Essays-Using information from the book and lectures please answer the following. For all questions please paraphrase from your sources and cite references APA style–do not “quote” directly. This must
Essays-Using information from the book and lectures please answer the following. For all questions please paraphrase from your sources and cite references APA style–do not “quote” directly. This must be submitted as a word document and submitted electronically through Canvas. Double Space Place your name in the upper left of the header as follows: Your Last name […]
For this assignment, you will identify an area of competency that you intend to incorporate within your future practice as a behavior analyst; however, you are currently not prepared to render service
For this assignment, you will identify an area of competency that you intend to incorporate within your future practice as a behavior analyst; however, you are currently not prepared to render services in this area. You will create an 8-10 slide PowerPoint presentation, which will include: Area of practice you have identified as lacking specialized […]
I have a discussion due for my psyc class further instructions to be discussed upon acceptance
I have a discussion due for my psyc class further instructions to be discussed upon acceptance
direction below with the link
direction below with the link
8-1 Discussion: Acculturative Stress and Educational Success Discuss the negative impact/consequences of acculturative stress on educational success of international students. Recommend ways to mini
8-1 Discussion: Acculturative Stress and Educational Success Discuss the negative impact/consequences of acculturative stress on educational success of international students. Recommend ways to minimize these effects. Reminder: You should be integrating information from the text (and other module resources, if chosen) and documenting your work in APA style. To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.
President Kennedy enacted a major change to our health care state by deinstitutionalizing those with mental illness. However, those with mental health care issues must navigate a complex system of ca
President Kennedy enacted a major change to our health care state by deinstitutionalizing those with mental illness. However, those with mental health care issues must navigate a complex system of care. There are a few effective models of integrated care (such as the ACT). “Design” a system, intervention, or preventative endeavor that meets the spirit of a […]
Essay: Reflective Essay On Stress Reflection offers you the opportunity to consider how your personal experiences and observations shape your thinking and your acceptance of new ideas. High-stre
Essay: Reflective Essay On Stress Reflection offers you the opportunity to consider how your personal experiences and observations shape your thinking and your acceptance of new ideas. High-stress levels can negatively affect health. Recall a time when you were under stress and how it impacted your physical and mental health. The purpose of this essay […]
Listen to “Muzamil’s Day”: This podcast lasts 22 minutes and and was produced by Frontline, arguably the finest source for invest
Listen to “Muzamil’s Day”: This podcast lasts 22 minutes and and was produced by Frontline, arguably the finest source for investigative journalism in America. Step 1: Summarize the podcast in your own words in no more than three paragraphs. (Suspicious summaries will be run through plagiarism detection software.) I WANT TO HEAR YOUR VOICE! You MUST use […]
PSY 324 Final Project Guidelines and RubricOverview The final project for this course is the creation of an analysis paper. In the paper, you will analyze a particular culture from the perspective of
PSY 324 Final Project Guidelines and RubricOverview The final project for this course is the creation of an analysis paper. In the paper, you will analyze a particular culture from the perspective of a cross-cultural psychologist. This paper will challenge you to apply what you have learned in this course to an investigation of a minority […]
i have a assign due for my psych class further details to be discussed upon acceptance
i have a assign due for my psych class further details to be discussed upon acceptance
I have a Discussion for my psych class due further details discussed upon acceptance
I have a Discussion for my psych class due further details discussed upon acceptance
I have a assignment for my behs class due further details will be discussed upon acceptance
I have a assignment for my behs class due further details will be discussed upon acceptance
I have a Discussion due for my behavioral health class further details will be discussed upon acceptance
I have a Discussion due for my behavioral health class further details will be discussed upon acceptance